Anima is called from an underworld of sorts, befitting with her status as the Dark Aeon. A portal opens in the sky, from which a chain falls into the ground. The chain then rises and pulls Anima from the ground, revealing her further chain-bound form. Upon her first summoning, Yuna is usually heard saying "Let me share your pain."
Anima's Overdrive is even more extravagant than her entrance. She opens a gateway into her world beneath the enemy party, dragging them down into it. The world then shifts to this crimson-red dimension, where an even darker form of Anima is seen. Noticing the enemy party that has entered its realm, Anima shatters the chains binding its fists and unleashes a devastating sixteen-hit combo on the enemy that can inflict a grand total of 1,599,984 damage in the PAL version, as each hit can deal up to 99,999 damage. In the original version, Oblivion cannot exceed 99999 damage.