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Thread: Haven: The great war OOC

  1. #1
    Professional Klutz. Haven: The great war OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Haven: The great war OOC

    The once peaceful land of Haven has a new war brewing. Two great nations have met in a far off desert. Each side must control this inhospitable land, or they cannot carry out an invasion. Currently in stalemate they have decided to call for aid.

    Ramirez' father, the King of Triaan, has responded to the call of the Argosan people. A human race willing to pay the king vast amounts of money for his service. With his country in mind Ramirez has decided his fathers decision is wrong. He knows the wishes of his people. With this in mind he refuses to take a back seat whilst his father tears the country apart. Taking matters into his own hands he is rallying his troops. Soon he will march into battle. He will aid the elves, even if it means defying his father...

    Meanwhile the Valaians have their own plans. The have heard of an ancient weapon capable of mass destruction. It's origin is unknown. It's location, however, is within Argosas borders. King Starder hatched a plan. He intends to falsly form an allegiance with the Argosan people. Then, when his troops are within their borders, he will find the weapon. With this weapon in his grasp he could take all the lands for himself. With the mighty weapon and his VR Knights combined, no army in the world could stand in his way.

    On with the details:
    This is practically the same as last time. I did change the parts that needed it. Aside from that I added details on the rulers and such. Some of the ruined places have also been re-written. The war hasnt happened, remember.

    Oh and, obviously, some of teh rulers have changed. As well as capital cities and details of certain races/ cities.


    Kingdom of Argosa:
    Queen: Theodora II- An elderly woman. She feels the elves have outlived their welcome. She finds their constant presence in her lands academys an annoyance. When an elven thief was caught stealing from her treasury she ordered an attack on the race.
    Race: Argosans- Humanoid race. Largest ship fleet consisting of 7 admirals.

    *Capital* Kano- A massive superstructure stands in the centre of the city. It houses almost half the population. Within this structure there are shops, restaurants and even factories. The rest of teh city is made up of rows of houses and century old factories. The city is known as "Kano city of smog" due to the smoke which billows from the superstructures chimney. Around the city a giant steel wall has been erected. This is to prevent an attack being made from inland.

    Argosa industrial city- Split into different sections of industry it has the refinery district where they refine oil and coal and are developing other sources. The eco-development district, where they work to grow crops and stabilize economy. The factory district, mainly used to create weapons and vehicles and the Chemical district where they undergo test of sort on new types of weaponry. Also houses the largest dock in the kindom.

    Garner Islet village- A peaceful little inlet, has a tiny port on one side and only a small number of houses in relation to the rest of the kingdom (aside from Dador).

    Dador farming village- A small village consisting of a number of cottages and farms including livestock and crops.

    Hima town- Built with a library, college and military academy. Houses scholors and mages of sorts, the streets are paved with cobbles and the town is much as it always has been, built with a large crumbled stone wall.

    Kal-Agduur ruins- Ancient relics of a forgotten race, strange symbols litter the walls and pillars and structures of emense proportion are spread floating in the sky, the race were said to have wings.

    Balthia Empire:
    Emperor: André Frederich III- A fairly reserved emperor. Unlike his father before him. He believes in the teachings passed down for ages. His father, André Fredrich II, was a ruthless warlord. This is said to be part of the reason Theodora mistrusts the Elves.
    Race: Bathian- Elven race. Skilled in the arts of healing, long lives and a long history with Argosa. They are a very proud race.

    *Capital* Naami- A large forested city, the trees are immence and compact, the forest dark and eerie. The city itself swims with beauty and tranquility, streams and rivers cut through it sparkling in the sunlight. The houses are largely made of wood and the residents train hard in forgotten arts of magic. Has a large port but only a small fleet.

    Raagi- A small meadow village known for its wonderous beauty, has ancient ruins that have been studied and said to have angellic origin. The residents are peaceful, yet it has a military academy teaching sword arts.

    Raura desert islet- A desert town, sandstorms and houses mad of timber and sandy coloured cement. The villagers value water above all else. They are staying out of the war, even though it rages just to the north of them.

    Triaan Island Dictatorship:
    King: Bartholo Colt-Saan- A greedy king. Only caring about filling his own pockets. Many of his towns are falling into dissrepair due to his carelessness. He sees himself as above conversing with 'peasants'.
    Princes: Valens, Ramirez and Sorell.
    Race: Triaanans- Humanoid race consisting of veteranized military society though not the largest army. Has a large fleet of ships led by a single admiral, Lord Ramirez. The countrys popularity is falling across the world. It is said to be a nation of pirates. It's king the supreme, money-hungry captain. Triaan is the only nation with a very apparent accent.

    *Capital* Farlan town- A military city with several miliary academys and weapons factorys. The houses are tall and reach high into the sky, made of rock and steel. It is surrounded by a heavy stone wall manned by units of soldiers every hour of every day. Has a large dock and ship construction yard.

