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Thread: Confusion about the tail

  1. #1
    Postingway Confusion about the tail Maciariello's Avatar
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    Confusion about the tail

    I'm looking for an explanation as to why Zidane has a tail. I've only just begun the game, so if it's explained later then I suppose I'm a bit premature in asking. The only explanation I have for it is the presence of other "demi-humans" located within the world and him being just another one of those demi-humans. In Dissidia, Ultimecia refers to him as "monkey boy" on one occasion, so I suppose he's half human and half monkey?

    Anyone care to give me a better explanation? I know FFIX is a throwback to older FF games, but I don't recall any main character having obvious animal appendages before in previous games.

    I briefly looked at the three pages of threads to see if there was a post about his tail, but I didn't see any so I apologize if there already is one.

  2. #2
    Crash Boom Bang Confusion about the tail Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    Zidanes heritage IS explained but it's much much later on and tbh, it will ruin the story to tell you. think of all the different races in IX, Zidane and his tail are no different really

  3. #3
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Yeah, what Lily said. Once you get into the game more, you'll find out about Zidane's past, but it's a pretty important part of the game so it's better to wait until you get to that bridge before you cross it.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  4. #4
    Zidane's tail is a very important part of his body. Not only does it help with balance while Zidane is climbing a tree or through a mountain range it also acts as a weapon. The tail is long and powerful and can knock a potential predator to the ground giving him enough time to escape an attack by running at his full speed of up to 75 miles an hour.

  5. #5
    Postingway Confusion about the tail Maciariello's Avatar
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    Oh okay. Thank you guys for the info

  6. #6
    Registered User Confusion about the tail WilsonDean1990's Avatar
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    I tried to play Final Fantasy IX like 3 times but each time i always get bored, was it the same for any of you

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  7. #7
    Postingway Confusion about the tail Maciariello's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WilsonDean1990 View Post
    I tried to play Final Fantasy IX like 3 times but each time i always get bored, was it the same for any of you
    Nope. I love it.

  8. #8
    Bringer Of Light! Confusion about the tail Messiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WilsonDean1990 View Post
    I tried to play Final Fantasy IX like 3 times but each time i always get bored, was it the same for any of you

    Well, personally it is one of my favourites. I thought it had an excellent story and the character design were superb!
    I can't see how you would get bored..
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  9. #9
    Warrior of Light Confusion about the tail OnionKnight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WilsonDean1990 View Post
    I tried to play Final Fantasy IX like 3 times but each time i always get bored, was it the same for any of you
    Nope, although this IS what I did with VIII, when I was much younger. I got to disc 3 then put it off for about 4 years. Recently completed it though (almost twice, after having a smart idea to play it on my ps3. Disc 4...yeah not funny Sony.) think it was the junction system that always bugged the hell out of me.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Maciariello View Post
    I'm looking for an explanation as to why Zidane has a tail. I've only just begun the game, so if it's explained later then I suppose I'm a bit premature in asking. The only explanation I have for it is the presence of other "demi-humans" located within the world and him being just another one of those demi-humans. In Dissidia, Ultimecia refers to him as "monkey boy" on one occasion, so I suppose he's half human and half monkey?

    Anyone care to give me a better explanation? I know FFIX is a throwback to older FF games, but I don't recall any main character having obvious animal appendages before in previous games.

    I briefly looked at the three pages of threads to see if there was a post about his tail, but I didn't see any so I apologize if there already is one.
    Yeah, best to wait and see the explanation for it later in the game. There's a whole fragment of the story that goes into detail about it, but it's not until close to the end.

    If you're playing, I don't want to spoil it.

    Quote Originally Posted by WilsonDean1990 View Post
    I tried to play Final Fantasy IX like 3 times but each time i always get bored, was it the same for any of you
    Well, I can see if you think the beginning is a little boring at the part where you look for Garnet and assemble the Pluto Nights. Your first mistake is playing it over three times and not getting far enough. If you keep re starting then yeah, the beginning will get boring. It's one of my favorite Final Fantasies so I played it over again many times, and the beginning is a little boring now. I'm not sure how far you've gotten, but get farther in the game and tell me it's still boring.

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  11. #11
    Easy solution to the beginning boring part: If you know you'll be starting a new file, keep a seperate file saved at the Forest in the beginning. It's far enough to start from, and it's soon enough to still be "in the beginning".

    Whenever I replay the whole game through, that is what I do. I simply load the seperate file, and progress from there.
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  12. #12
    Warrior of Light Confusion about the tail OnionKnight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruin View Post
    Easy solution to the beginning boring part: If you know you'll be starting a new file, keep a seperate file saved at the Forest in the beginning. It's far enough to start from, and it's soon enough to still be "in the beginning".

    Whenever I replay the whole game through, that is what I do. I simply load the seperate file, and progress from there.
    Simple yet effective!

  13. #13
    You can't say the game is boring if your just at the start. Try playing further in the game and you'll see why FF9 is loved.

  14. #14
    All is One.One is All. Confusion about the tail Firefly's Avatar
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    U start to learn about his tail in Early or Middle of Disc 3. And FF9 was one of my faves..just thought u should
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