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Thread: Some Sprite Work I have done

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    Some Sprite Work I have done

    Before I begin, I appologize for having such horrible typing skills. It is not that I'm a mental retard, idiot, or uneducated numbskull. It is just that I try to type the way I speak and since when do people speak the way that they write. Also, it would be rather ridiculous to treat this as though I'm typing an essay, spending all night and day perfecting its quality till it is submitted. If reading this is insufferable, then I do appologize.

    Here are some sprites I have done. These are altered FFIV sprites. It sort of shows the caste as I perceived they should appear. If you want me to make one with original sprites then I shall. As you have noticed I have made some sprites of Anna and Golbez, although these are altered and may not be of much value unless I altered them to appear like the original. I have made Anna and Golbez Avatars for those who want them.

    I should probably explain the edits... very well...

    There are roughly 18 characters.

    14 in actuality.
    4 alterations, Young Rydia, No Helmet Cecil, No Helmet Kain, and Paladin Edward/Gilbert.

    I altered each avatar to resemble each sprite. So they are much more colorful than the original.

    As you have noticed I made Cecil black with green hair. I did this to make him appear more alien. I could choose to give him green skin, but that would be a little bit too much. So I simply made his skin dark, since you don't have any dark skin people in the original, except for maybe Yang who has orange skin.

    His hair is green as oppose to white or greyish lavender, because also wanted that to appear a bit alien. Although with Rydia also having green hair it sort of annihilates that principle. But it is more darkish green and I must say it works very well for him. You can notice I have him with and without his helmet.

    Below him you can see a similar scheme for Kain, with and without his helmet. I kept Kain white and with blondish hair. I did make his hair short, because I thought it would make him more baddass and made his eyes red, because that would also make him appear more baddass.

    Below him is Rydia. Her avatar's hair is more vibrant and I made her eyes red, because I thought they would be more attractive being the opposite of her hair. I also change Rydia clothing to a reddish sort. I sort of have this thing that clothing should seek to match one's eyes as oppose to one's hair. It also looks good on here. Now bear in mind that I have been making sprites for each outfit in the game and that her dress will alter to match that style of clothing. You might also notice that I made her skin olive and sort of Middle Eastern. You can take as Arab, Person, Kurdish, or Egyptian if you wish. But I did make it Middle Eastern.

    Porom and Palom as you can tell look Chinese or East Asian. Yes I did try to add in variety to this batch to try and spice up the world to appear more like an actual world as oppose to being just white people. Sue me if you feel as though I have ruined the game for you. I just thought it would be better for those who are tired seeing just one single ethnicity throughout an entire game, except for one character who they later changed in the remake to be white with blond hair, when he is obviously Asian. Anyways to get back on this matter, I made Porom and Palom appear a bit older. They wear different clothing, but as I have their clothing will change. I know Palom and Porom are twins and should appear as such, because it is traditional. But I think Palom looks better with grey hair and Porom looked alright they way she was. However, I gave her a better dress to wear that is an altered portion of Lenna's white mage outfit, since she (Porom) is a white mage. Palom also looks better in his outfit, since it makes him sort of look pimpish if I may say.

    Moving on, Tellah was also introduced with Middle Eastern skin. His outfit has been altered to make him look more like a sage. His traditional "wear" seem to fit more of what you would expect from a magician.

    Rosa I made to look a little bit more lavish with auburn hair and violet eyes. She is also wearing a one piece outfit under her cape. I also gave her panty hose to wear, which you can tell if you look at her legs in the sprite images.

    Edward probably has been given the least amount of change out of all the characters, except in his second portrait. As a bard I simply fadded out the coloring that was given to him to make him appear more like he is wearing leather. In his paladin set, I simply took Cecil's Paladin avatar and made it look like a brash Edward.

    Cid is the next character and I simply made his avatar appear much like his sprite with a brown beard. I did change his helmet a bit, just because I thought the red stuck out quite a bit.

    Yang is the next one I did. You should already know from his traditional sprite that Yang has orange skin and that simply what I gave him. To be honest, I think Yang is suppose to resemble a Mongolian Buddhist Martial Artist, but I could be wrong. I just think he does because of his mustache and hair.

    Below him is Edge, which I tried to "baddassify" if you will. Given that the people of Eblam live in caves well below the surface, you would assume they would have mutated to some point adjusting to their surroundings and becoming quite subterranean. In a way that is what I did to Edge. You could say he looks albino or like a Vampire. I would agree with that analysis. I did darken in his clothing to make him appear like a true Ninja.

    Fusoya is next. Like Cecil I tried to make him stand out. He also looks more tough if you will with darker skin. It matches better with the facial expression he makes in his avatar.

    Succeeding you have Golbez and Anna. Anna's skin is similar to Tellah and Golbez's which you can only see in the avatar is made to resemble Cecil and Fusoya's.

    If you have any question or concerns or you want to bite my butt about something, then feel free to do so. I encourage people to speak their minds, even if it is negatively turned towards me.

    Edit: I was trying to upload that image and it took more effort than I first had realized. I'm sorry. Btw, I made each of them capable of casting spells, which will be better for any of you if you want to use them.

    I changed Porom and Palom's names, because I got them confused. I will make further edits and you will see them wearing different outfits (often color swaps) and having I may make one of the traditional set. If I ever feel like it.
    Last edited by Minotast; 06-17-2008 at 06:26 PM.

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