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Thread: That Break of Spring

  1. #1
    Spoony Bard
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    That Break of Spring Incognitus's Avatar
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    That Break of Spring

    It's that time of the year again. My online time will probably decrease somewhat since I'll be in a bigger city with more friends to hang out with. Not to mention all the places I can go, like Best Buy and fancy restaraunts and malls. Those places do not exist here.

    I can live without the fancy restaraunts and the malls, but it's difficult to be a geek and a gamer without some major electronics / media chain in town. I'd even settle for a Circuit City.

  2. #2
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Haha, good ole St. Louis >_>;

    We should get together and play some random Gamecube games while your in town, Kaz. =P

  3. #3
    Hanna Barbarian That Break of Spring True Omega's Avatar
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    The place... with the thing.
    Deluded fools, little do you know that the groundhog has declared your break not spring-based!

    Enjoy your late-winter break, impertenent fools!
    This user is running Jason version T.0. and is subject to frequent freezeups, illegal operations, and dissapearing off the face of the planet at any time.

    And by all means, drama with bad taste.

  4. #4
    Spoony Bard
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    Quote Originally Posted by True Omega
    Deluded fools, little do you know that the groundhog has declared your break not spring-based!

    Enjoy your late-winter break, impertenent fools!
    In light of this fact, this thread will now be known as "That Break of Not-So Spring Due to That Meddling Rodent and His Stupid Shadow"

  5. #5
    BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU That Break of Spring Archis's Avatar
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    in your bed
    I wont' have a spring break for awhile. But I don't have school for the next few weeks. So I'm sort of on spring break, but i have to go to school for an hour a few times. So maybe this should be "That Almost-BReak of Not-So Spring Due to That Meddling Rodent and His Stupid Shadow". Sound good? Great.

    -runs and hides-

  6. #6
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Hmm... random game cube games. I want to play you guys at Smash Bros. Melee, or something. Even though I seem to be going downhill as to my level of skill in that game as of late. Maybe because I've played it a million times now, and I'm getting tired of it... We could play Star Fox Assault, too, but I dunno if I'd be as good in that.

    La la la. Spring Break is here, too. I got an A in Children's Lit (ENG 221) a B in Intro to Speech-or whatever the hell it's called-(SP 100) and an A in Improvisation (TA 146) although that last one was an easy A, basically. I think everyone who goes to class regularly gets an A...

    Huh. I got all A's last Term, and I was taking more credits last term, too... I'm getting lazy, probably. Or that really bad speech I gave really raped me over, grade-wise. *shrug*

    My friends and I are going to the coast on Wednesday. Damn (DAMN!) good times (TIMES!) -lyrics courtesy of TMBG. Or something. But anyways, it actually IS Spring here; there was quite a bit of sun for several days last week. However, about the time that I stopped going to school, the Spring Break rain clouds came rolling in-ON CUE. Anyways...

    *goes and looks for Archis*

  7. #7
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Spring break will be like any other day for me except is warmer than the last few months and that's good i guess *shrugs*
    Last edited by Quistis; 03-23-2005 at 10:15 PM.


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