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    I want to play a game. The Title of this book is...? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    The Title of this book is...?

    I'm in need of help in naming a title of a book I've read a long time ago, around 10 - 11 years. I can not recall the author, for if I was able to I would have found the book by process of elimination. I would say that the book fits best in the "fiction" genre, though I wouldn't be surprised if it was in "Sci-Fi" genre as I see it having some "Sci-Fi" qualities. It was a book the class had to read in 8th grade, if I recall the grade correctly.

    I will now get to listing what I can recall from the book:

    • It takes place on Earth.

    • The town is secluded, largely, from the rest of the world. Which seems to be the norm of the other towns as well.

    • Humans have a blue tone skin color

    • Marriages are pre-arranged.

    • Certain women, who meet the requirements, become surrogate mothers. They are fertilized artificially.

    • The children are placed, by the council, to couples.

    • Once a child gets to a certain age, the council decides what they'll do (based on what they do best).

    • The main character (male) was chosen to be the new town "wiseman". The old "wiseman" would transfer all his memories to the main character. With those dreams the young boy learned of war, starvation, disease, and of color.

    • The "wiseman" of the village knows the true history of the world.

    • Color has, mostly, been negated; everything has a hint of blue.

    • Emotions are suppressed through pills. (I.e., the main character's parents don't love him, as love is too strong)

    • A person's sex drive is suppressed through pills.

    • The "wiseman" had another pupil before the main character but she ran away if I recall.

    • Twins are not allowed in the village. The main character's dad's job is in part to decide which twin shall survive and which shall be killed. The main character saves the twin destined to die and runs away in a red wagon. I believe he may have been searching for the "wiseman's" female pupil.

    • After a person gets to a certain age they are killed with their knowledge - the old people know about it - but before that their accomplishments in life are read before a small crowd with the soon to be deceased there.

    Thanks for taking the time to look at this. I've been wanting to read this again because I have gotten interested in it for quite some time. I just can't remember the title which, if one of you are able to help me, I will know and will be in itself a victory even if I don't read it in the near future.

    EDIT: DODIE GOT IT RIGHT SO THANKS DODIE. Perhaps this could turn into a discussion of "The Giver" now that I know the title of the book.
    Last edited by Zargabaath; 08-02-2010 at 11:38 AM.

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  2. #2
    Registered User The Title of this book is...?
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    Re: The Title of this book is...?

    This sounds a lot like "The Giver" to me, so maybe that's what it is? Here's a link to the Wikipedia page if you wanna see if it is indeed the book you're thinking about.

    I was assigned to read this book in about the 8th grade too (what an odd coincidence! ). It is an enjoyable read, and the world that the book creates for the reader is an interesting one. I wish the ending wasn't left so ambiguous though. Also, I was quite sad when it ended as well.

    I think the parts I liked best was when Jonas started to realize that the things that the community he lives in aren't so great, particularly when
    the baby his family was assigned to take care of is scheduled to be killed, or "released" as the book describes it.

    I only read it twice, so some of the other things that happen in the book aren't as vivid to me as that particular part.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 08-02-2010 at 11:55 AM. Reason: Just put in a little word or two about my experience with the book. :)
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