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Thread: Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament)

  1. #1
    The Quiet One Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament)

    Well I have been wanting and trying to put together a tournament for the RP Forum for a while. I just have been a little stumped as how I would want it to be handle. I have finally managed to sort it out and come up with the Tournament of Heroes which has been approved by Loco. In the similar vein of Tournament of Arms, this will be a tournament for the RPers. Whether it is will be annual or semi-annual will be determined by the length of the tournament itself.

    I am currently looking to get feedback from everyone. I would like to know how many people are interested in the idea and would be willing to participate in the tournament. I have laid out the outline and rules of the tournament so you get an idea of how it will be handled. It will have a seperate forum like ToA does.

    So let me know what you think. If you have questions about it please ask, I will be happy to answer them.

    Tournament of Heroes

    Premise: A Roleplaying Tournament with an emphasis on single player performance within the confines of a group. Tasks are given out for each group to reach an end goal. Each task is considered a round and will connect together to create a larger scale plot that covers all of the tasks. The members of each group will be judged on their performance during the task and the victor advances.

    Tournament Rules
    • This is a tournament, but it is a roleplaying tournament so all roleplaying rules apply. I shall not repeat them, as the participant should be well aware of the rules.
    • The tournament is open to anyone to join; there are no requirements for entry.
    • Rounds of the tournament will be handled in groups ranging from 2-4 depending on number of players that sign up.
    • Each round every group will be given a quest and each group will receive a different quest. The group’s task is to complete the assigned quest together. Completion of the quest will end the round for that group and judging will be handled at the end of all quests.
    • A thorough and detailed character profile will be required, the information required will be provided at the bottom. This information will be necessary for the creation of the quests and how the overall plot will be molded.
    • Quests will be handled in the normal tournament bracket system, with some possible modifications to adjust to the size and number of the players. Since each tournament will be unique, full explanation of the bracket system will be explained for each tournament individually.
    • All characters created in the tournament will be bound from appearing in future tournament. This means you create a different character for each tournament, no one will be allowed to use a previous character from a tournament in an upcoming tournament.

    Explanation of the Quests

    The quests will be considered the rounds in this tournament. Completion of a quest brings the end of the round. The time required to complete the quest is undefined and will be allowed to continued until its end. If the times for completion become too long, a deadline to wrap up remaining quests will be announced. The quest themselves will be different and unique for each group. However, since this is a roleplay all of the quests will be connected through an over arcing plot that exists for the entire length of the tournament.

    At the end of the quests and before the start the new quests there will be a post made that will discuss the general state of world affairs as it affects the plot. There can be large-scale changes, such as political, civil wars, wars, peace, discover of ancient ruins. These changes will affect the new quests and will purposely be made to affect your characters as an add level of detail for the plot.

    The quests will grow more important and began to affect the world in larger ways as the rounds progress. The intention is to make the tournament feel like a roleplay as it progresses from the beginning to its eventual end with a showdown against whatever there is waiting. That said, the final quest would be the final showdown against whoever is at the end.

    Character Profiles

    I repeat, each character needs to be original and unique to the tournament. No characters from previous tournaments will be allowed. If you bring a character back from a previous tournament, before the tournament starts you will be required to create a new one or not be allowed to participate.

    Character profiles will not be requested until the tournament’s background and current state of affairs in the world has been announced.

    Height (Optional)
    Eye Color (Optional)
    Hair Color (Optional)
    Affiliation (This will be depended on the tournament’s plot)
    Weapons/Equipment (Variable on the time period)
    Background/History (Most important part, this provides yourself and others will the necessary information to know how to interact with your character. So be as detailed as you can. If they are necessary mysteries in the character due to plot points you wish to work with that is acceptable. This is a roleplay, so keep the direction of your character in mind.)
    Additional information that you wish to add is welcome. Depending on the tournament more might be added if it is required.

  2. #2
    HRH Albha Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Aerif's Avatar
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    Wow! Sounds intresting, I wouldn't mind having a chance in it. My RP isn't exactly dead but it's going slow at the moment and I need something else to work on...

  3. #3
    Registered User Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) HUNK's Avatar
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    Sounds cool!!
    If you do not mind i would like to join soon...That meaing whenever you decide to start i will be happy to be in the Tornement.

  4. #4
    The Lost Writer Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Psiko's Avatar
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    I'm totally in on this action, Andro! I've been needing something massive like this to get me going again! Two questions for you:

    1. When is this expected to begin?

    2. Can we choose our teams of 2-4 people, or will they be randomly assigned?

  5. #5
    I wouldn't mind joining this tornement. It sounds cool and i can't wait to see how the RP are planned out. Anyway i was just wondering about one thing.

    when do you want us to post are character profiles?
    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    Foolish Brother. If you want to kill me, then blame me. Hate me. And live on in shame. Run and run. Cling desperately to life.
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    I've been told to advertise this forum. So just hurry up and join since we need members.

