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Thread: The battles of Haven: OOC

  1. #1
    Professional Klutz. The battles of Haven: OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    The battles of Haven: OOC

    This RP will take place in a world called Haven. A world where industry rules, but guns have been long forgotten in the ravages of time.

    The map...

    The banner...

    Kingdom of Argosa:
    Queen: Theodora II
    Race: Argosans- Humanoid race. Largest ship fleet consisting of 7 admirals.

    *Capital* Argosa industrial city- Split into different sections of industry it has the refinery district where they refine oil and coal and are developing other sources. The eco-development district, where they work to grow crops and stabilize economy. The factory district, mainly used to create weapons and vehicles and the Chemical district where they undergo test of sort on new types of weaponry. Also houses the largest dock in the kindom.

    Garner Islet village- A peaceful little inlet, has a tiny port on one side and only a small number of houses in relation to teh rest of the kingdom (aside from Dador).

    Dador farming village- A small village consisting of a number of cottages and farms including livestock and crops.

    Hima town- Built with a library, college and military academy. Houses scholors and mages of sorts, the streets are paved with cobbles and the town is much as it always has been, built with a large crumbled stone wall.

    Ruins of Kano- The old capital city of Argosa, destroyed in a fierce war years ago between Argosa and Balthia. Still has a large ruined wall built large around it, said to be haunted by the lost souls of the soldiers and civilians that resided there.

    Kal-Agduur ruins- Ancient relics of a forgotten race, strange symbols litter the walls and pillars and structures of emense proportion are spread floating in the sky, the race were said to have wings.

    Balthia Empire:
    Emperor: André Frederich III
    Race: Bathian- Elven race. Skilled in the arts of healing, long lives and a long history with Argosa. Proud race.

    *Capital* Naami- A large forested city, the trees are immence and compact, the forest dark and eerie. The city itself swims with beauty and tranquility, streams and rivers cut through it sparkling in the sunlight. The houses are largely made of wood and the residents train hard in forgotten arts of magic. Has a large port but only a small fleet.

    Raagi- A small meadow village known for its wonderous beauty, has ancient ruins that have been studied and said to have angellic origin. The residents are peaceful, yet it has a military academy teaching sword arts.

    Raura desert islet- A desert town, sandstorms and houses mad of timber and sandy coloured cement. The villagers value water above all else and have lived peacefully even through the wars of the past.

    Triaan Island Dictatorship:
    High Lord: Ramirez Colt-Saan
    Race: Triaanans- Humanoid race consisting of veteranized military society though not the largest army. Has a large fleet of ships led by a single admiral, Admiral Loché. The country is seemingly led well, punishing piracy and training the best soldiers in the land named the 'Oval guard' that act as Ramirez' own bodyguard. The only nation with a very apparent accent.

    *Capital* Farlan town- A military city with several miliary academys and weapons factorys. The houses are tall and reach high into the sky, made of rock and steel. It is surrounded by a heavy stone wall manned by units of soldiers every hour of every day. Has a large dock and ship construction yard.

    New Izaara- A steel and iron smelting town, blacksmiths and such train here under the best in all the lands. There are lots of high ranking Tiaan officers residing here in the mansions and villa's that litter the hills.

    Ruins of old Izaara- Destroyed in the war, used to be the place where Traans war machines and ships were constructed. Now consists of broken walls and very few residents.

    Dro-Tal Isles Republic:
    5 Senators: Unth(m), Linius(m), Prima(f), Hido(m) and Frenze(m). 1 Pope: Cal-Illya VI
    Race: Dro-Tal, very peaceful race with a strong religion. Mixed with both Human and Elven origins. The people tend to be very polite. Very small miliary consisting of maily Papal nights.

    *Capital* Reesa- A town with monistaries and a great number of religious structures such as the Vail of Yuan, a large statue of a man said to be carved by the godess Alanthil. Also is the place where people come on pilgramage.

    Alta mining town- The town from which Triaan and Argosa gets all its coal, oil, steel and iron. Also has ore and stone masons. The mines run deep into the mountains to the south. Also there are mines and quarrys on teh surrounding Islets.

