Only us rats.
Anybody home?
Only us rats.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Should we call an exterminator then?
In this economy?!
Originally Posted by Andromeda
What?! Pfft that's what your 177,055.07 gil is for!
That'd be the msot expensive form of suicide ever.
What's been up?
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Pfft, you never die. You're immortal *sage nod*
Not much, just bored out of my mind so I command you to entertain me
(you asked for it!)
I'm immortal and doomed to eternal boredom. You entertain me!!!Slacking off is very difficult.
Do you still use an IM client?
Originally Posted by Andromeda
lol okay we can entertain each other then? Why don't you post in my RPB thread and resurrect that forsaken section of the forums to life haha. Doesn't have to be serious RPB either.
I do have an IM client but I don't use it at where I am right now. So I am stuck at the forums. >_<
I have skype roguemina, and MSN -gavinmaur(at)hotmail(dot)com (I believe we're friends in MSN). Take your pick and I'll log on tonight so you can amuse me. lol
MSN it is then! I'll add you if you're not already on there.
An RPB... HM HM...
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Did it!
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Yay!!!!!!!! *hugs*
And I replied lol.
Holy crap, Mina-san
*Leaves forums for another 3 months*
This user is running Jason version T.0. and is subject to frequent freezeups, illegal operations, and dissapearing off the face of the planet at any time.
And by all means, drama with bad taste.
Oh hai guys. Didn't see this before. I simply assumed that the last post in here was still from Sarah back in like September of last year, or whenever that was. Takes True Omega to come around for me to see the light.
I don't RPB usually, but I am on MSN sometimes. Usually hiding. Add me though. You know you want to. Or I can add you. Then yell at me, even if I appear offline. Because I might be a ninja. Anyhoo...
I just added Quistis on MSN. *nods*
Added you both..damn you two for making me click on your profile instead of just typing your MSN IDs *glare*
MSN: badgirl_karie16(at)hotmail(dot)com
I'm on all the time. Except while I'm sleeping. Add it up.
The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!
Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!