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    PM me if you would like to join my evil family

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  6. #6
    Professional Klutz. Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Erm, I'd like to join to, If not to win just for the experiance it sounds extremely interesting.
    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  7. #7
    The Quiet One Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well it is good to see that I have some people interested. The thread will be staying around at the top for a while to let it all soak in. As I had said, this is to give me a feel for what sort of respond I get. Now to address the questions.

    Psiko: First question, the starting time for the tournament is undecided currently. I am going through the process of seeing the respond I get from the forum to plan accordingly. Also I need to work out the story, background and plot for the first tournament. I hopefully will make this first one as memoriable as possible and exciting.

    Second question, no like any other tournament you will be not allowed to pick who you go up against. This is not completely cooperative, it is mainly competitive. The groups will be randomized, though if there are sides or warring countries, I will be taking that into consideration as well.

    Zeke: As I said in the inital post, character profiles will not be request until the tournament's background, plot and the like has been sorted out. Because I will be treating this like any other RP in the fashion that I will be creating a world for you all to be participating in. As such, I will be making nations, kindgoms, races. I will provide you with enough foundation for you build from. Though creativity and independence to build on your own from what little you are given will be an important part of the tournament and whether you succeed or not.

    I do want to emphasis that the quests do not require you to be successful for you to complete them. Your characters could fail in their assignments if the odds are too overwhelming. Victory or failure does not matter, it is the how you get there that is important and the manner in which you do it.

  8. #8
    Magically Delicous Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Merlin's Avatar
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    The whole thing sounds rather vague and contradictory:

    • Quests: Each team will have its own quest based off their characters? This makes no sense and is more work than it is worth. For starters, simply creating quests based off of sets of randomly-picked characters would become tedious rather quickly. Not only that, it adds a huge factor of error to the equation of winning. One can easily claim that the quest that they recieved was harder or poorly formed in comparison to that of the quests of other teams. If it is not the same quest for each team it is inherently flawed and unfair. You might be trying to make it more 'friendly' for each team perhaps, but in the end the possibility of inequality will override any benefit you attempted to achieve. It will turn into a competion of alleged favorites.
    • Judging: One of the most obvious questions that is going to come up is how is this thing going to be judged? With each quest being different for each group, there is no set guideline on how it should be done. Is it based on post length, grammar, creativity(bias? ), originality(once again.. bias? ), etc?
    • The end: I know this whole thing is based off a RPB Tourney, but does the end need to be an RPB Tourney? I mean really.. from the sounds of it, this is nothing more than a RPB Tourney wrapped up nicely with a RP exterior. In the end, your characters still have to duke it out for supremecy, which is not the core belief instilled in this forum.

    I'm not trying to rain on your parade, I just think these things need to be cleared up. Although I find the idea noble, I'm not particularly keen on it being based upon the RPB Tourney frameset.
    Last edited by Merlin; 11-16-2006 at 08:13 PM.

  9. #9
    The Quiet One Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I was waiting for your response Merlin. And first things I will start off with is that this is not a battle between others in the direct sense that RPB are. The battle is of writing skill and roleplaying skill, you are working in a semi-competitive/cooperative manner. Sounds strange, but the idea is that you have two people or more working to an end goal. From those the winner is decide not from who won, but who was the better RPer.

    I was originally thinking about doing all the same quest, but I decided that if I had 8 groups of people all doing the same quest the only differences would be in how they achieved those goals. And while that is one part of it, it also tends to make people inclined to look over at their other groups. So I decide to eliminate that factor, everyone would have an unique quest.

    As I said, victory is not what is important in the quest, you seemed to have read over that fact. The winner is not determined by who got to the end and won, but who wrote better than the other. Even in the RPB Tournaments it is not about who got more hits in or who was just about to win. It was who wrote better, the better writer wins, not the combat victor. The same applies to the RP Tournament, it is just going to be using the RP standards of writing and not the RPB standards.

    Judging I omited from this thread since it was me testing the waters. I wanted to get the idea out there and the basics. When things get finalized, the judging part will be added. I will be milling it over with other people as well, so that the judging perimeters are as unbias and complete as possible.

    And yes it is based off the RPB Tournament TOA. The idea was to create something that easier to manage and simpler, that was more open and did not rely on a team. I love RPing, and it is a team effort that creates the RP as a whole. But lets face it, people are not always so prompt or relible. So I wanted to create something that did not penalize severely for the lack of someone. If someone does not show up for the round, well the other people gets a default. Their team is not dragged down by say "life" or absent mindedness or whatever the case is. I wanted to try to make something that was a little more singular focused to allow for individuals to stand out and not be pulled down but accidents or misfortunes. I liked the TRPT and RPJam ideas, but I wanted something that was a little more accessible to people.