    Valarai Kingdom:
    King: Daidus Lathum
    Race: Valaians (pronounced Val-Eye-Uns). Humanoid, tend to be from a military background due to the compulsary 3 year military service law. The people are proud and pride themselves on having the largest army in the lands, nearly doubling any other. The elite soldiers in thsi army are a very select few called the veteran refine knights, commonly called 'VR knights'.

    *Capital* Yulaii fortress town- The largest city in Valarai. Has a gigantic steel wall around the parimiter. Houses the huge military barracks and has a chain of towers, turrets and sirens along the fortification. The houses themselves are in vast equal columns and rows, almost a perfectionists dream.

    Petera village- A village of fishermen and farmers. Oldest origins in Valarai. The crops are rare and only come and can be grown in this region.

    Raino village- A village consisting of a great many houses and a small military fort, surrounded by roaving feilds of green and wildflowers. The port here is tiny and the people care-free. Also has a small military port.

    Jordale trade town- A large trade town consisting of markets. The smell of strange and wonderful food fills teh air, also holds a great deal of taverns, pubs, hotels and sailors guilds. The people here are always shopping going about their lives under the supervision of a mayor.


    The races available are limited, human or elf. You cannot be of the ancient race, unless only by origin, wings and guns are dissallowed.

    The story at the biggining will be clear through my first post, which will tell of a trade ship being hi-jacked by pirates and stripped of its cargo then left to plummet beneith the sky.

    Ships in this fly like the airships in final fantasy 7 and 9.

    You can be from any place you desire, however, your loyalty later will either be to one side or the other, at first I'd like everyone to be neutral. Now, it is up to you where your starting point will be, I personally will be on the ship that gets hi-jacked.

    I am looking for around 5 people for this, the first good characters will be admitted.

    I would like these rules to be followed:
    -All usual forum rules.

    -Expletives are allowed but not excessively, this will result in a warning and eventual exclusion from the RP and a referal to the moderators.

    -Romance is allowed, but not too graphic.

    -I would like frequent as possible posts, if this is impossible, I would like detailed long posts from those who cannot fall in with this standard.

    -NO God-moding.


    My character:

    Name: Skye Seren
    Age: 19
    Race: Human
    Nationality: Valaian
    Hometown: Raino
    Occupation: Guard on a trade ship.
    History: Born in Raino, raised in Raino. She got a job in the trade city on a ship when only young and has worked there quite a few seasons. Never has been in a battle in her life due to living in a small village all her life. Bears tattoo's that she got in Jordale up to her cheekbone from her shoulderblade. When on duty she has a sword on her back and wears a black uniform with the golden eagle of Valarai Kingdom on. She is very proud of her job and kingdom. She likes to sing to calm herself on long voyages when she tends to get travel sick.
    Discription: Long blonde hair, a black uniform. A longsword that hans on a brown strap on her back in an elaboratly patterned scabbard given to her by her employer captain Lialli, whome she looks up to like a father. Her eyes are a shocking bright sappire blue making her a hit with men. She has a long scar on her cheek to her ear from a skirmish with pirates years ago. Wears long leather strapped boots and carries a ruby pendant hanging around her neck, given to her by her mother on her first working day. Is a slim girl with not an ounce of visible musclemass, but tremendous speed.

    The admitted 6 applicants and myself:
    Hyzenthlay- (Raino)
    Great Writer Fuji- (Raino)
    Musicmuse- (Reesa)
    DragonHeart- (Raino)
    Fehrant- (Raino)
    Acheron- (Raino)

    Current NPC's:

    General Finnegan: Commander of the VR base at Raino, although technically he's retired and not on active duty. The previous commander was injured in an accident, so Finnegan is basically a temporary replacement.

    Raven [Deceased]: Drake's partner and girlfriend, slain in the "Shino Incident" three years ago while Drake was on an escort mission.

    Kai: Drake's best friend, an intelligence specialist. They grew up in Jordale together, and Kai followed Drake when he was recruited into the military. Kai's currently on permenant assignment in Raino.

    Maria: Raven's younger sister, currently 21 years old. She has a gift with healing and is learning to be a doctor at the elven city of Naami. When she heard about Drake's near-fatal injury she convinced the elves to use one of their secret magics to teleport her to Raino. She is treating him at Kai's apartment.

