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Thread: The Numbers

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post
    Fehrant already placed a list detailing the numbers and their powers, so I'll just do him a favor and write the rest so that no one else gets confused. He'll be able to update this out later, but for the moment:

    VI (Violet)
    VIII (8) (Xeim)
    X (Rocky)
    XI (Omnitense)
    XIII (Me)
    VII (Ecnasaeflam)

  2. #32
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The Numbers T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Don't think I forgot you, Ecnasaeflam. I just added those who weren't on the original list placed at the very beginning of the OOC thread. You're on that list, so I decided to skip you and go with those who I hadn't added.

    Which reminds me...I'll place XIV on Sheena. Hey, XIV has had good luck over here ^_^
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    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
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  3. #33
    Nah , I didn't. was just completing the list!

  4. #34
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Thank you very much for finishing the list, Oskar. Sorry again, everyone. At the moment of creating the RP, I didn't thought of any other way to better refer characters that had lost their memory. Because the loss of memory does have a purpose in the plot (no, it doesn't have to do with being able to create simple RPing profiles, sorry to say) I refrained from changing the system. Later, however, you might recall your name, if you so prefer, but your character obviously has to let other characters know, and it's within those characters' freedom to call you as they please.

    Right now the only slip-up should be Rika, who took the number two. Rika, would you please change your post and take instead Number XII?

    I updated the list with all the players and the four "friendly" NPCs that are part of the party. Right now I'm going to begin writing the next post (and catching up with what's been writing so far) to move from this starting point and give you guys more freedom to write about. Already talked to Sheena, so that's covered.

    If any you has plans for your characters, questions, suggestions or whatever, don't hesitate to ask me, or send me a PM.

  5. #35
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Okay I went and fixed up my post, I honestly didn't mean to make that slip up. Oh and I did want to say something about my power, when it comes to show itself a little more please don't make fun of it! I know it said animal transformation but its only going to be into one animal in particular...I won't say what it is but yeah...don't hate! XD

  6. #36
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The Numbers T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    I felt I had to explain this very quickly, but this makes my character a bit more interesting. I figured this out pretty swiftly, and it's not groundbreaking but mostly something to flesh out the character:

    1) Considering his body has to compensate for the ability to manipulate AND generate electricity, his neural connectors are altered to allow faster connection between themselves. Thus, it allows for faster reflexes as his nerves now react faster than usual. This allows for swifter movements, but NOT for more flexible movements.

    2) The altered neurology also causes him to be more susceptible to pain. Hence, why he felt it in his head and all of the way instead of merely in his shoulders

    3) I'm focusing a bit on his stiffness, I know. I was thinking he had to be sedated before he got caught or whatever happened to him, so I'm roleplaying the reaction to that strong sedative. I figure it must be a muscle sedative, which explains his stiffness and his resistance to muscular pain: it also explains a bit the act of sleight of hand of my character. It's an impulse reaction, and not a dexterity reaction: it just happened to succeed this time. It's like if a bow was strung and the arrow used that strength to move: that kind of reaction.

    I feel Fehrant (and by definition, everyone) deserves to know about this a bit better so that more effective conclusions can be taken. I also expect that this serves as a way to establish a sort of communication and also a sort of update on necessary abilities. I mean, it's pretty nice to see how Five pretty much handled all those zombies on her own, but just in case it seems a bit awkward to someone, I felt these kinds of updates could be done to explain possible misinterpretations on the posts.

    Um...happy posting?

  7. #37
    Au revoir. The Numbers Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    Whee. I'm here guys, stop worrying! =P Nah, I kid. I'd like to join, pliss.

    Gender: Male

    Age: 17

    Appearance: Short, spiked, light brown hair, green eyes, medium build, skin tone between pale and lightly tanned, 5’11” tall. His teeth are dazzling white, and while his face is beautiful to look upon, it is a cruel beauty which shocks many people the first time they lay eyes on him, and indeed, many times afterwards.

