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Thread: Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings

  1. #1

    Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings

    20 years ago, the mighty organization Akatsuki fell to the hands of the hidden Ninja villages. The attack lead by Konoha's Naruto proved successful against the S-ranked criminals with few losses. What has remained a mystery though is what happened during this battle. Akatsuki, in a failed attempt, tried to harness the power of the eight tailed demons trapped within the statue in an all out offensive against the small army of Shinobi sent after them. In a catastrophic explosion, the statue destroyed itself a long with the remaining members of Akatsuki. All eight of the demons that were trapped were freed from there prison and to date still roam the world freely. The only two sealed away are the Kyuubi still within Naruto and Shukaku which some how returned to Gaara (reasons still unknown). There is nothing left of Akatsuki or the statue which was used to seal the demons. All that is left is the empty chamber where the battle was fought and a huge amount of ash left from the explosion.

    For the next 20 years, a great peace existed between the lands. All nations came to an alliance and long fought enemies became friends. Much prosper come to the hidden villages as the number of shinobi grew at an even pace. Before long all countries were equal. All were friends. There seemed little need for the shinobi life-style yet it stood firm. The path of a ninja was always needed, be a country at peace or not. So as every countries economy grew, so did there military might. Still, no war broke out. 5 years before out story takes place, Uzumaki Naruto was made Hokage. His life long dream fulfilled. Although this great feat had been achieved, he still longed for his friend. Sasuke. The sole surviving member stayed in the Rice field (sound) country. With his brother dead, his only purpose in life now was to bring his clan back to power but he dared now return to Konoha.

    Now back in the present day were a once calm peace existed, war is on the verge of breaking out. For almost no apparent reason, ninja’s have been gathering in there villages and preparing from a battle. Another Shinobi war as it seems. Yet the five Kages don’t know what to do themselves. The feudal lords are in dismay. A fight for supremacy seems to be building but with no concrete reason to do so. An unnatural greed perhaps? A lust for power? No one knows the answer. All the shinobi can do is obey the orders given to them. The only question they wanted answering however was: is there going to be another war?


    Ok, this roleplay was originally designed for the Shinobi Masters club only. However, we have decided to make this open for everyone. So feel free to join in if you wish. Also I know this is kind of short but I don't want to reveal anything too soon. Just to sum up the plot so far for everyone: This is just a build up to another Secret war being supported by the Feudal Lords. However, there is no valid reason to do so. Everyone is confused why this is happened yet they can not disobey there orders. So regardlessly, they prepare for war.

    The shinobi master members already have profiles posted in the club thread. We will be transfering these over to this OCC during the course of the next week. I must ask you to remember this is based in the future after the anime so near enough, any idea is allowed for your characters. I will check over characters to make sure they are ok with the story but like I said, most if not anything is allowed. So without anymore time wasted, here is the profile setup:


    Blood type:
    Clothes: (What you would usually wear)
    Unique differences: (Tattoo's, piercing, etc)
    Rank: (Genin, Chuunin, Jounin, S-rank criminal, etc. Hell be a Kage if you so wish)
    Weaponry: (Kunai, Shuriken, swords, etc)

    Kekkai Genkai: (optional + new ones from different villages can be included)

    Jutsu's: (Give a small number of your most commonly used ones. Others you can use don't have to be meantioned except for in the OCC/Club)

    Bio: (Lots of depth is asked for here like most Naruto characters)
    Last edited by Itachi Uchiha; 06-03-2007 at 08:36 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    Foolish Brother. If you want to kill me, then blame me. Hate me. And live on in shame. Run and run. Cling desperately to life.
    <img src="">

    I've been told to advertise this forum. So just hurry up and join since we need members.

    My family so far- My heartless sister: al bhed psycho, My other seymour loving sister: superjj, My Anime Chasing Little Brother: Kawaii chaser, My kickass older brother: geordanuk, My Cat loving older brother: Wizardcat My blood sucking, vampire nephew: bangaathief, My crazy younger sister: Firefly, My other, not so easily slain son: Darkwolf, My easily slain illegitimate son: Wyatt Arkham, My third and very sporty son: zell_dincht0808, My very demented uncle who you've just got to love: Mariko, My evil grandfather who needs a good kicking: Hannya, My level 99 grandson with a blood soaked lance: Dragoon Nick, Official play thing of: Kyo-san

    PM me if you would like to join my evil family

    New Leader and Kazekage of the shinobi masters
    Proud member of The Yaoi Otakus of TFF and TSP (The Sky Pirates Club)
    1st division, 6th seat of the Bleach club

    Brotherhood of Doom
    Cassuis, Philologus de Fatum et Exitium
    Christians to the Lions

  2. #2
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Please Read.

    Final Stand of Akatsuki

    Many participated in this fight, which was centered in the area surrounding Amegakure. It was almost a grand affair in a sense: the final few members of Akatsuki and all their servants against all shinobi willing to fight. But of course, Akatsuki fell. When their leader’s life fled, a few things happened.

    Firstly, the rings of the (now deceased members) came forth from where they were last lain. They then promptly disappeared. To this day, their significance is unknown, but they appeared very important to Akatsuki.

    Secondly, the tailed beasts burst from the prison of Akatsuki’s machine, causing a great explosion. Many lives were lost in this alone. As already stated, the ichibi returned to Gaara. The other seven disappeared, much like the rings.

    Thirdly, a great cheer rang across the battlefield. Akatsuki had fallen.

    Affects of the Fight on the Surrounding Area

    The village of Amegakure has always been the center for shinobi wars because of its location. It was, perhaps, one such war that led to the rise of Akatsuki. Whatever the case, Amegakure was used to being ripped apart, not that they enjoyed it. But, nothing could have prepared them for this. Ninja released their greatest jutsu on that stormy battlefield, and not even the falling rain could quench the thirsty flames and bolts of electricity.

    The land, as previously stated, became barren and dry: dead if you will. But the irony of it all, was that the sky cleared up, and rain stopped falling. Amegakure fell into a drought.

    Since things come and go and never stay, rain fell again four years later. But still, nothing grew upon the lands. Even now, Akatsuki’s former base lies in an area without life.

    Fate of the Bijuu

    The tailed beasts lost their physical shape while locked within Akatsuki’s machine. When they were released, they needed containers. They scattered themselves across the continent, and picked the first people they came across.

    The Rings of Akatsuki

    While their connection to the Bijuu’s is still unknown, the nine rings (Orochimaru’s was never located) found their way to the newly formed jinchuuriki. Unfortunately, since there were only seven tailed beasts, one ring found its way to a ‘normal’ ninja that it found worthy, and the other (the zero ring) returned to its roots, and with it brought rain.

    However, the rings took their time locating their new wearers, and while the Bijuu’s picked their hosts instantaneously, the rings looked for the one exactly complementary to their unknown powers. It took them a few years.

    We are now in an era with nine potential Akatsuki members. And, they will, without doubt, rise to fulfill their predecessor’s dreams, even if they don’t understand why.

    It is fated.

    Character Opportunities

    We have eight (seven jincuuriki and one other member) available positions for you all. Little is known about most of the beasts, but there is some info. If you choose to design a character for the new Akatsuki, run the tailed beast by me first. We have:




    Gobi, (taken)


    Nanabi (or Shichibi. This demon hasn't appeared yet, so there's nothing really official. o.o)


    Now remember, these aren’t random jinchuuriki. I know we have some jinchuuriki in the RP already, but the beasts within them are either minor demons or angels. These are the legendary bijuu’s, and are the only ones Akatsuki is interested in.

    Don’t feel compelled to make a character for this. If you’re just joining, this might be the thing for you, but if you’re in the RP already I don’t want you to feel pressured into making a character. These will be critiqued harshly. And, I might even reject parts of it, especially when it comes to designing the powers of the tailed beasts within you. Be creative, very creative. These monsters are special, so heck, make them special.

    A warning, this is a limited time only thing. Once its time for Akatsuki to form, the remaining positions will be designed by myself and other leaders of the Rp, and then made into NPC’s. You can always pick these up as characters later, but that isn’t as fun.

    The leader position has been filled, and his profile will be posted soon. I would post it within this post, but it would clutter things up a bit. Plus...he only has three jutsu. xD I really got change that, lol.


    If you have any questions, ask ask ask! I know the info was kind vague, but I didn't want to give actual manga spoilers. There was a lot I could add in based on what the manga knows now, but I'm trying not to. (but they really havent said what the rings are for.) The only thing I had to add is there, was the leader based himself out of Amegakure....turning that area into the base for Akatsuki.

    The profile for the new leader would make more sense if you know stuff about the Akatsuki's original, but it's not really neccessary. Anyway, if you need me to expand, I will to the best of my abilites. Just some base info:

    10 Akatsuki members. Orochmaru's ring remains hidden in one of the sound village hideouts. That leaves 9 rings. Therefore, the RP can only have 9 Akatsuki members. Each one NEEDS a ring. It's also been theorized that the Akatsuki wanted to take the tailed beasts into themselves. There are nine beasts, so that would be one each, and then the leader (who, due to some plot elements wouldn't be useful as a jinchuuriki). It's unknown if it's true, but it makes a bit of sense. So, the jinchuuriki formed from the tailed beeasts get rings. The RP only has 7 free jincuuriki though. Gaara has the ichibi, and naruto the Kyuubi. That's why there are two extra members, the leader being one.