    Francis: Long black beard, brown eyes, small in stature. A pirate under the control of Lord Ramirez, himself and Willie are two of Ramirez's most trusted sevants.

    Willie: Musclebound, tall, low in intellegence. He generally tries to impress Francis whenever possible and doesnt like doingthings that Francis dissaproves of.

    Admiral Loché: The sold Admiral of Triaan's Armada, Ramirez' right hand man, the one who does all his dirtywork. Wears a mask and black armour, carries a long Katana and is skilled in swordsmanship. Also has a huge giant like figure.

    Admiral Gregor Lawrence: 64 years old, an old Admiral of Valarai's forces. He runs the 2nd armada of 4. He has silvery hair and a beard, he is very close to Skye as her father and himself were friends a long time ago. Skye sees him as a strong ally.

    Erin Seren [Deceased]: Skyes older sister, died aboard the Falcon at the hands of Admiral Loché alongside other high ranking crew members. She has teh same physical appearance as Skye, but has a far better understanding of the outside world. She was 24.

    Jack and Magerete Seren: Skyes parents. They tend to playfully argue and order eachother around. Jack is a retired VR soldier disbanded from the fortress town ages ago due to injuries. Her mother, a large woman with grey curly hair is always cheery and happy to help.

    Draazil Seren: Skyes 18 year old brother, he has been training in the military to become a VR knight for quite some time. When Skye came back he was a knight in training and only too glad to help. He's always been proud of his sisters. Has a very muscular heavy frame and similar eyes and hair to that of Skye and Erin.

    Kaleel: (Elf) Valeria's father. Hero from the War with the Argosians - very strict and proper. Highly skilled with both offensive magic and combat due to his experience as a soldier, although it's been a while since he's used either skill to a serious extent.

    Celedonna: (Elf) Valeria's mother. Calm and understanding of her daughter's independant streak. Rational yet sensative. Strong defensive magic, low combat skills. Acts as a peacemaker of the family.

    Xadir: (Human) Papal Knight in training. Very regimented and polite, and also not too bad to look at. Muscular build and moderate weapons training, as well as an extensive religious background.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 05-21-2007 at 09:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus The battles of Haven: OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    Name: Shino Chimlin

    Age: 23

    Race: Human

    Nationality: Valaian

    Hometown: Yulaii Fortress Town

    Occupation: Ex-VR Knight/Mercenary

    History: Born and raised in Yulaii as a fighter for as long as she can remember. She enetered into the military when she was 10. She spent 10 years in the military, gaining the skills and reputation of a killing machine. However, when out on a certain mission. she was betrayed. In her state of mind, she killed her division along with the targets. She was left alone and broken.

    Description: Long black hair set in a single ponytail. Black eyes that give the impression she is cold and distant. She wears a simple, light VR-Knight uniform built for easy movement and combat. A scabbard on the right and left side of her waist. One blade was black while the other was silver. Both blades were presented to her while she was a VR-Knight for three years. She had killed many and was sought after to spend time in prison, but her strength was no match for the VR-Knights of today. She lives out her life as a wanderer.

  3. #3
    Name: Valeria Muriir
    Age: 309
    Race: Elven
    Nationality: Balthian
    Hometown: Naami
    Occupation: Student at the University/ Thief


    -Valeria's healing abilities are moderate. She is unable to heal wounds, but can aleveate pain such as a headache, nausea, fever, etc. This can be used to provide temporary relief for wounds while more serious medical attention is sought.
    -Valeria also has the ability to enchant people with the false impression that she is harmless or innocent, or to subliminaly change their perception of a situation. Always comes in handy during her many brushes with the law, but is weaker than her healing abilities and is likely to fail on more sturdy-minded individuals.
    -Valeria is currently working on her enchantment abilities and hopes to strengthen them so she is able to eventually influence inanimate objects. As it stands right now she can only influence humans (not other elves) and has no measureable control over her influence of objects.
    -ALL magic requires great concentration since Valeria is a novice. Also takes a toll on Valeria to perform any of these magics. Recovery time is consistant with the difficulty of the magic being performed.

