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Thread: The Numbers

  1. #91
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Ok, I posted. The post didn't make the plot move forward, but it sheds some light into a bunch of subjects that had been paramount to the plot (well, rather, little light since there are still many things the characters don't know). Truth be told, I'm waiting for some people to post, after that I assure you I'll give you all material to advance with the plot any way you see fit.
    Last edited by Fehrant; 11-22-2008 at 10:48 AM.

  2. #92
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Sorry I haven't been on in two days my internet was out so I was currently dead inside because of that. But I loved reading everyones responses and im just about to put up my own post too. And I agree Fehrant there are so many different lingo's being thrown out and yeah I planned my lovely lady to be french. I took it for two years so I love get the chance to have my character spit out those foreign words. I'll post translations at the end though.

    Kay so I finished my post, horray!
    Oh and here is the translations.

    Descendez-moi: Get off me

    Aide-moi quelqu'un: Someone Help Me
    Last edited by Lady Rika; 11-23-2008 at 01:44 AM.

  3. #93
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Ok, some important notes about the RP, and the last post (

    First off, today was the deadline. While I know not everyone explicitly made it out of the building like I requested, don't worry. If you posted after I set the objective, I'm content. There are only two people who are hereby out of the RP: Rocky and Violet. My reasons for this are very simple: I set out a deadline, and I don't think I'm asking too much by telling anyone of you to make at least one single post in an entire week. Yeah, we all have lives, jobs, studies, friends, lovers, and whatnot, but the RP requires just a little bit of your time. If it were up to me and my impatient self, I would love to see everyone post almost every day, but I'm not that selfish. Even though we all come here to have fun, in order for this "game" to work, it needs a little compromise. That's all I ask.

    Now, some of you might be wondering, and some of you might not, but Ecnasaeflam hasn't posted either. However, I got word he's on vacation, and pretty much like Xeim, he's excused. Hyzenthlay will take a temporal leave due to health-related issues, but she'll be returning soon, I believe. I encourage anyone not able to post to please let me know. I'm sure you have more important things than some random guy on the Internet nagging you to post in his RP, but hey, it takes little effort to let me know, and little time too. Be nice and make a Fehrant happy.

    Anyway, now onto the actual plot matters. The building collapsed. I know some of you didn't explicitly make it out; don't worry. In your next post just backtrack on the timeline a bit, and explain how you get out, then move on.

    Now, I want to allow as much freedom as the plot possibly can. That's not to say you can ignore the basic needs of a person: food, water, and sleep. You are a human with powers, so you gotta deal with both sides of the coin. That aside, which road you want to take? Up to you. If you want to take a road and I don't explicitly state it, go right ahead. I'll make something as I go.

    For now, though, let's get into the details of the area we're all in.

    The state of texas (and possibly more, but, you won't know until the plot goes there), and more specifically, the nearby area we're in, has the following threats:

    - Raiders. Raiders are in most cases humans that simply pillage and ravage whatever they can see. They are usually hostile, and might kill on sight in the best case scenario; in the worst, they are bored and might want to torture people just for the kicks. They are scattered gangs, and not a single united group, as they will even fight amongst them. Their armament isn't very sophisticated: from metal pipes to knives, and also some firearms, rifles, but nothing too fancy you wouldn't find in a city. Beware, some gangs of raiders do have people with powers.

    - Hellfiends: for reasons unknown, the place is plagued with beings resembling nothing short of creatures spawned from hell. There's lot of diversity, and while the most common ones are hellhounds, some people claimed to have encountered towering demons and other sort of nastier creatures (though the area currently doesn't appear to have these latter types).

    - People with powers: while they could be considered raiders, there are those with powers out there who like to take control of certain areas (some actually successful ones at this) becoming "lords" of a particular town, or those with power who simply like to break havoc. Far more dangerous than raiders in most cases, and sometimes far more organized.

    Those are the most visible, immediate threats. The zombies for some reason are gone. Don't write about them in your posts.

    That'll be all.
    Last edited by Fehrant; 11-24-2008 at 07:01 PM.

  4. #94
    It's all just a joke The Numbers Acheron's Avatar
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    My post was written before yours but ended up getting posted afterwards. Therefore, ignore most of it, I'm going to work on editing it right now so it makes sense with what you've described.

