I could go as papelbon and have a pissed off look all night and do irish jigs and riverdance.
Aw, haha. Going as a comic book super hero almost always include unitards of some kind. Good luck finding one you are happy with.
I've been mulling around some ideas. I've considered being Daria, but I'm not sure if people would get it. Also, finding the right clothes and getting my hair to look like hers will be a little difficult. I'd still love to try it, though. It may not be uber creative, but it still beats my boyfriend's costume. He's going to be Bill Belichick. (He really wishes he was "magical" Tom Brady, though. ****ed up leg or not.)
Why the hell is everyone's sig so long? Be polite and use a freakin' spoiler tag!:
I could go as papelbon and have a pissed off look all night and do irish jigs and riverdance.
You have to wear a Bud Light 30 pack on your head and have a cigar, goggles, and champaign if you do that.
Why the hell is everyone's sig so long? Be polite and use a freakin' spoiler tag!:
oh by the way, if anyone is interested here is a bunch of photos from my halloween party. We had a last minute Rock Band themed party in which the idea was to dress up like a musician of some sort. I went the goth-rock route.
Picasa Web Albums - Kelly - Halloween 08
The last 2 photos are my favorite. The last one is me singing At The Gates in my best death grunting. Me death grunting has become a staple in our Rock Band parties. One day we will have to shoot a video.
If i look drunk its because i am.
Last edited by Korova; 11-18-2008 at 03:54 PM.
K, that looks like fun. I cant remember when was the last time I've been in costume
Now post some sound/video bytes. We want to hear you sing!!..err rock!!
I want to play rock band![]()
Haha. That looks like it was a lot of fun. We had a similar party for the 4th of July at a friend's house. One guy decided that in stead of singing the lyrics to D.O.A., he would shout "Waaaaahhhhrrrrg" the whole time. Fun times.
You're starting to look a bit different, K. It's not bad. It's just weird to see how people change. I bet you'd say the same about me or anyone else you hadn't seen in years.
Alas, I did absolutely nothing for Halloween. I couldn't find any good costumes, and I decided I didn't want to substitute with a goth costume. I do have an outfit that is very much like Judy Nails' second outfit in GH2. I could have done that. I honestly had nowhere to go, though. I would have dressed up and froze my ass off for nothing.
Hell, I don't even remember what I did for Halloween. I think I played Infinite Undiscovery.
Why the hell is everyone's sig so long? Be polite and use a freakin' spoiler tag!:
I actually never saw old pics of K except for that one pic where someone commented that he looked like Seth Green (it was pretty dark and low light so it's hard to confirm if that was true at the time)
Yeah most of us are getting older . It's interesting to see how people mature over the years in TFF. I have to admit, I lost a few pounds myself (started working out regularly) and I notice that I look a little older now.
About costumes, well, I think someday I'd consider doing a schoolgirl costume. My husband used to tell me to get one. Maybe I should surprise him someday. Since this is an EBG forum, yes kinky thoughts are allowed .![]()
Last edited by Quistis; 11-18-2008 at 10:01 PM.
Herp derp. Don't think I posted this one.
Here's me as Chun Li: Cosplay.com - Fighter - Chun Li - Mikaesu
hehe yeah it was a ton of fun. We have regular Rock Band parties. I shudder to think how much money we've spent on the instruments, the games, the downloaded tracks etc.. I use the RB2 bass guitar, it has dual strum bars and a place for your thumb so you can finger-walk up-strokes. It makes playing bass feel a little more authentic.. it was Donna's birthday gift to me. She's way better than me at RB so I let her play guitar and I play bass. In parties my friends all have a specific genre that we take the mic on, for me it's the NIN, metalcore, and thrash. hehe
The last time I saw you Sarah you didn't look quite the same either. If you saw me in "real life" and not photos I think you'd probably see me as not that different. I'm just fleshier. Last time you saw me I was still underweight, now I'm in my proper weight range.
This was my first Halloween since turning 30.
Tifa, you look good![]()
Oh no Quisty, you said the magic acronym. That alone will conjure an astral vortex that will imprison Korova's mind for a month. Couple that with the expansion pack and the coming of the Winter solstice and he'll be out for half a year. Not even the wisest of Marvin's advice can deter this. It looks like doctor girlfriend and actress concubine will be effectively widowed during that period.