    None currently


    History: Valeria Muriir should have been content with her life. Her Father Kaleel Muriir is a War Hero from the conflict at Kano with the Argosans years ago, and this has in turn provided her family with great influence and wealth within the Elven community. Valeria has been given the chance to study at the university to learn about magic and the art of war, but she much prefers to spend her time breaking the law and challenging the principles of her Elven society. She is very smart and could really be an exceptional warrior and mage is she applied herself more to her studies.

    Description: Valeria is constantly outdoors and has a beautiful bronzed skin tone. Her hair is a mass of black dreadlocks that are loose and hang wildly past her shoulders, and her clothing is a simple leather corset and loose flowing pants. She wears a mutitude of silver necklaces that dangle freely around her neck and shimmer with multi-colored charms and beads. Silver bracelets and earings also adorn her body and her shape is slim but muscular from all of her activity as a thief.

    Her appearance is attractive yet scrappy. Her fiesty attitude and free-spirited nature can keep her seeming closely guarded, but Valeria is not a difficult person to get along with.

    Weapons training at the university has included bows, swords (both long and short), and staffs, but Valeria currently doesn't have one particular weapon that she uses or solely owns, though she has been known to sneak off with a few pieces from her family's armory. Her thieving endeavors generally find her using various tools more than weapons.



    Kaleel - (Elf) Valeria's father. Hero from the War with the Argosians - very strict and proper. Highly skilled with both offensive magic and combat due to his experience as a soldier, although it's been a while since he's used either skill to a serious extent.

    Celedonna - (Elf) Valeria's mother. Calm and understanding of her daughter's independant streak. Rational yet sensative. Strong defensive magic, low combat skills. Acts as a peacemaker of the family.

    Xadir - (Human) Papal Knight in training. Very regimented and polite, and also not too bad to look at. Muscular build and moderate weapons training, as well as an extensive religious background.
    Last edited by Musicmuse; 04-04-2007 at 10:29 PM.

  4. #4
    Professional Klutz. The battles of Haven: OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Thank you both for joining, obviously due to his personal invite Fuji is admitted.

    However, I would like to thank Musicmuse personally for his/her application as I have greatly enjoyed working with him/her in the past and look forward to both your imputs to my plan.

    Thank you both for applying, applications apporoved.

    I remind you both that my rules will result in referance.

    Thanks, Aimee.

  5. #5
    It's all just a joke The battles of Haven: OOC Acheron's Avatar
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    Name: Zajan Renard
    Age: 25
    Race: Human
    Nationality: Argosanian
    Hometown: Kano
    Occupation: Soldier

    History: Zajan grew up in what is now the Ruins of Kano. He lived there with both of his mother and father until the battle with Balthia brought itself into his hometown. His father was a former Admiral of the kingdom and defended his family the best that he could, but eventually both Zajan's mother and father were lost in the fight. Zajan himself fought back the best he could but was still young, even though he managed to take down a few troops. He was then sent to the military academy in Hima Town, where he completed his courses near the top of his class and was deemed a young soldier with a bright future. He continued to do his duty and has been considered by his superiors as a future Admiral.

    Description: 6'2, 227lbs, a strong and agile build. Has a few scars on his back from childhood when the Bathians came to Kano during the attack. Light brown hair that goes down to his shoulders but not any longer at the moment, hazel eyes. Has a scar from his right eye down his cheek to his jaw. Stays clean shaven. Keeps his sword sheathed on his left leg, wears the standard Argosian Military Uniform. A mild mannered soldier who stays out of trouble for the most part and does what's ordered, even if it's not the most popular of orders.

  6. #6
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Name: Drake “Peregrine” Alcander
    Age: 27
    Race: Human
    Nationality: Valaian
    Hometown: Jordale
    Occupation: VR Knight


    Drake is the son of wealthy merchants and would have been one himself, if not for his favorite pastime. Bored with his uneventful life, Drake had taken up thievery, and even at a young age he was good at it. He was eventually caught by a retired general of the VR Knights. The general was so impressed with Drake’s unconventional tactics and swift (if unrefined) skill that he was sent directly to Yulaii for training.

    Once away from the life he’d grown to hate, Drake proved to be an excellent warrior. He never lost his free-spirited nature however, so although he is highly respected among many of the knights, he is prone to wandering and only taking on missions that interest him. His superiors don’t approve of this, but they allow it because Drake has never failed a mission.

