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Thread: Ff x

  1. #1

    Ff x

    Hello All,
    I saw a list the other day of the top 100 games of all time voted on in Japan. Final Fantasy X was number ONE. Do you agree and why/ Feel
    free to list your personal favorites. Also just discovered Final Fantasy
    guides authored by Split Infinity on gamefaqs. Whoever Split is? He or she does an amazing job.

  2. #2
    Hm, I can't fully agree, it isn't the best game in the world, but it indeed is a good one. ^^ I don't know which other games were in the top list, so it could possibly be that FFX was the best of them. (Depends on the games and on your personal opinion xD)

    If you just discovered FF, it's surely a good thing to start with FFX. It's quite easy to follow the story and you'll get the system quickly. =)

  3. #3

    Ff 10

    An older list to be sure. Here is the link.
    Japan Votes on All Time Top 100 | Edge Online

    Been playing FF for what seems like forever. Not sure if I want to purchase a PS3 for 13?

  4. #4
    Nom. Ff x Echo's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    FFX-2 is number 32 and Tactics is 84...? I haven't played FFX-2 yet, but geez give Tactics some more credit
    .:\~`My TFF Family`~/:.

    Setzer = Father
    ~Crazy Chocobo~= Mother
    $Nanaki$ = Uncle
    Rikkuffx = Sister
    SelphieTilmitt = Aunt
    perfect shadow = Uncle

    Yea I'm back. After three years. So my family is probably dead or don't remember me.


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