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Thread: My FF movie parody

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  1. #1

    My FF movie parody

    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum but I wanted to show you guys my movie I made for my final. Its an action/comedy based on the game which I spent a lot of time working on. Hope you guys enjoy it and tell me what you guys think!
    YouTube - ‪Leawood Fantasy(Final Fantasy Parody)&#x202crlm;

  2. #2
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! My FF movie parody Tallulah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: My FF movie parody

    I watched it yesterday; doesn't really stand out, just like all the other Final Fantasy 'Real Life' parodies. However, I would like to see further episodes, if there are any in the pipeline, to see how the storyline pans out.

    It's hard to edit on software within a limited timescale, with limited capabilities. I have done so in the past as a Media student myself. Because of unreliable people within the group our final piece fell a bit flat, but I can see you've had lots of help and support with your additional actors and crew. The sound editing (music, sound effects during battle) were spot on. I bet it was easier having the soundtrack already mmade for you, so you didn't have to worry too much about sound engineering

    One other criticism: the text boxes could have been proofread before being rendered and finalised, and made a bit more consistent. The size of the font differed quite a bit which I found a little off-putting. :/

    All in all, quite good. I've been reading a lot of film magazines lately so I'll give it a star rating.: 3/5 ***
    "...For the stronger we our houses do build,
    The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)

  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy My FF movie parody Rowan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: My FF movie parody

    "let me repay you"
    *gets on knees near crotch*
    "heres this sword!"

    thats some excellent scripting right there , bahaha.
    I really enjoyed it, I can see you put a lot of effort into making it. What I would like to see if you were to make more, is a new structure with your own original made costumes and some character personality and development and make a series of episodes.

    Good work

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