    Ability: Organic cell control. What this entails is the ability to release hormones and body chemicals at will to achieve an end. For example, releasing adrenaline or a hormone to instruct repair at a body site which is damaged. A side effect of this power is also altered chemistry which allows his body to recover from being knocked unconscious more quickly, shut off nerves in a small area (Nothing huge. A limb at the most) and cells can divide more rapidly, but without the whole cancer thing. Also, he is able to apply this power to others in a much weaker form, but he must be touching them.

    I'd like to be number MMMDCCCLXXXVIII, but if I can't have that, number IV.
    Actually, I've been granted XV. Which is a cool number.
    Last edited by Doc Rocco; 11-15-2008 at 06:11 AM. Reason: New powah and numbah

  8. #38
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Rocco, you're approved, however the "bones replaced with titanium" bit it's going to have to be left aside. Your power already involves a better than normal skeleton, so you'll be able to achieve the same effect, metal skeleton or not. Unless I'm somehow misunderstanding your power, in which case please feel free to correct me. Also, about the numbers, there are currently 14 members in the party, so you get XV (15).

    Oskar, clarification is always good. You don't want to end up making a number system that confuses everyone, for instance. Anyway, right now I have very little time, and I can't read your post as much as I'd like to, but allow me to clarify on some points you mentioned.

    I was thinking he had to be sedated before he got caught or whatever happened to him, so I'm roleplaying the reaction to that strong sedative.

    Very accurate guess. You were indeed sedated, place in some sort of capsule that caused you to be in constant sleep, and somewhere along the line, your memories (and everyone's) were tampered with. This is no side effect of having powers.

    I mean, it's pretty nice to see how Five pretty much handled all those zombies on her own

    Allow me to say first, that V, my character, handled only a handful of zombies compared to the sheer amount that kept flooding in. V's power is described as "detailed sense of surroundings" but what this basically means is that she can see everything (within a certain radius, of course) at the same time. She sees your back and the sole of your shoes at the same time, and she doesn't have to face you to see it. This allows her to know exactly to know when someone's going to attack, from where, how, etc. Of course, a bum with this power wouldn't be able to benefit from it, but as you can probably guess by now, V knows martial arts. Imagine having trained in martial arts with this kind of handy benefit, and you'll probably see that what V is doing isn't completely far-fetched.

  9. #39
    Au revoir. The Numbers Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    Erm, the metal replacement is what MAKES the skeletal system improved. That's the augmentation for the skeletal part of the musculo-skeletal system. So I kind of need the metal endoskeleton.

    And XV is okays, I'll edit that in now.

  10. #40
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    I understand. However, if your power involved making your body tougher (better muscles -> better reflexes, better skeleton -> get tougher) you'd achieve the same effect without having this "bad scientists coated my skeleton with titanium" theme behind it. Your skeleton can get as tough as titanium, and still be bone, if you so wish. I just don't want players to get "extra" bonuses that don't involve their powers, like cyborg eyes, a machine-gun arm, etc. I'd rather have everyone use their powers to their full extent in whichever ways they can.

  11. #41
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Read your post, Oskar. Nice! As I was writing the "no batteries" bit I immediately thought of your power, but I didn't think your character was going to bother with it. Experience points for helping unravel a plot point (??).

  12. #42
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    I have some questions and possible creative imput if you wish to hear it. I don't understand why you want Xeim and Rocco's powers to change so much I thought they were well thought out and true they came with some extra things and a bonus or two but it shouldn't matter. Trying not to be cliche is hard.
    None of the powers are perfect but help the character in their own way.

    And I wanted to know if you have anything planned for the future? I thought it would be interesting if maybe something happened to the scientist or if we all got serperated. I know its just the beginning but things are awful scrambled and im sure im not the only one who is confused. Im not saying for everyone to go off on their own but getting lost for a while can help develop our character instead of everyone just bursting out powers randomly.

    These are obviously just my opinions but I did want them to be said, I hope I am not coming off as rude because that is the farthest from my intentions. But we just seem to be a large group of confused people standing and running around waiting for something to happen. I feel that we are almost ignored in a way that im sure isn't intension. I'll end this now as I said I hope you don't feel attacked. Just something I thought I should point out.

