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Thread: Darkness

  1. #1
    Freezing Ring! Darkness Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!


    Well here's Darkness, this is based in a new world, and i made all the charater's in this so... Yay! Well here's part 1 ^^

    PART 1

    Azeraka is a planet with Airships, monster’s, ruler’s, king’s, queen’s, and…
    A royal family that is planning to rule the entire world. But they would need help… Help from a man named Kuja and his soon to be wife Salka…

    The mysterious hooded man drank his cold beer, sip by sip, setting it down every time he drank. The bottom of the beer left a circle of water on the table he was huddled over. “Hey, you get your ass over here!” A man in the bar said to the hooded man. “Why don’t we all just sit, and enjoy our cold beer’s in silence?” The hooded man continued to drink, when he felt the tap of a finger. “What’s your name?” The man in the bar asked. “My name you ask?” He turned to face the man, taking his hood off. “My name is Hach, what’s yours?” Hach asked. “I’m Arlen, nice to meet ya!” They both shook hand’s, and started to chat. “I think I know you from some where…” Hach said. “Well… Wait, I think ive seen you before to.” Arlen walked around Hach, trying to find out where he saw him. “Wait…,” Hach said, “I think ive seen you around the manor.” Hach finished. “Oh! The silver moon manor! Yes, yes! That’s where!” Arlen, jumped in excitement. “Well, I’m going to finish this last beer, and head for the harbor.” Hach chugged the beer, and ran for the harbor. “Hey, wait!” Arlen ran after him. “Here’s your- WAIT! HE DIDN’T PAY FOR THAT BEER! GET BACK HERE!” The waitress ran after Hach, dropping the woman’s beer on her lap. “Damn, she always drop’s my beer on my beautiful blouse! I need a new beer please!”
    Hach jumped on the boat that was heading to Tralon, the city of life. “Wait up!” Arlen tried to jump on the boat, but fell in the water. “Damn!” Arlen said, swimming over to the fishing dock. “Hey, come back here!” The waitress jumped on the boat, and ran over to Hach. “You didn’t pay for the beer-” The boat started for Tralon, the waitress on board. “Stop the boat please!” The waitress yelled at the driver. “Sorry, I cant.” The driver continued to drive the boat. “Damn… Guess I have to go to Tralon…”

    End of part 1

    Thank you for reading ^^

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  2. #2
    Freezing Ring! Darkness Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Part 2

    A special way of summoning, which evolves using animal blood to call the beast, the animal blood has a smell that all the summons are use to. The summoner must hold the blood in a bowl, holding it with both hand’s.

    The boat arrived at Tralon, Hach walking down the plank. “Now where is she…” Hach walked over to the stone wall, which had patch’s of blood dried into it. “What the hell?” Hach walked over to a wooden door that had -Do not touch door- on the top of it on a golden plate. “They think people aren’t curious. Hm… I’ll just touch it once just for fun.” Hach touched the plate, and heard the lock in the door go -clank-. “Wait!” The waitress who had been following him, saw him touch the door. “May I come?” The waitress asked, holding the red amulet she had around her neck. “Sure, but what’s your name?” Hach asked. “Call me Bebe!” She Started to run down the stair’s, and turned around. “You coming?!” Bebe asked, her hand’s on her hip’s. “Oh, ok. Sorry.”
    “They fell for it Kuja!” Salka said, turning around to see Kuja, standing on the balcony with his sword hanging from his sword holder. “Good… Now did you release the red dragon like I told you to?” Kuja said, flipping his hair. “Yes sir, redgalo is released!” Salka said, saluting. “Good girl, take this.” Kuja walked over to Salka, and handed her a fog stone. “A fog stone?!?” Salka looked up. “Yes, I want you to use it in the Locan tree, remember to lay it in the middle stand.” Kuja jumped down the balcony.
    “Hach, what’s that?!” Bebe asked, pointing at a figure that was coming right for them. “That’s a… Goblin warrior! Take this whip and help me kill it!”
    “Whip lash!” Bebe whipped the Goblin with the tip of the whip, blood flying from the tip. “Goblin punch!” The goblin punched Hach, Hach grabbing it’s hand and twisting it backwards.

