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Thread: Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six

  1. #31
    Is it still ok for me to post? I found this rp a cool idea, so i hope it's still a legit time to join.

    Name:Raziel Haven



    Weapon:A specialized lance. The shaft is made of a black metal, and the lance head is made of steel, reinforced with silver. At the end is a long cord, of which his family heirloom is attached to.

    Personality:An orphan, Raziel is a quiet, knowledgeable character. Kind, considerate and a caring person, Raziel is willing to help those in need. He doesn't speak many words, though, for he is also extremely shy, and socially akward.

    Appearance: Scars from a fire coat his left shoulder,arm, and some of his left face, around his eye. He is around 5 feet, 10 inches tall, and has light colored skin. He has brown hair that often hangs in his eyes, and he wears glasses.

    History:An orphan due to a fire, Raziel has no memories of his parents. The only possession he has of his past is a gold letter Z, with a silver cross in the center. He decided to go to Balamb to try to learn more about himself, as well as the world around him.


    GF Name:Seton

    GF Appearance:A phoenix, this bird has a wingspan over 7 feet. With red and golden feathers, The Phoenix arrives in a flash of golden light.

    GF Powers: Life magic, minor fire magic
    Rebirth- Giving his life energy up to Seton, Raziel has the ability to revive and cure nearby allies.
    Resurrect- Raziel summons Seton, who appears in a flash of red, gold and fire. Seton hovers inbetween Raziel and the enemy, and attacks the enemy with a fire based attack.

    GF Magic: (This is magic given to the user from the GF, so if your GF is a Fire type, you'd have Fire, Fira ,etc.) the cure series, life, regen, holy {in late stages}, and full-cure{in late stages}. Fire magic for the fire attributes.

    EDIT: Wanted to give more detailing on Seton's powers.
    Last edited by Zerobanshee; 12-19-2008 at 06:27 PM.

  2. #32
    Alright, welcome to the RP Ruin.

    I like your profile, but I haven't witnessed your roleplay abilities yet, so I am a little hesitant. However, I'm going to give you a chance

  3. #33
    thanks for allowing me to join. as for my rping abilities, i'm not one to god-rp. I try to do my best to keep the story fluent and well-written, and i hope my writing styles are acceptable by you.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruin-Tumult View Post
    thanks for allowing me to join. as for my rping abilities, i'm not one to god-rp. I try to do my best to keep the story fluent and well-written, and i hope my writing styles are acceptable by you.
    The first post was good, just one little thing I have a problem with is the squads. I need you to edit the squads assigned, as I will be assigning them due to what I have planned. Can you edit that?

    Thank you.

  5. #35
    oh yeah! My bad, I'm sorry. lol. Kind of got carried away.
    i'll edit it right away.

  6. #36

  7. #37
    Alright, i have a question.
    Will this mention any characters from the game, or is this a completely new story? Either way, I'm already hooked. I cannot wait for the story to launch off.

  8. #38
    Finding Answers Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Fehrant's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    I tried a similar RP a few months back which was probably one of the best RP's I've ever created. This time, however, I will not be including any of the original characters in it. They're all either deceased or retired.

  9. #39
    oh, ok. when i read that, i thought it meant the former rp characters, and not the ones from the game itself.
    thanks for clearing that up.

  10. #40
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    Uh... Fehrant's character had her lip injured, not her hip.
    And she wasn't favoring one side. Don't add in things that aren't in people's posts.
    Just some advice.

  11. #41
    Haha... that can happen Lip mistook with hip Not a big problem heh... anyway posted, got to go for now so didn't make it more complicated or longer...

  12. #42
    whoops, i thought it said \"hip\". and usually people tend to favor one side when they have an injury with hips. I can edit it immediately, and sorry for the mix-up.

  13. #43
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    Hey, I've been meaning to ask...

    What's up with those backslashes? o.O;

  14. #44
    Yeah, I'd like to know that as well.

  15. #45
    honestly, i don't know. I was trying to type ", and when i saved the post, \" popped up. I think it was either the computer i was using, or the word processor, because i was using a different computer than my home computer.

    EDIT- just letting you know, i updated Seton's powers in my previous post. If you want to check them to see if they would work than please go ahead.
    Last edited by Zerobanshee; 12-19-2008 at 06:28 PM.

  16. #46
    It's fine. Thank you for informing me.

    Alright, I've given the mission. i hope the points are clear, if you have any questions ask away here.

  17. #47
    Kiyuri as Squad Leader? Very interesting. I cannot wait to see the outcome of this.

  18. #48
    It should take me around 15 post or a bit more to make my way to Balamb Garden... Hope I am able to make my way to there when the main story events start I can be a little late tho... that way it could be cooler too I hope!
    Fine with it? If not I can cut down with the length of the journey a bit ....

  19. #49
    It's okay, Juss. The mission could go on for a while, depending on the situation, hopefully we get back to the garden at the same time.

    Also, if you (Juss and Ruin) have msn, that would be great, because I have currently got everyone else in the RP to discuss things and ask me if they can do certain things. It makes it somewhat easier for me to reply quickly. So if you have it PM it to me

  20. #50
    i don't have msn, but i would be willing to download the messenger.
    can either one of you provide the site for me to download the messenger? that would help things out a lot. {can't google worth a crap}

  21. #51
    Imperius Rex Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Storm's Avatar
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    Sent link via PM. Given him my MSN so I can give him everyone elses too.

    Looking forward to the exam. Squad A certainly sounds like a disaster waiting to happen!
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  22. #52
    yeah, squad a seems like a powder keg.
    also, squad b seems more specialized in ranged combat. Kiyuri is specialized in guns & shotguns, while John is more inclined towards ranged as well. Raziel is the only one of the three who isn't ranged inclined. i cannot wait to see how that develops.
    also, we have three quiet types on one team, while the other has three very distinct personalities, and the fourth has a speech inability {not in a bad way, just hasn't learned much}.

  23. #53
    Yeah, in case no one realised I made the two most... well, 'socially challenged' characters leaders. Knowing Fehrants characters quite well, I know Rayne will be a pain as a leader, and may be a tad bit harsh.

    Kiyuri however, may be a total pushover. I did what I saw would be most interesting.

    Anyways, I put Raziel the "Gun/Ranged" squad because off his lance has long range capablities. Meaning, he could strike from a fair enough distance. Also I couldn't put 5/2 on a team. Things could get too complicated that way

  24. #54
    good idea. yeah, your idea is best. {Besides, this idea will be most interesting}

  25. #55
    Nice idea

    Anyway, sent my msn to Caije via pm.
    ( Going to post later).

  26. #56
    alright, i got my msn set up, and i sent friend requests via messenger to caije, fehrant, and mistress sheena. storm already gave me his, so just letting you guys know.
    {juss, i still need yours}.

  27. #57
    I really still am LOLing at everyone's avaters. They're so damn cute.

    LOL @ John. THE MOP! THE MOP!

  28. #58
    Nice ones Storm is pretty talented

  29. #59
    Imperius Rex Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Storm's Avatar
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    South West England
    Hehe... the complimentary FFVIII: The Fallen Six artwork!

    Line art:

    Colour art:

  30. #60
    Heh huh... I heard that I caused some troubles yesterday Sorry for it.... I really should have stick with 5 beers not 10 Anyway, really good artwork Storm, you got nice skill I better try to avoid John .... Richard seems to be really keen on John ( Oh, and everything that can be taken as joke and is said by me is meant as a joke, especially when I am drunk)

    BTW, I posted ! You will hear about the thing that took control over Richard's body sometime later when we are all together.
    Last edited by Juss; 12-23-2008 at 03:32 AM.

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