  13. #43
    Finally Back! :D The Numbers Benjisan's Avatar
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    Hey guys, i'm just wondering, is it too late to join?

    If not, i would like to join please

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Appearance: 6 feet tall, short blue hair, green eyes, tan skin, slightly toned arm and leg muscles, single scar running diagonally down forehead and bridge of nose, to left cheek

    Ability: Ghost power, specifically what i mean is that i can alter my body to become "transparent" so to speak, resulting in me being able to walk through walls etc. Currently at the moment i am still experimenting with my power, as i am still coming to terms with it
    Last edited by Benjisan; 11-15-2008 at 07:25 PM.
    Because balding old men with ninja swords are so in right now

  14. #44
    Morning Always Comes The Numbers Xeim's Avatar
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    Well, my character can walk through walls as well, but the way she does it is different, so I don't know if Fehrant will care. Thought I'd throw that out though. ^^;

    I'm not in disagreement with Rika. My original power set did indeed follow a logical thought pattern, I just didn't feel it would be worth fighting over them so I backed off. ^^; It is sort of strange how we are being dragged around and more or less ignored at the same time, but aside from getting us split up into smaller groups and letting us do our own thing, there's not a lot to be done about that. I'll be curious to see what happens.

    Now, I'm not going to be able to get a post out for the next week. I won't have internet access until sometime next Sunday (not tomorrow). I'll try to catch up as quickly as possible when I get back, and I'll figure out some way to stick my character cleanly into whatever situation we're in by that time. Just thought I'd give the heads up so you don't randomly kill her off while I'm away. I doubt I'll be able to get any sort of post in tonight, so my next post won't be for a while. Sorry to have this happen so soon after the RP begins.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

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  15. #45
    Finally Back! :D The Numbers Benjisan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xeim View Post
    Well, my character can walk through walls as well, but the way she does it is different, so I don't know if Fehrant will care. Thought I'd throw that out though. ^^;
    Sorry Xeim, i didn't realise that our abilities were that similar. I was thinking of making it more phantom like, kinda like DL off Heroes if you watch that show.
    Because balding old men with ninja swords are so in right now

  16. #46
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Xeim, thanks for letting me know. This is something so simple to do, but so little people do it. Anyone who can't post for a while (assuming you'll return), let me know also. I will take control of your character if necessary, but I'll try to avoid it if possible.

    MC Benny, sorry, but right now, we have about... 15 players (and all of them supposedly active). It's already becoming confusing for some, and it's already too difficult for me to keep everyone happy. I apologize, but I will have to decline your application.

    Rika (and Xeim), thanks for the input. I'll try to answer all your questions, Rika. Where do I start?

    First, I talked a lot through PM with Rocco, and we settled for a deal. Don't worry, he'll be joining and he's content. The reason why I declined his abilities right off the bat it's because aside from his power (which I have no issues with) he wanted a metal skeleton. I thought this gave him an unfair advantage that other players didn't have. I don't like limiting his creativity, I assure you, but, as the creator, I want all players to be more or less in equal terms. As far as Xeim's powers go, I wanted her to change them because she had two powers, and I felt one had no direct relationship for another. Like take for instance a character that can manipulate water, it wouldn't make sense for that character to be able to play with gravity. Again, I don't like limiting other players' creativity, but at the same time I have to set certain limits. I'm not happy about it, but that's the way it is.

    To answer your second question, yes, I have plans for the future. As you probably noticed, the scientist briefly mentioned you are underground and outside (the world) there's a war going on. I am not disclosing much on purpose. I will unravel bits and pieces of what's going on with the world and with your characters. This is intentional. Of course, that's not to say everything's set into stone. If you guys aim for a particular direction, the RP will adapt accordingly.

    Also, I do have plans for the scientist, but hey, it's barely the second round of posts for everyone except me so... all things in due time.