    “I think it’s dead.” Hach said, poking it with his sword. “What’s going on?” Bebe said, walking around the body. “I don’t know but I think something’s stalking us.” Hach got into defence position, Bebe hiding behind him. “EK! HERE IT COME’S!”

    “Hah! Redgola, kill them!” Salka laughed. “Salka, get ready to die!” Salka turned around the see a woman with ear’s with her hand on a wound. “YOU?! YOU’RE SUPPOSE TO BE-”

    “Bebe prepare yourself, because this is going to be a battle!” Hach lunged at Redgola, it’s blood spilling on the floor. Hach turned around and said, “Let me handle this.” He nodded, and continued to fight the dragon. “Hach watch out for- Hach don’t- Hah your going to-” The dragon grabbed Hach with it’s teeth and threw him at the wall. “Hach…” Bebe got a firm grip on her whip, and ran at the dragon. “You bastard! You hurt Hach!” She whipped the dragon, leaving a huge gash on Redgola’s left eye, blood running down her scaly face. “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone…” Said Redgola. “Wha- What?! Did you just talk?!?” Bebe stepped back, trying to get to the door. “Me sorry… Redgola sorry… I was turned into a dragon by evil girl. She has ugly blonde hair, and has a tail hidden under her dress.” Redgola said, crying. “Oh… I’m sorry, I’ll heal you.”
    Power of Halgona, help me heal Redgola, and Hach!
    A blinding light came out of Bebe’s hand, Bebe throwing it at her friend’s. “Liaylan, balgocando, Che che boca!” The ball of light lit the whole corridor with a shining, and blinding light. “What’s that light?” Hach asked, his hand over his eye’s, acting like a light blocker. “Redgola… Fell better.”

    Who did Salka see?
    What is Salka, and Kuja planning?
    Will Redgola become a human again?
    You will find out these Question’s, and more in
    Part 3

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  3. #3
    Freezing Ring! Darkness Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Ok here's one opf the part's for today:

    Part 3

    “You thought you killed me?” The woman but a knife to Salka’s throat. “What do you want? And how did you get Azeraka?” Salka asked. “I want the fog crystal, and I used the power of a esper…” The woman said, still holding the knife to Salka’s throat. “Fine, take the crystal.” Salka gave the woman the crystal. “Thank you, traitor.”
    “Redgola, do you know how to turn back into a human?” Hach asked. “Redgola no not how. Sorry.” Redgola shook her large head. “Hm… Maybe we can use the power of an-” “Hold it right there!” A woman ran to them, holding a throwing knife. “Hello, who are you?” Bebe asked. “I can’t tell you know, we all must leave this place now!” The woman started to run, everyone following. “Why must we get out of here?” Bebe asked. “Because!” The woman started to transform into a cat, and also started to sprint. ‘What is she?’ Bebe said to herself. “Come on, through the door!” The woman said, moving her hand toward the open door. “Wonder what that place was for…” Hach said quietly. “So, lady what’s your name?!” “Yes, what your name?” Redgola repeated, her head sticking out of the door. “Redgola, I know how to turn you back to a human again.” The woman started to pray, getting on her knee’s. “Kinchoc Kin kin! Jacanokoa Koa koa!” Redgola started to glow, turning back into a human. “I’m… A human again! Now you must call me by my real name, Shah.” Shah turned around, her lovely blonde moving up, and down. “Know I can tell you my real name… Andro.”
    “hah! The royal family, Salvor, will become powerful… They shall rule!” Kuja laughed, watching Hach and his group in a crystal ball. “That girl… Can that be Andro?”

    Who is the royal family Salvor?
    Why do they need Kuja and Salka to help them?
    Find out, in part 4

    __________________________________________________ _________________

    Im gonna whip up Part 4 today.
    Stay tuned ^^

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  4. #4
    Freezing Ring! Darkness Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    The worst part ever!

