Please, please for give the double post, but an edit wouldn't show up as a new post, so I didn't know what to do. If you wish me to merge these I shall.
I would like to apologize to each member of this RP for how slow things are going.
I have long since given up on Yuuki posting, so the only one we are waiting on is abarai with his collaboration post with Devox and Lady Rika.
I am also working on the next post. I have extended an offer to Devox to be the first member I work with, and he accepted. However, I have not heard from him since. Devox, if I do not hear from you within the next few days I will have to work with someone else and their character, nothing personal, I just don't want this RP to die at the beginning.
I hope to have the post done by the time abarai is done so we can get to Soul Society quickly. However, if the people I am working with fail to respond, this RP is going no where fast. I will be more careful who I choose in future of this post.
Please everyone, be a patient for just a little longer. Once this RP gets past this rocky point I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.
Your Captain,
Yeah, hopefully it will get moving along a little more quickly when that happens. I have been thinking about my Zanpukto a lot lately, so I have a lot of things planned out in my mind already. It should be a lot of fun and very interesting. I'll be very interested in seeing how things go once we are in the Soul Society.
If you need someone to work with you can ask me. I'm always around and have just been waiting anyway since I have not had a lot of things to post with the character just yet. Singular interaction with myself limits things a little bit. But I could just ramble on about the scenery for a long time, I'm really good at that.
Alright. I'll give Devox one or two more days, since I originally asked him, and if he doesn't respond, I'd love to work with you.
Either way, I plan to work with the most active members in the post, so Steph will get his chance regardless.
I've been thinking a lot about my zanpukto as well. I'm at a loss for what I should do with my bankai though. I don't want it to be too strong. I'm not a fan of gaudy things. My shikai is about as fancy as I get.
The one thing I'm not sure of is if I want the whole thing to be in Haruka's perspective or not. Since I'm working with other people it may be nice to have them put their characters perspective in and switch back and forth like sperate posts. What do you think?
I am guessing that you referring the post that you are working on making? Seeing as RPs typically are from one character's point of view in each post having a number of points of view does make things a little different. It would be a more omnipotent narrator at that point, which if you are telling the story of several characters with equal importance in the story would be the way to go. But that also depends on how much you are working with and if you are making it all up yourself or having others writing it all for you. Since you may not be able to get in the mind of the character accurately enough.
It will really depend on how much everyone else is supplying you. If you have enough it would be simple enough and probably good to have the different points of view. But if you don't it would be safer to just do it from your character's point of view. And then we can just fill in for ourselves after you are finished.
As for the Shikai and Bankai. Ichigo's Bankai is very simple, so it doesn't have to be huge and overwhelming. I don't know what you have in mind for your Shikai but your Bankai will probably easily fall in line with your Shikai. My Bankai is going to be very interesting, since I don't know how long before my character will reach the point that he can use it. Because when he does things will get very interesting. My Shikai is fairly simple I think, so the Bankai is going to be very big in comparison. But not in a size type big, my Bankai is actually pretty small in size. Which sort of goes against the typical, Bankai is huge rule of Bleach. But I wouldn't be the only one.
Oh no, I am definately working with other members. They'd each write the bit of their character's point of view. I just don't want to draw this field trip out too much longer so I'm combining everying that happens into one post. However, I don't want my character to take presedence (sp?) over the others, so I thought it may be nice to have multiple points of view.
I would be working extensively with members to make sure everything flows, but still make sure that their characters are being written by them. It does sound rather complicated, and I would probably need to use something like msn over private messages, but for all the complexity, it would probably be the quickest way.
I am actually thinking of making my shikai my bankai, and changing my shikai. I don't quite know what to do at this point, but I have a little while longer to plan, so I'm not too worried.
Yes, though it might be easier on you to just write the event and have eveyone react to it afterwards. Because you are working with everyone to make a single post, you could be waiting a while for all of them. While if you just made the post, everyone could just put in their point of view. If someone did not post, it would not hold things up. Everyone could continue on without them and whenever they returned they would just be in the Soul Society anyway.