    We are too many players indeed, and sorry if it gets confusing. Like Xeim pretty much noticed, I am "dragging" all of you to a particular direction, but that's not to say you got to follow. I notice I will probably have to split the party sooner or later because of their big numbers, but this doesn't stop from having your character freak out/get angry/whatever, and go about a different way. Then again, what can you expect from a character who even doesn't know who he is?

    Last, I would like to be 100% honest with you. We all know how inactive the forum is. When I created this RP, I had coordinated through PM with two people (Acheron and Ecnasaeflam) and decided we three were going to keep it going because all of us wanted to RP but there were no RPs at all. But somehow I got very lucky, and got many people joining; and not just "people", great RPers overall. Truth be told, I don't like running RPs, and I don't think I'm good at it. I think I'm better as a player, but I wanted to RP badly, so I "manned up" and created a RP with a player expectancy of two people.

    Thanks a lot for the input. I really want the RP to be fun for everyone. So, don't mind voicing your opinions.

  17. #47
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The Numbers T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Just a minor pointing out:

    In theory, a person that manipulates gravity can manipulate water. The effect of the gravitational pull of the Moon causes the effect of tides, along with other effects upon the world. If a person that manipulates gravity manages to gain enough control of its powers, it MAY gain the ability to manipulate water.

    What's true about this is that, while it can manipulate water with the use of gravity, the amount of control over that manipulation will be very, very, VERY far off. Someone who uses its gravitational powers to manipulate water will not have the same skill and "dexterity" to execute precise functions with water, limiting itself to the wide-manipulation aspects of water (attraction, movement for example)

    Perhaps the analogy should be a different one: instead of "water and gravity", perhaps speak of a "super-strong character suddenly using energy manipulation" (it's a biologically enhanced person suddenly developing a power that requires a different set of biological enhancements, so to speak) If you think the earlier analogy, it isn't truly wrong (since the idea of using water to manipulate gravity is indeed wrong), but only if it's strictly perceived as such (inverting the example in this case is possible, as I exposed before)

    The point is: some powers lead eventually to expanding into a slightly different set of powers. Electricity and magnetism eventually and undeniably lead into each other, for example. However, which powers lead to which requires some careful thought, and becoming capable of acquiring such powers requires a very careful manipulation of the primary set. In simpler words: just because I can manipulate magnetism with the power of electricity doesn't mean I will simply enough. First comes the discovery ("hey, if I do this and that...?"), then comes the refinement ("alright, I know I can do this, but I need to see if I can...") before acquiring the depth of control of someone who holds such innate power.

    Also, while it's a bit unfortunate the RP grew to such levels, here's a bit of clarification Benny: DL's powers weren't "phantom" powers but rather "phasing" powers. Incorporeal beings (such as ghosts) are capable of phasing through objects. Just clarifying the name of the power, although what you seemed to attempt was giving it flavor.

    Finally: we'll see if fragmenting the groups into smaller ones work. 11 people and 15 Numbers is a pretty large group, and considering the wide array of powers, the action will eventually get confusing. Considering the number of RPers (11 plus 4 NPCs) and the best size to work with (typically groups of 3-5 people work better), the resulting groups will be around 3 to 5. This will make the RP a bit more manageable, although considering the nature of the story it is also important to allow contact within the groups (important to consider that each group is expected to support the others) I dunno if everyone will agree to this point, but I also agree with the idea of splintering the massive group into smaller ones.

  18. #48
    Au revoir. The Numbers Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    Splitting sounds good. In fact, I think it's the best option. Having eleven people in one group sounds a little... complicated? I dunno. But three groups of four and one of three sounds good with current numbers. I think we should wait a little longer though and split once we see a shadow of former personalities. That way we can group similar personalities to form bonds or set up conflict within a group.

  19. #49
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Well, yeah, maybe water and gravity wasn't the best example, but a character that controls gravity, cannot create water, for instance. You get the point.