  5. #95
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    No problem, then. Nothing actually happened except the building collapsed. The rest was just an introductory post to the setting.

  6. #96
    It's all just a joke The Numbers Acheron's Avatar
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    It's been revised, actually didn't take as much as I thought it would.

    Also, the post is written with the assumption that all of us are in the same area or at least close to each other.

  7. #97
    Lady Succubus The Numbers Victoria's Avatar
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    I've just read your post, and you say you wrote it like that, yet....when I read it.
    ...Why do you act as if you're in the RP by yourself? >_>;
    You interact with no one. You see/speak with no one. No one is mentioned at all.

  8. #98
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    To avoid any potential issues, we'll say Acheron got there before anyone else did. It does make sense when you think he didn't have to take the stairs.

  9. #99
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the info Fehrant! I can feel a big bunch of ideas running around in my head. And you know what I actuallt agree with what your doing with deadlines. Yeah you want it to be fun and all but this is a story between all of us. It needs all of us to keep it alive. So im off to read your post alright. ^^

  10. #100
    Lady Succubus The Numbers Victoria's Avatar
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    Ah.. yes. Elevator does equal faster arrival. And plus Omni and I had to fight loads of zombies. Which delays time even longer. =D

    Makes sense. I take back my statements. ^_^

  11. #101
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I was waiting for Hyzen to post and move my character on with the group but I'll step in and do that myself.

  12. #102
    Lady Succubus The Numbers Victoria's Avatar
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    Uh... why wait for her to control her character for you? >_>;
    It's your character.. you do the work. XD
    Silly lowlf. And besides.. controlling someone else's character without consent is god modding. =D

  13. #103
    It's all just a joke The Numbers Acheron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    Ah.. yes. Elevator does equal faster arrival. And plus Omni and I had to fight loads of zombies. Which delays time even longer. =D

    Makes sense. I take back my statements. ^_^

    It was either include nobody, or take the liberty of assuming how everyone else got out and how they wanted to do so. Believe me, I'm not trying to RP solo here; I'd love nothing more than to interact with everyone, it just usually goes that I'm the odd man out in the RP.

  14. #104
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Yeah well im all alone right now too, I need to interact with someone *Hints at Sheena* because I know that will help my character develop more.

  15. #105
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    Uh... why wait for her to control her character for you? >_>;
    It's your character.. you do the work. XD
    Silly lowlf. And besides.. controlling someone else's character without consent is god modding. =D
    We both have discussed all of this through PMs. Mainly for what the situation was at that moment we both have control over each person's characters to move the story along (for dialog, a battle, etc) My post ended where Hyzen's post ended. Since Hyzen was next, control on my characters for getting out.

    I will make my post later in the day. All afternoon and early evening I am busy with work and school.

  16. #106
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The Numbers T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Good grief, I barely recalled how much I could write in one hour. I also recall how terrible it was to write those posts in another person's computer, but well...this time that's not the matter.

    I decided my last two posts would be made without interference from others. The building was divided into two areas, so I spent an arbitrary amount of time between the fight, the climb, and the remembrance enough to escape in time, but separate from the group. That way, you don't have to interact with my character unless you want to, and also seeks to prevent interfering with other posters' posts. The elevator pathway I chose is also arbitrarily chosen as a different pathway from the rest, to prevent messing up with interaction.

    Most importantly, I'm hereby stating I'm definitely going in the city. It's implied that the city is the next destination, of course; going another path isn't well recommended at the moment, and ruins the fun of the game. What I also want to state is the purpose: depending on how structurally sound the city is and how the pathways of his memory go, and also how many people may be hiding and/or living in the city, I may lead my character to a sort of "takeover". It's been interesting to provide my character with a diverging set of memories in his life, and the looming hint that some of those memories may be implanted: keeping the development of the character as ambiguous as possible, mutable upon interaction and further development.

    It's going to be interesting if the former memories of the gang leader, or what seems to be the following memory, will remain. What's for sure is, with all of his memories and what happens, Federals may cry.

  17. #107
    Professional Klutz. The Numbers Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    I'm back. I've posted and XVIII's latin is roughly translated as:

    "This darkness. This darkness clouds my light and gives pain."

    "This pain. So much pain. Sixteen. Save me... Make me safe."