As you said you got a while on your Shikai before needing it. But if you move your Shikai to your Bankai, it's power if going to be greater aside from the visual representation. So you'll need to keep that in mind too.
Alright. You're right. That may be the easiest thing to do. I'll just omitt character interaction I suppose so we can move on. After I post, I'll leave it open for people to react for a day or so, and then we'll move onto soul society. I, unfortunately, cannot work on the post tonight, though I will certainly tackle it tomorrow.
Thank you for the advice Andromeda. It's greatly appreciated. ^_^
That sounds good to me. I think its harder to run an RP with more people than just 2 or 3. I think this will come around though.
I think things will get easier when we get to soul society. I can't wait, this will be fun.
I'm so psyched for this RP. I have my shikai and bankai already planned out. Anyways, as some others said, as soon as we get to the Soul Society, the better. There'll be many more posts from many more people. I'm wondering how this RP will go... Popularity, that is. If it gets some attention, maybe more'll join up at the Bleach Club.
We can only pray.
The only thing im worried about is what the enemys were goann fight are. I mean it would be cool to fight Arrancar and Espada, but I think it would be nicer if we tryed to be more original. But it the Bleach series theres only soo many people you can fight. Sould Reapers, Hollows, and thats about it. But im pretty cool with that.
Sorry it's just a thought.
Well, we probably aren't really going to invent new villains. This RP is going to parallel the actual show. We're going to hear about the various aspects of the show and play appropriate parts in them. We aren't going to throw it off by meeting the characters, but we can do things like participate in the mad rush around Seiritai to catch Ichigo and crew. We of course, won't succeed. It'll have it's own story as well, but throwing in little things like this here and there will be fun.
We would begin with fighting hollows and such, and when the arrancar come into existence, we could fight them as well. The RP is more of character based- what we think the shinigami world is like, and not hack-em-up-action-packed. Shinigami aren't always fighting after all.
It's called Memories of a Shinigami for a reason. These are our memories. This is about the shinigami and their-behind-the scenes-life. Most of the it will be made up, but it makes it all the more fun.
I don't know if that makes any bit of sense to you guys. I'm rather tired and am going to go nap soon, so if you need it clarified better I'd be happy to do that when I'm more awake. :D
naw I get what ya mean. The stuff that going on in Bleach right now. We all have our own story doin our own thing during those times. Never thought of doing it that way. Sounds good to me.
Hmmmm I just thought of soemthing.
Ok here it is. I don't think it would work but it's just a thing I thought would make it more fun.
When we do fight the Arrancar and the Espada out in the living Realm I thought instead of just fighting them in Japan. We could fight them in other major cities like, London, Los Angels, and New York and any other places you can think of.
I just thought it would open the series more up. Cause I think it silly all the fights are always in Japan.
Again it's just a thought Id throw out there.
Hm, that's actually a good idea. Andromeda brought up earlier how focused on Japan the series is. But, after all, we are just plaing in the bleach world, which so happens to be the same as ours. We should definately broaden the horizon past the one set in bleach. (once again, I'm incoherrent)
I say that we run various city's by the other members of the RP in the OOC before we go there. That way we can get to know a bit about the city in case we've never been there.
Is anyone opposed to this idea?
Yeah, I don't have a problem with going into other cities. It would make things a little more interesting. It would be nice to have other Hollows or Arrancar or people that were not Japanese as well. Though they seem to be a little more non descript.
As for villains, we could always make up something that works in line with the things that Bleach has setup. Maybe something outside of the Hollows. You could always play the Kingdom Hearts card and make "Nobodies", bodies that have lost their souls but still keep on living. Or you could do a little more original by making up something. I imagine that we could come up with something if need be.
I still have yet to recieve word from devox about our combined bost. Is it alright with you if I make his part of the conversation, for the sake of keeping the rp alive?
*sigh* I'd really rather you didn't have to. But I haven't even SEEN Devox around. He may have gone on a trip or something. I think that since the conversation isn't life/death deciding, I suppose I can bend the rules THIS ONCE so this RP can get off its feet. Don't expect me to do this again however. EVER. Try to make the converstaion short though. As short as you possibly can. Also, I think if I remember correctly Rika had a small part in it as well. She will be on today, so you shouldn't have a problem contacting her.
