Herdy Gerdy is a game designed by Eidos in 2002. Eidos is most commonly known as the makers of the Tomb Raider series, and isn't known to be a powerhouse in the gaming industry. When you look at the cover of Herdy Gerdy, you see a little boy chasing a bird-like creature while being chased by a bear-like creature. This, in fact, is the concept of the game. Your job as Gerdy is to herd, either by leading or chasing, creatures into pens. From the bird-like DOOPS to the bear-like GROMPS, you encounter many different creatures of vast colors, characteristics, and abilities.

While herding, you collect bells; which allow you to view locked “Extras” on how a video game is made. The game has a kid-like feel to it, as you are playing as a 12 -year-old boy. However, it may prove challenging at times. I myself had difficulty with it in the later levels. It is a game that if played basically, meaning with no care as to unlock every single Extra and only passing with a minimum percentage per level, will be entertained for approximately 12-14 hours. It may prove to be a game worth playing perfectly, especially if you are interested in learning how a video game is made.

The creatures in this game are very different than what most gamers are used to playing against. The most dangerous of these are the GROMPS. They are pink bear-like creatures that will eat or squish most other creatures, and send you flying to the beginning of a level when caught in its grasp. GRIMPS will also eat most creatures... and also try to eat you. They are black in color and small in size. I guess they can be compared to little rodents with an attitude problem. Another creature with a sore spot for friendly animals are ANTS. And unlike actual ants, these ANTS carry spears and kill your herding creatures, but not you.

Enough of the nasty critters. The HONKS are duck-like creatures that love water and have the ability to swim and hatch HONKLINGS. BLEEPS look like raccoons and can hover when they jump off cliffs. However, BLEEPS drown if they go in water. DOOPS are bird creatures, but they don't fly and die if they jump from a high cliff... UNLESS they land in water.

Some features that I liked about this game is its simple rules and colorful backgrounds. The story is a little far-fetched, though. Your father is stuck in a deep sleep and in order to wake him, you must defeat Sadorf at the Tournament. Sadorf is a vile Alligtor-man who rose to power by stealing a magic acorn. Gerdy goes through the world collecting magical clothes (boots, feather, gloves, swimsuit) and special herding tools (stick, flute, horn, hammer) just to take on Sadorf. The concept is simple and easy to understand, I just think that it could have been executed in a more exciting way.

On the technical side, it did not impress. While running, if you went at a hill in just the right angle you would stop, giving the GROMPS the perfect opportunity to catch you and throw you as far away from where you were going. Also, the camera angles were not as good as they should have been. If you were in the “Herder's View” and you were to go past a tree, the camera would stay where it was and move at all. This hinder's a player's progress and adds to their frustration. Graphically, it was good for its time. In 2002, the PlayStation had been out for three or four years, so graphics were the best of the time. People looked like people, trees looked like trees, bells looked like bells. When a gamer is used to current graphics and visualizations, it sometimes looks painful to watch and play games that are older. I was pleased that I was no graphically hurt in that way.

The game is rated “E” and contains comic violence. For how it was rated, I feel it was appropriate. Everyone can find enjoyment from it. It has good playability and can keep players entertained for a good amount of time. That is why this game may be one you probably haven't played, but you probably should.