    And yes, I was already thinking of splitting everyone up. Then again, I can only do that if the plot moves forward. I was going to post again today (though after sharing the idea with one of the players over MSN, he hinted me it might be a bit overwhelming). Of course, this is, if you want an "external" reason for the group to split. Anyone can create enough reasons already other than "feeling like it" or "wanting to" very easily with the nonstop waves of zombies coming in--after all, it's very easy to get separated in battle.

    Additionally, the four NPCs (I - IV) I created are because of what I explained in my previous post: I didn't expect more than two players originally. They seem a bit unnecessary to have with 11 players around.

    I will post soon (as in, maybe today or tomorrow). Perhaps not a 'plot moving forward' type of post, but at least something to reveal more information about the plot and to start splitting players up.

  20. #50
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Thank you for replying back to me Fehrant, I didn't want you to feel as if I were directly attacking you. I understand what you mean when it comes to the forums, it has been so slow these days which is tragic and upsetting to anyone who is a lover of writing.

    I like the fact that you want to keep us on our toes when it comes to the storyline but I would like a little more info sometimes but your right, it has just started so I can't be to forward. But I would like a reason for us to scatter around a bit and being in groups is perfect...running away then collecting into groups would be nice and easier to work with.

    Guess we all are just gonna see what happens...interesting that we do have so many people though.

  21. #51
    Sir Prize The Numbers Sinister's Avatar
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    I posted. Not knowing quite how to go about it, I had my character go off to discover her powers and a few flashbacks. Now that I have a more corporeal feel for my character and her personality it'll be easier for me to interact with her. I hope it doesn't throw a loop into the story. If so, let me know and it will be changed immediately.

    I also more than hinted at a possible nationality for Eleven. If that is unacceptable please let me know. But it should account for her odd accent. Anyway, in summation, don't mind me, I'm just tweaking my character for the RP.

    Also please forgive the sloppy physics of it all. I'm just taking the usual liberties that prey on people's understandable ignorance of actual physics. A handicap that I will admit to. Either way, it works because I say it does. lmao...


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  22. #52
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Your post is fine, Sin. Play with those flashbacks and give your character as much as color as you want. Be careful though: playing with the structural integrity of an underground base might prove... fatal for some, if not everyone.

  23. #53
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Okay I posted! I think it was good, it pleased me but I hope you think it was alright! Everyone who knows me know very well that I have always been a nervious writer. I constantly think I am doing something wrong. If there is something wrong then please tell me and i'll try to fix it alright! ^^;

  24. #54
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Post is fine, and right on time. I'm about to make a post myself.

  25. #55
    Registered User The Numbers Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Sweet, can't wait to read it. Oh and thanks.

  26. #56
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Just a brief notice. I'm having two more people who asked, join RP. I didn't feel good about declining good RPers and I have my reasons for this decision. I know right now we have too many players, but we'll see not too far from now if we still have those numbers. As I said before, inactive players will be controlled or killed.

    To avoid confusion, and to have them better "blend in" with the plot, they will start at a later timeline, and they will not be with the initial party of 15 (11 players, and four NPCs). Already have an idea in my head, that I will not disclose to the rest of the players save these two that will be joining briefly.

    Also, do check the first post in the OOC now and then. I will try to keep it updated with important information.

  27. #57
    Professional Klutz. The Numbers Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Holy Kharlan
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Appearance: His hair is auburn, short and unkept. It has an unusual untamed, yet, stylish look. His eyes are a chocolate brown that shine in light. He has short stubble about his chiseled jawbone which is brown with flecks of red. His nose has a kink in it suggesting it has been broken, possibly more than once. He has a slim but well toned frame. Though his muscles arn't huge and impressive he is fairly well built and his muscles are perfectly defined. This suggests he may have had a health obsession.
    Power: Sense manipulation. He is able to make people see and hear what he wants them to. This power operates like a forcefield showing the image to anyone within the area. Meaning that if a person were chasing him he could make himself appear as not there. He could also plant the image of a forest, landscape or room into a persons mind. However, if he were to take a step forward this would shatter the illusion. Also, even though the person may fully believe what they are seeing is real, if they were to reach out and touch a tree in one of his forests their hand would pass through it. If a person concentrates hard enough, or has enough willpower, he/she may break free from the illusion. Thats only if they know its an illusion, though.