    New Izaara- A steel and iron smelting town, blacksmiths and such train here under the best in all the lands. There are lots of high ranking Tiaan officers residing here in the mansions and villa's that litter the hills.

    Old Izaara- A place where the Triaanans construct mighty war machines and vessels of warcraft. It has a great library where ancient texts can be found. There are even some scroll sthat tell of the ancient race. This is a common place to find scholars from all over the world.

    Dro-Tal Isles Republic:
    5 Senators: Unth(m), Linius(m), Prima(f), Hido(m) and Frenze(m). 1 Pope: Cal-Illya VI
    Race: Dro-Tal, very peaceful race with a strong religion. Mixed with both Human and Elven origins. The people tend to be very polite. Very small miliary consisting of mainly Papal nights.

    *Capital* Reesa- A town with monistaries and a great number of religious structures such as the Vail of Yuan, a large statue of a man said to be carved by the godess Alanthil. Also is the place where people come on pilgramage.

    Alta mining town
    - The town from which Triaan and Argosa gets all its coal, oil, steel and iron. Also has ore and stone masons. The mines run deep into the mountains to the south. Also there are mines and quarrys on the surrounding Islets.

    Valarai Kingdom:
    King: Starder Lathum- A man obsessed with victory in battle. He strives to have the best military in teh land and will stop at nothing to achieve this. His main goal is to take down the mighty armadas of Argosa. He thinks he has found the very weapon to help him do this.
    Queen: Marthyr- A beautiful queen. Known throughout the land for her looks and gentle nature. She has pleaded with her husband not to go through with his plans, she claims it will be the death of him.
    Princes: Daidus, Hammel
    Race: Valaians (pronounced Val-Eye-Uns). Humanoid, tend to be from a military background due to the compulsary 3 year military service law. The people are proud and pride themselves on having the largest army in the lands, nearly doubling any other. The elite soldiers in thsi army are a very select few called the veteran refine knights, commonly called 'VR knights'.

    *Capital* Yulaii fortress town- The largest city in Valarai. Has a gigantic steel wall around the parimiter. Houses the huge military barracks and has a chain of towers, turrets and sirens along the fortification. The houses themselves are in vast equal columns and rows, almost a perfectionists dream.

    Petera village- A village of fishermen and farmers. Oldest origins in Valarai. The crops are rare and only come and can be grown in this region.

    Raino village- A village consisting of a great many houses and a small military fort, surrounded by roaving feilds of green and wildflowers. The port here is tiny and the people care-free. Also has a small military port.

    Jordale trade town- A large trade town consisting of markets. The smell of strange and wonderful food fills teh air, also holds a great deal of taverns, pubs, hotels and sailors guilds. The people here are always shopping going about their lives under the supervision of a mayor.


    For those who wernt in Havens sequel:

    The races available are limited, human or elf. You cannot be of the ancient race, unless only by origin, wings and guns are dissallowed.

    The story will begin with Ramirez leaving his home to rally his troops. On that eve there is to be a councel to discuss the war, all teh nations will be present. This will determine who allies with who.

    And so... The race is on.

    Ships in this fly like the airships in final fantasy 7 and 9.

    You can be from any place you desire, however, your loyalty later will either be to one side or the other, at first I'd like everyone to be neutral.

    The people that dont have to ask to join:
    Mistress Sheena.

    This people were invited personally.
    DH and Sheena, you guys just need to backtrack to your Haven past, right? I'll love to see what Drake and Shino went through. What happened to Raven and such.

    I would like these rules to be followed:
    -All usual forum rules.

    -Expletives are allowed but not excessively, this will result in a warning and eventual exclusion from the RP and a referal to the moderators.

    -Romance is allowed, but not too graphic.

    -I would like frequent as possible posts, if this is impossible, I would like detailed long posts from those who cannot fall in with this standard.

    -NO God-moding.

    Name: Ramirez Colt-Saan

    Age: 18

    Race: Human

    Nationality: Triaarnan

    Hometown: Farlan

    Occupation: General

    History: Ramirez is the middle child in the Colt-Saan family. His brother Valens is to take the throne after him. Both of his brothers lack military skill but are extremely high in intelligence. Their mother died under mysterious circumstances many years ago. This resulted in a family meltdown. Their mother had always been the straight thinker. Capable of making decisions to benefit the kingdom. These ideas usually came to her swiftly, too. She was also said to be extremely skilled in arts of war. It is said that this is what attracted Bartholo to her.

    Yusala Colt-Saans death coincided with a rumour of ancient manuscripts being stolen from the great library. After seeing her leave the castle on the night of her death; Ramirez still has nightmares about her.