Name: Kaigaiishi (or Kagashi) Mitsu (Brave light)
Age (of death): 15
Current Age: 25
Birthday: December 12
Birthplace: Karakura Town
Hair Color: Pure black
Eye Color: bright Azure
Blood Type: AB
Gender: M
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 144 lbs.
Zanpukto name: Erimaki no Konpekihane (Scarf of Azure Wing)
Zanpukto element: Snow
Occupation: High school student and part-time convenient store employee---> Academy Student
Shinigami fighting Specialty: Swordsmanship
Shinigami Fighting Minor: Shunpo
Standard Specialties: Attack, Defence, Spells
Kagashi is always misunderstood by peers and seldom talks unless he is around good friends. He does well in his classes and is always ready to protect his education, although he has trouble standing up for himself outside school. He has the ability to blow off and ignore the stupid and immature stuff people throw at him and hides his emotions when he is vulnerable. Kagashi is kind and supportive towards his friends and can be trusted. He has a tendency to be random and create situations awkwardly. People can usually find Kagashi grinning even though he is surrounded by reality. He enjoys drawing, pizza, ramen, shrimp tempura, and watching Don Kanoji's ghostly tv program. Is a fan of Karakura King (Kon).
Kagashi has kind brown eyes and pure black hair. He has long side burns, bangs partly covers his forehead, and hair spiked up in the back. Looking at him, he has a sleek, normal body that is enough to survive the fatigues of battle. Kagashi has a rounded face and cheeks ready to be pinched; hates this the most. The young boy always wears a long, white scarf around his neck not caring about the weather. Kagashi prefers to wear baggy pants and vintage clothing. When he was alive he had a part-time job working in a convenient store (same convenient store Hanatarou and that guy with the green headband, forgot his name, worked in).
As soon as he got to the academy, he began to like it since it finally draws out his adventure-hungry spirit.
Kagashi lived a normal and peaceful life, but this doesn't mean that nothing bad happened to him. Before he died mysteriously on Mt.Fuji, his mother worked as a nurse in a hospital to support the family while his father is stationed in another country. When his father finally came back home a hollow suddenly appeared infront of the household, craving for the family's reiatsu. Before his eyes he could see both of his parents turn into a shinigami, he is oblivious in how they gained such an ability, and attempt to fend off the hollow. Suddenly, Kagashi's life took a tragic turn as his parents mysteriously disappeared as soon as they were about to make the final blow. Years later, Kagashi adapted to the harshness of reality and his perspective on life matured. He could not have survived without the continuing support of his neighbors and friends.
The day he and other classmates took a field trip to Mt. Fuji was the same day they all died in an accident. Waking up in Soul Society, he vowed to find a way he could fight against evil and save his parents.
I'm glad you decided to join the RP Suzu! I like your profile, though your current age needs to be 25 instead of 16.
Um...other then that...I'd rather members didn't use their usernames as the character name, but if you must, I'm not going to be very strict with the rule. So, if you must then go ahead I suppose.
Hey thanks! Anyways, as you requested, I made the neccessary changes in my profile. I think I stated that in the PM I sent you. Are you waiting for an 'x' amount of people before we go to Soul Society? I believe I invited Kuradic here since he and I are usually RPing together. Hope that is alright! I think I'll have more questions later, until then bye!
Okay i just wanted to let you guys know that I'm alive and currently finishing up my profile. Don't count me out just yet! I promise I'll have it soon. It will hopefully be posted by tomorrow morning or evening. Well... by tomorrow. So yes, I shall be working on that in the mean time.
And Captain Snowy, thanks for the help. I really appreciate it all.
@Xeim: Hey, it has been weeks since anyone posted their introduction let alone continue with the story. I think some have reached their limit of waiting. Although, considering that all of us have to tend to our own personal lifes which is no problem at all, but where's everyone? Seeing that the Bleach RP looks like it is dying, I thought that some activity would be revived when I posted. XD Unfortunately it has not, I can only pray that the remaining RPers would join us soon or everyone would die then turn to hollows themselves.
