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Thread: Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC

  1. #631
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    I was under the impression that you were killing off Haku. Is that not occurring? Haku's a 5th seat huh? I didn't think he was that strong and thought Mahonna was a lot stronger than 12th. It doesn't really matter to me. I'll mark that down.

    I believe that finishes out the seating. I will be working on my post today and probably have it up later in the evening. I will note this. Since it has been a while since the last post and my posting does not count towards the time limit. If another person does not post for the arc in one more week then I will finish off the arc and set us on course for the new arc. I've been out because well I'm trying to get a job and the job I'm getting required me to devote my time solely to getting something to present. But I've finished that. So I'll be back and posting and a little more regular than I have been the last few weeks. If I don't see a post by like Thursday or Friday. I will start working on a new story arc providing that Xeim has not presented on. And in keeping with her wishes I'll make it a non-character focused arc. If you have a suggestions or ideas for the story arc that you would like to do then please post them. I'll intergrate any and all ideas anyone has.

    I will be making placed roughly a year or long after the current arc, so keep that in mind. It would be a little unnatural for us to be all called together so quickly. It'll mean that you'll have been on previous assignments so keep those thoughts in your mind. Anyway, I've got to get started working on my post. Remember this is your RP as much as it is Xeim's. You're allowed to speak up and say ideas if you have them.

  2. #632
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Sinister's Avatar
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    I had considered killing off Haku to reduce the amount of chars that I had to keep up with and to simplify things. But to be honest, I like Haku a little too much to kill him off. I made him like me...and I'm too Narcissistic to kill off my mirror image in an RP. Haku is by his characteristics...quite strong. He's not as strong as he thinks he is... But he's strong.

    Mahonna is stronger than the twelfth seat, but her abilities have taken a dive having met Haku. Her self-esteem has been halved and she has been having emotional issues that are interfering with her performance.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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  3. #633
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Thanks for the division info, Sin. I'll update the first post with it. I'm glad you're keeping Haku in division 10. He and Haru have to hang out, after all. ^^

    I actually do have an idea for an arc in the making, but it's not... together enough to post it up. I can say without getting confusing that it'll start out like a normal mission but stuff will happen to spice it up and we'll have to be saved by higher level shinigami. I was thinking 3rd seat and up so one or two RP characters can actually come to the rescue. I honestly don't know when I'll have the info done, though, so there's no rush for wrapping up the academy stuff, especially since Sin has his little arc to finish up. I agree there should be a bit of a time jump, but we still won't be supermen yet so we're not going to be able to take on menos level hollow and stuff.

    Anyway, more on the arc later when I can explain more without getting confusing. That's all for now.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

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  4. #634
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    I'm just being the back up Xeim. I had already stated before that if there was a long period of no posting in the arc that I would end it. It was just something to try to finish things off with a bang. But I've got a plan to end the arc already if we don't end up doing ourselves. So it is not a huge deal if it is not finished like everything else. No sense sitting on it for months.

    If/When I finish the graduation arc I can just roll in and transition to the arc if you have something posted up here by then even if you don't have the time to make a RP post. I had planned on rolling things through like that if it came down to me anyway. So it won't make a lot of difference for me.

  5. #635
    Posted. I'll use this mini arc to get Mugen into knowing what his shikai capabilities are. Wasn't as long as I though it would be, though.

    UPDATE:: Posted after Andro, I hope it was o.k., accurate to everyone's post before it.
    Last edited by Evangel; 08-20-2009 at 01:00 AM.

  6. #636
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    I've got some arc info here, to be expanded on if need be.

    We're going for a traditional sort of hollow arc to kick things off, with drama galore. I'm going to talk about this informally for now, since I still need the little details ironed before I launch into a formal explanation.

    This arc is going to start off as if it were a normal mission. An abnormal amount of hollow have appeared in the real world, and we have to go help the shinigami stationed there take them down. They start out low level, which is why they sent us. However, they keep coming and get harder and harder to deal with, until finally a couple of menos level (adjuchas, probably) appear. Astonishingly, they do not kill us but kidnap us instead.

    The villains for this arc will be three natural born arrancar. Their leader will be a crazy, hedonistic male arrancar who wants to stir things up in the shinigami world for fun. There will also be a female one... and the third one I'll let Evangel explain. I don't plan for Evangel's character to be killed (unless he wants that), but it is a good opportunity to introduce him. I don't know what else he has planned for said character, so I won't keep talking on this subject.

