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Thread: Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC

  1. #271
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    The only reason to eat is to regain lost spirit energy, but we are not going to be expending so much energy all the time.
    And, I'll have to disagree with you on that. It's true we eat to regain spirit energy, but it's not exactly true that we're not going to be expending a lot. Overall, the students have almost no idea how to control their reiatsu. Who's to say little bits don't leak out here and there while they're trying to focus it? Little things like that add up and can exhaust certain people. So, at the beginning we get three meals a day to regain the spirit energy that we may have accidently let leak out. If you don't feel like eating, then simply don't eat.

    After we get better at controling reiatsu however, the number of meals will drop, and will be replaced with a break or perhaps nothing at all.

    And yes, if you're a prodigy in kidou, but can't weild a sword to save your life, you must re-take basic training until you can just barely scrape past, and that will earn you a spot in a C rank class.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  2. #272
    Just don't make it too long please.

    Sorry my post was so small it looked alot bigger when I actually wrote it. Boy was I wrong.

    I need to interact with someone. If anybody wants to just let me know and well talk about it. Thank you.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  3. #273
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    Dude, your post is all wrong.

    What is this thing with a ball? There is no ball in class. You take your own spirit energy and form it into a ball. There is no actual ball that you use.

    Geez, man.. you really need to read people's posts thoroughly before you write your own. =\

  4. #274
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I think that he is thinking of the wrong thing. The ball he probably got from the sphere that the Shiba's have and used with Ichigo to train to control spirit energy. However, like Shadow said that is not what is happening. It is what you saw Renji and Rukia doing in the flash back episode after Ichigo defeated Renji. All it is a sphere of spirit energy, not devices to focus on.

  5. #275
    Oh Yeah duh I see what ya mean. *Slaps himself*

    Man I messed that up BIG time. I fixed both of my posts. Im sorry I didn't meant to upset anyone.

    Thank god fo edit buttons.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  6. #276
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Erm Oathkeeper, since your character is deciding to leave the academy, does that mean you're dropping the RP? Your choice if you do, but I'd like some clarification. If he's still in it, no need to say everything that happens, at least not in the thread, but at least tell us whether you're dropping the RP or not. O_o

    As for my own post, it should be up in just a little while. I apologize in advance for the rushed feeling and the short length. I'd just like to get something out as I'm so far behind.

    One other thing, as I'm not quite sure if I mentioned this yet, is that Fukumi Garu will be made into an NPC as jenova33 will be unable to access the forums for a rather long period of time, much like Sandman. If anyone would like to take over her character, PM me to let me know, otherwise we'll keep her as an NPC. She's being treated as one in my next post at any rate.

    Um....there seem to only be a small few members actually RPing in this as of now. I know that one or two at least are not dead on the forums. I'd like to hear from as many members as possible to see what everyone's up to. I may PM people for more information so I can see how many people have dropped this so far. I know waterprince and GrimmJaw never really posted....and Kuradic and Suzu have both fallen inactive in the thread....

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  7. #277
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, I was wondering what was going to happen to all of the people that had joined, but never or stopped posting. Last, time we had to prod Suzu a lot into posting and he was still very late. I don't know what happened to Kuradic since he seemed active. Plus, he was pushing Suzu. So if we lost Kuradic we probably lost Suzu.

    So how many do we have left with all of these people dropping out. There is Xeim, Shadow, Oathkeeper, me and whoelse? What happened to Lady Rika? Wasn't she going to be posting sometime soon?

    Well on the bright side you don't have to worry about thinking about putting everyone into captain positions and removing story character. :
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  8. #278
    Don't forget me!

    Anyways, if the others decided not to continue, then fine for them. I'm sure we can continue without them. We can probably make them into NPCs or something.

    About putting characters into Captain positions, I find that is extremely impossible anyways. The current Captains are WAY too powerful. It took an anamoly(SP?) such as Ichigo to defeat only a few of them just barely.

