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Thread: FFV Toradora

  1. #1

    FFV Toradora

  2. #2
    Registered User FFV Toradora Gilgamesh2000's Avatar
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    What in the bloody blazes was that, that ruined a perfectly great song with all that warbling and atrocious sounds.

  3. #3
    That was pure awesome, each of them.

    And I assume you mean the Mario video. Watch again and now pay close attention to the sounds, they are part of the songs.

  4. #4
    Lady Succubus FFV Toradora Victoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilgamesh2000 View Post
    What in the bloody blazes was that, that ruined a perfectly great song with all that warbling and atrocious sounds.

    ...Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about. You've obviously never watched videos like that before. You'll get used to it. The sounds go with the tune of the music if you listen really closely, as was said before me.

    Unless you were talking about the ToraDora video, in which case, I have no idea what to say to you.

  5. #5
    The joke is far too true FFV Toradora loner-kid's Avatar
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    the toradora one was hilarious, I honestly couldn't stop laughing for most of it. They were both well done though, gotta wonder about how long it takes to make these things

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

    My TFF Family
    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
    Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
    Raider - my ginger brother

  6. #6
    I want to play a game. FFV Toradora Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Crashing the Alexander into your home.
    The Toradora FFV wasn't that great, it wasn't really on beat with the song. The best version of "Battle on the Bridge" that I have heard is the "Futae no Kiwami" mix (Rurouni Kenshin) - that was on beat. An even better use of "Futae no Kiwami" was with "The Decisive Battle" (FF VI). However, both of these videos have been taken off of youtube and I have been unable to locate them anywhere else.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  7. #7
    Registered User FFV Toradora Gilgamesh2000's Avatar
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    Sorry for overreacting, but Battle on the Big Bridge is one of my favorite songs from FF for one of my favorite characters. I am sorry for my actions please forgive me.

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