    Obviously, we aren't killing/driving off these baddies on our own. We'll get rescued by seat three shinigami and higher. I haven't picked the captains and vice-captains to save us yet. Probably the replacement captains and a couple more that we can vote on. Toph, this means Raven and Nagi can come to the rescue as well, if you so choose. I suppose you could send them on the mission and then have them help us out from there, too. I haven't decided where I want to bring Asahi in, but there's time.

    That's all I have for now.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

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  7. #637
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    ....You do realize that if they get sent on the mission, that the arc would be moot, right? You're sorely underestimating Shino and Fukumi as well. =\

    Add in those four and those harder hollows will be defeated. Not easily, mind you, but still defeated.

    Also, you'd think if the hollows would have gotten harder and harder with time, that SS would detect such a thing and send the proper, stronger, backup. SS isn't stupid.
    Last edited by Victoria; 08-21-2009 at 07:08 PM.

  8. #638
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    No, not moot because it's not a mission in the sense I was going to use that word for in the Mission system. I'm using the word mission loosely, because I don't know what else to call it. "We are sent on an operation?" That sounds stupid.

    Four harder hollows? Huh? I don't remember talking about that. There are three arrancar that are way out of our leagues. WAY.

    Soul Society might not be dumb, but they're pretty darn slow. Perhaps I explained myself wrong. They aren't getting gradually stronger, they get stronger rather quickly.

    As for Shino and Fukumi: Okay, they can help us out of our predicament, but I was planning on carting us off to Hueco Mundo and I doubt they could get out of there so easily. I can bump the kidnappers up to vasto lordes if it makes you feel better. They're stronger than captains, and I hope you don't plan on making your characters easily stronger than captains after being shinigami for not even a year.

    I'm laughing right now. I thought you all would whine about us being too weak for Hueco Mundo, Vasto Lorde/Aduchas, and arrancar, not the opposite, lmao.

    This is my arc idea. We're not starting with a character arc, and I don't have enough time on my hands to redesign it. This is the bare outline of what's going to happen. Spice it up if you want. Shino can take on a whole army of vasto lorde or something before getting carted off if you feel like I've insulted her.

    Seriously, no arc idea is going to be perfect, and if they followed real patterns of logic we wouldn't be doing anything interesting. But if our characters can single handedly defeat arrancar at year one, we're not going to have anything to do. >_>

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

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  9. #639
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xeim View Post
    No, not moot because it's not a mission in the sense I was going to use that word for in the Mission system. I'm using the word mission loosely, because I don't know what else to call it. "We are sent on an operation?" That sounds stupid.

    Four harder hollows? Huh? I don't remember talking about that. There are three arrancar that are way out of our leagues. WAY.
    You read it wrong.

    1) I'm saying the "mission"/"arc" would be moot because Raven and Nagi have the capabilities to kick adjuchas's ass. I mean, an adjuchas isn't that much more powerful than one of those big Menos type things are they?

    2) When I said "Add in those four and the harder hollows will be defeated."
    ...There is an and there, sweetie. The "four" refer to Shino, Fukumi, Raven, and Nagi. And the "harder hollows" refer to the harder hollows you spoke of that appear over time. o.O;

    Edit: Okay, after reading your post.
    and I hope you don't plan on making your characters easily stronger than captains after being shinigami for not even a year.
    Why not? You're shoving us off to a place that's way out of our league. Arrancar would need a VC strength to defeat, and none of us have that. Raven and Nagi might, but that's a stretch. Then again, Raven has bankai. So he may be able to help save the day.

    Also, may I remind you, that Shino was originally of Vasto Lorde strength when she was a hollow. I think as a shinigami, she should at least be able to handle at least one or two adjuchas. Just one or two, though.

    And I never said any idea was going to be perfect.

    Although I do have one question: ...Why are we getting carted off to hueco mondo? Shinigami cannot become hollow. So.. I don't really get it. What is the actual reason/goal of our kidnapping? Is it really just for kicks?
    Last edited by Victoria; 08-21-2009 at 08:15 PM.

  10. #640
    Adjuchas are WAY stronger and WAY more intelligent than Gillian class Hollows. In fact, some Adjuchas are capable of controlling a dozen or so Gillian at a single time.

    Xeim's (and I's) idea for the arc antagonists are three natural born Arrancar. That means that they have lived several hundred, if not thousands of years, and evolved into Vasto Lorde, the strongest Menos form of Hollow.