  9. #279
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    If I recall there are 3 vacancies unless they filled them during the Arrancar arc, which I think is unlikely due to the Arrancar fighting. And I'm not saying its going to happen, just that it was something that was brought up. Needless to say once you reach Bankai, you become a lot stronger, so it just then requires some unique occurrences to boost you up strong enough to fight them. And Kenpachi and Mayuri are probably the weakest of the Captains too. Ichigo was able to defeat Kenpachi without his Bankai and Uryu was not even a Soul Reaper to beat Mayuri.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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  10. #280
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    Yes, I know. It was short, but that's all I could come up with.
    And you know, I figure I'll change Shino a bit. >_>
    She won't have the echoy tone of a hollow anymore. She'll just talk normally.

    Edit: Oath, what is "The first Sai" and.. why did you say "This isn't Kidou class", when, obviously... IT IS! >_>;

    Edit 2: Due to Kuradic's inactivity, Xeim has granted me control of Kuradic's character, and so, I will be modifying his profile to my liking.
    Edit 3: I have changed his physical appearance somewhat, and his zanpakutou. Fun times with his zanpakutou avatar.
    Name: Kuragari Tamashi
    Age (of death): 15
    Current Age: 25
    Birthday: August 7
    Birthplace: Karakura Town
    Hair Color: Brown with black highlights
    Eye Color: Red
    Blood Type: B
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’10"
    Weight: 180lbs
    Zanpukto Name: Tsukihime(Moon Princess)
    Zanpukto Element: Water/Shadow Manipulation
    Occupation: Apathetic
    Shinigami Fighting Specialty: Kidou
    Shinigami Fighting Minor: Shunpo
    Standard Specialties: Attack, Speed, Endurance
    Kuragari Tamashii was always a slacker. Many people thought of Kuragari as someone who possessed great potential in learning, however most became to forget that ambition. Few people know how Kuragari truly acts or thinks when he is truly needed. One of these few people is Kagaiishi Mitsu. Having grown up together Kuragari showed compassion and understanding when Kagaiishi needed it most. Through those ever changing crushes, to the loss of his parents.

    Kuragari sometimes disappoints in the field of academics, but is really intelligent when the time comes, but he does not disappoint in the field of athletics. Always made in the top three rankings of any sport, except swimming, he is known well around the school. Though many people consider these accomplishments as merely showing off, Kuragari tends not to care. Like Kagaiishi, Kuragari has learn to care less of what others think.

    Kuragari grew up in a family he wished he never had. He would be beaten daily, and forced to work excruciatingly painful jobs. Though these jobs built his endurance and muscle, Kuragari always said he could do without them. His father and mother often argue and become drunk, which often leads to long periods of beatings. He hides these facts from everyone and usually blames his bruises and cuts from simple falls from his imaginary dirt bike. Through all these however, he always manages to have a sparkle of hope within his heart.
    Edit 4: So. Ignore his vision of his zanpakutou (well, obviously.) and his shunpo stunt, since.. it was wrong anyway. >_>;
    Last edited by Victoria; 08-26-2007 at 03:52 PM.

  11. #281
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    I don't remember much of his original to begin with, but it seems interesting enough. I wasn't sure if you were going to be keeping him around or not. I guess that this answers that question. So that will give you something else to do, and someone else to interact with. Another regular in the classes will be nice.

    And Shadow is correct Oathkeeper, this is a Kidou class we are in. I'm not sure what class you think we are. I'm guess spirit energy manipulation of some sort. Which is partly correct, but there is more to it than just that. I'm sorry if there is confusion in the posts somewhere.

    I'll see about getting a post as soon as I am able, though I have other things in the queue at the moment.