    He earned the nickname Peregrine due to his unrivaled speed in battle. Like his namesake, he strikes fast and hard, without anger or hatred, only ruthless efficiency. Some knights fear or loathe his ability to kill without regret, so he is not completely welcome in Yulaii. Lately he’s been living in Raino to avoid the turmoil he tends to cause whenever he’s in the capital.


    Drake isn’t particularly intimidating for a knight - 5’ 5” with a lean form more suited to a thief. He has wild brown hair to his shoulder and fierce amber eyes. Instead of the standard VR uniform, he wears black pants and a white shirt. A simple gold chain with an amber pendant hangs around his neck, the only remnant of his childhood days as a merchant’s son.

    Drake’s weapons are a katana and a kodachi. He can use either or both to adjust easily to many situations. He is known primarily for his offensive ability with the kodachi, but he is no less skilled with his katana, and has been known to use hand-to-hand combat if he is disarmed.

    Misc Terms and Information:

    Cry of the Falcon - Drake's most powerful katana technique. Based on the concept of battoujutsu, it is an attack relying purely on the speed of drawing the katana from the sheath. The force of the draw generates a vicious horizontal shockwave that travels in a straight line, obliterating anything in its path. The strain on the user is enormous, limiting its use in battle. Drake used it as a last ditch effort to survive in his battle against General Finnegan and two dozen VR Knights in a bar in Raino.


    General Finnegan: Commander of the VR base at Raino, although technically he's retired and not on active duty. The previous commander was injured in an accident, so Finnegan is basically a temporary replacement. Update: Following a failed attempt to capture Shino and Skye and the severe wounding of Drake, Finnegan has died in battle, along with two dozen VR Knights.

    Raven [Deceased]: Drake's partner and girlfriend, slain in the "Shino Incident" three years ago while Drake was on an escort mission.

    Kai: Drake's best friend, an intelligence specialist. They grew up in Jordale together, and Kai followed Drake when he was recruited into the military. Kai's currently on permenant assignment in Raino.

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 05-05-2007 at 09:09 AM.

  7. #7
    Name: Killian Rembrandt
    Age: 16
    Race: Human
    Nationality: Argosanian
    Hometown: Hima town
    Occupation: Student / Apprentice Pilot
    History: Killian was born in Argosa Industrial City to a family of coal miners. From a young age he was busy tinkering with the machinery, developing his mental and engineering skills. When the Military Academy was looking for new students Killian's older brothers were recognised for their strength, however only Killian (the youngest) was chosen, due to his engineering skills and high intelligence. Since his arrival at the academy he has been trained as a blackmage of sorts, with his training focusing on Airship piloting and maintenance. He tends to fight unarmed, casting fire spells from his hands rather than a staff. He is currently the best pilot for his age at the academy.
    Description: Killian has short spiky black hair and green eyes. He wears pilots goggles, kept on his forehead while not working on our flying an airship. Due to his work his face is usually covered in dirt or grease. He wears a black Argosanian military cadet uniform (think FF8 Garden uniforms). He also wears black work gloves. Killian is happy go lucky, but occasionally loses his temper.

  8. #8
    Professional Klutz. The battles of Haven: OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    DragonHeart- Approved right away.

    I have a few issues however with Snowman Rob and Acheron, not with your profiles as such, more with the other RP's I have seen and written with you in. Before I approve you both, can I have assurance that you will post in this RP as often as you can and that once you begin in the Rp you will not simply dissolve from the plot and stop posting?


  9. #9
    Finding Answers The battles of Haven: OOC Fehrant's Avatar
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    I'm willing to join, but before I want to know if spots are still open.

  10. #10
    Professional Klutz. The battles of Haven: OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Fehrant, for now there are still 2 places open. I will allow you to write a profile as I know you are a good and reliable RPer from previous RP's with you, write up your profile if you will.


    EDIT: Fehrants profile will be the last one that I wish to see, untill I decide to approve or deny Acheron and/or Snowman Rob's
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 03-31-2007 at 01:57 PM.