    Part 4

    Salvor the royal family
    The Salvor family is one of the most rishest family’s in Azeraka. They have a few secret’s about them, but the only place to find these secret’s is the silver moon manor.

    “Where shall we go next?” Shah asked. “I know where to go…” Andro looked at the fog crystal that laid there, on the palm of her hand. “The locan tree.” Andro started to walk over to the harbor. “Let’s hitch a ride on a boat back to Lagonal, then we just head west to the Locan tree.” Andro pulled out her dagger, and twirled it, then throwing it at the driver. “Come on! Kill all the crew mate’s!” They all pulled out their weapon’s, fighting the other’s on the boat. “Take a stab in the stomach!” Hach said, cutting a sailor’s stomach out. “Eat arrow!” Shah said, shooting a arrow. “Ok, think their all-” Andro stepped back, because a fat man jumped down in front, with a mithril sword. “You die now!” he charged, Andro doing a flap and wrapping her leg’s around his neck. “Andro, be careful!” Bebe said to Andro. “Don’t weary, I know what I’m doing.” Andro, still holding on to the man’s neck with her leg’s, flipped, letting go, then kicked the man with her high-heel’s. “Nice technique.” Hach said, nodding. “Wow, your really great in high-heel’s!” Bebe said, hugging Andro. “Now let’s get the hell outta here, we need to get to the Locan tree.” Andro stood, watching the sea splash the side‘s of the boat. ‘I will fight for my mother, and my sister Blizzard.’ Andro said to herself, holding the amulet to her chest. “Andro, are you crying?” Bebe asked. “No! My eye’s are just watery! Leave me alone!” Andro left the wheel, and ran to the sleeping cabin. “What’s wrong with her?” Shah asked.
    “Cry for me my beautiful Andro! Cry! Give me the tear’s of… The cat esper!” Kuja watched Andro crying, her tear’s being soaked up by his magic. “Yes! Yes! It feel’s so great!” Kuja turned around to see Salka. “Kuja… Tomorrow we will be husband and bride.” Salka said, kissing Kuja. “Yes, but… Im busy! Go to the Locan tree and release the legendary black dragon, Blona!” Kuja said. “Yes hus- I mean… Sir.” She bowed, walked back through the opened door, closing it.
    “Mother, I will save you. Blizzard… I know your always by my side, protecting me…” Andro turned to the door, and twisted it. “What the hell? Who locked the-” She turned, and felt a magical force. “Kuja, show yourself! FIGHT ME YOU BASTARD!” Andro pulled her whip out, looking around. “hah hah! My dear Andro… Your face is so beautiful…” Kuja said, using his finger’s to find all her muscle’s. “Your very buff… Come her beautiful!” Kuja kissed Andro, Andro slapped him. “Get your grimy ass hand’s off me!” Andro tried to open the door, it was still locked. “Help me!” Andro yelled, hitting the door with her fist’s. “You cant get away from me!” Kuja jumped on her, biting her neck. “Kuja… I love you…” Andro moved her lip’s to his. “Now… Prepare to die!” she kicked him with her knee, spinning in the air. “Your pretty good… But I’m afraid that… That bite is swelling and when it’s fully swollen you shall die, so I can take control of your whole body!” Kuja laughed evilly. “I wont let that happen! My power’s will could kill my friend’s!” Andro said.
    Andro you can do this. Just use the vortex technique.
    “I will blizzard…” Andro said. “What? What did you say?” “None of your business!” Andro lashed Kuja in the face, Kuja reacting with slash in the leg. “You are very powerful, but can you face… The real power?!” Kuja said, glowing. “What the..?” Andro defended, her small shield protected her face. “Thank you for the tear’s!” Kuja grabbed andro, throwing her at the door, breaking it down. “Andro!” Bebe rushed to Andro’s side, pulling out a hi-potion. “Don’t weary this will help.” She splashed some of the potion on the swollen bite. “It’s going down!” Bebe said, jumped up and down. “Come on, all of you, kill me!” Kuja said. “Fine, if you wish.” Hach said, running at the white haired man. “Moonshine arrow!” Shah said, an arrow coming down from the sky, falling into her hand. “Moonshine arrow, ray of the moon!” She pulled back on the bow, letting the arrow swirl in the air. “Raygo, Mango!” Shah chanted, the arrow targeting Kuja.
    The arrow hit Kuja in the leg.
    “Kuja… Why are you here?” Andro asked, everyone stopping to look at her. “ha! The stupid cat lady wants to know what im doing here!” Kuja said, chuckling. “Stupid cat lady?! Bastard!” Andro prepared her attack stance.
    “Vortex technique!” Andro stood on her left foot, her other foot up in the air. “Lastin latin!” She put her hand’s up, left one near her left ear, her right near her right side. “KALATIN KALA KALA KALATIN!” She threw a bag of magical stone’s in the air, giving away a magical force. “Eat this!” She threw two dagger’s, running, grabbing them back, then throwing them at Kuja. “Now here’s the real vortex…” She started to make hand sign’s, trying to awaken the cat esper that sleeped inside her. “VORTEX!” She grabbed Kuja, spinning him in a magical vortex. “You think this will-” Andro stabbed kuja in the heart, leaving him to die in the vortex. “Andro, I will kill you…”