    Active Members List


    Xeim as Hyuuga Hanako and Uchiha Kusinada
    Lady Rika as Uzumaki Raiden
    cetra_aeris as Takashi Shira
    Toph Bei Fong as Haku Manami
    Seraph as Zhane
    DragonHeart as Hyuuga Hizashi
    Evangel as Zatoichi Aizen
    Fivetail Uzumaki as -Foxx Hyate

    Akatsuki (two-man teams)

    Xeim as Leader Nakamura Kazuma and Toph Bei Fong as Gobi Tsujimota Natsumi

    Alrighty, here's my character. Can't wait for the RP to start Itachi, it looks like it's going to be really fun. ^_^

    Name: Uchiha Kusinada

    Age: 16

    Birthday: June 6th

    Home Village: Otogakure (Sound Village)

    Current Village: Konohagakure (Leaf Village)

    Hair Color: purplish black

    Eye Color: dark grey/sharingan with three tomoe

    Blood Type: B

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5’4”

    Weight: 110 lbs.

    Rank: jounin

    Clothes: Kusinada wears a short black skirt with spandex leggings reaching down to her knees. Her top is usually covered by the traditional Konoha shinobi vest, but when she’s “off-duty” she wears a midriff bearing white shirt that ties on the side.

    Unique differences: She has a navy blue snake tattoo on her left arm, running from her shoulder to her elbow, signifying her ability to summon that particular reptile

    Weaponry: long katana, Ontei, hangs across her back in the same style of her father. It doesn’t hold any special powers, apart from the fact that it was the only thing her father ever gave her- she can channel her Chidori Nagashi into it; holster pouch containing 4 kunai, 8 shuriken and 5 exploding tags

    Kekkei Genkai: sharingan

    Signature jutsu:

    -Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique): Snakes—can summon the King of Snakes, but never does as the snake scares the living daylights out of her, and she’s too kind to sacrifice 100 people.

    Ability to cast genjutsu with her voice, omitting the need for hand-signs, though she rarely does cast it:

    -Magen: Jubaku Satsu (Demonic Illusion: Tree Bind Death)

    -Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique)

    However, she must still use hand-signs to perform her many acquired ninjutsu. A few of the ones she uses most are:

    -Katon: Haisekishō (Fire Release: Ash Product Burning)

    -Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)

    -Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique)

    -Chidori Nagashi (One Thousand Birds Current)

    -Chidori (One Thousand Birds)

    The obvious: Body Replacement Technique, Body Flicker Technique, Clone Technique


    Personality: Kusinada is generally very carefree. She’s always ready to go anywhere, and her energy never seems to ebb. It’s not to the point where she’s considered “weird”, but not a single Konoha shinobi can understand how she’s Sasuke’s daughter, while serious Raiden is Naruto’s son, instead of vice-versa. All this cheerfulness is really just a cover-up for her hard past. Really, all Kusinada wants to do is close up to everyone and succumb to her depression. It would be a sweet release from all the strain of putting on a smile, but, that’s exactly what her father did. She doesn’t ever want to be like him. Really, it’s hard for even Kusinada to tell what her true personality is. Only Naruto has seen both sides of her, and he must admit, both seem like cover-ups of the person she truly is.

    If the situation calls for it, Kusinada can be very serious and professional. She never lets her personality get the better of her on a mission, and she’s well-loved by many of the other shinobi, despite the fact that she’s from Otogakure. She is generally kind-hearted and can’t pass up an opportunity to help someone in need.

    However, Raiden and she have NEVER gotten along well. They’ve hated each other from day one.

    Background: Kusinada is the daughter of Uchiha Sasuke and Karin. She lived in Otogakure for the first 14 years of her life, learning some of the jutsu unique to that area. She didn’t spend much time with her father, and he didn’t seem to take too much interest in her. He’d lived outside Sound Village for many years, but he often came back to visit and leech new jutsu. During these short periods of time, he’d sometimes (meaning rarely) approach Kusinada to spend time with her or teach her new jutsu. But, when he left without even saying “hello” Kusinada would be crushed. She wants the respect of her father, no matter how uncaring or foolish he is (maybe it’s an Uchiha thing).

    Unfortunately, Kusinada couldn’t find any shelter with her mother either. Karin would yell things like “Worthless! I didn’t even want you! You’re such a nuisance! You just remind me of that bastard you call your father!” or, the ones that stung Kusinada the most, “Die,” or “Just leave!” And, so, Kusinada did (leave). She was fourteen when she left Otogakure. She wouldn’t miss her mother’s jabs and beatings, or her father’s ignoring her. But, if she had to think about it, she had a better relationship with Sasuke then she did with Karin. At least he was kind to her when he took the time to pay attention.

    When she was a baby, her mother beat her, throwing food at her face instead of putting it in her mouth, refusing to feed her even. Kusinada still doesn’t understand, to this day why her mother was so terrible. However, as she got bigger, the beatings only worse. She often walked around Otogakure with huge bruises on her face, but none of the villagers seemed to care. Kusinada was a ninja, so why didn’t she fight back? Even after everything she did, Kusinada still didn’t have the heart to hurt her mother.

    Once, when she was still a chuunin, Kusinada was sent on a mission to retrieve an escapee from the Oto prison. She was attacked in her pursuit by three rock shinobi, apparently the escapee’s friends. Just when it looked like Kusinada would give her mother her greatest desire (her death), Kusinada’s sharingan activated and helped her out of the battle. She was 13.

    She aimlessly traveled for four days after leaving Oto, and then finally ran into a group of Konoha Shinobi. It was Team Lee, and they were on their way back to Konoha after an escort mission. After hearing her out, and seeing how weak and tired she was, the members (a genin, and two chuunin, as well as jounin Lee) decided it would be a good idea to take her back to the village. That was how Kusinada ended up in Konohagakure. Tsunade found it rather ironic that she’d escaped Otogakure to come to Konohagakure, when her father had done exactly the opposite all those years ago.

    Her reception from the villagers was surprising. You’d expect her to be rejected, for the Hokage to turn her away, but that’s just not how it happened. It’s not because she was an Uchiha, no; it was because she showed in coming there that she was on their side. She relayed her story to the Rokudaime and he knew she was sincere. The only thing Kusinada wanted was a place where she could be accepted, a place where she could be herself. The Rokudaime Hokage didn’t even hesitate to make her a Konoha ninja in the status she had been in Oto. Naruto was surprised to find that Sasuke had a daughter, but was willing to do anything he could to make her comfortable. He knew somewhere that it’s what Sasuke would want, though he’d never admit it.

    Naruto didn’t believe that Sasuke didn’t really care about Kusinada. He thought it was probably just that he didn’t want to make another tie that could get him hurt, or weakened. After all, Sasuke was probably feeling really useless by now. He felt that he was the only one who could rightfully kill Itachi. However, it wasn’t him who had the honor in the end. All his life had been devoted to nothing.

    It was hard for Kusinada to not have a loving father, much less a mother. She understood the circumstances of her birth, but she was there, and she had a right to live. Just because she was an accident who wasn’t wanted, the child of two people who weren’t even in love didn’t mean she could be treated the way she was. But, Konoha gave her a new life. She was always treated kindly.

    She’s currently staying with Raiden and his family. Living with Raiden doesn’t help their “relationship.” Their hostility towards each other is rather amusing in Naruto’s opinion. It reminds him of himself and Sasuke when they were younger, though positions are undoubtedly being reversed, Raiden being the serious one, and Kusinada the cheerful one.

    Kusinada and Hanako have also taken a liking to each other, and share a room. Hanako has begun to teach Kusinada to draw, and though Kusinada is not yet very good, she is beginning to get the hang of it. They also enjoy pulling pranks on Raiden, though Hanako always gets nervous right before carrying them out, and Kusinada often ends up doing the job on her own.

    Last edited by Xeim; 07-08-2008 at 12:49 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  3. #3
    Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Mr. Sandman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Why would you care?
    Okay, seeing from the message Itachi added from the Club, I'll post my profile in here. Hmmmm... Can't wait to see how this RP progresses and I hope it isn't slow either

    Name: Hyuuga Hanako

    Age: 15

    Birthday: October 15

    Village: Konohagakure

    Hair Color: Jet Black

    Eye Color: Black/White when using Byakugan

    Blood Type: Blood Type A

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'7"

    Weight: 118lb.

    Rank: Jounin

    Clothes: Hanako wears a button-up kimono top that has a torn sleeve on her left arm. The kimono is light red, near a pinkish color where you see a black thorn pattern going from the left sleeve's shoulder to to the stomach area. On the right side, you see a flower tile pattern going from the top of her sleeve to the cuffs in the end. Her kimono reaches a downward v-neck which stops right in the middle of her chest. Under her kimono is a black-netted shirt. In the mid-section of where her kimono opens up, a black sash ties it up. Her bottoms, consist of a long skirt which stops around her legs where making the feet partly visible. The skirt is pinkish like her top, but bears a Hyuuga symbol in the center.

    Unique Differences: The left part of her Hyuuga robe sleeve is absent, meaning torn off, while her right sleeve is visible covering her entire arm. On her left arm is a symbol of the Hyuuga Clan along with her Leaf Headband tightly tied around her arm. A necklace in the shape of a sharp cross hangs down from her neck to where her kimono closes near her chest.