  12. #282
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jecht
    "Good, Ms. Rei." He said the her. "Now, Mr. Tsukiakari, break it!" Mugen groaned again. The veins in his forehead and arms began to bulge. Mugen began to yell as the strain on his body increased as he tried to break the Kidou spell. He managed to move his arms to his sides. He was more capable to break it like this than with his hands bound behind him. With one last yell he was able to break Rei's spell. He slumped to his knees.
    I'd like to point something out to you here. We are at the beginning of our training. Something like breaking such a spell is rather advanced unless you're a prodigy. Ichigo was able to break it easily, but remember how much that surprised Rukia? "No normal human should be able to." Now, we may be dead, but we're virtually normal humans. Not many of us have captain level reiatsu. It would not be expected of us to break such a spell. Generally, you'd just bind and release, bind and release.

    Edit: It appears Oathkeeper also broke the spell. I'd have to ask for others to please restrain from doing this, and if the members who have can, please edit your posts.
    Last edited by Xeim; 08-15-2007 at 06:09 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  13. #283
    It's alright Andromeda I got confused again. I put "The first Sai" cause thats the spell that holds you. Least thats what Ruika said when she did it to Ichigo in the volume 1 one Bleach I have. I looked it up so I could be exzact, but I thought it was 2 diffrent things. But I guess not.

    I need to find out all the diffrent classes we have.

    I know we have
    kidō, hand-to-hand combat, foot combat, and swordsmanship. (Least thats what it said on Wikipedia.)
    Last edited by Oathkeeper13; 08-15-2007 at 07:11 PM.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  14. #284
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, I looked at the manga just now and it does say Sai. Though what the heck that means is anyone's guess. In the anime I think she says Bakudo. Which was what I went with since the Wiki was a little more helpful. But if you look a few frames over in the manga, she also says that this is Kidou. Which references to the spell.

    We also said a few times in the OoC and RP that it was a Kidou class.
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  15. #285
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    1st Period = Swordplay
    2nd Period = Kidou
    3rd Period = Shunpo/Foot Combat

    I don't know about hand-to-hand combat.

  16. #286
    Alright cool got it thanks dudes.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  17. #287
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Yeah, no hand-to-hand combat yet. We'll have a class eventually. I'll probably combine hand-to-hand and foot combat into one class...which reminds me that I'll need to be posting the new schedules soon. But, first, a little information on what's going to happen next.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleach
    Shunpo (Flash Step) is a technique in which a shinigami gathers spiritual energy at their feet, in order to cross large distances in a single step The users moves at lighitng almost instantaneous speed. The limit of this is largely just the strength and skill of the individual shinigami.
    Therefore, I'll provide an explaination on what's going to happen in shunpo class. Firstly, we'll need to learn to mold spirit energy into our feet. It will be similar to molding it into your hand, but you wont force it out, you'll just use it as a cushion on your feet. It may be harder as you have to spread it out to fit your foot. No bigger, no smaller. Then, you'll have to practice using it to move further than normal. This is not teleportation, really, so I don't want any Harry Potters, like "and the world grew dark as Haruka spun from it and landed a few feet away." We aren't apparating. Just....kind of....jumping. Also, I don't think anyone will get very far, I'd say maybe...two or three feet is the limit. I would say there would be exceptions, but that would create confusion, so I'm basically just going to Heehee.

    And to triple check your work, I took out my bleach manga and confirmed that she does in fact say that. O_o As for what Sai has various meanings (in japanese), including: to hold a meeting, a dept, and disparity. So yeah...your guess is as good as mine. O_O

    One more thing: After we return to our dorms to sleep, we will be skipping ahead to the day we take our tests. Going day by day would get repetitive (and annoying), so we'll probably have a few timeskips like this here and there. Obviously we aren't going to stay in the academy for an actual six years. We'll need some time-skips.
    Last edited by Xeim; 08-15-2007 at 07:40 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  18. #288
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, that does give me something to go on now. You make it sound like Naruto and walking on water or up a tree. ^^; But it does make sense for it to work in a similar way. It was obviously not a physical thing alone. Because I don't think Ichigo moves that fast, since I has enough trouble with is spirit energy. Because Ichigo is all strength and energy, but no focus.