Anyways, I have an idea, you can take it however you want, to continue with the story while the inactive RPers will still have a chance to join in also. Since it looks like you have a handle of members who joined, do you think there could be a second incident in Karakura town? Maybe at some point in the story that we would have a mission to go back to Karakura town due to a large outbreak of hollows. I am not too sure if this would work, but possibly it could leave room for other RPers to come in as well...
Although, there is another problem with this idea. The problem is that there may be a chance that the remaing RPers would not reply at all, leaving more waiting! *sighs* Hopefully we all can move forward with the story.
I'm getting way too excited for my own good for the RP.
~Thanks for hearing me out, Suzu Kitamura.
Yes, I know about th elack of activity in the RP. Abarai renji should be finishing his post soon (renji, could you give me your progress on that please?) and I'm struggling through a post of my own. It won't come out the way I want it to, but something is better than nothing, so even if its not perfect by my standards, I'll try to post it soon after abarai does. After that, the RP only relys in the activity of a few members, so even if some have their personal lives to attend to, we can move on without them.
You aren't the only one Suzu. I brought it up with Xeim I think a week or two ago now. It could have been a longer wait. ^^; But if it is taking weeks for someone to write a post, I think you should just post and move things along. It is not even a relavant part of the story or RP. So skipping it will not hurt things. And seeing as there a group of people waiting to continue the RP, it should not be reliant on one person. Its why it is crumbling, its being held up by a single individual.
Myself, I'm less inclined to post since I can't interact with anyone without getting their approval. So its easier to not rely one someone and post solo than to be slowed down. Otherwise I probably would have posted a couple of times, I would have found something. But its otherwise quite boring self reflecting and the flashbacks have been pretty much killed into the ground with the number people have done already.
On another note, no one has posted in the club in like a week or longer. I'm getting lonely waiting on someone to post.
Well, I suppose I back off a bit on the dialouge rule. I know a couple people in the RP who get furious if there characters are played by someone else. I set up that rule for them. I suppose I could back off a bit, give you all permission to use others characters for little things as long as its not anything too big.
But, if you're one of the people I mentioned who don't like people using their character please post here to let people know your character is off-limits. Then we can get somewhere. If no one posts, then I suppose I made a mistake, and I'm sorry.
Just remember to keep whoever's character you're interacting with in character.
As for waiting for people to post, well, I know abarai's started and I don't want his work to go to waste, but I'm also getting rather sick of people complaining about how slow this is moving. It's not entirely my fault, but since I'm the leader I get the blame. I suppose its life. I am working on the next post, but I'm having trouble getting it to come out right. If I finish before abarai I suppose I'll just post before him as well.
If you want, Andromeda, my character could interact with yours. I have plenty of ideas I want to get across in the Rp and a bunch of other stuff I've been thinking about. I am also going to interact with a friend of mine who is going to reply to this RP as soon as he is prepared. It would be interesting to see how these three characters would get themselves into, maybe get drunk by drinking sake, that is if you approve. It's alright if you don't want to, I am just trying to help out if you want to get your post in.
Lol I sorta laughed at that last bit of your post, sorry! I was going to post, but as soon as I saw how detailed the answers were I just gave up due to my lack of knowledge... I will do my best to reply.
Edit: It seems Xeim as posted quicker than I did. I apologize if I popped a nerve, I guess it is my fault for being the "x"th person to mention it. Anyways, good luck on getting your post across and I see that you have your hands full.
Note: I am currently working or thinking of an original enemy, as soon as I am successful, I will post it here.
I'm actually placing a lot of it on Renji rather than you Xeim. Since it shouldn't take this long to write up a post. Unless it is going to be some monster post that it like 10 pages long. Because if it is just a page of a post, two weeks or however long he's been working on it is just too long. Even at my most busiest time, and trust me I was, to point where sleep was all I did when I was not working. I could still manage to make a full post within a day. Its laziness or lack of motivation. If someone is busy, they just find the time and make the time for it. I'll stop harping on it.
