I will post the reviews from the other Metal Gear Solid games, but since this game takes place first, I will post it first. Also, this is another review that I originally wrote in 2008. I will italicize anything added since the original writing of this review.
I finished playing Metal Gear Solid 3 this morning at 1:05 am. This happens all the time. I get real close to finishing a game, but I don't want to stop because I am excited about what's going to happen; yet I am very tired for having played for a while. If it isn't one game, it's another. Also, I played out of order. I always played the first in a series, then skip around after that. It is the same with Grand Theft Auto, but that is a different review.
I had read in the game's Internet description that this game was to be the transition between Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake and Metal Gear Solid. I can't remember where I read that but it wasn't in my opinion. The game takes place in Russia in the 1960s. Snake is sent there to rescue Dr. Sokolov, who is being forced to complete the Shagohod, what is to be the Metal Gear of the times. He is also ordered to dispose of The Boss, his long-time mentor and mother of sorts. Along the way, Snake is helped by EVA, a woman who iis commissioned to help, acting as a spy with the KGB. Snake ends up killing the entire Cobra unit, the unit formed by the Boss herself. I don't want to go into details about the game because it has plenty of twists and turns. It kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time.
Snake in this game is different from the Snake's in other games. It is the same voice, but it is a different person completely. MGS3 is actually a prologue to the entire Metal Gear series. This game's main character is actually Big Boss, only younger. so really this game is first, Metal Gear is next, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is third, then the Metal Gear Solid series after that. Chronologically, that is.
This game plays like a movie, with many beautifully crafted cutscenes, and very graphic violence. I especially liked the part of the game where Snake has to trudge through the river filled with the spirits of those that he has killed. However, I didn't like how I had to use the revival pill. I spent an hour trying to get past that part of the game. I was angry with the game when I couldn't figure out how to get past that part.
This game also incorporates killing, trapping, and eating food to keep yourself healthy. This game takes place in the 1960s, so soldiers had to know a lot of stuff that armies of today aren't necessarily taught. Also, a knowledge of plants effects on the body was pivotal for me in the game.
Another concept I liked was the ability to change camoflage. It was a part of the game that was introduced to me in MGS2, but it goes way beyond changing clothesto look like one of the enemy. You are able to change your clothes and your face paint. I also like how I was able to look through Snake's eyes in some of the cutscenes. They provide special clues to the game.
The ending was a bit too lengthy for my taste. I wasn't sure when the game would be over. First, I fight for a few minutes, go into a scene for five minutes, then fight, then scene, fight someone else, watch another scene. Finally after around an hour of what I thought was the end of the game, a final half-hour scene truly ends the game.
The original review described in detail what went on during the fight/cutscene sequence. I have shortened it to make it more vague, and as to not give away to much about the game to the reader. However, the next paragraph will be described as originally written.
I ended up getting the scene where I get the gun with bullet, but I miss shooting Ocelot. I knew I wouldn't kill him, because he has to live; since he is the character who is a constant in the MGS series.
There were too many threads in the end of the game. I would tell about them but I don't think that getting my version is going to help anyone understand everything that went on.
I wasn't sure about posting this paragraph for you all. I don't even understand it. I am sure I wrote it for a reason. I will have to play the game again to understand what I wrote. If you understand what I mean in that paragraph, that makes one of us.
Overall, the game was fantastic. I especially liked how it describes the events before Solid Snake's time. Like how Big Boss became Big Boss. I give this game 9 out of 10 points because it gives you the sense that you're watching a movie but yet you are actually playing a game. Sometimes you forget that the characters are animated, they look that lifelike. I received Panther as my animal. It took me 20 hours, 18 minutes, and 53 seconds to play once through.
Also, the extra features when you finish the game are worth checking out. If you have a completely clean memory card, you should save all of the extra clothes Snake can wear. There's twenty to get (one is of Santa Claus). I really liked this game, and I don;t usually like action-shooting games. So, I definitely recommend this game for those with a need for killing and those who are wanting a little back story on Big Boss.
Special Tip for TFF: What I am about to tell you was NOT released for publishing when I first reviewed the game.
The actions you take throughout the game affect how the game progresses. For instance, you are given the opportunity to kill a major character without him realizing it. If you want to have an easy section later on, find a sniper rifle and take him out. Otherwise, you may receive a headshot of your own later.
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