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Thread: Guys!

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Quistis View Post
    *Currently busy watching Slam Dunk at*

    hai gais!!!!
    haha Slam Dunk is awesome. What episode are you on? =P

    Quote Originally Posted by Quistis View Post "Hai gais" is just a dumb version of "Hi guys" I dunno why I did that lol
    Cause you're a dork. haha

  2. #32
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I dated a girl who smoked cloves around this time last year, they were... interesting. They smelled worse than normal cigs, though. o.O;

    Been trying to quit for so long, but I lack the inspiration or the actual motivation. I mean, my girlfriend doesn't smoke, so when I'm around her a lot I'm motivated to quit, but when she's gone... bah. Living in a house full of smokers and trying to quit is a fsking pita.

  3. #33
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
    I know this is kinda random, but I like you guys better than the rest of the forums. (Shhh.)
    We love you too
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah
    Why the **** are my clove cigarettes banned in the US now?! For the children? I'll aim a friggin flame thrower at all of your precious children! How's that for smoking?!
    Let me just interrupt the flow of this conversation to say that I read "aim" as "A.I.M.," as in "AOL Instant Messenger," initially... I think I'm on the internet too much, haha.

    As for smoking... I've never smoked. No offense, but I don't see the appeal in it. Sometimes I drink. And then I wander around in the woods outside my house and fall on my ass. And then I'm hungover the next day when I have to go to work... For about the next month or so, I will not like drinking. And then I'll probably like it again. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #34
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I never much saw the appeal either until I started. The effect nicotine has on the brain is extremely calming, and the entire hand-to-mouth thing appeases me, and the breathing, etc etc.

    I also think I was sort of... raised to smoke. I remember having candy cigarettes as a kid, and I was raised around my mother, father, brother, sister, and all of their friends who smoked, all the time. In the house, in the car, etc etc.

    I hate how it's making my chest feel lately though, and how it's making me be short of breath. I've cut back by well over half of what I used to smoke, from a pack a day down to a pack every 2-3.

    Jus' sayin.

    Drinkin.... I haven't done much of that as of late. Haven't been feeling much up to it, since I've been broke due to unemployment and I lost contact with all my drinkin' buddies.

  5. #35
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    It is really hard to kick, isn't it? My Grandpa still smokes, and he's in his 80's and has had problems (he might just be being a stubborn old man, though.) I also know someone who always used to say she hated smoking... and now she smokes. So I don't doubt that there is a draw. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #36
    I quit smoking on Sunday, within 48 hours i had slipped. Its alot harder than the last time i quit, i dont think its gonna be possible to go cold turkey this time, atleast not in the job im in

  7. #37
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keisuke Takahashi View Post
    haha Slam Dunk is awesome. What episode are you on? =P
    Finished it! I was really sad to find out that they did not show up to the Nationals but the last match was a nice way to end it though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keisuke Takahashi View Post
    Cause you're a dork. haha
    No, Nix was right I got it from playing WoW...

    I guess that just proved your point huh?

    And uh, I dont remember the last time I got drunk anymore. I never smoked, don't plan to lol. Odd cos both my parents smoked.

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Quistis View Post
    Finished it! I was really sad to find out that they did not show up to the Nationals but the last match was a nice way to end it though.
    You should read the manga then. It's a lot better haha

  9. #39
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I want a new anime to watch. I'm way out of touch with Bleach, so far behind that even the US episodes are "new" to me. All I've been keeping up with lately are FMA: Brotherhood (Soooooo much better than the original) and Naruto: Shippuden. The later is finally getting to the good parts I've been anticipating, though my own curiosity got me a major spoiler from the manga. =( Though the last few back-story arcs confirmed things that I speculated from when the series first started. (Naruto's dad, how Kakashi got his sharingan, etc)

    I miss D.Gray man. I really wish they would've continued the anime, but every time I look up any information on why they ended it I see all sorts of different reasons, so I'm assuming it's all speculation.

    I like animes like Naruto, Bleach, D.Gray man, etc. Kinda fantasy-ish and fighting/getting stronger based. Like Dragonball Z, without all the mind numbing filler and 100+ episode story arcs.

  10. #40
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keisuke Takahashi View Post
    You should read the manga then. It's a lot better haha
    Hah! I intend to. I got this site bookmarked:

    Read Free Manga Online at One Manga. Online manga scans reader.

    Sean, have you seen Gungrave? It's got a great story it's mostly action and not a lot of comedy though. But that anime is in my top 5 (possibly top 2 next to Slam Dunk ) in my list.

  11. #41
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    *interjects* I watched Gungrave last year. It was pretty good, very dark. I was a little surprised at the beginning by how bloodthirsty and merciless some of the main characters are. It's a cool anime, though.

    Sean, have you seen Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann? Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  12. #42
    I got a free transparent Gungrave poster from Fanimecon this year (because i bought paranoia agent) but i have yet to watch it. Is it any good?

    P.s. I'm drunk at work at posting. Is that bad? I just shared a gallon and a half beer with a friend/coworker while eating "4-alarm" chicken wings at a place featured in the travel channel show "Man v. Food" ... it burned....

  13. #43
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Nah. Drinking on the job is the best idea ever, K That's awesome. I'll bet those "4-alarm" chickens did burn. I want some of those. Where do you work, again? How much longer did you have to work?

