This review comes from 2008. I haven't completed any games since my last review (Raw Danger!), so I have to bring up an oldie but a goodie. I will be posting this in its entirety, so the dates may throw you off a little.
I bought UBGC 10 months ago, but I never really played it a lot. I usually just play it when I was bored with my other games. Isn't that why people play board games, when they are bored? For the most part I thought this game was the perfect addition to my video game collection.
UBGC features twenty games from around the world. Titles include: Chess, Checkers, Go, Mancala, Mah-Jong Solitaire. I have most of these games as board games, but one of the reasons I bought this game was because it had some games that I had only played on the Internet.
The point of the game is to get the twenty trophies, one for each game. Some are easy, like finishing a jigsaw puzzle on the expert-level; some are harder, like getting a five-of-a-kind in Dice! (what we call Yahtzee). this game is good to make the trophy qualifications difficult, it alows for maximum playing time.
My favorite game is the collection had to be Mah-Jong Solitaire. I've liked playing it since I was in 6th Grade. I played it for my Talented and Gifted class. What I like about it is how it takes a precise order of moves in order to finish the puzzle. My least favorite game is Go. I had never played it before, and I just couldn't get into it. I just don't understand the point of the game.
Overall, I give this game seven out of ten points. I feel this game is one that can be played any time. You can play by yourself, or with up to six other people. This game can be used as a family game night game. We live in age where people spend most of their time in front of the TV, so why not put board games up on the TV as well. I recommend this game to anyone who likes board games. I also recommend this game to those people who may be sick and not feeling well. This game can get your mind off how you're feeling, and on how much fun you're having.
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):