--> Dinger.ca - My Web Comic!
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Thread: Dinger.ca - My Web Comic!

  1. #1
    TFF Veteran Strong Bad's Avatar
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    Brandon, MB.

    Dinger.ca - My Web Comic!

    Hey Cats,

    I just thought I'd post a thread about my web comic. I just started it 4 weeks ago and I've been updating it regularly. (Monday to Friday).


    It's kind of like Explosm.net's Cyanide and Happiness.

    Anyway, read through some of my bad jokes and let me know whatcha think!
    <img src="http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/8898/strongbadbannercs2.jpg">
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    My Flash E-card

  2. #2
    アズテオル Dinger.ca - My Web Comic! Azuteor's Avatar
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    Holding down the low end.
    I like how each comic is drawn differently. The hilarity of the entries go off and on, but I still laugh nonetheless. There is a strange tingling feeling that makes me look forward to your daily comics, I mean it! You definitely should continue updating and who knows, you might become famous one day! Most importantly, enjoy yourself!

    What art programs do you use? I suggest that whenever you save your artwork, put it on 300 resolution and as a .png file to get better quality.

    Experiment! It is apparent in your entries because each comic is stylized. Keep doing that! Add a little more work to it though. Put more color, color entirely rather than leave white spaces open, refrain from sketching too much, use less lines as well as make them crisp and clean, differentiate your panel layout, and finally, take your time with it. However you want to create your works and when you release them is up to you.

    Hopefully I'm not implying that I'm beating you over the head with demands, haha. I apologize for any annoyance that may come out of this.

    What are your motivations for creating Dinger.ca? How did you come up with the idea of making your own web comic?

    Btw, are you familiar with Pictures for Sad Children?

  3. #3
    TFF Veteran Strong Bad's Avatar
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    Brandon, MB.
    Hey, thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it!

    Yeah, My comics definitely need more time/effort put into them. It's just I have quite a tight time constrain and I find it difficult to get the quality as high as I'd like it. When I'm done school in April I'll be putting a lot more effort into my comics.

    As far as motivation goes -

    I drew a lot of doodles/comics on my pages at school instead of doing my work. I make really bad jokes and I enjoy them equally as much. I'm pretty creative and good at pulling random ideas out of my ass so... Who knows?

    I'd love to make web comics as a full time job though. Only a handful of people actually make enough money off of their sites to survive on though... Oh well. I just started 4 weeks ago... Maybe after a couple years I'll actually be making some cash.

    Which web comics do you usually subscribe to?
    Last edited by Strong Bad; 02-28-2009 at 10:01 PM.
    <img src="http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/8898/strongbadbannercs2.jpg">
    <img src="http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/7397/strongbadwtfomfgbbq8pp.gif">
    My Flash E-card

  4. #4
    アズテオル Dinger.ca - My Web Comic! Azuteor's Avatar
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    Holding down the low end.
    No problem! I'm into Cyanide, VGCats, and Pictures for Sad Children. Cyanide has a very simplistic art style as well as PSC, while a lot of the jokes are clever and hilarious. You can see the comics on dA now. VGCats parodies a lot of the video games with a unique art style only for the artist itself. Wow, haha, excuse me for concentrating on the art style so much. ^^;;

    PSC, which I just got into recently, has a colorful cast of characters. For example, a half-asian ghost and an office worker with low self-esteem and social anxiety disorder. You'll have to check it out yourself!

    Happy comic-ing!

  5. #5
    TFF Veteran Strong Bad's Avatar
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    Brandon, MB.
    Yeah, I'm very familiar with those comics. I read quite a few actually. You should check out these ones.

    Nedroid Picture Diary
    white ninja comics
    Sheldon™ Comic Strip: Daily Webcomic by Dave Kellett
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
    Six Degrees | Thinkin' Lincoln : A Weekdaily Webcomic by Miles Grover
    webcomics @ chainsawsuit by kris straub for Tuesday, March 3, 2009

    I read many more, but those are my favourites. Definitely worth checking out.
    <img src="http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/8898/strongbadbannercs2.jpg">
    <img src="http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/7397/strongbadwtfomfgbbq8pp.gif">
    My Flash E-card

  6. #6

    Hey dude

    i have never read a web comic and dont know where can you help me? this is my second ever post just for the love of comics.

  7. #7
    TFF Veteran Strong Bad's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Brandon, MB.
    I just started updating my Web Comic again. I highly recommend you start by reading it!

    There's also a link section with a nice list of other Web Comics to read if you're interested. Check 'er out, Johnny!

    Dinger.ca :: Every Monday & Thursday... or something.
    <img src="http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/8898/strongbadbannercs2.jpg">
    <img src="http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/7397/strongbadwtfomfgbbq8pp.gif">
    My Flash E-card

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