Ratchet & Clank 2: Lock and Loaded
Lately I have been on a real R&C binge, and the other day I got around to completing it, wasn't planning on doing it but when I got to the final stage I figured what the hell, may as well. Out of all the platform games the R&C series is the only one that takes a fair amount of time to get through. They took quite a big leap from the first one adding many new features and fun weapons.
Storyline ~ 3.5/5
Well the story line wasn't great per say but it was good enough to keep your eye on what was happening.. It had its amusing moments and it seems like there was a bit of effort put into. The story takes place when a new Protopet is created but due to somebody toying with it they have started attacking everybody, so this theif comes along and steals it and he they want you to get it back. At the same time there is something strange about Mr Fizzwidget but you go along with it. Overall it is quite amusing to watch plus it has some twists you won't expect, especially near the end.
Graphics ~ 4.5/5
Overall the graphics were quite nice, there was not places where you walk half way through the walls or anything strange like that. It was fairly typical PS2 graphics, not much improved from the first BUT they were quite good in the first place. Seem as how this is a game set in the universe there is a lot of Futuristic imagery so there is not really much detail except. Other than that it is nice to look at.
Gameplay ~ 5/5
This game is addictive, there is quite a lot to do and a lot of weapons to play around with. The controls are fairly easy to control but like most Platforms there is times like when you jump a gap and you don't quite make it so you die which is annoying. The weapon management is good especially with the Quick Select menu as you will be switching weapons quite a bit. Clanks bit were also quite fun though unfortunately there wasn't much of them to do. Overall the gameplay is excellent.
Difficulty ~ 4/5
Basically this is the type of game where it is quite hard the first time through the levels but the next time it is easy as pie. At first it is quite simple but as it goes on it gets harder, the level on each world varies depending on you health and/or how good you are with the challange. It is a bit easier than the first as you get the items from the first game which gave them little extra to add. Overall it was a nice challange which took more than a few tries to get.
Music ~ 3/5
Average, there wasn't really much that really caught you and what you did notice tended to be cheesy and typical of the games. Don't get me wrong, I liked 1 or 2 peices from the first one but there is not really much on here that will get you humming along or to the extent of buying the OST. Basically it does that job but thats it.
Overall it is an addictive game, which has many elements added to it making it a game you may go through more than once. I apologize I can't get any images up but for some reason it won't let me load it.
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