Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde was released for the NES a long time back and I can safely say that it's maybe the worst game made in history, this game really sucks, please read on.
Ok the game starts of pretty normal, you start your game and the first level appears, a man comes towards you, so you think "hmmm, a man, should I kill him or not?" but then all of a sudden, he starts running towards you so you panic and go for it and attack him with your rod thing but you can never kill him or any of the enemies in general, this game is so hard. To avoid enemies you must either jump over them or simply get hurt as they run/fly past you. You move really slow too, I mean why? Why do you have to walk THAT slow? It's stupid, so now you get about 3/4 through and it's impossible to get any further as I gaurantee you will die at this point, enemies just start running through you and whatever else keeps attacking you and then all off a sudden a bolt of lightning hits you out of nowhere, so instead of dying you turn into this other weird wolf-like man, you get to control him but for some reason you can only walk backwards(the direction you came from), how the hell can you make level progress by going backwards? You turn stronger when your this guy though and can actually defeat a few enemies but no matter how good you think you are, you'll die. Trust me. After MANY attempts, I actually managed to get to the second level, which was no different, same enemies but with a few bats but as you guessed it, I almost died straight away. This game is simply way too hard, why so hard? The creators of this game must have no idea on how to make a game that's a little bit good anyway.
The graphics arent anything to complain about, there not exactly the best NES graphics but there not the worst, there could be improvements though. The backgrounds in this game do actually change suprisingly instead of seeing the same building over and over again, that's probably the only good thing about this game. It's a very colourful game(see below) and the houses do actually look pretty good but dont let that fool you, this game is horrible.
Clearly the creators of this game simply couldnt be bothered to put new sounds into this game, you hear the same music every single level and to be honest, it's not great music, it's boring, dull and generally rubbish. Not really a lot to say about it.
Overall, you want my opinion? This game sucks big time, if you have some spare money and decide to buy it(when your in a NES retro mood), buy it and then do whatever you can to destroy it, this world can't be doing with games like this, you need to kill it if you see a copy of this game. It's a terrible game that no one deserves to play, you'll just get peed off all the time, it's not worth your time.
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~Midgar Mako~
~The Ultimate FFVII Player~
~Do Not Challenge Me~
Love Goes To My Family
Sister: Al_Bhed_Psycho
Brother: Fishie(aka: Hairy Uncle Bob)
Father: ??????
Mother: ??????
Daughter: Little Moogle