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Thread: Chaos Incarnate: Final Fantasy X

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    Chaos Incarnate: Final Fantasy X

    Chaos Incarnate: Final Fantasy X-chaos-incarnate-logo_edited-1-jpg
    _Chaos Incarnate_


    A day of wrath will dissolve the world into glowing ashes.
    Death shall be amazed when creation rises again.
    Give them eternal rest,
    And let perpetual light shine on them;
    O hear my prayers

    And let perpetual light shine on them
    Grant them rest


    The Machina War was an event that occurred one thousand years prior to the events of Final Fantasy X. It was a war waged between the city of Bevelle and the city of Zanarkand. It is unknown what caused the war to start, but what is known is that the war ended with the creation of Sin which caused death and sorrow for the next 1000 years.

    In the war, Zanarkand relied on their Summoners while Bevelle built Machina so powerful, civilians worried that they could destroy Spira. One machina of note was Vegnagun, which could not be used due to its sheer power and was stored away underneath Bevelle in secret.

    In the end, it was obvious that Bevelle's might would win the war very easily and that Zanarkand's summoners would not stand any chance of fighting them. Knowing this, Zanarkand's leader Yu Yevon turned all surviving citizens of Zanarkand into Fayth in order to summon a Dream Zanarkand. He then created Sin, which ultimately destroyed Zanarkand.

    As soon as the news of Sin reached Bevelle, a ceasefire was instantly called and the war ended.

    Main Characters:

    Ellone Bedlam
    Weapon/Class: Staff/Summoner
    Resedency: Zanarkand

    A young summoner of Zanarkand. She seems unable to support an aeon even after she fully performs her prayer to the Grand Sightseeing Fayth, Godith at the Zanarkand Dome. She is on a quest for the truth to find out the meaning of her predicament.

    Biggs Bedlam:
    Weapon/Class: Gloves/Monk
    Resedency: Zanarkand

    Ellone's younger brother. He is a hot-headed young man that always tries to show his true potential to Landon. The two dislike eachother but both are very caring for Ellone. He travels along with Ellone to find out the truth about his parents and their mysterious deaths.

    Gl.Landon Stalwart:
    Weapon/Class: Broad Sword/Warrior
    Resedency: Zanarkand

    General to the Zanarkand Force and Yu Yevon's second hand man, Landon was given an assignment to assist Ellone on her travels by Yu Yevon but does not know why. He soon begins to understand Yu Yevon's mistakes and tries to stop them before Spira is destroyed.

    Age: unknown
    Weapon/Class: Throw Knive/Black Mage
    Resedency: Guadosalam

    Guadosalam's Witch Doctor, Meirvana is shrowded in mystery. She comes to Ellone's aid when a rouge phyrefly overwhelms her body and almost kills her. Meirvana assists Ellone on her travels, but she doesn't fully explain why?

    Kidd Fracas:
    Weapon/Class: Wrench/Alchemist
    Resedency: Anicham City

    An Al-Bhed boy that got cought by the Bevellian Force for stealing from people. He helps Ellone and the party escape from Via Prefeco.

    Gl. Onx Rhetra:
    Weapon/Class: Swallow Blade/Warrior
    Resedency: Bevelle

    General to the Bevelian Force. He pursues Ellone around Spira thinking that she is Zanrakand's super weapon.

    Yu Yevon:
    Age: unknown
    Weapon/Class: NA/Black Mage, Summoner
    Resedency: Zanarkand

    Age: unknown
    Weapon/Class: Ixion Blade/Summoner
    Resedency: Zanarkand


    • Zanarkand
    • Mt. Gagazet
    • Remiem Divide (Calm Lands)
    • Remiem Temple
    • Bevelle
    • Bevelle Temple
    • Macalania
    • Thunder Plains
    • Rajarah Temple
    • Guadosalam
    • Moonflow
    • Cainham
    • Cainham Temple
    • Hallowed Hall (Djose Temple)
    • Mushroom Rock Road
    • Denwoe Temple
    • Road to Luca (Mi’hen Highroad)
    • Luca
    • Kilika Island
    • Besaid Island
    • Sanubia Sands
    • Anihcam City
    • Angra Mainyu’s Temple
    • Zadorian Isles
    • Zadora Temple
    • Temples of Spira

    I. Zanarkand Temple: The Graviton Seal, Godith

    Found in the Zanarkand Dome.

    II. Remiem Temple: The Magus Sisters

    III. Bevelle Temple: The Dragon-king, Bahamut

    IV. Macalania Temple: The Ice Queen, Shiva

    V. Rajarah Temple: The Thunderous Avian, Valvoga

    Found at the Thunder Plains, bridge connecting to the temple at the middle of the plains.

    VI. Cainham Temple: The Aquatic Maiden, Godiva

    Found in Cainham, city over the water at the Moonflow.

    VII. Denwoe Temple: The Earth Golem, Ga’ar

    Found at the Gorge in Mushroom Rock Road, in place of the Den of Woe

    VIII. Kilika Temple: The Flaming Tormenter, Laragorn

    IX. Zadora Temple: The Wind Meander, Zephyr

    Found on the Zadorian Isles, an archipelago far to the west of Sipra.