    Gillian >> Adjuchas >> Vasto Lorde

    To think that any of our characters can even take on a mid-higher power Adjuchas/ Vasto Lorde alone and survive a few minutes would assume that they are already more powerful than some Captains. I doubt that is the case in any of our character's profiles.

    It'll probably take someone like Zaraki or Komamura, or even Byakuya to be deployed into Hueco Mundo to rescue us.

    I'll post on my villain character when the arc is starting.
    Last edited by Evangel; 08-21-2009 at 08:31 PM.

  11. #641
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Well, your "they" in the first sentence was vague. I thought you meant the characters as a group, not just your two characters. In reference to them, I already told you you didn't need to send them on the "mission" and could have them come to the rescue later. After Soul Society gets it's butt in gear to save us. I'd PREFER that. Forgive me for not reading into that enough. I did read it wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by toph
    Why not? You're shoving us off to a place that's way out of our league. Arrancar would need a VC strength to defeat,
    THERE'S what I was expecting, lol. Answer?

    Quote Originally Posted by me
    Obviously, we aren't killing/driving off these baddies on our own. We'll get rescued by seat three shinigami and higher. I haven't picked the captains and vice-captains to save us yet. Probably the replacement captains and a couple more that we can vote on. Toph, this means Raven and Nagi can come to the rescue as well, if you so choose. I suppose you could send them on the mission and then have them help us out from there, too. I haven't decided where I want to bring Asahi in, but there's time.
    Okay, I gave Shino permission to be that strong a while ago. But she's your only former vasto lorde. And one strong character isn't going to take everything down. People get tired, even strong people.

    Evangel's right, Adjuchas are much, much, stronger than gillian (big menos things). And vasto lorde are much stronger than some shinigami captains. These arrancar, one of them being his, the other being my minor NPCs, as he said were vasto lorde that further evolved into arrancar. This makes them very powerful.

    This is why we're being rescued. I offered to let seat 3's be on the rescue team. There you go, Toph. Your seat 3s save our asses. But also on the rescue team will be some bleach favorites. It's a good chance to see those characters that we adore so much.

    Quote Originally Posted by me
    The villains for this arc will be three natural born arrancar. Their leader will be a crazy, hedonistic male arrancar who wants to stir things up in the shinigami world for fun
    There's the answer to your motive question, Toph. A crazy hedonist. He wants a good time. Combine that with crazy and... you get a shinigami kidnapping!

    Hope that clears everything up. In short, I'm not underestimating or demeaning anyone's character. I'm starting us out with an arc that uses traditional bleach adversaries, before we launch into any weird stuff we come up with ourselves.

    We can't defeat these alone, so we get help. It's really a sound idea, and if you relax and think about it, it can be fun. We'll be stuck in Hueco Mundo in for a while while Soul Society prepares to jump in after us, and our captor being... odd, could put us through all sorts of things. >_> The seat 3s who don't get captured with us can narrate Soul Society's side of things. Choosing to go into Hueco Mundo isn't a split second decision.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

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  12. #642
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    Alright, I'm gong to agree with everyone on different points. >.> So here we go!

    First things, I have to agree that Shadow is over rating his characters abilities. I have to keep reminding him of his strength in our chats. ^^; Menos are pretty strong stuff, I mean Renji was having trouble believing that Ichigo wounded one. Menos is a lot for someone that is a 5th seat to handle. Remember 5th seat is pretty weak over all. We've just been making our stuff look cool, we aren't that awesome yet.

    Second, I really have ask why are you putting Arrancar, even natural born ones up against us? That is something well beyond our capabilities, which like you said is and would be sending help to kill them for us. Personally, I would think it would be more rewarding of us to being doing the finishing of the enemy. Why couldn't it just be something like a Grand Fisher that is really cunning and stuff? It doesn't have to be grand off the bat. My enemy may seem strong and it is and I have Hitsugaya in the wings like you, but he's back up. I made the enemy so that teamwork was require to kill it. Its defeatable by us, we just have to work together, Hitsugaya isn't required, he's just there in case inactivity strikes.

    Third, why are we being kidnapped? Hollows have no interest in Shinigami apart from eating them? It seems a little contrary to their nature. I assume that you have a reason for this happening?