    And I'm looking forward to test day, Steph will be having a bad as usual. Should be fun times.

  19. #289
    Ok cool. Cause my characters special is Shunpo.

    It is like Naruto only Soul Reapers can fly and walk on air sorta. Cause theres like this part in Volume 1 where Ichigo is fighting Orihime's hollow brother. Ichigo gets knocked into the air but he's like skitting in like mid air, and latter one they explain it. I forgot when though. Is that Shunpo also or is that like something completley diffrent?

    Theres like another part where you actually see them walking on air. I think it was either Grimjo or Uliqorria. Im just trying to figure out what category those fall into?
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  20. #290
    Sup guys. Long time no chat(not that long). Well I thought that even though I wanna make straight a's this year for school, I can still make time for activities to just have fun. Basketball, football, video games, and this. I'll edit my last post, then start working on my next post tomorrow after school.

  21. #291
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, I suppose since you're back, I'll shift control back to you. But you better stay active. If you become inactive again, I'll be controlling him again, just so you know.

    ...And did you even see the post where I took control? XD
    It seems you didn't, cause you didn't act like you did.

  22. #292
    Lol no, I haven't read any new posts yet. I'll start, like I said, tomorrow after school. I can't risk staying up, specially since I got 2 tests tomorrow.

  23. #293
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Well, yeah. When you break it all down, reiatsu and chakra are all different words for the same thing. So, if you're learning the basics, you'll probably see some similarities between the way different people portray them. In fact, if you do, then what I'm teaching is probably closer to the truth than it would be otherwise. Heh. ^^; Hopefully.

    Also Oath, forgive me for not responding to this earlier.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    Flash steps (shunpo), a movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow, is implied to be part of this category (agility). Another, though not necessarily related, skill is the shinigami ability to walk on air using spiritual power. Though used quite liberally in the human world, shinigami seem to rarely make use of this skill while in Soul Society.
    Well, that really tells you a lot. O_o (note the sarcasm) Though, I'm willing to say it's a no. That it's not related. It seems to be a lot simpler, and since they don't do it in Soul Society much, it's probably harder to do there for whatever reasons. Therefore, it would be harder to teach, and so we definitely won't be including it in a shunpo class. Just to answer any unasked questions. ^^;; Though, once again, the method to learning it is probably similar to something in Naruto. Molding spirit energy to keep you afloat. Though, perhaps it's made possible (in the real world) by the fact that the substance of shinigami is different from that of humans, so gravity doesn't have as hard a hold on them. Though, that's all just speculation.

    Also Kuradic: Nice to see you pop back up after a random period of inactivity. >.> As Toph told you, since you were inactive I gave him control of your character. Of course, he's yours again now, though I would like to know the status of that bleach club post you started about a month ago. It's amazing me how long it's taking. They usually only take me 45 minutes at most. Must be a book or something. O_o

    Also, I'm recieving feedback from PM's. As some of you may already know, GrimmJaw is dealing with a broken finger and is unable to type up a post. Yuuki and Fishie are planning to jump in when we move onto the regular classes, which should be soon. Suzu says he's going to type up a post..though I'm not sure I believe him. I've been asked by Toph and Andromeda what I plan on doing with Kaigaiishi if he doesn't post, and an agreement has been come to that either Andromeda or I will take him over. I'd really rather not do this, as Suzu is an excellent RPer and I don't want to lose him, but it's either the character or the author, and frankly, the character does more for the story.

    Well, I hope I've adressed any concerns or questions. This post it a bit overdue. ^^;


    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  24. #294
    No, the bleach post kinda flew by my head...sadly. School has started, as I said indirectly before, and I'll be able to type up posts after school. Shouldn't be too hard, even though I have all honor classes >.>. Well I'll get my bleach post in tomorrow no doubt, should be about a page and a half, more or less. As for the RP post, I should have one in by Tuesday. And honestly Xeim I wouldn't believe Suzu either, the fact that he's actually gonna work on a post that is.

