Not sure if this should go in music or here... just move it if nessecary.

PowerGlove is a band that does heavy metal versions of Video game music and I know they have at least 3 from FF

Omnishred (We're Gonna Need a Bigger Sword)
YouTube - Powerglove - Omnishred
Its the FFVII boss music

Red Wings Over Baron
YouTube - Powerglove - Red wings over baron
A whole compilation from FFIV's wide soundtrack variety: the Red Wings theme; obviously, battle II, Four elemental bosses, dungeon, and Zeromus' battle theme... I think thats it...

Decisive Battle VI
YouTube - Powerglove - Decisive battle
Yeah... the desicive battle theme... thats what its called.

So I was wondering if anybody either has heard of them before or likes them... Also if I forgot one of the FF ones please post a link

I personally like Red Wings Over Baron the best because of the variety and probably because IV was my favorite FF but still, its heavy with a ballad towards the middle...