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  1. #1

    Left 4 dead movie?

    I...Have... no comment... All I can say is that...well... it actually looks like it'll be half decent.

    With each chapter of Left 4 Dead being its own story with a cinematic gameplay style, if there was ever a game that needed to be made into a movie, it’s this one. However, without a good director, writer, and cast the Left 4 Dead movie would fall victim to the same fate as most other game to movie transitions. So let’s look at who should take on the task of turning the Death Toll campaign into a movie.

    First off, why Death Toll out of all the campaigns? While each of the four has what it takes to be a movie, Death Toll has some of the best moments in the entire game. With the rescue team actually being a husband and wife instead of some hotshot pilot or someone in the military, it makes things seem more about the actual survivors of the disaster rather than just being saved. Moreover, who wouldn’t like to see the Church Guy finally get his just deserts on the silver screen?

    Co-Directors - George A. Romero and Quentin Tarantino:

    When it comes to zombies, you will be hard-pressed to find someone better than George A. Romero, with five “Dead” movies and a sixth in the works, it would be almost wrong to not include the master of brain eating in the creation of Death Toll. With the inclusion of Co-Director Quentin Tarantino to add that certain cinematic flair and style that captures horror in such a dramatic yet humorous light. With these two at the helm of the project, there’s no way it could fail…unless the writing is bad, which brings us to the brains behind the project, no pun intended.

    Writers - Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, James Gunn:

    Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg, creators of the Shaun of the Dead movie, along with James Gunn, writer for the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake and 2006’s horror-comedy Slither, would be more than capable of capturing the subtle yet prevalent humor and thrilling setting. With Wright and Pegg’s unique style of humor mixed with Gunn’s ability to keep a morbid and disturbing tone and still have the ability to add in witty one-liners, there is no doubt this group would be able to stay true to the source material.


    Will Smith as Louis. Alright, you should have seen this one coming, but seriously, who else could do the smooth-talking ex-Junior Systems Analyst better than Mr. Smith? With his previous experience saving the world from aliens (three times), fighting off a hoard of killer robots, and evil zombie wannabes, it would be doing the movie a disservice to not include him.

    Sean Connery as Bill. There is a list of perfect candidates for the role of Bill, but Sean Connery is perhaps one of the best choices for the character. Like Will Smith, Connery is no stranger to action movies; in fact that’s pretty much what he is known best for. Having the perfect attitude and look, Connery would need little to no time to prepare for this role. Hearing Sean Connery say such classic lines as “Close your mouth and open your eyes, Francis. You’ll aim better.” will make the movie that much more satisfying.

    Bill Goldberg as Francis. A curveball has been thrown in the casting! Though ex-wrestler Bill Goldberg doesn’t have the reputation of some of the other cast members, he has the look, the demeanor, and the overall “bad-ass” attitude that suits Francis perfectly. Considering how ripped Goldberg is, I doubt anyone would argue with him having a role in the movie, unless they want to be ripped in half like a phonebook.

    Sonja Kinski as Zoey. The most obvious of the cast members, and I’m sure everyone knows why. Sure, she’s only been in one movie, an indie film by the name of All God’s Children Can Dance, but how can you go wrong with the person whom the character’s model was based on! Gamers all over the world would be disappointed if Ms. Kinski didn’t get the role of one of the best female game characters to date.

    Quentin Tarantino as the Church Guy. The man is in almost every one of his own movies, so it would be easy to assume he would be in this one and I don’t think he’d much appreciate being just a zombie. This is why the role of the “Church Guy” is perfect for Tarantino. Hey, he was already turned into a Vampire in From Dusk Til Dawn; why not try being a zombie this time around?

  2. #2
    .............. Left 4 dead movie? smurphy's Avatar
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    I dont really see how it will be a left 4 dead movie and not another generic zombie film, which isnt neccessarily a bad thing. In the movie format what can distinguish it from other zombie movies. Of course it will have tanks, witches et cetera and 4 people shooting masses of zombies but i cant really see how they would do it so its representative of left 4 dead. Its an impossible task.

  3. #3
    Asking all the personal questions. Left 4 dead movie? RamesesII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smurphy View Post
    I dont really see how it will be a left 4 dead movie and not another generic zombie film, which isnt neccessarily a bad thing. In the movie format what can distinguish it from other zombie movies. Of course it will have tanks, witches et cetera and 4 people shooting masses of zombies but i cant really see how they would do it so its representative of left 4 dead. Its an impossible task.

    Um... nope nope just sounds like another zombie movie to me, yes so it might be different with the tanks witches and so on but really it has the same plot that all zombie movies do and that is for the survivors to do what they are best at, but maybe just maybe they could do it from the zombies point of view hmm now thats is worth a though.
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  4. #4
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Left 4 dead movie? Polk's Avatar
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    Nice copy and paste job, you did there. Here, Let me cite your source for you. There isn't any news on a Left 4 Dead movie. And if there was, I'd agree with Smurphy that it would just be another generic zombie film.

    Also I think Quentin Tarantino should direct everything ever so I would have no problem seeing him do a zombie film.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  5. #5
    Buddy, you wanna talk impossible? check this Sony is Developing a Shadow of the Colossus Movie | /Film

  6. #6
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hydrallx View Post
    I...Have... no comment... All I can say is that...well... it actually looks like it'll be half decent.