    Fourth, I'm pretty much fine with most of what Xeim is thinking. The only thing that doesn't sit with me is the arrancar. We are a bunch of mid level seated shinigami. We should be dealing with regular hollows and teaming up on a single menos. I think you should scale back things on the enemies and just leave us with hollows and smarter hollows. That'll be enough work for us as much as Shadow disagrees.

    Fifth, Evangel correct about hollows and gillains and stuff. As Hitsugaya said, a Vasto Lorde is stronger than a captain. The average Menos and Gillian are stuff for Vice-Captain and Captains to deal with not officers. We've got no business even thinking about taking on one. We are pretty weak right now. Ikkaku and pretty boy face, are misrepresentations of the actually power ranking of shinigami. Both are probably Vice-Captain strength with Ikkaku possibly being close to Captain with having a bankai. They picked their ranks. We were actually given ours based on our abilities meaning that need to hold true to the reality. Eventually, that will change and our ranks will mean nothing since we'll be having bankais and more than like not be allowed to be Vice-Captains. But first year Gotei 13 shinigami, we are pretty sad in the power department, Shino included regardless of anything you say Shadow. Shino probably the strongest of us, but she's still weak in the grand scheme, get used to it.
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  13. #643
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    It is a pretty grand scale thing to do, I agree. However, I need a way to introduce Evangel's character and I liked this one. It's how the idea arose, but I'm not putting them in just because of that. I like the idea.

    If you want something we can take down, then I'm all for the arrancar getting scared when the captains/vice captains/third seats show up, setting a minion on us, and running. Then we can take on the minion, which could be something of our level. That will give the satisfaction of taking something down as well as the amusement of arrancar playing games with us.

    Arrancar don't need to eat shinigami. They have conscious minds, they think the same way we do... only a bit twisted. Why were they kidnapped? The menos level hollow kidnapping us are under direct control of the arrancar. And like I've said several times, the arrancar boss is an insane hedonist. He's on a joy ride. He wants fun. Hueco Mundo bores him. The other arrancar are also bored. It's a simple enough reason.

    So then, I don't want this to get into a full scale argument (or even a debate in the case of the former) over the power level of Toph's characters or the workings of this arc.

    We get sent in to fight low level hollow.

    It was a trap laid by previously mentioned insane, hedonistic arrancar. A bunch of stronger hollows come and start overpowering us.

    We're quickly exhausted when Menos (adjuchas and vasto lorde) kidnap us and take us back to hueco mundo.

    Soul soceity begins to respond. They take a while.

    We hang out in Hueco Mundo and get toyed with by the arrancar who has trapped us in an area of the dimension that we can't leave.

    High level shinigami come to save us. Arrancar suddenly get scared at the amount of power before them, say they've had their fun and take off. However, they set some of their lackeys on us.

    We say that we'll take them on- we need revenge. We do so.

    That's the basic arc outline. Unless someone thinks writing for this is going to kill them, then that's the arc.
    Last edited by Xeim; 08-21-2009 at 09:24 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

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    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
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    Member of FF Cult

  14. #644
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    I've spoken to Shadow about things. So I got the matter driven home to him about the reality of power situation. So you don't have to worry about that.

    As for the arc though, if Evangel character is an arrancar and from the sounds of things a reoccurring enemy or something. Wouldn't it be better to work things a little slower? As I said sounds like you're rushing things. What might work a little easier on things than having to deal with arrancar but still introducing the character could be something like this.

    We are dealing with the stated hollow issue. The hollow issue grows finding out there is a hollow behind those hollows. Not quite the menos or gillian, but something pretty high on the normal hollow food chain of things. He's pulling the strings. We deal with the issue and that hollow thinking things are resolved. However, it is shown that hollow was just working for someone bigger and this was just a prelude to things to come. We can get some ominous warning or maybe a menos rescues the hollow as we got that warning then. It's not the end, but the beginning. Case is solved, but we know there's still trouble.

    That would help to scale things back some and provide the introduction for Evangel character. Then you wouldn't have worry about dealing with the immediate issue, you can make it a lingering one. Because it sounds like you want to work things that way anyway, so it sort of fits in line with that line of thinking.

    Because I'm on board for the first part of your idea. No problems. It just the kidnapping, feels really out of place and character. If they want to toy with us, they'd just do it there. They aren't afraid of anything at the moment. I would think that they was just make us their dolls right there and then the Captains or whatever show up and they leave. They can even put us in that other dimension in the real world. If we are kidnapped Yamamoto would just write us off. I mean in his eyes we are a bunch of no body out of the academy shinigami. Why would he risk more shinigami saving us? He's been proven to have a pretty cold heart about these matters.