    Weapons: Amatsu - Hanako's most trusted weapon, a double-bladed white/silver chokuto with a sharp pointed end. The blade is made from fine steel while the hilt and guard are black made from strong wood reinforced with durable steel. The chokuto has small hole near the end of the guard. The sheath itself is made from the same wood from the guard without the steel. The weapon is mainly used for close combat and for controlling wind-elemental chakra.

    She also carries an 8-inch kunai colored black for assassinations. Along with that, she has an arsenal of 20 shuriken, 8 exploding tags, 9 kunai, and a scroll used for quick weapon access.

    Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan

    Signature Jutsu(s):

    Wind Release: Spiraling Shuriken: By creating a Rasengan on her left hand, she channels wind element chakra, while quicklly shaping the Rasengan into a giant shuriken. The shuriken cannot be thrown, but if being able to connect to the targeted opponent, this technique deals massive damage, but puts greats stress into Hanako's left arm. The technique is only used as a last resort.

    Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms: The technique is combined with the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms and Eight Trigrams Heavenly Spin into her mother's own original technique which was later taught to her. With her hands and flexibility adapted from her mother, Hanako emits a constant stream of chakra from her palms, which create extremely sharp chakra blades. She is able to reach every point around her within her field of vision.

    While using the jutsu, Hanako moves her hands at an extremely fast motion allowing to hit hundreds of targets with extreme precision creating an "absolute defense" serving as a defensive and offensive jutsu. The jutsu is mainly used as a technique for multiple enemies or for a large foe. The technique also leaves Hanako fatigued.

    Other Jutsu: These jutsus are more commonly used against weaker opponents or for preserving chakra. Most of her jutsus are Wind and Water based.

    - Bunshin Daibakuha: Clone Great Explosion
    - Kage Bunshin No Jutsu: Shadow Clone Technique
    - Suirō no Jutsu: Water Prison Technique
    - Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu: Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique
    - Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu: Water Release: Water Dragon Blast Technique
    - Rasengan: Spiraling Sphere
    - Odama Rasengan: Great Spiraling Sphere
    - Hayabusa Otoshi: Peregrine Falcon Drop
    - Sennen Goroshi: Thousand Years of Death
    - Hakkeshō Kaiten: Eight Trigrams Heavenly Spin
    - Hakke Rokujūyon Shō: Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms
    - Shishi Rendan: Lion's Barrage

    Personality: Hanako is quite the shy companion. Introverted and patient, you would see her as a person who would not be a social butterfly. She has great patience with people and no matter how much things annoy her, she just usually ignores them saying its, "A waste of energy." Her favorite hobbies seem to be drawing, but seeing as the "perfectionist" she is, Hanako can never really be satisfied by her drawings unless commented or suggested by another individual. Some kind of weird thing about Hanako is her lack of speech. Quite smart when taking wirtten examinations, when talking to another person, her sentences are usually quite short ending with a, "Understood" or a quiet "hmmmmm..."

    Seeing as how energetic Naruto can be, Hanako is pretty much calm and quite..... weird. She is usually at home during mornings when she has a day off and usually attending work. At night, she's found mainly at her swinging bench where she looks at the night stars and draw flowers. She can be pretty clumsy at a few times but when it comes to missions and real-life situations, you see a whole new side of her.

    Background: Hanako is the daughter of Naruto Uzumaki and Hyuuga Hinata. Her birthplace is the Konohagakure where she has lived for over 15 years. She has inherited a good amount of jutsus from her mother and father along with a few water-elemental jutsus developed from observation and careful practice. Naruto is usually seen practicing with Hanako to perfect her usage of Ninjutsu while her mother teaching her Taijutsu.

    Though, having both parents who love her so, she never takes things for granted as she considers it a "sin." Good thing for Hanako, being in the Hyuuga Clan as well as being Naruto's daughter has been able to make Hanako a very astounding ninja. When born, Naruto and Hinata took her in their home caring for her and feeding her. Hanako's father's teachings, lectures, and the occaisional speeches have helped shaped Hanako for a great life with hardly any worries.

    Hinata would also teach Hanako to care for people and your friends, companions, and to never give up no matter how bad the situation. To care for a person and help them is the right way to be a good shinobi. With Naruto's lessons mixed with Hinata's lessons, she has grown to be a good kunoichi. The reason she became so quite is the fact that Hanako has never been good communicating with anybody, not even her own parents.

    Regardless of having a family, she sees things in a luxurious way not needing too much of anything. She salways refuses taking money and spoiling herself with toys or food. Hanako graduted from the Academy at 8, became Chuunin by 11, and finally became a jounin by the age of 14. By the time Hanako has reached the ages of 10+ her mother and father have taught her the Rasengan and Eight Trigram Techniques so she would excel in the works of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu.

    After years of work, Hinata gave her the chokuto, Amatsu, which she loved endearingly. This is when she was taught by Naruto how to master wind-elemental chakra and how to control it through her sword. After becoming jounin, Hanako's father taught her the Wind Release: Spiraling Shuriken technique and restricted it for a last resort.

    How Hanako learned Peregrine Falcon drop was completely taught to her by Naruto but was never explained how seeing as Sasuke was the one who originally used it.Though being trained harshly, Hanako has never learned how to summon and refuses namely because it uses up too much chakra. She also wonders how come Naruto never even offered in the first place to teach her the Kuchiyose No Jutsu. Hanako's last name was suppose to be Uzumaki, but she later changed it to Hyuuga to be recognized as a Hyuuga Clan Member much to Naruto's disregards.

    Hanako doesn't bear grudge at Raiden at all, but she has a feeling there could be some bitterness between them. Regarding the incident Raiden had with Hinata, Hanako, still does not hold anything against Raiden. Ever since Kusinada came to live with them, her life has been a brightened up more, perfecting a few techniques, and even having to teach Kusinada how to draw. To pull pranks on Raiden is what they love to do, but Hanako becomes nervous and they usually end up being pulled by Kusinada.
    Last edited by Mr. Sandman; 06-23-2007 at 10:06 PM.

  4. #4
    Name: Ikazuchi Mugen
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5' 7''
    Weight: 165lbs.
    Hair: Deep red/ crimson spiked hair like FFVII's Zack
    Eyes: Silver normally but changes to crimson when Shirogane, the dragon demon spirit sealed within Mugen, awakens, transforming his entire body.
    Blood type: O
    Clothes: Mugen wears a deep red/ crimson colored no-sleeve zip up turtleneck with a symbol of two silver dragons intertwined on the back representing his village. He wears pants made out of a jean like material that is colored the same as his turtleneck with black stripes that go down the outer sides from top to bottom. The pants go all the way past his ankles to the top of his black sandles. He holds up his pants with a black leather belt and a second belt that he uses to carry his sword, kunai, and shuriken along with other items essencial to a shinobi. His entire body is covered in red wrappings except for the tattoo on his right arm. His headband is stitched into the collar of his turtleneck. At first, Mugen wears a brown, worn & tattered cloak from his travels in the desert.
    Unique differences: Mugen has a dragon tattoo down his right arm. Had this from birth. Also, the dragon demon spirit that inhabits his body.
    Village: Fire Nation- Village Hidden in the Dragon's Belly (Totally destroyed)
    Rank: Jounin
    Weaponry: Zenbaitsu- 4ft straight edge katana.

    Kekkai Genkai: Cherry Blossem Forest Illusion; a very real illusionary genjutsu that creates a forest of cherry blossem trees in which makes Mugen completely invisible. Known only to the people of his village.
    Ninjutsu & Genjutsu:
    Shadow Clones
    Red Salamander Summoning Jutsu
    Earth Dragon Missile
    Fire Dragon Flame Blast
    Water Dragon Blast, etc...
    Usually dragon styled jutsus, strong in taijutsu too.
    Dragon Style Combo
    Double Thunder Kick
    Rising Dragon Uppercut

    Bio: Born into a small village in the Fire Nation, Mugen was destined from birth to be the last of his people. His village rested in a secluded part of the Nation and had lost communication with Konoha and the other villages for years. This village was, like the Uchiha clan, one in a million. The first patriarch of the village was a powerful dragon demon such as the 9-Tailed Fox. He was a master of transformation and assumed human form commonly. His downfall would be ensured when he met a human woman like none other. They fell in love, she loved him no matter what although she knew his true self. They had a child and in time, the patriarch lost his ability to transform back. Decades later, the patriarch, Shirogane, died. This was when Mugen was born.

    Before Shirogane died, he foresaw the destruction of the village. A vision, one in which he saw his family die, murdered by one shinobi and his village burn to ashes. He saw out of the ashes, a young child rise, this was Mugen. And so, Shirogane sealed his spirit away within Mugen, unknowing to the other villagers.

    Fifteen years later, a traveling band of shinobi came into their village. They were treated with the upmost respect. The shinobi became a part of Shirogane's village. For a year, the fooled the villagers and gained their trust. One day, while Mugen was off becoming a Jounin, the shinobi left except for a kunoichi. She killed the villagers one by one, enjoying their suffering as she made their families watch. When she was done, the kunoichi burnt the village and its inhabitants to ashes.