    In some ways the tournament goes against the nature of what RPing is. It is not a competitive activity. It is a cooperative, everyone working together. So it is hard to figure out a way to a competitive RPing. The obvious way is teams. Aside from teams what does that leave you with? It leaves you a singular approach, which is obviously going look like a normal tournament, which is what ToA is. But it needs to be done with the RP flair. This my approach to what is a possible parellel to the ToA for RPers. That was my goal in mind, I am not going to deny it. I wanted a ToA for the RPers, it is simple as that. But it had to be done in a way that is suited towards RPs. So it is going to be a little wierd and strange, feeling that you are competing against and working together with your group because you know that one of you is going to move on and the other is not. The end in mind though is that you are working together to the end and the better writer wins. So you can still work together, but whoever writes their parts better is going to be the winner. It is simply judged Roleplaying when you get down to it.

    My belief is that there is nothing original anymore and it is only how we do things different that makes us unique from the next person. So saying that it is similar to ToA, yes we are. But that is also like saying that everyone other tournament is like ToA. ToA is in no means original, it is the basic tournament, its been done before. How they make themselves different is through different settings and that is it through writing as opposed to real physical contest. The RP Tournament is like ToA, but it is different from ToA in many ways. The execution is going to be vastly different, it will be treated like another RP, so it will have a world, history, background. It will feel like a RP and not a RPB.

  10. #10
    Magically Delicous Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Merlin's Avatar
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    I didn't overlook the point about 'completing the quest', it was simply irrelevant to what I was saying. The 'storyline' itself for each individual quest is inherently different from your description, which can lead to issues. If you recall the whole Pirate-Theme from my Tournament. The suggesters loved it while everyone else either refused to participate in the practice or struggled with it because it was not their style. That being said, if you create different quests that are different styles, it will cause problems and will technically not be fair.

    The burden of ensuring that all quests are of equal difficulty and style will fall flatly in your lap, unless you opt to have help in the future. It shouldn't be as big of a concern since everyone is in the same world, from what I take, but it could still raise issues. Its not on whether they win or not, but whether the 'writing difficulty' of a given style is of equal weight. Kind of hard to explain. Its easy to throw in a quote like 'the best writer wins and they should be able to handle any style' but really, that's a cop-out. One person could get easier to write quests the whole tourney while someone else get hard ones. Who wins? The one with the easy to write ones. Perhaps I overthink things, but think about the following... ^_^

    An example of various quests that would be of equal fairness and difficulty(generalized for simplicity sake):
    Q1: Team must make their way through a dense forest, obtain a hidden treasure and fight the monster protecting it.
    Q2: Team must traverse a desert and rescue a man who is being guarded by a monster.

    They are different, but inherently the overall style is similar.

    An example of various quests that are not of equal fairness and difficulty:
    Q1: Team must make their way through a dense forest, obtain a hidden treasure and fight the monster protecting it.
    Q2: Team must defend an outpost against an invading enemy regiment.

    They are completely unrelated and the overall style is different.

    But, I have a solution for this... create several quests for each tier of the tournament and allow the teams to pick which one they want to do. This way, if they suck at it, its their own damn fault.

    EDIT: You really don't have to worry about teams trying to 'cheat' off other people if you think about it... if they are plagiarizing other teams, its pretty easy to tell. That's where the 'originality' factor comes in. If you can't come up with your own ideas besides looking at another team's posts, it will be obvious.
    Last edited by Merlin; 11-16-2006 at 11:41 PM.

  11. #11
    Have your eyes been opened? Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Nehi's Avatar
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    I'd like to join this rp or tournament. Just tell me when we start.

  12. #12
    I'd love to join, but will there be fighting? Just a question. My strongest writing is action. So.... yeah.

  13. #13
    The Quiet One Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Andromeda's Avatar
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    There will no doubt be some sort of conflict that will result in the need for physical reasoning rather than simple talking. But it is up to each RPer to decide for themselves how their quests moves along. So if there is fighting there can be fighting. The way everyone goes about it, will be up to them. There is no right or wrong way to go about it, just your way.

  14. #14
    Professional Klutz. Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Erm, I have just read through what Merlin said, It made alot of sense as a collective thought, but he/she didnt take into account that we are creating our own character which may also effect out limitation and progress within the tournament itself, at least I think it does, a crappy character usually burns outof ideas.
    Cogito, ergo sum.
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  15. #15
    Registered User Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) HUNK's Avatar
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    I have read what you said about the warring contries and wanted to know this for sure.