    So if you want to go with what you have I think from a story stand point it would probably make more sense just to toy with us in the real world and get saved there.

  15. #645
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Evangel's character was going to be a reoccurring one, yes, but these other two would be recyclable ones that probably won't show up again. Introducing him with a bang seems fun, and we get to deal with an odd arrancar. I'm sorry if I'm the only one who thinks odd arrancar are fun, but I do. Building things up slowly and mysteriously is great an all, but introductions with a punch need to happen sometimes too.

    I do see the point of your ideas. However, I don't think a lower level hollow would want to toy with us, they'd just want to eat us. I like the idea of us just being toyed with. Eating is pretty blah. The reason this isn't so out of proportion is that this arrancar is not out to kill us, he just wants fun. Therefore, we aren't dead right away.

    Kidnapping is not out of character. As a conscious being, an arrancar could do anything he wanted. And, since I'm designing this one and think he wants to, then he wants to. I see your point with Yamamoto, though. I was thinking about that too, but didn't quite know where else to go with it but Hueco Mundo.

    I suppose we could have one of the arrancar create a dimension in the real world to toy with us, like you suggested. Soul Society still wouldn't respond right away, there being arrancar involved. Then the arc would play out the same way as outlined above, only no Hueco Mundo.

    To get the two recyclable arrancar out of the way, Evangel could have his character kill them or just have them say they don't want to deal with shinigami anymore and bam- his character is our only problem. Or they could come back if we wanted, I don't really care about there future at this moment. Maybe we'll like their oddness. Maybe we'll think it's only worth one arc. ^^;

    I'm not going to back down on this arrancar issue, because it's really not that crazy. You guys wanted the big moments. Well, I'm giving you a big moment. We're opening the real RP with a bang! Is there really such a problem with that? xD Normal hollow are cool. But like you thought missions would be, they're normal. Boring. Psychotic arrancar on the other hand? That's one of our history making moments.

    I suppose I should mention that I was going to have approximately a year's time jump. Then we're not green, but we're not pro. This doesn't change any power issues, only experience issues.
    Last edited by Xeim; 08-21-2009 at 10:21 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

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  16. #646
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    I think you're mixing the two different suggestions I made together. The first suggestion about a high level normal hollow, there wouldn't be any toying. It was just be like dealing with Grand Fisher. Some smart difficult to deal with hollow. It wouldn't be an average run of the mill hollow, the ones we start out with would be, but the last guy wouldn't. I don't know I really like Grand Fisher and thought he was an interesting hollow.

    And well there's a bang and then there is a bang. >.> Thought the first story arc was going to be keeping the training wheels on for us. Just because we can use arrancar doesn't seem like we should just for a bang. There are lesser upper hollows we can use for a bang. We don't want to over use the arrancar now, or they start feeling normal and average too. Menos Grande have a pretty big bang to them, they might be a little on the lower intelligence side, but they got some punch to them.

    I'm just trying work with you towards a compromise we can agree on. You are the leader, so what you want to do goes. But as a member I will speak my mind as well.

  17. #647
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    I probably did mix two of your ideas together, because when they went together they made sense. I figured I'd credit you anyway, though. =P And yeah, I knew there wouldn't be any toying with the lower level one. I thought toying would be fun and I wanted it. That's why I said what I did.

    Yes, we can do the lower level hollow, but people are sick of the training wheels, aren't they? They've been super glued on since the beginning.

    I see your point in making arrancar common, but I thought we weren't going to deal with hollow much, anyway. I know you were working on a race (unless you did that whole thing while I was gone or something), and I've got something going with humans. We aren't going to have hollow, hollow, hollow, arrancar, arrancar, arrancar, at every turn. Character based arcs won't focus on the hollow aspect (if present) so much as the character.

    I honestly pulled the arrancar card so happily because I thought you all would think a normalish hollow was boring. Even menos level and such. That's what would happen on missions. If you want us to fight a non-arrancar hollow, then we can drop this whole idea, do a couple missions, and then come back to it. If that would make more sense to you guys, then that's completely fine.

    You're allowed to speak your mind, and compromises are good. I got myself pretty excited over this arc, so I'm not going to back off on a lot of points. We need to have fun, you know? Even if it means throwing those training wheels off finally, and introducing a couple characters who aren't really after us but would kill us easily if they were.