And yeah Suzu having another character to interact with would be good. I don't know about sake, as my character is a minor. And I believe that your is two years my senior. But I wouldn't mind working out something. I'm a lower classmen and a foreigner, so I don't know how that would work out. But it would be interesting to see.
You shouldn't worry about how much knowledge you have about Bleach. There are people that know far more than me. I just post based on what I know. I just tend to be very wordy and lengthy when I write. But that is my habit. It shouldn't scare you off. ^^
SORRY! It took me and extra day. >.< Please dont be mad at me. Anyway um... I have a question about the whole dialogue thing. It's okay if we use other characters that are not other RPers right? Like other classmates besides those RPing with us? Coz I already wrote out my first rp post but i havent posted it yet and there's dailogue for just two popular girls without names. Is that fine? Okay anyway, heres the profile.
Okay first off I just want to say, Fukumi is one of those characters that is more likely to curse than others due to her personality, but I just want to let you know that I understand that you would like to keep this as clean as possible, and I will follow that rule.
Name: Fukumi Garu [lit. Hidden Desire]
Age (of death): 15
Current Age: 25
Birthday: October 29
Birthplace: Karakura Town
Hair Color: Flaxen [Flaxen is a pale yellow for those who don’t know]
Eye Color: Green
Blood Type: O
Gender: Female
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 109 lbs.
Zanpukto name: Henshokukaze (lit. Fading Wind)
Zanpukto element: Air
Occupation: High School Student with no desire to get a job whatsoever
Shinigami fighting Specialty: Swordsmanship
Shinigami Fighting Minor: Kidou
Standard Specialties: Attack, Speed, Endurance
Personality/Appearance: Fukumi isn’t exactly the role model student, nor does she really care to be. Her grades are horrible[this is before she died of course, but her death doesn’t effect her personality anyway so… moving on…] and she tends to get in trouble a lot, not only at school but with the law as well. She has built up a tough exterior so she can be rude and have a tendency to not think before she acts or speaks. Still, she couldn’t really careless about hurting someone’s feelings and is often labeled as a heartless jerk or monster. Deep DEEP inside, she is actually really nice. If someone connects with her, they’ll know what her nice side is like.
She can, very often, be incommunicative since she usually thinks everything everyone else says is stupid, and she can also be too rational and ignorant. After all, her favorite saying is “Ignorance is bliss.”
Fukumi often likes to argue rather than debate things and has no problem getting into fights with anyone. I mean ANYONE. Boy, girl, kid, teen, adult; anyone.
She’ll never speak of her past either because she finds it idiotic to talk about such things for one, and two she feels it’s unneeded and/or unnecessary, foolish, and unprecedented.
She blankets her sorrow in anger, which a lot of times she realizes is probably not the best thing to do, but she does it anyway.
The way she shows her nicer side is mainly by protecting those she loves and keeping them out of danger. Actions speak louder than words, right?
Hobbies[included in personality]: Her hobbies include making trouble, which in a lot of cases means stealing, she likes to write stories and poetry, play guitar, and she’s very good at fitness. Usually any sport intrigues her.
As for her appearance; medium length flaxen hair, most of the time worn down normally with longish bangs that dangle in front of her face somewhat and sparkling emerald, green eyes which sometimes seem yellow/gold. If you’ve seen Death Note, I’ve based Fukumi’s style a lot off of Misa Amane. I don’t really consider it gothic. I consider it more of a unique style with occasional bright colors and different articles of clothing intelligently combined together to get the outfit she wants. She doesn’t always wear black, either. In fact, she likes yellow.
Background: Fukumi hadn’t always been like this. When she was very young, about four, she lost her father. She was a happy child, and at four years old how was she supposed to know what happened to her father? Before her death, she had to cope with it on a regular basis, ever since she realized what had happened to him. She knew about his death by the age of five, and that’s when her sense of bad habits and troublemaking came about.
Fukumi believes that her father’s death was her fault, and frankly, it really could have been. But she was only four, and she didn’t know any better. Still, she blames herself for his death, not openly of course.
It was a beautiful summer day when she and her father were headed to the subway station to ride home from a long day of “bring your child to work day.” Like any normal four year old, she had been running around and playing on everything she could have found in the subway station. Benches, trash cans, anything.