    End of part 4
    __________________________________________________ ______________________

    Thank you for reading ^^

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  5. #5
    Freezing Ring! Darkness Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Part 5

    They arrived at Lagonal, getting off the boat. “Andro…” Bebe looked at the ground. “You don’t have to be scared of me. I’m here to protect all of you.” Andro walked toward the wooden gate that lead to the Locan tree. “Come on!” Andro said, telling the man to open the gate. “Sorry ma’am, can’t let you through without a gate pass.” The man in the window said, going back to sleep. “Damn it! Guy’s look around town for a-” She stopped to look at the silver moon manor. “Um… I’m going to the west of the city, you guy’s… Go wherever.” Andro ran to the manor, doing flip’s in the air. “What the hell is that?” One of the citizen’s asked. “I don’t know…”
    *Shah’s scenario part 1*
    “Why do I Always have to go to the east?” Shah walked down to the business district of the city. “Hm…”
    *Hach’s scenario part 1*
    “North must be the… School district…” Hach said, looking at the school’s. “Hey! Get outta my way before I make ya!” A little girl said behind him, holding up her fist’s. “Aw… You’re a cutey aren’t you?” “NO! IM A WARRIOR!”
    *Bebe’s scenario part 1*
    “south… It’s so boring!” Bebe walked through the art district. “Hey, little lady! Over here!” An old man whistled at her. “What do you want?!” Bebe said, holding her weapon. “Can you take your shirt off for me?” The old man asked. “What?! HELP! HELP!!”
    *Andro’s scenario part 1*
    “Let me through please.” Andro told the man at the west gate. “Do you have a gate pass?” The man asked. “One second.” Andro drew a pass using a pen and a paper. “Here.” She handed it to him. “Now we let the moogle see if it’s fake or not.” The man continued to sleep. “KUPO! KUPO! KUPO!” The man got up, and looked at the pass. “It’s fake. Sorry missy.” He went back to sleep.
    *Shah’s scenario part 2*
    “Get your hand’s on a new mithril sword! With a new golden edge!” A merchant shouted. “May I buy one please?” “Sure, it’s only 2 thousand Ganko’s.” The merchant said, giggling. “2 thousand ganko’s? Hell no!” Shah turned around, and walked away. “Ben, did you make another costumer go away?” A man in the back asked. “Sorry sir…”
    *Hach’s scenario part 2*
    “Your so cute!” Hach said to the little girl. “Damn it, let me go!” The girl yelled, her arm’s trying to hit him. “Still cute!” Hach pinched her cheek. “HOW DARE YOU PINCH MY CHEEK!” The girl punched him In the nose, and ran away. “What the hell was that all about?”
    *Bebe’s scenario part 2*
    “What’s wrong?” A Guard asked. “That perverted old man wanted me to take my shirt off!” Bebe said to the guard, pointing at the old man. “Hi!” The old man said, with a smile on his face, waving. “Why would an old man want you to take your shirt off?” The guard asked. “I just wanted to wash it…” The man started to cry. “See what you did!?” The Guard looked at Bebe, Bebe looking at the old man, him grinning. “Well, bye you two.” The guard walked away. “heh heh…”
    *Andro’s scenario part 2*
    “Damn… How am I suppose to get through that gate without a pass…” She looked through her traveling pack and found a sleeping potion. “Yes… Ha ha!” She walked over to the man at the window, her hand’s behind her back. “Um… Sir… Do you like tea?” Andro asked. “Oh sure! Don’t you Morgo?” “KUPO!!!” The moogle grabbed the potion, and gulped it. “Kupo…” Morgo fell on the ground, asleep. “Hey, Morgo-” The man fell asleep without taking a sip of the potion. “Ha! Old men…” She climbed the gate, jumping over. “Now to get to the Locan tree..."