  11. #11
    Registered User The battles of Haven: OOC Halie's Avatar
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    Name: Vila Aishiteru (Female)
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Nationality: Argosanian
    Hometown: Hima town
    Occupation: White mage/ University student
    History: Lived in Hima town all her life, Vila is highly interested in the art of white magic. She isn't all used to fighting much, but has some experience, how ever very little experience due to no guns and such, etc. She has two brothers, and still living with her parents in a small cottage near to the university where she studies.
    Discription: Black hair cut beneath her shoulders, slightly spikey towards the ends. Long white skirt and white top with a blue flower embroidered in the middle. She has blue eyes, pale skin, and white boots up to her knees.

    So, can I join?

  12. #12
    Professional Klutz. The battles of Haven: OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Firefly, right now I Have all the applicants I can consider. For now I will not accept or deny you untill I have recieved word and approved or denied the others.

    Sorry hun.


  13. #13
    Registered User The battles of Haven: OOC Halie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay
    Firefly, right now I Have all the applicants I can consider. For now I will not accept or deny you untill I have recieved word and approved or denied the others.

    Sorry hun.

    Thats okay. Let me know if it opens up though, okay?


  14. #14
    Finding Answers The battles of Haven: OOC Fehrant's Avatar
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    Name: Kaysha Ral'Antar
    Age: 26.
    Race: Human.
    Nationality: Triaan.
    Hometown: Ruins of Old Izaara.
    Occupation: Former pirate/Current wanted criminal in certain areas (check details in history).
    History: Kaysha was born in times of turmoil, back when Izaara lost its grandeur and magnificence, only to become the what is now known as "Old Izaara". Dictator Ramirez Colt-Saan neglected the area ever since its downfall, causing a progressive migration to New Izaara. However, after complains of local Izaara residents, the doors were closed to the newcomers, forced to live in the ruins of a city in decay. Many inhabitants turned to beggars or worked petty jobs, unable to recur to robbery because of Ramirez's strict dictatorship and severe punishment system.

    Amidst this crisis, young Kaysha joined a group of no-name pirates, who would navigate close to the Dro-Tal isles, assaulting holy ships to take supplies back home. The group of pirates didn't make it big until its last stages when Kaysha was older and had succeeded the captainship. Under her command, the pirates who became known as the infamous Demon Sharks (a name that people in Dro-Tal used to refer to the heretics who dared steal from their boats) became a serious threat to the Dro-Tal isles.

    After a mutual agreement between dictator Ramirez, and Dro-Tal's senators, the pirates were prosecuted on their home turf, forced to flee, and eventually disband. Many were hunted down, or placed under arrest. Though most notably, the only name that shines in the group is Kaysha "Demon Shark" Ral'Antar who is still at large.

    Description: Kaysha is a woman of average height with long red, wild hair, and piercing blue eyes. A charismatic woman by all means, with strong personality, and capable skills required to coordinate and supervise an entire crew of pirates. Her sea-shipping skills are excellent, and her air-shipping skills are just as good too. In battle she is a fierce opponent, using dagger and a saber, but being a pirate, she is very resourceful in using anything to fight. She wears a red coat with a black logo of a horned shark, which is covered by her red hair, a matching red hat typical of any captain, brown boots and pants, a black belt for holding her weapons, and a brown vest.

  15. #15
    You have my commitment. Generally my problem is that I have exams starting at school or I become involved in too many rps at once. But I have no exams for the next 6 weeks.

  16. #16
    It's all just a joke The battles of Haven: OOC Acheron's Avatar
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    I've been far more active during this spring from the fall. My rate of posting isn't something you should worry about, I wouldn't have asked to join your RP if I was going to bail out on you halfway through.

  17. #17
    Lady Succubus The battles of Haven: OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    Yeah. Unlike Snowman who says there's only 6 weeks.

    ...6 weeks is almost nothing when it comes to RPs, I think. =\
    Or maybe that's just me.

  18. #18
    Yeah, but it doesn't mean im going to stop. It just means for 6 weeks ill be HIGHLY active. For the next 6 weeks ill be able to make short posts. After that point ill be making longer more detailed posts every 3 days or so.

  19. #19
    Lady Succubus The battles of Haven: OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    Dude. Short posts suck. I don't want to see any. Make decently descriptive long posts all the time. Not just when you won't be that active.

    What are short posts to you, anyways?

    Edit: Oh, by the way. I don't mean to be offensive or anything. It's just when I saw you say short posts, I was like "huh?"
    Last edited by Victoria; 03-31-2007 at 10:26 PM.