    After his mothers death Ramirez was shunned by his father. His father saw too much of his mother in him and not enough of himself. This lead Ramirez to be teh outcast of teh family, always seeking his fathers approval. Usually he went along with whatever his father told him. It is only the recent world events that have swayed him towards rebellion.

    Of late he has been honing his skills. Trying to improve just incase he comes into contact with a 'worthy' adversary.

    His long silvery hair is always well kept. His facial hair trimmed and, when needed, just as well groomed as his hair. His eyes are hazel in colour. He stands at 6' and has a fairly muscular frame. He wears a silver breastplate and travel cloak, this cloak bears his countries emblem on it.
    Brown leather boots and standard issue greaves cover his lower legs. The upper part padded with a leather sewn into his pants.
    He rarely, if ever, wears his helmet. Though, he does have one. A helmet with a rimmed crown, this looks sharp though it actually isnt. The visor is made up of hundreds of tiny holes. This makes him vertually impossible to see when he wears it.
    His gauntlets are custom and bear his own, individual emblem. He has 13 of these emblems, one for himself and others for each of his Oval knight captains. These usually range through deformed, almost demonic signs of the zodiac. This, of course, excludes hi own. His own emblem is that of a Wolf, crouched low and baring its fangs.
    His face, though young, has evidentally seen alot of battles and hardship. Many have dubbed him the most attractive man in Triaan. He has an impressive fanbase.

    Oh, guys that were in the last one. Note that Ramirez is NOT evil in this one. His mind was warped in 'Battles'.

    Okay... Wicked.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 01-01-2009 at 08:57 AM.
    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  2. #2
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    For those lazier than me, here's the original OOC thread. Handy for reference.

    Name: Drake “Peregrine” Alcander
    Age: 22
    Race: Human
    Nationality: Valaian
    Hometown: Jordale
    Occupation: VR Knight



    The Alcanders: Willard and Moira Alcander, Drake's parents and current owners of the Alcander mercantile trade operating out of Jordale with secondary locations in Raino and Yulaii.

    The Alcanders are a famous merchant family specializing in the procurement of rare and unusual goods on request. All three of the current Alcander men are accomplished members of the military, though Drake is the first since his great-grandfather to become a VR Knight.

    Drake's brother Jade, 25, recently completed his service to the military and now helps his father full-time with the business.

    Phoebe, 13, has just entered her rebellious teenage years and is living up to the Alcander reputation for resourceful unpredictability, much to mother Moira's chagrin.

    The Alcanders have no formal business name, relying instead on the family crest to identify their work: a white spread-winged eagle clutching two silver swords against a gold sun. This crest is stamped on every item obtained and sold by the family, including a number of elven and Dro-Tal artifacts.


    Military service being compulsory, Drake of course enrolled. Unlike his brother, he has no desire to join the family trade, having decided that his dislikes their often shady business practices, including theft and black market dealings. In fact, with help from his best friend Kai, he often actively investigates their activities. Because of this he was disowned several years ago, though he carries his family name by his own choice. When asked about his connection, he often replies that they aren't related despite the fact that no other family in Valarai bears that name.

    He earned the nickname Peregrine due to his unrivaled speed in battle. Like his namesake, he strikes fast and hard, without anger or hatred, only ruthless efficiency. Some knights fear or loathe his ability to kill without regret, so he is not completely welcome in Yulaii. [Will be updating with current location in the near future.]


    Drake isn’t particularly intimidating for a knight - 5’ 5” with a lanky form and often distant expression. He has unkempt brown hair to his shoulder and amber eyes. Instead of the standard VR uniform, he wears black pants and a white shirt. A simple gold chain with a winged amber pendant hangs around his neck, the only remnant of his childhood days as a merchant’s son.

    Drake’s weapons are a katana and a kodachi. He can use either or both to adjust easily to many situations. He is known primarily for his offensive ability with the kodachi, but he is no less skilled with his katana, and has been known to use hand-to-hand combat if he is disarmed.

    Misc Terms and Information:

    Cry of the Falcon: Drake is currently developing this technique, but cannot yet use it in combat.


    General Finnegan: Commander of the VR base at Raino and not yet retired. He knows Drake only by reputation at this point in time. Whether he will appear here is yet to be decided.

    Raven: Still alive right now, of course. Profile forthcoming.

    Maria: Raven's younger sister, currently 16 years old.

    Kai: Drake's best friend, an intelligence specialist. They grew up in Jordale together, and Kai followed Drake when he was recruited into the military. Kai is currently on a surveillance mission in a classified location and has not contacted Drake for some time.

    ETA2: Rewrite not complete, just updating sections as I do them.

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 01-02-2009 at 08:33 AM.

  3. #3
    Professional Klutz. Haven: The great war OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    "Basic information remains the same but expect a full profile rewrite in the near future."

    LOL. DH.