I wonder where Tif took those pics.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Haha... way to bring in my rpg baseball career. I have tried many times now to break it off with the doctor so I can focus on the actress. How many times do I have to appear in public and at Fenway park with this actress before my girlfriend gets jealous and dumps me?!? Crazy game seems to be built so you can date 6 girls at once without consequences. Must be no girls working for Konami.
MLB Power Pros from Konami, a baseball career sim. Korova traded in the reliable doctor for the snooty actress. Out of all the limbless bodies out there she had by far the most immaculate, according to him.
I want Left 4 Dead. I don't have the comp or the 360 for it though.Sucks that the online play isn't cross-platform, or I wouldn't have to make a choice between the two.
Sadly I hear the 360 is push-to-talk for mic only. Sort of kills the whole freaking out experience.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
I was playing Left 4 Dead last nightMy girlfriend bought it. 360 version. Its very fun. We were playing split screen so i don't know about the push to talk thing. It'd be the first 360 game i've seen with push to talk. Maybe they did that so you'd only yap when necessary so you don't destroy the mood.
Oh wow, I lolled. I'd totally be tempted to play that but I don't feel like buying/renting the game. Lol.
Get computer! I can't really imagine playing a L4D type of game on the 360. :x Maybe that's because its the type of gameplay I just associate with WASD. Push to talk on the computer isn't bad, it gets to be second nature. A lot of people actually get annoyed if you have the mic on the entire time cause it softens the music. Plus I'm sure people wouldn't want to hear me yell and curse at the screen XD Though I don't do that as much since I've played it more.
Split screen = </3 ;_; 360 games that do that are really rough on the eyes, especially since I don't have a hugeass mother****ing TV on campus. 360 games in general are kinda rough on the eyes since they assume everyone has a huge TV... can't read the text at all. Jerks.
Honestly I wouldn't want to hear people freak out. They can do it if they want to, just to yourself. >_>;
Hearing a loud scream out of nowhere hurts the ears. Keep it to urself plz. =P
But yeah, haha. I'm not really going to get L4D. I'm getting Onechanbara, though. Yay for zombie killing in bikinis.
And who says you can't freak out, S? Sure you can...
It makes no difference if people hear you or not. It's still freaking out. =P
I just prefer not to hear it.
I'll be mostly playing on full screen. and I have a very nice TV. Shooters on the 360 are awesome. I'd take 360 degree analog control over WASD any day. It's the mouse sensitivity of aiming that I miss, but as long as everyone else you play with has the same system and same sensitivity then its no big deal to me.
I don't own the game, my girlfriend does and she really wanted to play it last night. I only have one 360, so split screen it is. It's the kind of cinematic game you enjoy on the couch anyways.
I've only played half-life, portal, etc on the 360 too.
Mutual freak out forges the bonds of teamwork that pull people through an otherwise impossible crisis. Like zombie attacks. There is a well-documented study on this. I should know since I thought it up all in my head.
You can have people who go overboard...but zombie movies have that too.If it were any other game I'd probably be saying otherwise.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
I actually do have a second 360 and a spare HDTV in my bedroom so I guess i could set up two. The second 360 has cd-drive problems but now the new dashboard lets you rip ISOs to the 360.
But then my girlfriend would probably complain that we're in two different rooms and not playing the game "together". Having a girlfriend that so adamantly wants to play a zombie shooter with you as quality time spent together is very bizarre.
I'll probably buy the game so that we can play together online when she's at home and I can get the whole screen to myself.
What i DO like about split screen L4D is that its side by side.. Gears of war 2 split screen sucks sooooo bad on a widescreen TV because its top and bottom. Your vision is so vertically narrow.
edit: oh and I forgot to say i don't use PCs anymore. With Bioware and Blizz supporting Mac, thats enough excuse for me to stop upgrading my PC. Between that and most of my friends own 360s, I don't really have a choice of which version to buy
and I forget my PS3 even plays games.
Last edited by Korova; 11-21-2008 at 12:42 PM.