  20. #20
    Ugh... im tired. I didn't mean short posts I meant short relatively I meant more frequent posts, then later in the rp it would be more like 3 of those posts in one go, a big post, every 3 days or so.

  21. #21
    Professional Klutz. The battles of Haven: OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Thanks for that Fuji saves me going through and commenting, you pretty much asked what I would have.

    Fehrant- Just a quick positive note, thank you for being Triaanan and a pirate, I liked your profile very much, profile approved.

    Snowman Rob- Just make sure you do keep as much posting as you can, also like Fuji said, dont use stupidly short posts, I would like detailed ones. However, you are right to say that if you slacken in the quickness of your posts, lengthier posts will be required as said so in my rules. I dont mean to sound a nag I just put alot of effort into this RP.

    Acheron- Glad to hear it. Make sure you do. =]

    Profiles approved, I will make my first post tonight. This leaves a couple of hours for questions and such.

    I also would like to let you all know just how long my first post will be, it will be quite lengthy due to it setting the plot. Just wanted to get you all ready. It will all be relevant, so you must read it all to understand the plot.

    Thanks, Aimee.

    EDIT: I'm going to write a list of you all in my original post, just so I can keep track.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 04-01-2007 at 05:02 AM.

  22. #22
    Are the Dro-Tal humans as well? The other races were specifically mentioned as human or not, and for the Dro-Tal it just said "peaceful Race" or something to that effect. I would assume they are human as well, but just checking

  23. #23
    Finding Answers The battles of Haven: OOC Fehrant's Avatar
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    Aimee, just out of curiosity, why is it good that I chose both pirate and a native from that land? I just want to clarify that my character while taking underhanded methods to achieve a certain goal is, at heart, good (sorta like Robin Hood).

  24. #24
    Professional Klutz. The battles of Haven: OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Musicmuse- Ooooo, didn't even realise I had done that, its a good thing I didn't actually, I may make it a mixture of elves and humans, in fact I will make it that. =] Its elves and humans.

    Fehrant- Fehrant, the reason it is good being both Triaanan and pirate is that I put the Triaanans are particulaly strict with piracy. So I liked that you chose a charcter that even in their own land is considered 'bad'. Thats all.

    I will now type up my first post. Thank you all for joining.


  25. #25
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I'd just like to mention that although I didn't say it in my introduction, Drake's in Raino right now. I'll also note that my posts will probably be on the shorter side until I figure out exactly what I'm doing with him.

    It's nice to see that we've got a relatively quick start, too. ^^


  26. #26
    Lady Succubus The battles of Haven: OOC Victoria's Avatar
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    Seeing as you don't specify on the map, Aimee, is the world taking place on a 'floating islands' type setting where the blueness is sky/clouds, or is it water?

    The way you describe the end of your post, makes it seem it's a floating island type world. Just asking to clarify, seeing as you failed to. =P

  27. #27
    Finding Answers The battles of Haven: OOC Fehrant's Avatar
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    Yeah, if that's the case I'll have to edit my post about the sea water.

  28. #28
    Professional Klutz. The battles of Haven: OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    DragonHeart- Shorter posts are fine as long as you can specifically tell whats going on, =].

    Fuji- Yes floating, the darker blue on the map are the more like seas, the rivers and such dont show as they would be tiny. Sorry I didnt include that I forgot, though I did write it for teh ancient ruins =S. Must've just slipped my mind.

    Fehrant- I'd appreciate it if you did edit it a little.

    Sorry I didnt clarify that guys.

    Thanks, Aimee.

  29. #29

    Are there other creatures around like in FF? Just wondering if there are any moogles or fiends or whatnot or if it's strictly humans and elves.

    Also, I'll edit my post as well to reflect the floating nature of the islands

  30. #30
    Professional Klutz. The battles of Haven: OOC Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Musicmuse- Im afraid I wont accept other creatures into the plot right now no, I will let people (whilst on the ground) to fight creatures and such, but there wont be other intellegent life. Thank you for editing to adapt to the floating ;].

    I have updated the locations of each of your characters in my first post. I will continue to do this throughout the RP. I will also add status later as the plot begins properly.

    Thanks, Aimee.

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