Let's get this show on the road. Post funny pictures or pictures of things of interest and so on so forth. Just uh, if it's NSFW in any way, mark it please. And we should definitely refrain from porn...lol.
Let's start out with a new classic! The comments have pics too, so don't forget about those extra pages.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
I suppose...Best not to host pornography and such here though. :\ There's a limit and all that, haha. I guess we'll just have to see how far we can go. Let's just not get too ahead of ourselves. Don't want to anger the All-Seeing Eyes.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
I'm just saying if it's funny, go for it =P but that's me... *shrug* lol i'm not like saying bam whoo Naked Lady/Guy... lol
...take that as you will.I'm not saying I condone the posting of pornographic material, but hell, if it's done for the sake of humor or art or something... I guess as long as it doesn't have "pornographic intent" (if that even makes sense) then I don't really care. Like you said, everyone here's 18+ anyway.
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
But they don't always act like it.Originally Posted by LocoColt04
Hero façade. Villain at heart.
Heh. YAGH!! I have that techno song someone made on a CD. That guy's never gonna live that down. The Dean Machine.Originally Posted by Keisuke Takahashi
I'm 5 years old...Originally Posted by Heero
...and a habitual liar. Maybe.
I should've posted that other picture here. Oh well. And if we're posting ytmnd's... Also (nsfw).
Wuv, Yer Mom
What the heck did I just watch? Awesome, Quisty.Originally Posted by Quistis
Cats for all!
And now for something completely different.
These are eternal to me. SHUT UP.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
LOl, sadly, I've seen those before Youtube came out >.< haha.. aiy. yatta... lolz.
Though the Moskau I saw in an AMV. it was kinda funny.. lol then I saw the actual group, even weirder...
Cats are ugly >.>;
Yeah, I didn't even know of YouTube when I saw them. Sundance showed me Moskau a while back, and someone else showed me Yatta. Some of the greatest music videos ever. =P Sundance also sent me this other one...I think it had something to do with rockets and sprockets. Electronik Supersonik?
Somebody is going to get you for that.Originally Posted by Keisuke Takahashi
Last edited by SOLDIER #819; 04-02-2007 at 01:35 PM.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
lol er.. >.> hmm watching that video now.. lol
Well here's some sitcom humor >.> i suppose haha
Fresh Prince Woo haha this brings back some memories... xD It's still on too xD
Cats ARE ugly. Now kittens, they are precious.
But Pocket Monsters are the bestest of all.
LOL nice
Here's another one, lol it's Funny sibling love haha. My sister sent it to me saying how it reminded her of me and my brother... lol. >.>
Here Now it's not Funny, but I thought it was pretty crazy.
Also, Kevjumba I just stumbled upon one of his videos, and thought it was pretty funny, then I just clicked on his username and watched the rest of the videos he made. I thought he was pretty funny, in more of a sarcastic way.. iono.. you might think otherwise.. lolz
http://www.dailymotion.com/LittleKuriboh/1 - Yugioh! Abridged series. Watch it now, kthx. Please. It is very funny.
So very awesome.Originally Posted by Chickenballz
Evil Dragoon/Iced/etc. has presented us with an offering.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
...Ouch. Sucks to be him. Although I think the couch would have been washed. But eesh, that was a close call. I wouldn't have been traumatized, though. Spooked, maybe.
"Whew... almost masturbated to my parents. Creepy. -finds another flick-"
It begins! Hard Gay, HOOOO!
Hard Gay - Tomy Part 1
Hard Gay - Tomy Part 2
Hard Gay - Yahoo! Part 1
Hard Gay - Yahoo! Part 2
Hard Gay - The Television Part 1
Hard Gay - The Television Part 2
Hard Gay - Social Improvement 1
Hard Gay - Social Improvement 2
Hard Gay - Social Improvement 3 Part 1
Hard Gay - Social Improvement 3 Part 2
Hard Gay - Social Improvement 4
There are more. Keep looking! =P
Last edited by SOLDIER #819; 04-02-2007 at 04:33 PM.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
If you want YTMNDs, which I generally hate, you can't forget these:
http://cloudsuicide.ytmnd.com/ - lol Christ I just found this.
Yay for cuteness.
Speaking of bunnies... (I did not mention bunnies. Oh well.) I realize this is like three years old, but I don't care; I love this video. It's like my anthem, or something (should I be admitting that? Oh well.)
Also, Hello, Fred The Beard. And as long as I'm posting a million things off ABS... I didn't even realize an animutation had been done to this song. I like that song... Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Not a picture, but utter win.
this circulated a long time ago, but Sundance just linked me to it and so i thought i'd share:
I love it
I did my youtube surfing for the day and this one takes the cake...
lol that one is pretty crazy too.
I don't get this one... =T lol Japanese Game show ? *shrug* I think they're explaining the different excercises people do? From the basic Japanese I know... lol
Last edited by Keisuke Takahashi; 04-13-2007 at 02:41 AM.
That's some pretty crazy shiet.. lol. Same animator for both movies. It goes in order he made them, I believe.
Heh, i saw the first one already, it's on my facebook. =P The second one was pretty funny.