    Yeah, Gungrave is pretty sweet. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  14. #44
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    I did hear of someone who's allowed to drink in their job. They had like a fridge filled with beer and an x-box 360 on one corner.

    Gungrave's storyline kinda reminds me of Godfather cos it's about mafias. It's really great.

  15. #45
    I work for San Jose State Univeristy. haha. Some days are slow and others are busy. Yesterday was the slow variety. I probably shouldn't have been drinking but the issue is you HAD to drink something while eating those wings. Plus we were there to watch the first game of the baseball postseason. Beer, baseball, and wings all go together

    As an update you probably don't need: they burn just as hot the day after. They were delicious though. Not the hottest offered either. There is one more level higher, but I don't think I can do it.

    I'll have to check Gungrave out. I have a list of other stuff I need to watch too :'(

  16. #46
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I drank on the job, like falling-down drunk, for the last week a restaurant was open that I used to work at.

    Also wore shorts and a t-shirt to work every day, and didn't shave. The owner was pissed, all the cooks thought it was funny, and he didn't dare fire me for it because the rest of the cooking staff would've walked out.

  17. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    I like animes like Naruto, Bleach, D.Gray man, etc. Kinda fantasy-ish and fighting/getting stronger based. Like Dragonball Z, without all the mind numbing filler and 100+ episode story arcs.
    Flame of Recca is pretty good. Though with that series, the Anime is a lot better, as it actually finishes the entire story. Yu Yu Hakusho is another one though I'm sure you might have seen it. Then from the same people coems Hunter X Hunter, but I've never seen it, it's similar to Yu Yu Hakusho, and I've only been referred to it so I can't give you anything about it.

    Another "realistic" type of fightin anime that you could check out is Hajime No Ippo, The series is pretty good, basic shounen shit, kid gets bullied, joins a gym, becomes strong... lol I think it's good anyway.

    Quistis - One Manga is a great site. haha. You'll get caught and end up reading tons of Manga... lol don't stay on too long or you'll need magnifying glasses as your lenses for glasses haha

  18. #48
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    lol I haven't even got the chance to stat Slam Dunk Manga yet. To be specific, I found the beginning of the end of the series and I am gonna start from there:

    Slam Dunk 198 page 01 | One Manga

    I've seen the anime Flame of Recca and liked it as well. I don't think it ended, or did it? O_O I can't remember. I had a huge crush on the ice guy..Tokiya . Yanagi is kinda annoying though. I like Fuuko

  19. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Quistis View Post
    lol I haven't even got the chance to stat Slam Dunk Manga yet. To be specific, I found the beginning of the end of the series and I am gonna start from there:

    Slam Dunk 198 page 01 | One Manga

    I've seen the anime Flame of Recca and liked it as well. I don't think it ended, or did it? O_O I can't remember. I had a huge crush on the ice guy..Tokiya . Yanagi is kinda annoying though. I like Fuuko
    Lol noo start over haha =P Though not much changes, but it's still funnier, haha I think I read it twice so far... =P

    FoR didn't end in the Anime, i think they got to like a second Tournament and ended.

    Oh and another Anime Sean, I guess you could check out One Piece. It's pretty good imo. I started reading the manga when the Anime was getting weird fansubbing. Now I'm almost caught up to the anime but I've taken a break.. at one of the retarded points in the story.

  20. #50
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Linking me to that website was a baaaaaaad idea.

    I read like 100 chapters of Naruto in a single sitting. My eyes hurt. =(

  21. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    Linking me to that website was a baaaaaaad idea.

    I read like 100 chapters of Naruto in a single sitting. My eyes hurt. =(
    Lol yeah that site has that effect on people. I find myself doin that from time to time, but that's only when I let chapters build up... I dunno I really like reading manga chunks at a time rather than week to week, the same goes for watching Anime too.. *shrugs*

  22. #52
    Lady Succubus Guys! Victoria's Avatar
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  23. #53
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keisuke Takahashi View Post
    Lol yeah that site has that effect on people. I find myself doin that from time to time, but that's only when I let chapters build up... I dunno I really like reading manga chunks at a time rather than week to week, the same goes for watching Anime too.. *shrugs*
    Yeah, same here. I never feel like I got my "fill" so to speak. I just have a habit of letting that run for a month, or two, or in the case of Naruto's manga a few years. The anime was already past the point where I had last read the manga.

    Been reading D.Gray-man manga as well, all caught up. Seems the call to end the anime was a pretty good one, the story got rather pointless after the anime was cut and keeps stopping for months at a time.

    Also, holy shit it's SAM.

  24. #54
    What the hell are you people talking about??? I'm out of touch it seems, i'm done for!

    And yes SAM is back which is awesome, but hes no EBG..

  25. #55
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Beer smokes and hookers Nix.


  26. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    Also, holy shit it's SAM.
    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    And yes SAM is back which is awesome, but hes no EBG..
    Lol the thread said I was friends with him... no idea where that came from because I never really talked to him... lol

  27. #57
    I know, i just randomly said it

  28. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    I know, i just randomly said it

  29. #59
    Hanna Barbarian Guys! True Omega's Avatar
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    The place... with the thing.

    that's a little too obvious for you to say. Something so bluntly true is the purview of Captain Ovbious!
    This user is running Jason version T.0. and is subject to frequent freezeups, illegal operations, and dissapearing off the face of the planet at any time.

    And by all means, drama with bad taste.

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