    Mugen returned only to see his home in flames. He entered the inferno but could not do anything. When the fire died down, he rose from the ashes as Shirogane envisioned and the dragon demon's spirit awakened. Mugen transformed into something terrible, and the force of his chakra combined with Shirogane's wiped away all that was remaining of their village. In its place, Mugen planted a cherry tree, in memory of his home. After that, Shirogane led Mugen into the desert where he would train and master unlocking the dragon demon's chakra. Afterward, Mugen would retrun to his home country to Konoha.
    Last edited by Evangel; 06-03-2007 at 05:46 PM.

  5. #5
    Registered User Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Lady Rika's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Name: Uzumaki Raiden

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6’0

    Weight: 152

    Hair: Blonde

    Eyes: One dark blue eye (Right) and one ice blue one (left)

    Blood type: AB

    Clothes: Light blue shirt that easily shows his well muscled chest, his olive colored pants are rather tight and are open on the inside of his thigh. (But you can’t see his boxers like in the picture) A large green belt is wrapped around his pants, on the belt is also where his shuriken pouch and exploding tags are located.
    (I finally found the damn picture Wh00t!)

    Unique differences: His eyes, while one is a very deep blue his left eye is the purest color of ice. He is also blind in that eye but not many people know.

    Village: Konohagakure

    Rank: Jounin

    Weaponry: Wields a beautiful Katana with a gold and turquoise hilt. The rounded top part of the long hilt is perfect for bashing in enemy’s heads, but also holds great beauty as well. A dark blue ribbon is tied around the top part as well. The shinning metal of the blade is made from some of the finest steel in Japan and small carvings have been made into the blade going all the way from the top to the bottom tip of the blade. The sheath is also just as beautiful and is made of gold and turquoise as well. And the name of his beautiful blade is Sudoku, ironiclly that means Suicide.^^

    Kekkai Genkai: None as of now….what will the future hold?

    Special Jutsu's:
    (I finally thought of some!! They might not have the coolest names ever but thats okay! At least I tried.)

    Neikan Doragon no Jutsu (Wicked Dragon Jutsu):

    This orginal technique was made to imitate a story Raiden once heard as a young child. About an evil dragon made of pure lightning that would come down from the sky and attack all the villagers of a noble kingdom that had did him wrong in a past life. The story told that whenever he touched down, as soon as golden claws pressed onto the earth, all around him would die. This Jutsu is a favorite of his, as he makes a large oreintal dragon float slither down from the clouds and impale itself into ground surronding his enemies.
    This technique has been known to wipe out as many as 55 Shinobi in one single attack.
    But Raiden never uses it unless being confronted by many Shinobi, too many for him to handle with Taijutsu alone.

    Suimin-Suta Barrage (Barrage of Sleeping Star's):

    This carefully organized Jutsu requires Raiden to make at least five perfect Shadow Clones and surrond his enemy with them. And with persision he uses his Fire style Jutsu with each clone. The first two clones blowing flames from above the enemys head so they cannot escape, the next two clones attack from below, near the feet. And Raiden himself and his remaining clone attack the middle; all together forming a five pointed star formation, with Raiden at the end. This torturious attack lasts about thirty seconds, depeending on how many he's attacking at once.

    Kireme hari no Jutsu (Shattered Glass Jutsu):

    Just like the busting of a glass wall, this jutsu is a full out attack with shuriken and Kunai.
    Combining the Mulitiple Shadow Clone JutsuX50 Raiden darken's the sky with metal with the spinning stars and small knives.


    Shadow Clone Technique
    Thousand Years of Death
    Body Flicker Technique
    Body Replacement Technique
    Flying Thunder God Technique
    Great Ball Spiraling Sphere
    Multiple Shadow Clone Technique
    Shuriken from all direction
    Leaf Rising Wind

    Bio + Personality:

    Ever since his birth, as the first child of Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga Raiden Uzumaki was branded as the future Hokage. His quick intellect, strength in strategy, and his indescribable power in combat hands down made him first in line behind his father.
    Ever since then Raiden trained hard to grow stronger, and become better than the expectations laid out beneath his young feet. Even when he was at the academy his various teachers felt he especially needed to be stronger than all the others; though he knew he wasn’t be treated equally Raiden said nothing. Feeling it would be foolish to get his sensei’s into trouble just for trying to help him…even if it was going at it the wrong way.
    But he never regretted his silence, because of their rough procedures he passed the academy early and made it threw the Chuunin exams quickly as well.

    But even though all this power, and great skill would make the path of great ninja, and bring honor to any family Raiden’s personal life is anything but great.
    It is true that he does have Naruto’s looks, but as for personality he couldn’t be more different. Raiden is cold as a bitter night breeze, he makes an effort to be cold, and even cruel to his peers and family members. Especially his mother and sister; his fierce nature even went as far as to making his own mother cry.
    Not that he had anyone besides his family to push away, Raiden didn’t have any friends. Which could also be another reason for hatred to be building up inside of him so much.
    And ever since he was 6 he reliezed he had went blind in his left eye which was suppose to be his Byakugan eye. In the end he is cannot see out of it at all, leaving his left eye useless and open for attacks on that side. Though he knew at that young age that he had to keep that a secret otherwise all the exspectations, all his hard work leading up to becoming Hokage, a great ninja, everything would be ruined. Who would want a ninja with a bad eye? No one, he thought. So that became his biggest secret, not even trusting his own family with it.

    His hatred seemed to burn so brightly, an eternal flame of malice and cruelty. Friends of the family, who see this rash unexplained behavior put upon him, had many guesses. One was that he didn’t receive the skill of the Byakugan from his mother Hinata. A bloodline trait that was carried only in the Hyuga clan; a Kekkai Genkai that his younger sister Hanako received and he didn’t. That could explain the hatred he had for her. Maybe it was because the Hyuga clan embraced her and thought of him as something lower than most branch members. Besides not getting the Byakugan, he is cursed with one blind eye that looks to be a Byakugan eye but it is nothing but a dead ghost eye. He tries to Hate his mother for that, blaming her for his blind eye.

    Looking at it, he has a wonderful family; a wonderful father, a very loving mother, a quiet but caring sister. But Raiden never really seemed fit for the whole family thing. He just couldn’t see them being really happy with him in the picture, he was just too…different or that’s what he tells himself at times.

    Raiden is currently having Kusinada Uchiha staying with him and his family. Though he can’t stand it when she’s there, being she and his sister make him want to commit Bushindo he has to deal with her says his father.
    While they pull pranks on him often, that just makes him hate them both even more than life itself. But he grows use to it as time passes. Mostly because he has no choice.

    Also Raiden has never tried ramen, nope not once. He knows that almost his entire family loves it mainly his father so he refuses to eat it. At all times. Another thing no really know about Raiden is that he too possesses the talent for drawing as well, in fact he keeps his rather large and rather full sketch pad under his bed. But that’s a secret!
    Last edited by Lady Rika; 06-15-2007 at 03:32 PM.

  6. #6
    Name: Kiyoshi Mayto
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Height: 189cm
    Weight: 78kg
    Hair: Long straight brown hair
    Eyes: Hazel
    Blood type: AB
    Clothes: Forehead protecter worn on his arm. Wears Black clothing consisting of his pants, long sleeve shirt and Jounin jacket. His jacket is the only piece of cothing that is a different colour (because its green). Also Kiyoshi wears a face mask much similar to Kakashi's to try and hide the scars on his face.
    Unique differences: A Twin headed dragon tattoo that runs up and along his back, Pale skin, A number of straight scars on the left side of his face.
    Village: Village Hidden among clouds
    Rank: Jounin
    Weaponry: Kunai and Shuriken

    Kekkai Genkai: Shikotsumyaku (Corpse Bone Pulse)

    Lightning Release - Crashing Thunder

    Lightning Release - Lightning Dragon Missile

    Lightning Release - All Directional Storm

    Lightning Release - Electric sheild

    Lightning Release - Bolts of heaven

    Water Release - Water Dragon Missile

    Water Release - Water Shark Missile

    Water Release - Exploding water shockwave

    Water clone Jutsu

    Personality: Kiyoshi has a very cool, relaxed yet carefree attitude on life. He comes off as a very kind person and is nice to all the villagers he knows and protects. Although carefree of life, he controls himself well. Never angry at anyone or known to hold any grudges for things. However he does bare one grudge that no one knows about. He hates the Raikage for what he did to him but never expresses it. However, his hatred did unbalence something within his mind. A disturbing bloodlust, almost insanity, that haunted him during his lone missions outside the village. Although he no longer suffers from this, he doesn't know if it come come back. This brutal side to him though is very dark. It enjoys the suffering of enemies, splattering of thier blood and the carnage of a battle.

    Bio: Kiyoshi Mayto was born just after the fall of Akatsuki. However, he was born into an experiment ordered by the Raikage. The experiment was to fuse the genes from Kimimaro's bone structure into a child as it was born. Many died from this as the either the child was too weak or the jutsu was performed incorrectly. Kiyoshi was successful in this experiment. His mother however only survived for a month after childbirth before dying of an unknown illness much similar to the one that killed Kimimaro. Kiyoshi was unaffected by the disease. It is still unknown how he managed to survive and why his mother died.

    As Kiyoshi grew up, he showed much promise of being a great ninja. Not only was it his Kekkai Genkai but his unusualy high Chakra capacity. At the age of 7 his Chakra was that of a Jounin's when he was still a Genin. At the age of 9 he passed his Chuunin exam and at 13 was made a Jounin. Throughout his life, he never questioned why he was so different. He just lived with it as he still fitted in with the villagers. By now his Chakra was beyond anyones in the village yet fear did not break out. They knew Kiyoshi too well.