    End of part 5
    __________________________________________________ ________________________
    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 08-12-2009 at 09:20 PM.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  6. #6
    Freezing Ring! Darkness Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Part 6


    There are only a few of these specie’s. They live off of meat, and kill only thing’s that approach them in the wrong way. They are only usually found in the aprach forest.

    Night fell, and the sun started to raise, turning the sky orange. “Wake up!” A jankle said, shaking Andro. “Wow… You brought me down here?” Andro got up, her head hitting the dirt ceiling. “Kitty? Where is kitty?” Andro popped her head out to see the man that held up the airship. “There’s kitty!” He ran over and hugged andro. “Meow… (great)” “Hey, isn’t that Andro?” Shah, Bebe, and Hach ran to Andro. “What you want? You want kitty? It my kitty! Leave alone!” The Ganmota pulled his axe out, and tried to strike Hach. “MEROW! (Get me out!)” Andro bit his hand, and ran away to the Locan tree. “You made kitty run away!” The Ganmota started to grow wing’s, and flew in the sky. “You make kitty run away from me!!” He threw a giant axe at them, missing, but making a earthquake. “Over here!” Hach grabbed Bebe’s hand, and started to run to the tree. “Bring it!” Shah pulled back on her bow, letting the three iron arrow’s hit the man. “Hah you think that hurt me? Well it didn’t!” He started to strangle her, his sweaty hand gripping around her neck. “Help-” Her hand’s fell down to her side’s. “There, she dead know. Kitty! COME HERE!!!”
    “Andro!” Hach and Bebe ran after her, their shoe’s leaving a imprint in the sand. “Just follow me.” Andro said, tilting her head just enough to see Hach and Bebe running behind her.

    -Andro why do you wish to save the world?-
    ‘Who is that?’ She said in her head.
    -Do you want to save your family? Maybe your friends. Or maybe… Your just saving the world to find the many treasure’s there are to be found here? Just think…-
    “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!” Andro yelled out loud. “Andro, what’s wrong?” Hach and Bebe stopped Andro, and watched foam come out of her mouth. “Who are you? Are you trying to kill me? PLEASE STOP!!” Andro fell to the ground, twitching, foam still coming out of her mouth like a fountain of white. “Andro!” Hach held on to her paw, looking through his bag for something. “She’s…” Bebe started to cry, covering her eye’s with her hand. “She cant be!” Hach looked back, to see the Ganmota standing there, crying. “Kitty died… YOU KILL HER!” He drew his axe, and tried to cut Hach, the axe hitting the sand. “Eat this!” Bebe spun in the air, and hit him in the jaw with her foot. “Damn, get over here!” He jumped over to them, grabbed them, and smashed their head’s together. “Why…”


    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!


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