    Right, 1 down. 2 to go. David is at his dads so I dont think his will be up till like... After friday. I think Sheena is working on hers. She has to backtrack and stuff. =]

    Eeeeeee, I have everything planned now. Well, the framework. I obviously cant plan where people are and such.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  4. #4
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    What? >.>; I am going to rewrite it. Drake's profile does not reflect my current writing skills (or lack of, since I haven't been doing any lately). And at some point I plan on scanning the commission my coworker did for me, he did a pretty sweet rendition of Drake. Not colored, but still good.

    I probably won't have anything updated until at minimum late tomorrow afternoon though. Stupid work.


  5. #5
    The Lost Writer Haven: The great war OOC Psiko's Avatar
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    Aimee is right, odds are I won't get a profile up until tomorrow night unless I get a LOT of free time down here, which is unlikely.

    After all, I do not plan to simply give half my effort here. I want to go all out and prove to myself, more than anything, that I still have the writing skills to be one of the elite RPers here at TFF.

    Not that I doubt myself. ; ;
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

    Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.

  6. #6
    Lady Succubus Haven: The great war OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    (Yeah... not much different than the other one. Just changed a few minor things to match the prequel setting. Raven's still alive, so she only has one sword rather than two.)

    Name: Shino Chimlin

    Age: 18

    Race: Human

    Nationality: Valaian

    Hometown: Yulaii Fortress Town

    Occupation: VR Knight

    History: Born and raised in Yulaii as a fighter for as long as she can remember. She enetered into the military when she was 10. She has spent 8 years in the service as a VR Knight so far and has gained a reputation as a killing machine with her quick, stealthy, effective, and ruthless style of combat.

    Description: Long black hair set in a twin ponytail. Black eyes that give the impression she is cold and distant. Her height stands at a 5'3", while her build is lanky but toned muscles on her thighs and arms. She wears a simple, light VR-Knight uniform built for easy movement and combat. A scabbard on the right side of her waist. The blade has a silver shine to it. She received it when she was deemed as a high ranking VR Knight. She still completes her missions with unmatched efficiency to this day.

  7. #7
    Professional Klutz. Haven: The great war OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Woop. So now we have 2.
    Daviiidddddd, dont worry. We arnt in any rush, I dont think. So we'll just wait those few days. My opening post has been written for a VERY long time. So its not like I have anything to do. Just play the waiting game.

    Oh and DH; I know. I think I'll be editing Ramirez' slightly, too. Thats pretty basic and I want to elaborate on his life and stuff.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  8. #8
    The Lost Writer Haven: The great war OOC Psiko's Avatar
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    Name: Kaitlyn Rosa Marzol

    Age: 21

    Race: Human

    Nationality: Argosan

    Hometown: Hima Town

    Occupation: Archivist

    History: Born with a misshaped left hand, Kaitlyn spent her childhood shunned by those who should have been playmates and companions. This also restricted much of what Kaitlyn could do for her village as far as contributions go. Having been raised in a town full of scholars, Kaitlyn spent her adolescent years amongst the books and scrolls within the libraries of town. She absorbed any wisdom or stories that the passing scholars were willing to share. Because of her familiarity with the library archives, she eventually found work helping to keep things categorized and to help passing scholars locate the lore which they seek in town.

    Kaitlyn has no formal training of any kind with weapons, nor does she enjoy violence in any form. It reminds her of the days when the other kids used to tease her, and push her around and bully her. She would much prefer to use her mind to escape a tricky situation than to tromp in using brute force.

    Description: At first glance, she appears perfectly normal and quite attractive. Her sky blue eyes twinkle behind small, gold-trim glasses. Her long blonde hair flows down to her back, but is more often put up in some manner. She has a light scattering of freckles on her face and shoulders, showing quite clearly upon her pale white skin. Her smile is enchanting when seen, but is rarely shown except on rare occasions. She is far too preoccupied to be worried about such silly things as emotions, after all.

    Her normal attire tends to alternate from simple dresses to flowing robes, depending on the day. She wears velvet gloves that extend nearly to her elbows, the color matching her current outfit. This helps to hide her deformity from first glance, although she is still unable to use her left hand for much of anything.

    If there is one true girlish passion in her life, it would be shoes. She is in love with all the different types of shoes, although she tries to hide her passion while in public, opting for more simple boots and shoes when not barefoot. Her dream is to one day wear an elegant gown and dance the night away with a handsome young scholarly man.

    This seems less likely as of late, as a recent mishap in a library shattered her right foot. She now wears a modified protective boot on this foot which enables her to walk, albeit slowly and with a very noticeable limp. This only goes to further her self image of being an outcast freak.

    In spite of her loathing violence, she knows enough of the world to carry a small knife with her, concealed at all times.

  9. #9
    Professional Klutz. Haven: The great war OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Woooooop. We'll get going just as soon as I add the last part to my opening post. All of you will have read most of it before. It was originally going to be a book so...


    I'm happy.
    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

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