  18. #108
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Ok, I posted, explained how my character got out. This post however was more as a player, rather than the creator. After more people post, I'll continue, but you don't have to wait for my character to enter the city. I have already describe the threats, and if you have any other doubts, ask me.

  19. #109
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    I have a question...I know we are in Texas but where at? Houston? Dallas? I need to know so I know how to describe things. The world outside is normal isn't it? I don't expect it to be all destroyed but I figured asking would be good so I don't sound stupid.
    Hopefully you don't think I do.

  20. #110
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    The nearby world (let's say, the state of Texas) looks to be like its former self but post-apocalyptic. While there are no signs of nuclear explosion (and no toxic radiation to deal with), the place looks as if there had been one. The places are generally desolated with little population (if there are any "innocent" civilians, they would be hiding). There are cars but for some reason you don't see them being used (perhaps they would stand out too much? Fuel's not a commodity anymore?). There's little electricity, and only in some places with fuel generated machines. Every useful store (pharmacy, supermarket, minimarkets) has probably been ransacked by raiders. The world "far away" (other states) you don't know. But hey, your character is always welcome to explore the "map".

    As to the specific location... sorry, I must admit I don't know much about Texas to really tell. In my head, it's like New York City but smaller, and with less skyscrapers.

    I hope this helps. If not, let me know. I don't mind questions at all.

  21. #111
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Oh, also, I would like to let everyone know that if you're tired of using a number to refer to your character, you can remember your name, or even have your character come up with a fake name.

  22. #112
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    I think we should just make the city we all are in Houston. I just think it would be easier if we all could look at a picture and form it in our own minds to look desolate.

    Here is a little bit about Houston but if your not fond of it then I really think you should pick one out. So we could go across landmarks and possibly someone know what that was. For example if we passed the freedom tower then we would know we were in New York. I just think it would help people in writing and getting a feel for everything...sorry I dunno if what im saying is in the wrong or rude but this is just my comments. What I think would make things easier.

  23. #113
    Morning Always Comes The Numbers Xeim's Avatar
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    Well, I have internet access again. I'm sorry I'm back later than I expected, but I ran into some issues. ^^; In fact, things aren't fully resolved yet, but I will be able to float around TFF. To scratch the surface of what's happening, I am currently using dial up. =D I've just skimmed through the OOC, but I have yet to read through the RP.

    Please don't expect a post from me soon. It'll take me a while to get through the RP posts and get a good enough grasp of the situation to make another post. I won't be neglecting this or anything. Just consider me...halfway back. I wouldn't have even posted here, but I didn't want you to think I was just logging in and choosing to ignore the RP.

    In short, I have a very slow and fragile internet connection right now, and I have no idea how long it will be until I'm caught up or even how often I'll be on. I'll be trying though.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

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  24. #114
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Welcome back, Xeim, and thanks again for keeping me updated. Don't worry, I was already told the nature of your "circumstances" so it's understandable. I made a short summary of the plot in the first OOC post. Check it out.

    Rika, seems like a good idea. I wouldn't mind, but then again if we do really follow a US map exactly like it this, it would be restricting and it might turn out difficult to reach certain points. But, looking at pictures of Houston seems like a good idea, once I come back from work I will see what I can do.

  25. #115
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Horray Xeim is back!

    Alright then, well I understand your point to Fehrant, so im sorry I'll just drop it all together but the ideas of what the city looks like (Houston) will be help for when my charrie walks around the city. Alright then, well good luck on posting Xeim. Have fun reading too! XD

  26. #116
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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  27. #117
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    I see, well this helps a whole lot thankies a bunch.

  28. #118
    It's all just a joke The Numbers Acheron's Avatar
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    Yay, looks like I'm isolated again, nothing like RPing with myself.

    I'll be making a post later tonight, not like it's going to matter though.

  29. #119
    Lady Succubus The Numbers Victoria's Avatar
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    You're not exactly isolated, dude. I assume you're still with the group at the facility place. We haven't exactly all left you there. We're still there.

    Though essentially you kind of do this to yourself subconsciously. Try taking some initiative to interact with someone. Maybe that will help. You can always walk up to us, you know. Even Rocco said "Hey, who's coming with me?"

    That's your chance to respond.

  30. #120
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Or you can always, you know, talk to the most awesome character in the party.

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