    This however changed. At the age of 14, he was ambushed by five other Jounins during a solo mission. His attackers were of the village hidden in the mist. The suprise attack left Kiyoshi off guard but what left him wondering the most throughout that might is how he survived. That night was long for him as he thought out everything in his life. He concluded that his Kekkai Genkai was to blame for his survival which it was. At the moment he was attacked, his bone structure operated on its own. It protected him from the attacks and retaliated all by itself. The next day, he finished his mission and returned to his village. For the first time ever, he questioned the Raikage on his birth. Now all was revealed to him yet there was nothing he could do. His honour compelled him to say with his fellow villagers and protect them like he always done.

    This was not entirely true. Something was unbalenced within his mind by the revalations. At first it was only small but it grew in strength over time. It took him over during fights in missions. A great rage filled with bloodlust. His missions become more and more bloody as the years passed. No one knew of this though. To the other villagers and ninja's within his village, he was the same as ever. The conflict in his mind came to a settle at the age of 17. The deep anger and rage quietened. Kiyoshi still doesn't know why this happened. He assumed that he had his fill of death to satify it. As of then, it hasn't bothered him since.

    Now the age of 18, Kiyoshi is the same as ever. He is praised as one of the most skilled shinobi in his village and some even want him as Raikage. When he hears that though, he simply laughs it off as he doesn't wish for such a title. Kiyoshi's fighting style is a mixture of Lightning and Water Ninjutsu's which combine to made devastating effects. Kiyoshi also uses high speed Taijutsu coming from his Kekkai Genkai. The ability to control his bone structure and its density makes him an almost impossible person to beat in close range. With this fine balance and Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, it makes Kiyoshi a formidable opponent on the field.
    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    Foolish Brother. If you want to kill me, then blame me. Hate me. And live on in shame. Run and run. Cling desperately to life.
    <img src="">

    I've been told to advertise this forum. So just hurry up and join since we need members.

    My family so far- My heartless sister: al bhed psycho, My other seymour loving sister: superjj, My Anime Chasing Little Brother: Kawaii chaser, My kickass older brother: geordanuk, My Cat loving older brother: Wizardcat My blood sucking, vampire nephew: bangaathief, My crazy younger sister: Firefly, My other, not so easily slain son: Darkwolf, My easily slain illegitimate son: Wyatt Arkham, My third and very sporty son: zell_dincht0808, My very demented uncle who you've just got to love: Mariko, My evil grandfather who needs a good kicking: Hannya, My level 99 grandson with a blood soaked lance: Dragoon Nick, Official play thing of: Kyo-san

    PM me if you would like to join my evil family

    New Leader and Kazekage of the shinobi masters
    Proud member of The Yaoi Otakus of TFF and TSP (The Sky Pirates Club)
    1st division, 6th seat of the Bleach club

    Brotherhood of Doom
    Cassuis, Philologus de Fatum et Exitium
    Christians to the Lions

  7. #7
    Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings cetra_aeris's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Over towards Yonder-ville
    Blog Entries
    Hello! ^_^ This RP sounds really interesting. ^_^ Is it okay if I join?

    Name: Takashi Shira

    Age: 16

    Birthday: April 18

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5’ 6”

    Weight: 112 lbs

    Hair: Blue/Black Down to the middle of her back

    Eyes: Black

    Blood type: O

    Clothes: Shira usually wear a black, low cut, sleeveless top that tends to be covered by her Jounin jacket, and a black high cut skirt ending at her knees with matching shorts underneath. When just out and about/ relaxing Shira tends to wear a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

    Unique differences: N/A

    Home Village: Kumogakure or Cloud Village

    Village: Konohagakure or Leaf Village

    Rank: Jounin

    Weaponry: Shira has three differently sized daggers attached to her leg under her skirt. She nicknamed them the Oni Trio. They were a gift from her father one of the last times she saw him.
    She also carries 4 kunai, 8 shuriken and 5 exploding tags in her holster pouch.

    Kekkai Genkai: N/A ….. for now….. ^^

    Jutsu's: Shunshin no Jutsu/ Body Flicker Jutsu, Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu/ Fire style: Fire Ball Jutsu, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu/ Shadow Clone Technique, Henge no Jutsu/ Transformation Technique, Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu/ Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technigue


    Personality: Shira is a girl you definitely wouldn’t want to cross. Her exterior would make you think she was sweet and caring, but in truth she’s the exact opposite. She’s rarely kind, tending more often than not to show no emotion unless with her mother, but even then it’s not very much.
    She is revengeful and tends to anger easily. She doesn’t take life lightly and is very serious, making her someone who plans and strategizes. While with her mother she lightens her seemingly darkened exterior and seems to show emotion.
    Many people have tried to get under her darker self, wondering if she even has a childish side. Is her current personality just a ruse? Is she trying to cover up something in her past, or is she exactly the way she acts? No one really knows, but the only hint is in her mother who sometimes speaks of a younger Shira who was always smiling.

    Background: Shira grew up for most of her life in the Village Hidden in the Clouds. Shira lived with her mother among the other ninja and villagers, her father basically absent from her life and home. Few knew who her father was in the Cloud Village, and those who didn’t wouldn’t ask. Shira was given her name by her father before he left, occasionally returning as she grew older.
    Growing up Shira seemed like a normal girl, yet she was very interested in charka and often tried experimenting with it as a child. As she grew older, she found a fondness to fighting and learning Taijutsu. This led her to usually be found among the boys of the village instead of the girls, as she thought it a waste of her time to oogle over guys as many of them did.
    As a very bright child, Shira grew into a very bright girl, but never lost her some what chilling nature. Even growing up Shira tended to intimidate most of the boys she hung around, and if that wasn’t enough she could usually beat them at hand to hand combat. Her mother often worried for her daughter, and even sometimes wondered if this was because of the absence of a father figure. Although both mother and child knew who the father was, they never spoke of it, and Shira’s mother even gave her daughter her name instead of her father’s.
    As Shira got older, she became colder and tended to show no emotion unless angered or amused. Around her mother she acted like a normal daughter, understanding that it kept her mother calm and kept her from hearing many lectures.

    At eleven, Shira and her mother moved from their home in the Cloud Village and turned towards her mother’s original home of Konoha. Her mother told her it was so they could have a new life and get away from their past. Shira knew better, knowing that it was also because of her father that they left.
    Living in Konoha, Shira was a normal child. She went to the ninja academy, made a couple friends, passed the chunin exams and later became a Jounin. As a young woman at the age of sixteen, her talent in ninja arts lies in her ability to combine her charka with her own strength. She favors Taijutsu and rarely tends to use ninjutsu or genjutsu.
    She respects few, and has even fewer friends. Regarding the latter, Shira often tends to be alone instead of having company. If she’s seen with anyone it would be a surprise to many.

    Hope this sounds okay! ^_^

  8. #8
    Lone Wolf Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Darkwolf's Avatar
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    email. [email protected]
    yes it is, anyone can join this rp as long as they go by the tff rules

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwolf
    yes it is, anyone can join this rp as long as they go by the tff rules
    (Damn it, you beat me to it )

    Anyway, yeah, after reading your profile we have to let you in. I like how your character has come from the Kumo to Konoha. We could work on a little bit connecting our characters if you wnat to. Also since your in Konoha now, you might have to talk to Xeim and everyone else as they have parts set up there of which they will want to include you in. Still we have plenty of people (Although I would have expected more none club members to join).

    Since this thread has been open for almost a week now, I think I'll leave this OCC open for two more days before making the RP itself if that is ok with you lot.
    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    Foolish Brother. If you want to kill me, then blame me. Hate me. And live on in shame. Run and run. Cling desperately to life.
    <img src="">

    I've been told to advertise this forum. So just hurry up and join since we need members.

    My family so far- My heartless sister: al bhed psycho, My other seymour loving sister: superjj, My Anime Chasing Little Brother: Kawaii chaser, My kickass older brother: geordanuk, My Cat loving older brother: Wizardcat My blood sucking, vampire nephew: bangaathief, My crazy younger sister: Firefly, My other, not so easily slain son: Darkwolf, My easily slain illegitimate son: Wyatt Arkham, My third and very sporty son: zell_dincht0808, My very demented uncle who you've just got to love: Mariko, My evil grandfather who needs a good kicking: Hannya, My level 99 grandson with a blood soaked lance: Dragoon Nick, Official play thing of: Kyo-san

    PM me if you would like to join my evil family

    New Leader and Kazekage of the shinobi masters
    Proud member of The Yaoi Otakus of TFF and TSP (The Sky Pirates Club)
    1st division, 6th seat of the Bleach club

    Brotherhood of Doom
    Cassuis, Philologus de Fatum et Exitium
    Christians to the Lions

  10. #10
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    I'm a bit worried about how character heavy Konoha has become. It's only natural, but, I do wish we could get a couple more people who would be from a different village. I love everyone's profiles so far, so don't think I'm hinting at people to change there's...but we could use another character from another village. Poor Mist, and a few others, Village is being ignored...*sniff*

    Anyway, Cetra, Rika, and I have conversed together a little already regarding her character, but so far we haven't worked out a lot of detail. You're right that we should probably start planning how she's going to fit in in the grand scheme of things (>.< that sounded funny).

    Two more days...two days for to find non-members who may be interested, but two days that I'll have to suffer. *sigh*

    Off to try and boost buisness, lol,


    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  11. #11
    Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings cetra_aeris's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Over towards Yonder-ville
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    (Damn it, you beat me to it )

    Anyway, yeah, after reading your profile we have to let you in. I like how your character has come from the Kumo to Konoha. We could work on a little bit connecting our characters if you wnat to. Also since your in Konoha now, you might have to talk to Xeim and everyone else as they have parts set up there of which they will want to include you in. Still we have plenty of people (Although I would have expected more none club members to join).
    Yay! Thank you! ^_^ And the connecting of our characters sounds nice, and it would be interesting that way too. ^_^

    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    Since this thread has been open for almost a week now, I think I'll leave this OCC open for two more days before making the RP itself if that is ok with you lot.
    Wohoo! I shall count down! ... just one day left now.. ^_^

  12. #12
    Well I bring good news for you all. As of today the RP thread shall now be open. However this does not stop people from joining if they wish. I'm sure we can find a way to fit people into it once we've begun (if others turn up that is). So as you are reading this, the RP thread itself would be open so feel free to post in it as you wish. Also with the opening of the thread, I shall be revealing more of the storyline if you so wish to ask me about it.

    I just hope we can all enjoy this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    Foolish Brother. If you want to kill me, then blame me. Hate me. And live on in shame. Run and run. Cling desperately to life.
    <img src="">

    I've been told to advertise this forum. So just hurry up and join since we need members.

    My family so far- My heartless sister: al bhed psycho, My other seymour loving sister: superjj, My Anime Chasing Little Brother: Kawaii chaser, My kickass older brother: geordanuk, My Cat loving older brother: Wizardcat My blood sucking, vampire nephew: bangaathief, My crazy younger sister: Firefly, My other, not so easily slain son: Darkwolf, My easily slain illegitimate son: Wyatt Arkham, My third and very sporty son: zell_dincht0808, My very demented uncle who you've just got to love: Mariko, My evil grandfather who needs a good kicking: Hannya, My level 99 grandson with a blood soaked lance: Dragoon Nick, Official play thing of: Kyo-san

    PM me if you would like to join my evil family

    New Leader and Kazekage of the shinobi masters
    Proud member of The Yaoi Otakus of TFF and TSP (The Sky Pirates Club)
    1st division, 6th seat of the Bleach club

    Brotherhood of Doom
    Cassuis, Philologus de Fatum et Exitium
    Christians to the Lions

  13. #13
    Registered User Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Lady Rika's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Yay finally the roleplay is up! Congrads Itachi, we couldn't of made this possible without all of your hard work! But I have to point out reminders to everyone who reads and or is in this rp. Me, Xeim, and Mr. Sandman's posts are intertwined and connect with each other. So that all of you know this I think I better continue writing my post and...stop humilitaing myself! *sweatdrop*

    Oh and welcome to the roleplay Cetra! Were all really happy to have you!

  14. #14
    Lone Wolf Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Darkwolf's Avatar
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    email. [email protected]
    Ok Rika, I have decided that I want to KILL Raiden. He just seems so abusive twords his mother that I want that bastard to die. I mean I REALLY WANT HIM TO DIE!!!!!
    apparently you're putting all of your hate in your life into this character, maybe a little too much, if you know what I mean. I read your first post, and it will take a LOT of convincing to make me EVER even like him ONE BIT. lol but it's just an rp, so I guess I shouldnt be so angry but DAMN. I SOOOOOO WANT TO KILL HIM.

    and to all who have posted, good job. I really like them. yes, I HAVE taken time to read them, nobody's on msn and I am REALLY bored

  15. #15
    Registered User Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Lady Rika's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Wow Darkwolf, a fight scene already^^
    This will be rather interesting, to tell you the truth I am completley unsure of whats going to happen. My poor little Raiden ( ), having to fight so soon!

  16. #16
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Ok, well I'd like to use this thread to tell everyone that I can't write my next post without Mr. Sandman's help, which is why it's taking so long. I haven't seen him around lately either, which kind of scares me a bit.

    So, Sandman, if you read this, I really need to speak to you via msn so I can get my next post in please.


    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  17. #17
    Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Mr. Sandman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Why would you care?
    Sorry guys for not being so active but I'm kind of over a friend's house. So yeah, they don't have msn here but I can atleast talk for a few minutes. I'll be on msn as soon as I get back, so sorry for the short notice. Talk to you later.

  18. #18
    Thanks for letting me join the RP Itachi. ^.^ So basically... here's my profile and yep. I'll enter the story ASAP since it's already started and such and as you can see in my profile, there are a few things yet to be revealed with my character so... yeah. Anyway, here it is.

    Kurokoge Machi

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5’6”

    115 lbs.

    It’s like orangish-yellowish. Similar to a dirty blonde, just a little more out of the ordinary.

    Eyes: Yellow

    Blood type: O

    Clothes: Her clothes consist of a black bandanna, and a feminine shirt that is a lighter orange color. She also has a brooch choker [the brooch looks like a cat’s eye], she has kunoichi’s capris that are black and of course the classic naruto sandal-looking shoes. She wears black bandit gloves[these gloves are the kind that only cover the palms and the finger stick from the top. However, these ones go a little below the elbow.]

    Unique differences: she has a tattoo that’s crosses her right eye, but it’s all black. It’s sort of shapes as if it was a scar but… then again not really. It’s all black though so it doesn’t really look like an actual scar.

    Village: Konoha [yeah, I realize Xeim’s argument, but hey… that’s where all the action is…]

    Rank: Well everyone else is a Jounin, so I’ll go with that. ^_^

    Weaponry: The typical kunai, shuriken, and exploding tags.

    Kekkai Genkai: None for now. I’ll maybe reveal it later. Maybe.

    The following techniques are used by many ninja and they’re not like... specialties or anything, but I thought I’d list them just to let people know the easiest techniques or the most frequently used techniques among any ninja, as well as my character, Machi. The English name is on the left and the Japanese name on the right. If you want to know how they work, look it up on wikipedia.

    Body Flicker Technique – Shunshin no jutsu
    Body Replacement Technique – Kawarimi no jutsu
    Cloak of Invisibility Technique – Kakuremino no jutsu
    Clone Technique – Bunshin no jutsu
    Projectile Weapons – Tobidogu
    Rope Escape Technique – Nawanuke no jutsu
    Summoning Technique – Kuchiyose no jutsu
    Transformation Technique – Henge no jutsu

    And that’s the most popular ones…. So here are Machi’s. She specializes in Fire techniques[ninjutsu], minors in medical techniques, and knows very few taijutsu and genjutsu techniques. I know I was told to make a list of the ones I use most, but I ended up listing a lot. >.< Sorry… I was having fun:

    Ninjutsu - Attacks
    Fire Release: Fire Dragon Technique – Katon: Ryuka no jutsu
    Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Missle – Katon: Karyu Endan
    Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique – Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu
    Fire Release: Intense Pain – Katon: Zukukko
    Fire Release: Pheonix Immortal Fire Technique – Katon: Hosenka no jutsu
    Shadow Shuriken Technique – Kage Shuriken no jutsu

    Ninjutsu – Healing Techniques
    Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique – Chikatsu Saisei no jutsu
    Poison Extraction Technique – Dokunuku no jutsu
    Mystical Palm Technique[used by all med ninja] – Shosen no jutsu
    Soft Physique Modification – Nan no Kaizo

    Death Foreseeing Technique – Shi no Kumi no jutsu
    Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique – Magen: Kokoni Arazu no jutsu
    Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique – Magen: Narakumi no jutsu

    Front Lotus – Omote Renge
    Leaf Gale – Konoha Reppu
    Shadow of the Dancing Leaf – Kage Buyo
    Thousand Years of Death – Sennen Goroshi

    Okay… that’s all for now


    Machi was born into the world as an orphan, not wanted by her parents. She grew up in the Konoha village and was taken care of by a couple of villagers, whom never thought to become ninjas or anything of the sort. They were the sort of people that always wanted to be protected, rather than protect. Machi was completely different. Even though she grew up around that sort of setting, she wanted to be a protector and a legend. This is still her goal. She became a genin at the age of 6 and a chuunin at the age of 10 and is now a jounin by 16. Even though she’s strong, she’s still young. Mistakes are inevitable, but this doesn’t change her intelligence.

    Machi is quite kind and loveable, but knows when to be serious or not. When she was younger, she was not liked as much by her classmates or put down by them constantly. Many people made fun of her for not having parents and such, but still never gave up on her dream. She was the kind of kid that no one really took seriously and she would get quite angry about it and easily proved them wrong. Despite the laughing and jokes that were continuously made about her, she had never given up. These jokes only made her want to become stronger just to prove them wrong.

    She trained with her sensei[whose names is currently unknown for now… lol] who taught her all the techniques that she knows today.
    Machi can be very protective of those she loves. So much that she’d die for them.
    Last edited by jenova33; 06-21-2007 at 04:09 PM.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

    My TFF Family!! My awesome twin brother who's obsessed with Naruto and thinks I'm slow Mr. Sandman! (poo on you Mr. Sandman! >.<) My singing, yaoi-fanatical, bleach-loving, and fun sister Xeim! The sweetest little brother that would just make you want to pinch his cheeks, Suzu Kitamura!! My sweet and intelligent brother Shadowknight241! My fun-loving, smart, and crazy, yet mysterious older brother Tare, the Black! My Tobi-loving, sweet, and entertaining cousin Yuuki! (Psstt... u rock! ^_^) My cool Rikku-loving sister, Princess_Berry!! My sports-crazed brother who enjoys changing his display name a lot(^__^'') Vyper!! My very nerdish cousin Van Slanzer De Fanel!!(lol i put what u asked...)

  19. #19
    Ok, like I've told you your part of the club so your in the RP. Since you now have a profile, feel free to post in the RP. We're only in the early stages so you can post what you want.

    One thing I want to ask though is where is everyone? I know the RP hasn't been going for long but activity seems to be down. So if it isn't a problem, could you fill us in on where you are and if you can post? Saves me a lot of worry.
    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    Foolish Brother. If you want to kill me, then blame me. Hate me. And live on in shame. Run and run. Cling desperately to life.
    <img src="">

    I've been told to advertise this forum. So just hurry up and join since we need members.

    My family so far- My heartless sister: al bhed psycho, My other seymour loving sister: superjj, My Anime Chasing Little Brother: Kawaii chaser, My kickass older brother: geordanuk, My Cat loving older brother: Wizardcat My blood sucking, vampire nephew: bangaathief, My crazy younger sister: Firefly, My other, not so easily slain son: Darkwolf, My easily slain illegitimate son: Wyatt Arkham, My third and very sporty son: zell_dincht0808, My very demented uncle who you've just got to love: Mariko, My evil grandfather who needs a good kicking: Hannya, My level 99 grandson with a blood soaked lance: Dragoon Nick, Official play thing of: Kyo-san

    PM me if you would like to join my evil family

    New Leader and Kazekage of the shinobi masters
    Proud member of The Yaoi Otakus of TFF and TSP (The Sky Pirates Club)
    1st division, 6th seat of the Bleach club

    Brotherhood of Doom
    Cassuis, Philologus de Fatum et Exitium
    Christians to the Lions

  20. #20
    Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings cetra_aeris's Avatar
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    Over towards Yonder-ville
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    I'm here.. but I'm finding it hard to post at the moment, both because there is no interaction with my character yet, and because I'm hardly near a computer... and won't be near one for the next 4 days.. *weep* But I'll try to start my next post, maybe give a bit more of my characters background out. ^_^

  21. #21
    Well your character was originally from Kumo, right? I think I mentioned before that our characters could have a bit of interaction when I arrive at Konoha in my next post (which I will be writing after this). Its just an idea so let me know what you think. Anyway four days away from a computer sounds like torture but as long as we're kept upto date, that should be ok.
    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    Foolish Brother. If you want to kill me, then blame me. Hate me. And live on in shame. Run and run. Cling desperately to life.
    <img src="">

    I've been told to advertise this forum. So just hurry up and join since we need members.

    My family so far- My heartless sister: al bhed psycho, My other seymour loving sister: superjj, My Anime Chasing Little Brother: Kawaii chaser, My kickass older brother: geordanuk, My Cat loving older brother: Wizardcat My blood sucking, vampire nephew: bangaathief, My crazy younger sister: Firefly, My other, not so easily slain son: Darkwolf, My easily slain illegitimate son: Wyatt Arkham, My third and very sporty son: zell_dincht0808, My very demented uncle who you've just got to love: Mariko, My evil grandfather who needs a good kicking: Hannya, My level 99 grandson with a blood soaked lance: Dragoon Nick, Official play thing of: Kyo-san

    PM me if you would like to join my evil family

    New Leader and Kazekage of the shinobi masters
    Proud member of The Yaoi Otakus of TFF and TSP (The Sky Pirates Club)
    1st division, 6th seat of the Bleach club

    Brotherhood of Doom
    Cassuis, Philologus de Fatum et Exitium
    Christians to the Lions

  22. #22
    Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings cetra_aeris's Avatar
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    Yeah... The interaction with your character sounds nice, and I wouldn't mind at all. ^_^ I'm getting ready to leave in just a minute.. which means no more computer.... *wahhhh!!* It's a little depressing but I think I'll live. lol
    Well, I'll try to post as soon as I get back, but until then I hope everyone posts lots!! ^_^

  23. #23
    RP character Name: Kurosaki Shouten
    RP character Nickname: ‘1 Thousand-Weapon’ Kuro
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’8
    Weight: 9st
    Age: 16
    Ranking: Genin
    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black
    Village: Konohagakure (Village Hidden Amongst the Leaves)


    Description/Clothing: (see picture)

    Weapons: 12 Black Wooden Tanto, 1000 Long needles, 100 Kunai, 200 Shuriken, 5 Jo staff, 15 Reels of Wire, 5 Fuuma Shuriken, 1 Nodachi (very large katana), 50 Kama(sickles), 1 Manriki(weighted chain), 2 Nagamaki(equal katana), 4 Sai(three-pointed dagger) and 2 Tessen(metal fan).
    Other Equipment:
    Battle Style Type: Taijutsu, FuuinJutsu, Ninjutsu

    Weakness: Genjutsu, Fear of going insane.

    When Kuro was born, he was incredibly weak, and from several weeks on, he began to die. The medic-nin did all they could to try and save him, but found no avail. One 'Medic-nin'(story moment) did not give up. And attempted to seal the boys life force inside of his body, giving him a chance to live. Instead, it sealed his soul into his body. His heart stopped, but he remained alive, along with a seal that travelled all over his body. This, in turn, turned his eyes black and his hair black with the seal. (However, his bone marrow still produces red blood cells and white blood cells etc but only through the activation through chakra ie when hes injured or ill)
    He grew like any other child, and attended the Academy normally too. Although his father and the medic-nin that sealed his soul aided him with his other abilities and how to control them. Then, after many years of training, he graduated as a Genin and was on his way to becoming a top Ninja.
    Chakra Element: Shadow


    [Kekkai Genkai] :
    [[‘Serei’ Fuuinjutsu]: Ghost Seal Technique]]

    Physical Description: The Seal is placed at the neck which moves into the brain to regulate Chakra unity. This is required so that the spiritual energy of the user and the seal is merged and therefore gives the user life. From the four points, four extended markings move out down to the upper back to a black circle, then spread out to the arms and down the lower back, all the way to the herkeles heel tendon. At the hands and feet there are black circles on the upper sides of the hands and feet.
    Marking pic:
    This Sealed ability gives the user several special skills as well as certain advantages in battle which can be adapted:

    (‘Ikemasen Kamei: Buttai Ukagai no Jutsu’ (Forbidden Command: Summoning Technique))
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu Element: Shadow
    Description: This ability allows the user to transfer any needed object into pigments of the skin as a sealed mark to be released later a few centimeters or meters from the mark at will at the use of chakra. This is a ‘Storing’ Jutsu, as it allows the user to simply store physical and solid objects, such as weapons, or useful tools and allow them to be used with ease without being weighed down similarily to using a scroll but much quicker and more efficiently. However, this only focuses on inanimate and unmoving objects, but dead bodies may be kept if required. This skill is mainly controlled at will, and uses Chakra minimally, corresponding with how large the object is, not relying on weight but mainly on the size of the seal that would appear. The seal that would appear would be largely scaled down to the percentage of the skin not to mention multiple objects that are kept. For example, Kuro may have a Tanto kept, and he could add another. There would not be another seal; Kuro would simply recognize the change in numbers or place another item in a different place. Mainly, this technique only seals solid objects, but can also be used to seal the elements other than Wind and Lightning. This however does not require Chakra, but must be expelled within a certain time limit, possibly before needing it for a Jutsu(Water), or simply to return to the user as a counterattack(Fire or Earth). For this technique to work, the user simply needs to touch the object and focus on it. Black seal marks move onto the object and it disappears, a mark suddenly appearing in a random or chosen area. This usually takes about a second or longer, depending on how large the object is. Each object has a different mark, corresponding with what it is, as in weapon marks will look effectively different than tool or supply marks.

    ('Ikemasen Kamei: Tensongan no Dojutsu' (Forbidden Command: Eye of God's Descendant Technique))
    Type: Dojutsu Element: None
    Description: Turns the sclera black and the iris like the picture above. It effects both eyes, making a small circular seal mark on the forehead. This Dojutsu allows the user to see the spiritual energy of the target, therefore allowing them to gauge the Chakra level also. It also allows the user to see the 'souls' of his Ghost Clone Technique. With this the user can also determine the true nature of a person just by looking at them, and can therefore perhaps guess the next move of the opponent. It also allows the user to determine the element of the target person and the element of any techniques used(if they have an element) but otherwise the nature of techniques also.

    ('Ikemasen Kamei: Kekkyuu Seichuu no Jutsu' (Forbidden Command: Blood Control Technique))
    Type: Medical Ninjutsu Element: None
    Description: This technique allows the user to directly manipuate the blood use through sight, speeding up recovery, stopping bleeding, accelarating blood creation etc.To certain exerts of intense emotion and the survival instinct it can also fise lost limbs back together, healing without scar tissue. However, it doesnt just apply to Kuro's Body, he can also heal others wounds, controlling their flow of blood and accelarating natural healing expedentially. This technique can also be used to continue someones heart beat who is close to death, but requires a large amount of chakra, and can also restart a heartbeat. Therefore, it also has the ability to forcebly stop or disturb heartbeats in enemies, paralyzing or essentially killing(an already near death) enemy.
    Other Skills:

    (‘Katate Shuujuku: One-Handed Skill’)
    Rank: C
    Description: Allows user to create hand seals with only one hand.

    (‘Kage Bunshin no Jutsu: Shadow Clone Technique’)
    Rank: B
    Description: Similar to the Clone Technique, this Jutsu creates clones of the user. Unlike the Clone Technique, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing Jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own.

    ('Konbi Henge Jutsu: Combination Transformation Technique’)
    Rank: B
    Description: An advanced form of the Transformation Technique, the Combination Transformation transforms two or more objects or users into one.

    ('Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu: Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique')
    Description: The Great Fireball Technique is the most basic method of fire manipulation. The technique requires a large amount of chakra to perform. The user fills their chest with air, infuses it with fire chakra and blows out, creating an enormous external ignition, similar to firebreathing.

    ('Kontan Bunshin no Jutsu: Ghost Clone Technique')
    Description: A mix of Kuro's Kekkai Genkai and the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, as it clones the form of Kuro's spiritual energy. Due to this however it requires a small amount of Physical energy and therefore Chakra. This technique creates superior Stealth clones, making them untracable to anyone who cannot see spiritual energy(Byakugan, and the Sharingan can detect them barely). However, the clones cannot touch physical energy, and therefore are not attacking clones in any way. They can be used like the Shadow Clones in the sense that they send information once dismissed. Being almost literally ghosts, they are almost weightless, alowing them to achieve higher jumps etc. The clones can also only use two Techniques, one that requires hand seals and one that requires total physical submersion:

    ('Serei Bunshin no Shuujuku: Kontan Heitei' (Ghost Clone Skill: Spirit Repression))
    Description: This requires at least two Ghost clones to be within a 6ft radius of the target. The Hand Seals Tiger, Dog, Boar, Snake, Ox and finally Rabbit are required. The effect of this jutsu is that the clones and the opponents spiritual energy are linked and the clone can effectively block it, meaning that the target cannot use ninjutsu or genjutsu. Skill level would depend on how many clones were created.

    ('Serei Bunshin no Shuujuku: Kontan Mizubatashi' (Ghost Clone Skill: Spirit Submersion))
    Description: Basically, this is a paralyzing technique similar to the effect the Mind Swapping Technique has on its user. It effectively invades the body of the target, causing physcial pain and less likelyhood of a continual battle. However, this would require Kuro giving a medium amount of chakra as he created a clone to do this. Its lasting effects depend on skill level.
    Last edited by ~WP-Night; 02-12-2008 at 10:30 AM.
    (M) Kieron Sumner. says:
    strudel? :|
    Maxi(L) says:
    strudel ^^
    (M) Kieron Sumner. says:
    whats that haha
    Maxi(L) says:
    like apple pie but pastry instead of....pie stuff

  24. #24
    Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings cetra_aeris's Avatar
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    Well, I'm happy to say that I'm back..... but not for long.... See, I had computer problems for the last week and I'm leaving for the beach tomarrow, so if I don't get a post in today then I might not be able to post for the next week or so..... I feel so bad for being gone all the time, but I assure you that I will make a very detailed post on my return!!

    But for now, I shall go and finish packing for the beach. But anyway, I hope everyone posts lots, so I'll have much to read when I get back!! lol ^-^

  25. #25
    Registered User Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    Hey everybody, im sorry I haven't posted in awhile but I have some negitive news. I am going to my dad's for the rest of July against my will and I might not be able to post but a couple of time's a week. But I will post, and i'll get all my roleplay bussiness done as fast as I can because I don't get significant Internet access their.

    Also I must say that I will be gone to the mountians for a few days so don't exspect a post soon. I am so sorry that it has to be this way but I promise you that I will remain as active as I can. Especially because I made a commitment to this roleplay and everybody in it.^^

    I'll talk to you all soon^^
    ~*Lady Rika*~

  26. #26
    Lone Wolf Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Darkwolf's Avatar
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    for reasons of my own I'm no longer taking part in this rp, or for anything related to SM at all, I'm going to delete my character, so don't expect any more posts from me... I know nobody was pressuring me to post, that's not the reason... so I guess I'll see you people around.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwolf
    for reasons of my own I'm no longer taking part in this rp, or for anything related to SM at all, I'm going to delete my character, so don't expect any more posts from me... I know nobody was pressuring me to post, that's not the reason... so I guess I'll see you people around.
    Might I ask why you are leaving? Surely you must have a reason to do so in the middle of an RP. There are numerous people after all intertwined with you character so leaving would only create difficulties and result in your character becoming an NPC who everyone will be able to control. I'd like to ask you to think about it than rather being to rash with this. If it is something that is forcing you to leave then it can't be help but I don't see any other reason.
    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    Foolish Brother. If you want to kill me, then blame me. Hate me. And live on in shame. Run and run. Cling desperately to life.
    <img src="">

    I've been told to advertise this forum. So just hurry up and join since we need members.

    My family so far- My heartless sister: al bhed psycho, My other seymour loving sister: superjj, My Anime Chasing Little Brother: Kawaii chaser, My kickass older brother: geordanuk, My Cat loving older brother: Wizardcat My blood sucking, vampire nephew: bangaathief, My crazy younger sister: Firefly, My other, not so easily slain son: Darkwolf, My easily slain illegitimate son: Wyatt Arkham, My third and very sporty son: zell_dincht0808, My very demented uncle who you've just got to love: Mariko, My evil grandfather who needs a good kicking: Hannya, My level 99 grandson with a blood soaked lance: Dragoon Nick, Official play thing of: Kyo-san

    PM me if you would like to join my evil family

    New Leader and Kazekage of the shinobi masters
    Proud member of The Yaoi Otakus of TFF and TSP (The Sky Pirates Club)
    1st division, 6th seat of the Bleach club

    Brotherhood of Doom
    Cassuis, Philologus de Fatum et Exitium
    Christians to the Lions

  28. #28
    Lone Wolf Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Darkwolf's Avatar
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    email. [email protected]
    I've decided not to leave just yet, I don't want to ruin the whole rp just because I want to leave, but I won't be staying people are my friends and I just don't want to ruin your fun.

  29. #29
    Registered User Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    What! Darkwolf why would you want to leave? Your character is amazing and like Itachi said there are many people intertwined with your character. Besides nobody could control your character better than you!
    But of course I understand if you'd want to leave though I don't know your reasons, we all want you to stay and im putting my imput in because your a good friend of mine.

  30. #30
    Lady Succubus Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Victoria's Avatar
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    Name: Haku Manami
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 160 lbs
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Green
    Blood type: B
    Clothes: White undershirt and a long kimono that falls halfway below his knees. The kimono is a light purple with dark grey trimming.
    Unique differences: Wing tattoos on his back.
    Home Village: Amega
    Current Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin
    Weaponry: Kunai, exploding tags, etc, etc.
    Special Weapon: Medium-sized black and yellow Chakram. The yellow surrounds the chakram's design in a bolt of lightning. The other side of the chakram is green and light blue. The light blue surrounds the design in the shape of a wind current.

    Kekkai Genkai: Hyoton

    Signature Jutsu:
    Kagerou Bushin no Jutsu - Electric Clone Jutsu
    *Akin to Kage Bushin no Jutsu, except instead of puffs of smoke, they electrocute the attacker.

    Raiton: Raibiki no Jutsu - Lightning Release: Lightning Sword
    *Similar to Kakashi's Lightning Blade, but is a true katana made of lightning.

    Kaze Rai no Chakram - Thunder Wind Chakram
    *Exclusive jutsu used with his Chakram

    Makyo Hyo Sho - Demonic Ice Mirrors
    *Attack derived from his Hyoton

    Obvious Jutsu
    Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Jutsu
    Henge no Jutsu - Clone Jutsu
    Kawarimi no Jutsu - Body Replacement Jutsu
    Kirigakure no Jutsu - Hidden Mist Jutsu

    Unknown to him, he is related to the deceased Haku and follows his ninjitsu footsteps. He has risen to the Jounin ranks, but not many people are sociable with him as he was known to be a Divine Jinchuriki. The so-called "demon" that they say is "sealed" within him is a Fallen Angel. How angels could exist was beyond him, but he didn't question it, but took pride that he was unique. He first met his angel when he was asleep one night, five years ago. He discovered she really was a fallen angel, but was nowhere near evil or bad. He also discovered she had an actual name; Kaoru.

    One year before he left his village, he had an assassination mission. He would have normally done it with ease, except his target had some skill to fight him back. When he was in a big pinch, Kaoru released her chakra and took over his body. When she did so, his body had changed into a woman's body. Breasts, wider hips, slimmer stomach, slimmer legs, and thinner feet. The pitch of his voice had feminized as well. Except he was unaware of it at the time, since Kaoru was in control.

    After the mission ended, he woke up the next day. He had no idea what happened after his mission. Though when he attempted to return to his village, they stopped him and demanded he turn around. That was when he realized he was wearing a backpack with all his belongings in it. He then realized what went on and sighed as he ran his hand down his face. He turned around and walked away from his home village.

    Now he starts his journey as a missing-nin. His first stop, and hopefully last, will be the village hidden in the leaves, Konoha.
    Last edited by Victoria; 07-25-2007 at 01:56 PM.

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