I don't know if this helps, but here are all the locations:
Final Fantasy X/Al Bhed Primers ? StrategyWiki, the free strategy guide and walkthrough wiki
There is another guide:
Final Fantasy X Al Bhed Primers FAQ v1.6 - hosted by Neoseeker
4. What if I missed the primer in Bevelle?
If you do not pick up the primer in Bevelle the first time you are there, then you
will not be getting that primer. The primer in Bevelle is a one-time only deal,
seeing as you are only allowed in Bevelle once.
5. What if I missed the primer(s) at Home?
The same is true for Home as in Bevelle. Seeing as your there only once, if you
didn’t pick them up, then you can’t get them.
I'm not aware that you can buy them though... sorry!