You know you're great Lily. Why deny it? You're just too modest. And there were no "know's" there! Good work! =P
I can't pick a favourite. Mostly because I'm lazy and Firefox thinks it is American and is correcting my words. I hate that. 10/10
I've got a whole load of scribbles here. Not really anything substantial, but I figured they might be worth posting. New thread to mark a new style, so here we go.
If there's not capitalisation, it's for a reason. Explained later on. Most of these are untitled. Not long enough or good enough to need one, for the most part. A lot of this is experimentation with technique (repetition, metaphor, allusions, etc.) and such. O, and the almighty hyphen. Something I've been toying with since looking at Dickinson. You tell me how well the experimentation worked.
Some of this is a reflection of my own experience and/or emotions that I've attempted to put onto paper, some of it is just fabrication and a little role-play. This first one, for example, is an amalgamation of both. Started as an expression of thought, ended as a fabrication/role-play for effect. *shrug*
Starting with the older stuff....
please -
want me,
need me,
love me.
then -
repel me,
revile me,
rebuke me.
love me.
last words,
last touch,
last glimpse,
last breath of You
to last forever.
a ghost of intimacy -
a haunted spectre, a mere
conjured apparition of hope.
i wish that you
weren't you, but he,
he that is not mine.
dread's stubby fingers
juice my heart -
am i afraid of you?
one last caress,
a gentle salute
before you're gone
This is the first of the scribbles to be long enough to warrant a title. Funnily enough, it is entitled "no going back". Notice the lack of capitalisation. In these poems (though they hardly deserve the name 'poems'), I think each word is of equal importance and that capitals make the first words in each line more prominent. Here we go.
no going back.
today, the scales tip.
one way or t'other,
for better or for worse.
no going back.
a metamorphosis
of souls. of hopes.
of dreams.
no going back.
knife's edge.
can't balance forever.
the dice fall.
no going back.
no going back.
This next one is a half-arsed parody of Emily Dickinson's "Hope is the thing with feathers". Not even half-arsed, since it's a three stanza poem and I only bothered with one stanza.
Hope is the thing with feathers,
Lying dead upon the floor -
There, beside it, is my heart
And dreams that are no more.
And here we have the more recent stuff. Still largely untitled works, but they're closer to poems than the older ones are. I swear I had another page of them, but I can't seem to find it. O well.
I kneel by the alter
Of an estranged god
And wonder what standards
This new devotee met
That I could not.
Out of sight, out of mind -
A token of remembrance
Best forgotten.
A puppet on a string,
Straining to please its master
As it stretches and contorts
In ways that tear it limb from limb.
A whole new universe
At my fingertips -
But can it ever satisfy me?
And this one here is something I was scribbling in Chem today, messing around with popular sayings to create effect. I mean, the poem's crap, but it worked well enough.
Clutching at straws
But they just keep piling on my back -
How long before I break?
Long post, but thanks for reading. Tell me what you thought of them? I'll be forever grateful. ^^
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
You know you're great Lily. Why deny it? You're just too modest. And there were no "know's" there! Good work! =P
I can't pick a favourite. Mostly because I'm lazy and Firefox thinks it is American and is correcting my words. I hate that. 10/10
|Rocco's LiveJournal| = |SPSGE| = |Request Avatars and Banners|
"I can't disappear yet..."
Banner and avatar by myself.
Member of FF CultTFF Family, Awards and random lunacy: