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Thread: Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings

  1. #61
    Fox Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings fivetail_uzimaki's Avatar
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    My character do not have the blood line of Shadow and Mist. It's just the name of the village. Certain people of this village have very unique blood lines, including Foxx family. Foxx family consists of cryomancers who is actually a very unique race because not many are left. Cryomancers has the ability and control and manipulate ice. Foxx is more of a hybrid of these unique beings because she shares both human and some cryomancer heritage. And like those like her does not share the same heritage. Those who has the hoyoton bloodline is closely related to those of the cryomancer bloodline.

  2. #62
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Come on you guys, can't we work something out? Fivetails, maybe you can come up with a few new moves, something original.

  3. #63
    ok i like it. i can see if she could develop her own moves. I would just change some moves and don't have so many person's specialties. so far though i like the character though.

  4. #64
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
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    …alchemist, I’m sorry, but if you don’t plan on joining or are at least interested in doing so please refrain from posting here…especially if you’re just defending another member. They can speak from themselves. ^^;;

    So...half of this next part is directed at alchemist and the other at fivetail. I wrote this a couple days ago and was unable to post it, so yeah. ^^;;; Forgive any confusion. hehe.

    True, not much is known about her village (though she should know a bit about it). They could have shadow techniques. As one of the leaders of this RP, I do not want her to use the Nara family’s. If the other two outvote me, then I’m outvoted and she can use it, but I don’t know how soon they’ll be around. It’s best for her to come up with her own.

    As for the sexy jutsu, I don’t see any point of bringing it up. I already said that she could use it; I merely added that Konohamaru developed the version of turning into a guy. It has not appeared in the anime yet, only the Japanese manga.

    All right, so cryomancer’s the correct term. Seraph already explained that in the Naruto universe, it’s called the Hyoton (ice release). I really need to be honest with you. In the Naruto universe, the ability to call up and manipulate ice at will is not common. People can manipulate it, but it has to already exist. If she wants to have something similar to the Hyoton, she’s going to have to take it up with Toph, who is our Hyoton user. I’m tempted to just say “no”, but I know it’s not fun to have a profile you put time into be stripped down piece by piece. There’s modifications an alternatives she can use. The kekkei genkai is a bloodline trait….only one family possesses it. It’s something special, really. You want it to stand above all other jutsu. So having two that are so similar is strange. If you can develop it so that there are PROFOUND (not just a name) differences then you can definately use it. Even from your last post fivetail, I don't understand the difference. ^^;; The bloodlines are close...and I'm not seeing the difference. Sorry. Maybe you could explain to us all the differences? There's a good bit of info on Hyoton on wiki if you need some.

    Also, fivetail I see you edited your 'tatoo' out of your profile. Does that make me correct in assuming she's a container? There's way to modify it so you can keep it around.

    And as for her cloning jutsu, I know it’s possible, I would just like to have her explain why she would go through the trouble. That’s why that post was directed at her. She knows her character and the jutsu she created best. It’s something you’ll hear Rpers say often. So, I’d really like to hear from her.

    Fivetail, if you have questions, concerns, ideas, or anything else, feel free to PM me, Itachi Uchiha, or Lady Rika, though I would probably give you the fastest response. Itachi tends to lurk around and Rika hasn’t been on much lately. Of course, the comments etc. are welcome in the thread, but an extensive discussion on your profile might become spammy. ^^;;

    And to answer my own question: I hope to get a post in soon. To put it lightly, (very lightly) I've been having a shitty week. Keep in mind that that's putting it lightly. I'm convinced I'll end up in the hospital next. <_<;;

    I would like to know what Itachi’s up to… .>_> He hasn’t posted since the beginning of the RP….and even though he made his “comeback” to the forums, he’s still not around. xD

    Toph: * glomp * move quickly. Can’t wait to hear from you. ^^

    Seraph: Thank you for staying active. I hope you don’t lose interest while you wait for one of us to post something. I’ll try my hardest!
    Last edited by Xeim; 09-27-2007 at 06:28 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

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  5. #65
    Lady Succubus Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Victoria's Avatar
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    Alright. I'm back in action. I have my main computer connected. I will be able to resume writing posts for all the RPs that I am in.

    And yes, Hyoton is a special bloodline trait that is exclusive to a family. Since my character is related to Haku, he can have it. Fivetail's character cannot have the Hyoton ability unless they are somehow directly related to my character, which I seriously doubt. Don't even have the same family name.

    So no, you cannot use the Hyoton ability.

  6. #66
    Fox Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings fivetail_uzimaki's Avatar
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    After this, I won't place any more replies to my character bashing. I'm working on new techinques so everyone can stop bugging me. Just give me sometime to think of something. I am working on it okay?!
    Oh, and she does know a few things about her own village, although other ninjas in other villages do not know as much. And I am doing some "minor" modifications for the whole tattoo thing. Just bare with me a little longer 'kay? As for bloodline, I am keeping what I've got with adjustments.
    In short, I'm updating little by little.
    Last edited by fivetail_uzimaki; 09-29-2007 at 01:52 PM. Reason: To explain a little more clearer

  7. #67
    I'm sorry! ^^ I didn't mean to offend anyone. And yes, I am planning to join. I'm just trying to finish the rest of my profile on paper before posting it here.

  8. #68
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Well, welcome to you when you finish your postings. It's always good to have some more people.

  9. #69
    thanx cid! ^^

  10. #70
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
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    Alright then, I look forward to your profile alchemist.

    I managed to wring the details of the main plot out of Itachi recently. I would like to talk through it him more before we get it flying into motion, as he was doing coursework while I was talking to him and was distracted.

    Anyway, expect me to start dropping hints as to where the plot's going to go in my posts through our lovable Hokage. I have the beginnings of one in the post I'm in the middle of, and plan on having a blatent one somewhere down the line.

    Now Toph, I need to double check with you that you're going to end up coming to dinner at the Hokage Mansion with Kusi-chan? My current post is with Hanako, and she's basically just making dinner. O.O The end of my post will mark the beginning of the dinner party scene though, so I want to know who's coming so I can make note at the end of my post.

    I also plan on making some tweaks with Hanako's character. There were a couple jutsu that felt out of place (even thoguh her dad developed one xD) for her, so I omitted them, and went into more depth on her feelings and relationships with people. If Rika approves, I'll post the modified profile up in the OOC soon.

    One last note: Rika's been extremely ill as of late. I won't go into detail, but I don't think we should expect anything from her anytime soon. If push comes to shove, I'll drag Raiden through the dinner party, or I'll leave him out. I would like to see some hating between Raiden and Kusi though. xD
    Last edited by Xeim; 10-03-2007 at 06:31 PM.

  11. #71
    Lady Succubus Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Victoria's Avatar
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    Yes, I'll be attending the dinner party with Kusi-chan. I can't say no to a first friend, after all. =P

  12. #72
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
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    Alrighty! It’s time to get those puppet strings moving in Pulling of Puppet Strings!

    /cheesy cliché

    Anyway, the plot has finally been smoothed out to near perfection. The following information will start to shape the actions that our characters take. The center of action has inevitably become Konoha, so Naruto is going to start laying out our basic situation. Once everything I’m about to explain has more or less leaked itself into the RP, we’ll start actually getting our hands dirty. This next part I’m either going to get Andro to edit into the first post, or I’ll edit into my first post, which is the second post. As you can tell, it’s important. Also, you’ll recognize a lot of it from Itachi’s post. I’m elaborating to tie it into the storyline.

    Final Stand of Akatsuki

    Many participated in this fight, which was centered in the area surrounding Amegakure. It was almost a grand affair in a sense: the final few members of Akatsuki and all their servants against all shinobi willing to fight. But of course, Akatsuki fell. When their leader’s life fled, a few things happened.

    Firstly, the rings of the (now deceased members) came forth from where they were last lain. They then promptly disappeared. To this day, their significance is unknown, but they appeared very important to Akatsuki.

    Secondly, the tailed beasts burst from the prison of Akatsuki’s machine, causing a great explosion. Many lives were lost in this alone. As already stated, the ichibi returned to Gaara. The other seven disappeared, much like the rings.

    Thirdly, a great cheer rang across the battlefield. Akatsuki had fallen.

    Affects of the Fight on the Surrounding Area

    The village of Amegakure has always been the center for shinobi wars because of its location. It was, perhaps, one such war that led to the rise of Akatsuki. Whatever the case, Amegakure was used to being ripped apart, not that they enjoyed it. But, nothing could have prepared them for this. Ninja released their greatest jutsu on that stormy battlefield, and not even the falling rain could quench the thirsty flames and bolts of electricity.

    The land, as previously stated, became barren and dry: dead if you will. But the irony of it all, was that the sky cleared up, and rain stopped falling. Amegakure fell into a drought.

    Since things come and go and never stay, rain fell again four years later. But still, nothing grew upon the lands. Even now, Akatsuki’s former base lies in an area without life.

    Fate of the Bijuu

    The tailed beasts lost their physical shape while locked within Akatsuki’s machine. When they were released, they needed containers. They scattered themselves across the continent, and picked the first people they came across.

    The Rings of Akatsuki

    While their connection to the Bijuu’s is still unknown, the nine rings (Orochimaru’s was never located) found their way to the newly formed jinchuuriki. Unfortunately, since there were only seven tailed beasts, one ring found its way to a ‘normal’ ninja that it found worthy, and the other (the zero ring) returned to its roots, and with it brought rain.

    However, the rings took their time locating their new wearers, and while the Bijuu’s picked their hosts instantaneously, the rings looked for the one exactly complementary to their unknown powers. It took them a few years.

    We are now in an era with nine potential Akatsuki members. And, they will, without doubt, rise to fulfill their predecessor’s dreams, even if they don’t understand why.

    It is fated.

    Character Opportunities

    We have eight (seven jincuuriki and one other member) available positions for you all. Little is known about most of the beasts, but there is some info. If you choose to design a character for the new Akatsuki, run the tailed beast by me first. We have:






    Nanabi (or Shichibi. This demon hasn't appeared yet, so there's nothing really official. o.o)


    Now remember, these aren’t random jinchuuriki. I know we have some jinchuuriki in the RP already, but the beasts within them are either minor demons or angels. These are the legendary bijuu’s, and are the only ones Akatsuki is interested in.

    Don’t feel compelled to make a character for this. If you’re just joining, this might be the thing for you, but if you’re in the RP already I don’t want you to feel pressured into making a character. These will be critiqued harshly. And, I might even reject parts of it, especially when it comes to designing the powers of the tailed beasts within you. Be creative, very creative. These monsters are special, so heck, make them special.

    A warning, this is a limited time only thing. Once its time for Akatsuki to form, the remaining positions will be designed by myself and other leaders of the Rp, and then made into NPC’s. You can always pick these up as characters later, but that isn’t as fun.

    The leader position has been filled, and his profile will be posted soon. I would post it within this post, but it would clutter things up a bit. Plus...he only has three jutsu. xD I really got change that, lol.


    If you have any questions, ask ask ask! I know the info was kind vague, but I didn't want to give actual manga spoilers. There was a lot I could add in based on what the manga knows now, but I'm trying not to. (but they really havent said what the rings are for.) The only thing I had to add is there, was the leader based himself out of Amegakure....turning that area into the base for Akatsuki.

    The profile for the new leader would make more sense if you know stuff about the Akatsuki's original, but it's not really neccessary. Anyway, if you need me to expand, I will to the best of my abilites. Just some base info:

    10 Akatsuki members. Orochmaru's ring remains hidden in one of the sound village hideouts. That leaves 9 rings. Therefore, the RP can only have 9 Akatsuki members. Each one NEEDS a ring. It's also been theorized that the Akatsuki wanted to take the tailed beasts into themselves. There are nine beasts, so that would be one each, and then the leader (who, due to some plot elements wouldn't be useful as a jinchuuriki). It's unknown if it's true, but it makes a bit of sense. So, the jinchuuriki formed from the tailed beeasts get rings. The RP only has 7 free jincuuriki though. Gaara has the ichibi, and naruto the Kyuubi. That's why there are two extra members, the leader being one.


    Alright. Oe a different note, I did get a post in. Filler if I ever saw it...but it opens for the the Hokage Mansion Dinner scene! Whoot!
    Last edited by Xeim; 10-13-2007 at 05:40 PM.

  13. #73
    Registered User Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Yay...I am finally out of the hospital and am alive! Horray for life, heh heh.
    So sorry to be out of the rp for so long, but expect me to be posting alot now. Though my computer is very slow and my mother pesters me about bedrest everyday this is not a problem. I shall post as much as I want even if it kills her.

    Oh and on the subject of Fivetail (even though I am really late) I thought I would put in my opinion. Okay, I agree with Toph and Xeim all the way through.
    The only one who should be using Chidori are Sasuke, Kakashi or Kusinada (cuz she's related) and being the Shadow possesion jutsu is a Nara family technique I think it should stay that way. Period.
    Now I am not trying to be cruel, and im sure no one else is but thats only fair.
    But here's a question...why would a girl want a sexy jutsu? That just confuses me...O.o

    And any of the special Naruto techniques would most likely go to Hanako or Raiden because like I said earlier with Chidori...they are related.

    Okay now im done with that. I better began to wrote up my post for the rp...though I am rather confused im sure Xeim will help me understand better. Because im slow...heh heh....^_^

  14. #74
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
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    Well, I can address the sexy jutsu. It's already been answered. There's a version that turns you into a man. Really, the exact one turns you into two men...making yaoi. And it works on the girls. o.o Sakura got a nosebleed.

    Anyway, the point is, is, she may be a girl, but since Konohamaru developed a version that turns you into a guy, she can use that one and still have it be effective. Even if it hadn't already existed, fivetail would've made it up and went with it...and I, at least, would've let her.

    And, I do hope I answered your questions well in that PM, Rika. I have a habit of either elaborating too much, not enough, or just plain not making sense to keep myself from elaborating too much.

    I have a couple more jutsu to pick out for the leader character before I post him. Next couple of posts, promise! ^^;;
    Last edited by Xeim; 10-10-2007 at 04:55 PM.

  15. #75
    Lady Succubus Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I'll go ahead and make an Akatsuki character. Although I've been discussing with Xeim on MSN, so our Akatsuki characters will be partners. ^_^
    Last edited by Victoria; 10-21-2007 at 12:57 PM.

  16. #76
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
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    Yay! Super sexy partners. Keke. Anyway, here's my Akatsuki leader character. I'll do Hanako's modified profile later, as I'm still tweaking it. xD

    Name: 中村 Nakamura 一真 Kazuma

    Age: 18 (appearance)

    Gender: male

    Height: 6’0”

    Weight: 150 lbs

    Hair: purplish blue

    Eyes: Light purple

    Blood type: AB

    Clothes: Nakamura wears a long, heavy black cloak. The cloak is unzipped to reveal his pants and black ‘combat’ boots. He usually wears no shirt. His nails are painted black, but he usually has his hands covered by black gloves. Nakamura posses no headband, as villagers of Amegakure are shunned and hated during this time, and wearing one would be asking for your death.

    Unique differences: He posses a ring with the kanji symbol: 零 It means “zero” or “nothing”. He has no knowledge of its origin.

    His ears are pierced once- wears stud earrings in the shape of a raindrop.

    Home Village
    : unknown

    Current Village: Amegakure

    Rank: unknown

    Weaponry: Foldable scythe. It folds into three pieces so that it can fit inside his cloak. He is able to draw it and unfold it easily, after which, it functions as a normal scythe. He carries no other ninja weaponry.

    Chakra element: water

    Kekkai Genkai: none

    Jutsu: The first few of his jutsu don’t have names. They may seem familiar to some, such as those who follow the Japanese manga.

    -Ability to sense movement and chakra level of people traveling in the rain

    -Ability to control rain (i.e. Starting and stopping rain.)

    -Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clones)

    -Suikoudan no Jutsu (Water Shark Projectile Technique). Causes a pillar of water to rise and strike its target. Can be molded from rain.

    -Suiryuudan no Jutsu (Water Dragon Projectile Technique). Causes a large pillar of water to rise in the shape of a dragon and strike its target. Needs to be molded from a large body of water.

    -Sanseiu no jutsu (Acid Rain Technique). This causes acid rain to fall, lowering the enemy’s concentration and stamina for a time.

    Bio: Nakamura is blind. He’s been blind for as long as he can remember, which isn’t very long. In fact, Nakamura’s memory only extends back a few years. He was found in a forest near Amegakure, wearing the “zero” ring 4 years after Akatsuki’s final stand. The villagers brought him back to Amegakure, but refuse to tell him the origin of the ring. They tell him he should know, and look up to him as their leader. Nakamura hasn’t the slightest clue as to why, but has taken on the role of their leader knowing all they really want is someone to guide them through this harsh time. Amegakure was quite close to the site of the final stand of Akatsuki, and is thusly in ruins. An effort to rebuild began shortly after the time of the battle, but has not gotten very far due to the charred and barren state of the land. Also, Nakamura hasn’t aged at all since he was found.

    Unbeknownst to Nakamura, the villagers believe that he is the Akatsuki leader reincarnated, or something to the effect. They all agree that it's a crazy thought, but no one can deny the the presence of the “zero” ring.

    He was named by a few of the elder villagers upon his arrival. He has no memory of his birth name.

    Though Nakamura has a number of water based jutsu, his skill lies in his ability to wield his scythe, and he is often found using that over jutsu. He does of course make it rain quite often, so that is an exception.

    Personality: Lethargic from amnesia, Nakamura started out as a kind person. But over the years, as he realized that time was stopped for him, and that he couldn’t even remember why, he began to get more and more angry with himself. He thought perhaps it was the ring, and attempted to throw it away, but it just came back to him the next day. Besides his apparent lack of the ability to age, Nakamura's blindness also upsets him. He could remember what it was like to see, but he didn’t remember what he had seen. It wasn’t as if he was an infant in his amnesia. He remembered that he had had many experiences…he just didn’t remember what they were.

    His anger began to reflect on his personality as well. He became almost cruel, which strangely only gave the villagers more hope. That also frustrated him. Who did they think he was? Nakamura never showed blatant cruelty though. There has always been something inside of him holding him back. So, even though he is subject to bursts of great anger, he is generally a kind person who’s just trying to find his place in the world.

    Appearance: Nakamura’s hair is long, reaching almost down to his stomach. It is wild and messy, and looks as if it has been thrashed around by countless storms. His skin is pale and smooth, and his exposed chest is thin and muscular.

    A strange thing about him is his eyes. They are shallow and empty, almost as if they are made of glass. They seem like they could shatter at any moment, leaving Nakamura looking almost fragile. But they never do. They’re special eyes. Even if they cannot see like normal ones, when exposed to rain they are no longer useless. When it is raining, Nakamura can see chakra patterns of anyone standing within the rain. He can also see the outlines of buildings and other objects. But if he steps out of the rain, the ability is lost. He has to be standing within it, soaking it in: feeling it. Like most things, Nakamura doesn’t understand why it happens. Rain is like someone crying. Why must he be so sad in order to see?


    I might tweak the profile later, and if I do anything major to it I'll re-post. Otherwise, here it is.
    Last edited by Xeim; 10-21-2007 at 12:17 PM.

  17. #77
    Lady Succubus Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Victoria's Avatar
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    Akatsuki Profile
    Name: Tsujimota Natsumi

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Weight: 145 lbs

    Blood Type: B

    Appearance: She has brown hair that falls to her upper back and magenta eyes that flare with youthful strength. She stands at 5'8" and wears a really short black shirt that exposes her torso, along with tight red Capri pants. She wears black sneakers with red flare designs and brown open-fingered gloves with a bison's head designed on the back of the glove, to signify strength. She possesses a ring with the kanji symbol of 白, which she discovered that it means "White".

    Home Village: Iwagakure

    Current Village: Iwagakure

    Rank: Jounin

    Weaponry: Her fists of strength.

    Chakra Element: Earth

    Natsumi Power-Up! - Chakra Molding, ala Tsunade/Sakura
    Earthquake - Punching the earth and shattering the area surrounding the opponent.
    Seismic Toss - Throwing a huge round boulder toward the opponent, and chases said opponent until it lands.
    Bone Crusher - A cloning jutsu technique that creates a clone out of earth or steel. Preferrably steel.

    Bio: Natsumi loved living in her village and helping out people in need, although sometimes she would be too headstrong and use unnecessary strength to accomplish her tasks. The locals sometimes scolded her, but more often than not, have thanked her for her help, even though she has been branded 'The Xena-woman'. She learned all of her jutsu skills on her own, except for that of her chakra molding, which she learned in the academy.

    Ever since she was able, she always trained her mind and body, and because of that, had near superhuman strength and an appetite to match. When combined with her chakra molding, she would be the strongest person in the world. She also had the Gobi, five tailed demon, sealed inside of her. Ironically, the Gobi is a bull.
    Last edited by Victoria; 10-21-2007 at 01:29 PM.

  18. #78
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
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    Haha, I probably should've posted a here a while ago to accept toph's profile. Anyway: Offically accepted. I'd like you to eventually get me a short profile of the Gobi, detailing all or most of its abilities, please.

    Anyway, I'll be posting for my soon-to-be villain pretty quickly here. But I'd like to know what's going on with everyone here. Are anyone besides Toph and Rika even still interested anymore?

    I really need you all to let me know what's going on. I may end up Pming most of you if you decide you don't need to post here. Let's try to boost activity in here a little, okay?
    Last edited by Xeim; 11-18-2007 at 05:08 PM.

  19. #79
    Lady Succubus Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Victoria's Avatar
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    Alrighty. I'll go ahead and just post the Gobi's abilities right here rather than editing my post, so you know it's right here.

    Ability #1: Strengthening/Invigorating objects that she touches. Controlled ability.
    Ability #2: Berserk when seeing the color red.
    Ability #3: Causes County-wide Earthquakes when angry/upset.
    Ability #4: Immune to poisonous and deadly chemicals due to her stomach having the power of her Gobi and breaking down and processing to harmless ingredients of said chemicals. Although this is true for most chemicals, she somehow still gets drunk.

  20. #80
    Fox Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings fivetail_uzimaki's Avatar
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    sorry if i haven't posted in awhile, but i've been sort of busy. Okay, stupid question. What is Gobi? First time I've heard of it

  21. #81
    Lady Succubus Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Victoria's Avatar
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    ...Read the first post. >_>;
    The Gobi is the 5th Mystical Beast. Like how Naruto's Kyuubi is the 9th one.

  22. #82
    Fox Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings fivetail_uzimaki's Avatar
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    oh, Duh! Okay thanx Toph. I'll post them as soon as I can. ^^

  23. #83
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
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    Thank you Toph, for the profile.

    And fivetail. Last I checked you said you were going to edit and resubmit your profile? Did you edit it? Or are you still working on it?

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  24. #84
    Fox Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings fivetail_uzimaki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Xeim, I'm still working on it. although, I've already made a few changes here and there.

  25. #85
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Alrightys. I look forward to your finished product. ^^

    ...And I guess everyone else lost interest? I guess the people we have are enough to keep it alive, though. ^^;

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  26. #86
    Avatar Sakura
    This looks like a very interesting place. ^^ Mind if I do my first RP here?

  27. #87
    Morning Always Comes Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Of course you can! We could use some more members in here. ^^ Just design yourself a character. And make sure you read the first two posts of this thread, as I couldn't get all of the info into the first (the original leader is absent from the forums).

    If you have any questions, just post them up in here or send me a PM. ^^

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  28. #88
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings FF Ace Cid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Wandering the road of life.
    Hey, sorry I haven't posted or anything, I am just having a problem getting my story together for my character. I am still here despite my long absence of posting. Sorry about that.

  29. #89
    Registered User Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Lady Rika's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Yay my post is finally up! Now I can't wait till Toph posts and yet another fight breaks out because Raiden's an ass. Kick his butt Manami! XD

  30. #90
    Lady Succubus Naruto RP - Pulling of Puppets Strings Victoria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
    Blog Entries
    Your post was really nice, Rika. I liked what Raiden did there. It nicely confirmed Manami's theory. Although I'm kind of sad that Raiden ignored the aqua dome that Manami put up...

    Did you forget that? XD;;

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