Suddenly, and unexpectedly, she ran onto the subway tracks just as a train approached, ignoring that fact. Her father panicked, jumping into the tracks himself, grabbing his daughter, and setting her upon the platform as he abruptly got hit. At this moment, Fukumi had already run from the tracks and was just playing around still. She turned around and noticed the man laying on the tracks, a crimson liquid substance surrounding him. This was her father, and she knew something could have been wrong, but since she was only four, she didn’t know about death or anything of that sort. She tried waking him up several times by occasionally walking over to him and shaking him or saying, “Daddy?” However, she never received a response from him.
As police swarmed the area, Fukumi still hardly had an idea of what was going on, but still, she knew something was wrong. She tugged on a police man’s shirt, “Mister?”
The police man turned around, surprised by the open gesture of the young girl, “Hello there, sweetie. Is there something I can help you with?”
Fukumi nodded as she smiled and pointed to the dead man laying on the train tracks, “That’s my Daddy.”
The police man’s eyes widened, “Oh… I…I see. I’ll give you a ride home then.”
Fukumi of course had wondered why this man had to give her a ride home, but she just went along with it. When she got home and walked in the door, she greeted her mother, Yukiko*, with a sweet hello. Yukiko looked towards the door, wondering, of course, where her husband was at.
“Where’s Daddy, MiMi?” her mother had always called her that.
“Daddy’s at the subway,” she said innocently, sitting down and beginning to eat a bowl of spicy curry.
“Well, why is he still there, sweetie?” her mother began to worry.
“Daddy went in front of the subway and I tried to wake him up, but he wouldn’t wake up,” she said, taking another bite of her curry.
Yukiko was now silent, with no sign of emotion upon her face now. Her head just hung low as she walked into her bedroom and picked up the phone, calling her husband’s cell phone over and over again. After about the sixth time she called, a man picked up.
“H-honey?” Yukiko was hoping for at least a sweet “Hello Sweetheart,” but that wasn’t what she received.
“Ma’am, are you FBI Agent Utsurujou** Garu’s wife?” the man on the other end asked.
Her heart sank suddenly as tears began to fall from her eyes, “Y-Yes sir… I am. Is it true? Is my husband really dead?”
After that day, it was just Fukumi and her mother, Yukiko. She never had any brothers and sisters and due to Fukumi’s lack of responsibility and rebellious attitude, all while she grew up, she never really had any friends either. Other people’s parents would consider Fukumi the “bad student” or the “bad influence” so no one was ever allowed to hang out with her.
Fukumi never cared though. She always preferred to be alone, to do things alone, to eat alone. No matter what it was, she would want it to be done by herself. Especially when it came to needing help; she never asked for it. To her, asking for help was like asking to lose your pride and dignity.
After her death on Mt. Fuji, she feels as if she has to face another godforsaken life in the Soul Society. It’s better than going to hell, though, so she would just learn how to deal with it like any other person would.
*Yukiko means child of the snow or snow child
**Utsurujou means blank emotion.
Yes, any incidental characters are to be controled by whoever's posting. You've basically made them up, so they're yours to use. Also, you create dialouge/actions for any shinigami (from the anime or not) you come across in the same manner you would for a made-up incidental character
I love your profile jenova, it's beautiful.
Also, I'm really hoping to finish the RP post tonight. I don't want to move on without renji's post, but we can always flashback from soul society from the things we missed. That way the work he's done doesn't go to waste and we still get the full story. However, I may be unable to finish before I'm told to get off the computer. I'll have to see how things work out, but it'll be done in a day or so.
Suzu: This original villain you're coming up with. Are you planning to RP him/her, or are you creating us a race?
Thanks Xeim, I was up till 2 in the morning doing it so I'm glad you like it, lol. I put quite a bit of thought into it and stuff too. So yep, thanks. ^_^
@Xeim: I'm creating a race that would sorta be like a combination of bounto/arrancar, but I haven't totally come out with anything yet at the moment.
@Jenova: Welcome to the RP and I really like your character!