    So now, I've changed as much as I'm willing for this arc idea, unless someone has an add-on rather than a deprivation to the idea. We have two choices: Go with it, or do missions and then go with it.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

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  18. #648
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    The stuff that I was and still planning is something that is not going to enter into the picture for a while. They are far to powerful for us at the moment, so I was not going to even think about introducing them. They are also heavily related story wise to Steph, so it would be something that would happen for a story arc and be done with. I did not intend for them to hang around after their purpose has been served.

    As for the hollow versus arrancar thing. We haven't fought a hollow, at least in so many words. So it would be a new experience for us, not with standing that it would be mundane from the perspective of an arrancar. Doing hollow everytime, that would be boring. Starting out with a hollow I just thought was natural. Its an enemy, we haven't had that yet. ^^ Well I guess with my thing were doing now we have an enemy, but that aside. We haven't had a real breathing enemy to fight and kill. Whatever it is will be fresh and new and exciting. I'll be excited the first time I get to fight a hollow, naturally I'll get bored after a few times of it, but its still our first.

    I wouldn't really say what the academy was going around with training wheels on. That was something else completely.

    The character arcs though are going to have hollows or some enemy in them. The characters arcs will be just like a story arc, just that there will be significance to a single character who they are fighting, like revenge or whatever. Story arcs will have enemies that have no connection to the other characters in anyway.

  19. #649
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Okay, I thought so. So, we aren't going to do hollow all the time.

    Well, if you'd like to go on a mission first, but one that we all go on, to fight a hollow or two, then we can. This is my story arc. I'm not changing that and I'm not making a new one. I don't have that sort of time on my hands.

    I'd like to leave this up to the others. We've heard from me, we've heard from you. Now, we need to know:

    Do we want to do one or two short-ish missions in which fight lower-ish level hollow and make things up as we go, or do we want to jump right into our arc? Either way works.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

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  20. #650
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    What I'm suggesting would be a normal story arc. Both of my suggestions were just something to tweak your story arc, not replace it. One suggestion cut in half, but it would still be a story arc. The other suggestion kept most of it together just rearranging things. I was not suggesting to a mission. I think you've misconstrued my intentions.

  21. #651
    O_o such a passive aggressive discussion!

    I do agree that being thrown at Arrancar immediately after graduation is pretty extreme, but on a counter-argument, the RP is set during Aizen's rebellion, yes? So we are bound to run into them. Plus, you never saw Ichigo's power develop picking off small fry, right?

    I think what Xeim is trying to aim for is a mission type start for the arc where we are sent in to take out some small fry then eventually stronger and stronger enemies emerge. So it'll start out as a low-level mission then increase in difficulty. In Naruto terms, it is a C Class mission that escalates into an A/S Class mission... er an A/S Class "oh, god help us, I think we gonna die *sob sob*" type predicament.

    On a note about my Arrancar, he's isn't as strong as you would think. I'll detail more about that later on. Also, think of his character/ personality as Urahara + Shinj + Arrancar. He has his quirks but he is also a Hollow. And yes, he will be a reoccurring character, but not for a long time. I would guess at this time he'd be out of the picture around the time frame when we all reach Bankai.
    Last edited by Evangel; 08-22-2009 at 01:12 AM.

  22. #652
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    Xeim actually set the RP ten years after the events of the Bleach canon. So we are no where near the Aizen rebellion. All of the arrancar that Aizen would have have been killed or scattered to the winds. So the likelihood of seeing an arrancar is much lower. Not to mention the arrancar you have are natural, not artificially made, so being in the Aizen rebellion period wouldn't have any baring.

    I know what Xeim wants to do Evangel. Its not a matter of finding a way to make me understand what she's doing I understand already. I'm trying ask to scale back the amount of power being tossed into the first story arc. And I made reasonable solutions to do so.

  23. #653
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    I know what your suggestions were, Andromeda. I understood them very well. However, I didn't agree them. I understand them, but they didn't sound all to exciting to me. So, I proposed my above compromise to them.

    We will eventually be fighting a hollow for the "final boss" in the story arc. The arrancar pull the strings, but we never end up fighting them head on. So everyone wins. We get a fun, exciting arc, with cool villains, and we fight a hollow of our level.

    So again I ask:

    Do we want to do one or two short-ish missions in which fight lower-ish level hollow and make things up as we go, or do we want to jump right into our arc? Either way works.