    Are we making charecters baised on the contries and classes and racses?

  16. #16
    The Quiet One Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Andromeda's Avatar
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    The characters you make will be depended on what the story is that will be created for the tournament. It is never be the same, so sometimes it might be based on countries, other times there maybe something else. It will vary so I cannot specifically answer that question.

  17. #17
    Registered User Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) HUNK's Avatar
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    Alright thats cool but the way you put that made me want to ask something else.

    Is there going to be more than one of these tornuments? Or is that for people who progress?

  18. #18
    The Quiet One Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Andromeda's Avatar
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    There is only one tournament, but providing it is successful enough I am planning to continue the tournament on an annual or semi-annual basis like the ToA is. I do not know how long it will last the tournament itself yet, since a lot of that is going to be dependant on how many people are going to be partaking in the event.

  19. #19
    Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Auron's Blade's Avatar
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    Sounds very interesting and I will love to join. I will watch this thread and post my profile when it seems best.

    I would like to see this idea florish, it looks like a lot of fun.

  20. #20
    The Quiet One Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well it has been a while since I posted here. I had a lot of things on my plate, but I had not forgotten about it. The first week that it went without posts, I was more or less waiting to see if there are other interests. After that I began working on the story. I have that now finished and I have spoken with Loco.

    I have asked for him to setup the forum for this to begin in. So once that is handled I will post the back story for the tournament and I will begin accepting character profiles. When that happens, I will make another post here just to inform all of those on the subscription list here. I will also make an announcement in the RP and RP OoC Forums.

    I do not know how many total people I will get, since I am hoping that it will be more than those that posted here since it is rather small. So tell your friends and people you know about the tournament and try to get as many to join as possible.

    Even if you do not have a profile ready, please post when the forum is up in the sign up thread, so I can start gauging how many people are going to be participating in the tournament. The Tournament I figure will probably start up at the beginning of the year sometime. It will be dependant on the number of people and if they have their profiles up. Though I will not wait forever.

    I hope to see you there. I will be making a revised version of the initial post here for the forum, so be sure to ready it because there are some changes that I made. I do not want you to be surprised once you get into the tournament.

  21. #21
    Magically Delicous Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Merlin's Avatar
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    You should make a global announcement over it. There's bound to be quite a few people who don't check this forum who would be interested in it... people like myself, who gave up on RPing here long ago. This could spark their interest, if you got their attention in a method they would actually notice.. haha. Hell... mass PM every RPer in the forum. Spread the word!

  22. #22
    Totally 100% interested to the max! This idea is awesome. I agree with Merlin though. There needs to be advertising for this within the TFF community or at least the TFF-RP community. I hadn't seen this till today (Christmas).

  23. #23
    The Quiet One Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well the forums is up now and you can start posting the character profiles up in the forum. There is a thread that will be for the profiles to be placed in. I'll resume the posting of new information there in the forum.
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  24. #24
    Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Myo's Avatar
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    Well i'm game for this whole tournament. Sounds like fun and more fun. So if u don't mind i'd like to join as well.
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  25. #25
    The Quiet One Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Andromeda's Avatar
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    There is a forum set up for it now, so you can go there and sign up for the tournament. I still need plenty more participates, so I don't know how that will be going.

    This is the link that will send you to the forum where all of the information is right now along with all of the threads that you'll need.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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  26. #26
    Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Myo's Avatar
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    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)
    Name: Miyo Aeriti
    Age: 26
    Gender: 26
    Height: 5'11
    Eye Color: green
    Hair Color: Grey
    Affiliation: (Dunno what this means?)
    Appearance: Wears black clothes (is all he wears, black)
    Weapons/Equipment: Long sword and short sword with a pistol and wears a hooded black cape
    Background/History: Lost his family after birth and was raised by a pair old people and trained by their son the blacksmith to fight with swords and aim guns and fire them. He left them at 19 and travelled around to test out his skills and show his family what he learned. After years pass he hears of a torunament taking place and this is where he pushes is limits to the maximum.

    There will be more later on as the tournament takes on its roots so for now this all you need to know.
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

    <img src="">

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  27. #27
    The Quiet One Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Did you read the threads in the forum that I linked you? There is a profile thread, is has the story line and everything.

    Character Profiles

    There is also the quest thread that explains the quest and the new updates that I made to it.

    Quest Details

    There is also the rules thread, which has everything except the story all in one place. There is also the thread for the story line if you have questions relating to it.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  28. #28
    Fox Tournament of Heroes (A RP Tournament) fivetail_uzimaki's Avatar
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    i have a question. do we use the name we use as users here or can we create another character?


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