Auto-Phoenix and Auto-Protect are both good choices when fighting fiends that can hit you for over 10k damage, and like you said, Auto-Haste is also a good choice, so you don't have to waste a few turns right away casting haste, protect, and auto-life on yourself or your party. In my opinion, I wouldn't worry too much about MP though. 999 was enough for me. Especially since Lulu and Yuna's celestial weapons both have the One MP Cost ability on them. On my game, on everyone's armor I gave them the following:
Break HP Limit
One last thing and friendly reminder is to be careful traveling around and leveling in places like the Omega Ruins, I always have Auron in my active party with his Masamune, so I don't get ambushed by Great Malboros. Even if you have a stellar party with very high stats, your party members may also end up hitting each other for insane amounts of damage, or just missing and losing several thousand HP from poison. This is a situation where you may also want to swap out Auto Phoenix or Auto-Haste for Auto-Med on a piece of armor.
Those are just a few suggestions that I have, but you can feel free to do whatever setup you think is most appropriate for your party.