    I'm not changing the arc anymore than I have. I've already explained that these enemies aren't that much of a threat to us. If you're so worried, we can time jump five years into the future and say "Yeah, all this crap happened, but now we're here." Writing just for a normal hollow isn't that big of an event. It's Mission System level material. It really is.

    We're not going to make arrancar seem easy or unthreatening by doing this. If every arc was an arrancar arc, yes, but not with just this one.

    Anyway, I need responses to the above italicized choice.
    Last edited by Xeim; 08-22-2009 at 11:09 AM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

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  24. #654
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Sinister's Avatar
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    What's wrong with what Xeim's going to do? She's setting into scheme a plot that introduces villains. We're jumping straight into Hueco Mundo and seeing action. Granted we'll be over our heads, but that just makes it even more raw and thrilling. We get to test our chars against real opponents. And nothing is over our head if we RP really well. It'll be fun.

    As for the Missions or Jumping into the arc. Compromise, don't even make it two missions. Just one successful mission to get noticed and then the arc. Doesn't that sound right?


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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  25. #655
    You could probably already assume my position on this matter, Xeim. Just jump right into the arc.

    Although, I think there should be a post from each of us between graduation and the arc for our character's introduction to their respective squads.

  26. #656
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    You can do that when the arc starts Evangel. If we wait on everyone to make their intro posts in the squad will be in the same problem as we were in before.

    No amount of RPing is going to allow us to beat arrancar Sin. That's why we have to be saved.

    Um, Xeim, Grand Fisher wasn't a normal hollow. I wasn't suggesting fighting a normal hollow. I believe I've said this several times before. I high level intelligent hollow like Grand Fisher is not a mission. He would be controlling a lot of lower level hollows and pulling strings. That's not a mission, that's a story arc.

    Xeim your story arc sounds like what I said a few posts ago. If that's the case then I'm fine with it.

    Though as someone reminded me, maybe I wasn't being clear in what my issue was. I can get over the whole arrancar thing. I don't think we need arrancars immediately, but I can get past that. The thing that bugged me was the whole kidnapping. It did not have a good reason for happening. If you said we were being kidnapped to lure out a Captain or something, I'd be perfectly fine with it. No problem, its got a reason can do.

  27. #657
    Well, a minor change to the plot could be that the lead Arrancar wants to lure as many of Soul Society's captains possible in order to eat them and grow stronger. Although feeding is unnecessary, it still increases their power.

  28. #658
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    It doesn't even have to be getting stronger or eatting. It can be as simple as just wanting to kill them. If you kill a captain you are going to be weakening the Soul Society. Because they lose all that experience and power.

  29. #659
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    he⋅don⋅ist  [heed-n-ist]
    1. a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification.

    An arrancar whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure. Well, I can't see arrancar wanting sex. What do hollows hate? Shingami. Shinigami kill them. What would an intelligent conscious hollow want to do? Hurt shinigami. What would a twisted, intelligent, thrill and pleasure seeking hollow want to do? Toy with shinigami.

    What would make that fun? Taking some hostage and seeing what the big fish would do.

    If this were a boring, serious arrancar, it wouldn't make sense.

    But like I've said at least four times already, this guy is an insane hedonist. I've answered your question. ^^;

    Sometimes bad guys do things just for he sake of causing trouble. He's one of those guys. It's really not that farfetched, it's no where near a flawed reason. So, there's no more need for debate.

    The only debate left is whether we go:

    Graduation --> Mission (with an intelligent hollow or something) --> story arc
    or just
    Graduation --> story arc

    So, Sinister wants a mission and then the arc, Evangel wants to jump right in. Either way's fine with me, so we need another tie breaker. We'll do this diplomatically. Votes, please. =3

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

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  30. #660
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xeim
    What would make that fun? Taking some hostage and seeing what the big fish would do.
    So you do have a reason then. He is doing it to get the shinigami to make a move. So he has a reason beyond doing it for kicks. If you had just said that he is doing this is get the shinigami to come down from their mountain and fight him or whatever, should have just said that.

    Which is pretty much what Evangel and were just talking about. So sounds like you are agreeing with me you just did not say it in so many words. Since you're on the same page then I don't think we have an argument anymore. The arrancar is doing this to lure out the stronger shinigami as you have just stated. Reason found. We all good.

    I think my vote was pretty clear, story not a mission.

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