    X. Angra Mainyu’s Temple: The Ominous Peccadillo, Angra Mainyu

    Found in Sanubia Sands in Anihcam City, an island far to the west of Spira.


    Through an imperial city of Zanrkand, the night sky stood motionless to the blistering lights of the city. The moon shone brilliantly but only some noticed. For the Machina strewn city dazzled and glistened as the million stars of the sky. Beyond these many towers and buildings stood the Grand hall of Zanarkand and the imperial seat of the ruler, Yu Yevon.

    “The war will proceed than there is nothing we can do to stop it.” An elderly voice spoke. His voice echoed in the vast chamber he was present in. “But Father, if we send word to Bevelle that we are no threat to them what-so-ever then mayhap they will not strike at all!”

    “…we cannot take that chance, if we pull back now Bevelle will still strike my city.” A bald-headed man with the most piercing violet eyes huffed. His long blood-crimson robes draped around him in a swirl of elements. The wrinkles around his old face and his grasping eyes brought a form of authority to him. “I am ruler, daughter. I must do what I can to protect my city!”

    “Then what of its inhabitants, father!? What of its people? Will you cower in your Grand Halls and have others fight your war? The people are frightened of this fight, and all you take heed upon is protecting your beautiful lightened city!?” Yunalesca’s voice grew louder. Anger erupted in her eyes as her father simply stared at her.

    “Enough Yunalesca.” He said. “, the battle will commence…General Landon.” Yu Yevon called and at that a large man in his prime with long ebony hair tied up in a pony tail and heavy dark amour waltzed into the hall, his black eyes scanned between the good Lady and Yu Yevon. His face blemished by two long scars running down his right cheek and ended at his defined jaw bone; kneeling in front of his master. “Sir?”

    “Have your men ready for battle. I will round up the summoners” he spit with dignity and turned away. “, and my dear, I do wish you will fight along side your people. They would like to have you there.”

    Yunalesca’s head sunk into her chest, her heart pounded with hatred for her father’s actions, “Yes Father, I will see to it…” Yu Yevon disappeared behind the long clashing falls of crimson curtains. “My Lady, you must see this through your father’s point of veiw. He is only doing what is best for his people.” Landon dialoged.

    “No General. Not his people…” her head shot up and she gazed at Landon. “He can have his city but I will protect my people!” And she stormed off behind her father.


    A sky painted with the heavy colors of dawn’s sorrow, splashed along the orange firmament and blending into the sun struck clouds. The city of Zandarkand was lit by the sun, slower and slower it rose to the sky trapped behind the saddened clouds.

    Lenne, a summoner and prayer to the Fayth of the dragon king Bahamut was moved to the front lines of combat. As she walked from her first given post to the front lines she looked out at the long lines of combaters; her emerald eyes skimming the processions of fighters; looking for her beloved. But to no heed did she find him; they all stood tall and wore their duplicated armor. She wafted out a sigh and looked down at the brown earth; her hair fell past her shoulders, almost covering her face under her light brown strands. The earrings she wore were long strands of blue, green, and turquoise beads that also shot down just inches below her well-defined collarbone. She shifted her feet forward and kept her path while her white robe drifted on the dirt-ridden grounds causing small puffs of dirt to rise up whenever it dragged along.

    She took her place along her comrades and looked on straight. Lenne reached her arms up to pull the white hood over her head. She closed her eyes and released another sigh, a hint of nervousness in her breath. Lenne realized that she might not survive this war and she wanted to say goodbye to Shuyin before she died.

    Lenne scanned the horizon for the first glimpse of the machines of destruction, the Machina.

    A while after their wait a messenger came running to the commander in charge. She was a tall and slender woman with silver hair and pale skin; she wore light weight armor that showed her level of authority in the army and always walked barefoot. Her name was Lady Yunalesca and she was the daughter of the ruler of Zandarkand, Yu Yevon. “Malady, scouts have brought word of the Bevellian army making their way towards the city from the southeast of Gagazet!”

    “How heavily are they equipped with their Machina?” Yunalesca asked the man.

    “Gravely.” He replied. Yunalesca nodded stiffly and turned to her army. “Those who have beloved around, please say your farewells. This battle would last and our swords might not be enough to hold them off.

    “, We are gifted by the Fayth for a cause and we must use our summons if we want to win this war! Now, commence your prayers to the Fayth and call upon the beast you clasp within your hearts! For we shall not go down, we shall not falter under their Machina and we shall not lose this fight! For the Fayth and my Father, we fight!” Yunalesca ended her speech with a loud blast of uproar from her army. She turned to where her opponents would come from. Closing her eyes the wind shifted and a large violet glyph fazed in behind her and a white and electric blue mare broke out from the glyph. The mare’s red eyes shinned and its long golden horn glistened with a spark of lightning standing on the tip of it.

    Yunalesca straddled her thunderous griffon and charged into battle with her people following her. Lenne ran with the others, staff held in her hand she called upon the dragon Bahamut, thanked the Fayth and then sat on the dragon’s large shoulder as it rose to the skies and embarked out to the battle lines.


    -Poem is not my own, its from the band I Am Ghost.

    C&C PEOPLE!!

    i wanna know what u think, should i continue it?
    Last edited by Happy.Goth; 06-22-2010 at 06:20 AM.

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