    I've read a lot of novels, some forced on me by school,>.> others for entertainment. Either way, I hope it will help in my writing in one way or another.

  25. #295
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    I you've been in school since before the server crash. o.O Wow, you must live in a terrible area. I expect that post though, and if you are unable to produce it...I'm afraid I may have to boot you. This isn't just an RP. It's a club activity.

    Hmm...yes. I'll have all honor classes too, and I plan on making regular/semi-regular posts. I'm also a bit worried about it, but I'm determined. Juggling Rp's, club buisness, school, and piano will be fun! xD I hope. >.>

    Hmm...and you were our Suzu motivator....I'll give him until Monday. If he hasn't posted by then, his character will be handed over to either Andro or me.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  26. #296
    Every time I say I WILL post, something goes wrong >.>. I might just stop announcing when I'll post... Anyways I might jynx myself again but tomorrow after church I'll get my club post in. (worst part about school right now...summer reading tests, grrrr)

  27. #297
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Hmm....yes, well it seemed you jinxed yourself again, as I see no post from you. The warnings in the bleach club work rather like those within the forums. Three and then you're banned. You've already recieved two. Once on Fri because you didn't follow through, and one today. Not posting in the club when you have never done so and continue to post in the RP counts. The Rp is a club activity. But, you must partake in the club to partake in it's activities. This isn't just a random RP that was designed.

    Now, consider yourself warned. Don't make promises you can't keep. Xeim hates playing the bad guy. >_> I'll give you one week to make your post, and then you're banned. You can always re-apply for the club after a while, but you'd have to be ready to partake in it as well as it's activities.

    I'll now stop spamming up the OOC thread.

    I'm sorry I haven't gotten a post out yet. I'm waiting for Toph to post so that our characters can have a bit more interaction. *giggle* So, expect one from me within the next few days.

    And...on the subject of Suzu. It pains me to say it, but I don't think we'll be seeing a post from him. That means either Andro or I will take over his character. Either way is fine with me. If you'd like to discuss it a bit on AIM, Andromeda, we can. Otherwise...just say the word and he's either yours or mine. ^^;

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  28. #298
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
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    Yeah, it would probably be easiest if we just talked it over through AIM. If we decide to give him to me, then I'll need to talk to you anyway about interactions with him and yourself. If not, I'll be a chatty catty anyway.

    And I guess I will wait on your post Xeim before I post anymore. I have a couple things in line anyway, so waiting a little longer is not much of a problem for me. Where is everyone else though, we are still missing a couple of people that should be entering the Shunpo class.

  29. #299
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Alright....I'm here with news.

    Andromeda and I talked through everything last night and came to the decision that he would be taking control of Kaigaiishi. I'm very sad to see Suzu go, but there's no use hanging onto hope any longer. Suzu Kitamura's character Kaigaiishi is now officially Andromeda's. Suzu Kitamura is no longer in the RP Memories of a Shinigami. The Character List will be edited to reflect that momentarily.

    Kuragari is still unofficially Toph Bei Fong's. If we do not see a post from Kuradic tomorrow then Kuragari will officially become Toph's and Kuradic will also be booted.

    I have recieved word from abarai renji. He says that, like the others I believe I should've mentioned a while back, he'll jump in and start training when we move on. If the members telling me all this follow through, then most of the characters signed up for the RP will be active. I still don't know what's up with Grimm. It's been ages since he PMed me about the condition of his hand. Granted I know nothing of bones and how they heal, but the fact is is I do not know his status on the RP.

    I think that's all for now...


    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  30. #300
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    I don't think Grimm's going to be in the RP. He told me his fingers mostly healed for the most part, so yeah. I wouldn't get my hopes up with him either. >.>

    He has us make this whole system and he doesn't even do anything. >.>

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