    With each chapter of Left 4 Dead being its own story with a cinematic gameplay style, if there was ever a game that needed to be made into a movie, it’s this one. However, without a good director, writer, and cast the Left 4 Dead movie would fall victim to the same fate as most other game to movie transitions. So let’s look at who should take on the task of turning the Death Toll campaign into a movie.

    First off, why Death Toll out of all the campaigns? While each of the four has what it takes to be a movie, Death Toll has some of the best moments in the entire game. With the rescue team actually being a husband and wife instead of some hotshot pilot or someone in the military, it makes things seem more about the actual survivors of the disaster rather than just being saved. Moreover, who wouldn’t like to see the Church Guy finally get his just deserts on the silver screen?

    Co-Directors - George A. Romero and Quentin Tarantino:

    When it comes to zombies, you will be hard-pressed to find someone better than George A. Romero, with five “Dead” movies and a sixth in the works, it would be almost wrong to not include the master of brain eating in the creation of Death Toll. With the inclusion of Co-Director Quentin Tarantino to add that certain cinematic flair and style that captures horror in such a dramatic yet humorous light. With these two at the helm of the project, there’s no way it could fail…unless the writing is bad, which brings us to the brains behind the project, no pun intended.

    Writers - Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, James Gunn:

    Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg, creators of the Shaun of the Dead movie, along with James Gunn, writer for the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake and 2006’s horror-comedy Slither, would be more than capable of capturing the subtle yet prevalent humor and thrilling setting. With Wright and Pegg’s unique style of humor mixed with Gunn’s ability to keep a morbid and disturbing tone and still have the ability to add in witty one-liners, there is no doubt this group would be able to stay true to the source material.


    Will Smith as Louis. Alright, you should have seen this one coming, but seriously, who else could do the smooth-talking ex-Junior Systems Analyst better than Mr. Smith? With his previous experience saving the world from aliens (three times), fighting off a hoard of killer robots, and evil zombie wannabes, it would be doing the movie a disservice to not include him.

    Sean Connery as Bill. There is a list of perfect candidates for the role of Bill, but Sean Connery is perhaps one of the best choices for the character. Like Will Smith, Connery is no stranger to action movies; in fact that’s pretty much what he is known best for. Having the perfect attitude and look, Connery would need little to no time to prepare for this role. Hearing Sean Connery say such classic lines as “Close your mouth and open your eyes, Francis. You’ll aim better.” will make the movie that much more satisfying.

    Bill Goldberg as Francis. A curveball has been thrown in the casting! Though ex-wrestler Bill Goldberg doesn’t have the reputation of some of the other cast members, he has the look, the demeanor, and the overall “bad-ass” attitude that suits Francis perfectly. Considering how ripped Goldberg is, I doubt anyone would argue with him having a role in the movie, unless they want to be ripped in half like a phonebook.

    Sonja Kinski as Zoey. The most obvious of the cast members, and I’m sure everyone knows why. Sure, she’s only been in one movie, an indie film by the name of All God’s Children Can Dance, but how can you go wrong with the person whom the character’s model was based on! Gamers all over the world would be disappointed if Ms. Kinski didn’t get the role of one of the best female game characters to date.

    Quentin Tarantino as the Church Guy. The man is in almost every one of his own movies, so it would be easy to assume he would be in this one and I don’t think he’d much appreciate being just a zombie. This is why the role of the “Church Guy” is perfect for Tarantino. Hey, he was already turned into a Vampire in From Dusk Til Dawn; why not try being a zombie this time around?
    Plagiarism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  7. #7
    ...Packo, I was copying an article I found, not plagirizing it.

  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor Left 4 dead movie? Josh_R's Avatar
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    I love Zombie movies, even the stupid shitty one. Ever seen redneck zombies oh yeah that was my shit right there. It has potential to be good.

    Quote Originally Posted by hydrallx View Post
    ...Packo, I was copying an article I found, not plagirizing it.
    If you don't site a source then technically yes it is plagarism.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  9. #9
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Left 4 Dead is played like a movie I mean it could be a good movie but Valve's zombie apocalypse is to over the top with the special infected.

    Only 1 game should have been made into a movie and that was Jet Force Gemini
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  10. #10
    Spectral Patriot Left 4 dead movie? Chaos_Weapon's Avatar
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    They would probably have to make a different plot for it. Like change everything with new characters and everything. Americans have a bad habit of doing it to games anyway. Seeing that Left 4 Dead is much like a movie, like some mentioned. The Halo animated movie was good, very much different, but good. I bet they'll mess a lot of things that actually make Left 4 dead as extreme as it is.

    The Spirals of Death Shall Yield to No One...So Good Luck!

  11. #11
    Banned Left 4 dead movie?
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    Re: Left 4 dead movie?

    I hope it's not based on the Australian version of the game...

  12. #12
    Our Hopes and Expectations Left 4 dead movie? Ernest's Avatar
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    Re: Left 4 dead movie?

    Konami just axed their plans to do a movie for Metal Gear because a lot of the staff weren't confident in the idea.

    Every developer considering making their game into a movie, should do the same. They always suck.

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