    My NPC's:

    Gender: Male
    Age: 37
    Appearance: Long, dark brown hair. He also has dark, almost black very thick eyebrows. His eyes are dark and look red in shade. His face bears long, thin white lines of scars. Several of them. He is quite tall around 6'2". Muscular, he is a very imposing person to see.
    Power: Self replication. The ability to replicate ones self creating exact duplicates. He has a limit of 15 of these duplicates. Though he feels the pain of the 'clone' being hurt, If one of the duplicates were to die they would simply dissapear. If the host body were to die then all would die.

    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Small for a male reaching a height of just around 5'7". He is also skinny and looks quite gaunt. He wears glasses and has extremely poor eyesight without them. His hair is a dark, royal blue and his eye's are entirely a pure black.
    Power: Control and generation of the substance 'dark matter'. It appears as a swirling orb of 'dark light'. When used it's weight and pure density can devestate walls. He summons this via his index fingers and fires tennis ball sized orbs like bullets.
    (If anybody doesnt know what this is: Its supposed to be an atom that makes up a lot of the density of the universe. Eg from wiki: 'dark energy account for the vast majority of the mass in the observable universe.' This is the theory I'm basing my power on.)

    Erm, noob no1 signing on, ~salutes~.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 11-20-2008 at 09:40 AM. Reason: I added my NPC's

  28. #58
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Appearance: Thin brown with a touch of white hair with medium length wears it natural. 6 foot 1, with green and blue eyes. A fit 185 pounds.
    Power: An Aura (I call it Calm Aura) An aura that casts out 2 abilities. One for any ally he chooses and another for any enemies he chooses. The aura for his enemies has a short knock back ability that is 5 foot in radius. The other aura for his allies has a 15 foot radius that has the ability to calm ones self, soothe an others pain and gives an over time healing effect as one is sleeping to anyone he chooses.

    Power Detail: The Knock Back Aura knock's an enemy back roughly 2 feet in distance that also gives the enemy a surprised reaction to it, unable to make another move quickly. This aura isn't very strong, chances are better on weaker others.

    The Healing Aura's calm keeps a person at bay, or more relaxed, even more in tune with them self. The soothing can sooth pain; much like what pain killers can do. It negates pain from another person. The healing over time effect, he gives out at own will within the radius of the Healing Aura singly. The effect stays inactive till the person falls asleep, if an hour passes and the person is not sleeping, the effect goes away. Also the person will have a light glow of green showing on their skin when the effect is active, only very noticeable at close up.

    I doubt people will ever look at this again. But my characters power evolves and will be changing through out my posts. I will keep it as simple and not overpowered as much as I can as well as limiting it as well.
    Last edited by loaf; 01-24-2009 at 02:58 PM.

  29. #59
    It's all just a joke The Numbers Acheron's Avatar
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    Just making sure I'm reading your post correctly Fehrant: By this beam falling in the hallway and dividing the two sides, that pretty much leaves me on my own, on the opposite side, correct?

  30. #60
    Finding Answers The Numbers Fehrant's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Both approved. Lowlf, I'm not sure how one power correlates to the other than both being an aura, but I since the power is virtually harmless I suppose it's ok. Maybe it could have to do with how your character's feeling? He would "project" that into an aura. For instance, sudden anger would trigger the knockback aura, whereas being content would trigger the "calm" aura. You're approved anyway. Roleplay this as you see fit.

    Acheron... oh, man, did I make another confusing post? Damn it. I must be losing my writing touch, it seems. Anyway, yes, a massive (and I would like to emphasize this word) beam of energy tore the building almost apart. It came from somewhere in the floors below, and it soared upwards even past the surface level. The beam was powerful enough to destroy everything in its wake, concrete, metal, and even people.

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