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Thread: A string of complete coincidencs?

  1. #1
    HRH Albha A string of complete coincidencs? Aerif's Avatar
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    A string of complete coincidencs?

    So as part of my degree I was encouraged to look at symbolism in games, and whilst I didn't actually plan to look at FFVII, as I began to think about the entire thing I was actually pretty shocked at the similarity that 'The Planet' has to the real world.

    For instance, Midgar, the dystopia where the game kicks off, is so similar to the United States (or perhaps what a Japanese company would percieve the US to look like) that it's actually a little shocking:

    Concerning Midgar:

    • A capitalist city/country run by a President who is seen as having too much power
    • Plagued by terrorism from misguided people who want to get their point across using the wrong methods. These attacks involve bombings.
    • The media is very one-sided, one television channel seems to have been very pro-ShinRa whilst the other being anti-ShinRa (these channels only appear once or twice).
    • Wasted vast amounts of money on rather pointless space travel
    • Huge divide in wealth, very much a two-tier class system
    • Largest military in the world, who seem to get involved in the wrong situations
    • The biggest threat to the environment, what with the Mako reactors and all of the emissions from basically everything found in the city.
    • No real choice as to who runs the state, (think about it, in the US it’s basically a choice between two men)
    • Feels the need to police the world
    • Carrying weapons around seems to be the norm. Nobody is surprised to see a man with a gun on his arm until the party arrives at the Gold Saucer, one of the only areas not directly controlled by ShinRa.
    • ShinRa 'invades' Corel in an attempt to take the Mako energy, or basically steal their non-renewable energy sources
    • Despite not actually needing it at the time, the government commissioned the largest, most powerful weapon in the world, designed to level cities (Sister Ray).
    • Went to war with an Oriental country and basically reduced them to a tourist destination

    Now I understand that some of these points may have been intentional, however I doubt that all of the points where intentional. And by looking at the list as representing Midgar rather than the USA, makes you feel horrified by the city. Irony?

    The biggest coincidence that I've seen is the nature of the terrorist attacks in Midgar, which actually seem slightly prophetic. Two major sources of wealth are attacked in a very short period of time and the results are the death of thousands, and complete destruction of the almost identical structures.

    Yes, I am comparing Sector's 1 and 5 Reactors with the Twin Towers. The similarity is strenghtened still by the way the government in both worlds deal with the attacks (the US starts a war in order to destroy Al Qaeda, ShinRa drops the Sector 7 plate. Both are done in order to destroy the terrorist organisation that caused the damage).

    It's certainely a huge coincidence, has anybody else ever noticed this, or anything similar?

    NB: This thread isn't designed to be critical of the USA. There are enough discussions on the Internet for that.

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    Registered User A string of complete coincidencs?
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    I liked reading your analysis. Even though I don't really agree with some of the points and connections that you made (space travel is pointless?), it was interesting none the less.

    I think that Final Fantasy VII was meant to have those roots in realism (even though it's a fantasy), and that's why so many people can identify and enjoy the story and imagery that FF VII has to offer.

    I think it would have been easier to draw more religious and philosophical connections with the symbolism found in FF VII though. I've read up on tons of those online by those who took a deeper look into the game, and even read it from the creators themselves saying that there is that kind of symbolism in FF VII. I personally am not smart enough to come up with those types of connections, but they are pretty interesting to read up on.
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  3. #3

    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    The space travel thing offended me. It's not pointless. But that's a different subject.

    You can probably look at a lot of countries and make similar comparisons by adding some more to that list, and removing some of them. I applaud you for making the comparison, but I don't really see a solid connection here with the United States. It's slightly stretching it, imo.

    And no, I'm not offended by any of it except the Space Travel thing. I'm not trying to come down on your analysis, I just don't think they intended for it to represent a country in real life.

  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Now that I think about it, some of that stuff does seem a little coincidental.
    Interesting thread Aerif.

    One thing I did notice was that Final Fantasy VII was released before some of the events mentioned so at the very least some of those things weren't deliberate, though it is interesting how some things seem kind of parellel regardless.
    victoria aut mors

  5. #5

    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Wasn't the twin towers still around when this game was released?

  6. #6
    This ain't no place for no hero A string of complete coincidencs? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Yang's bald head View Post
    Wasn't the twin towers still around when this game was released?
    Yes. It was released in 1997 I believe, so 4 years before the attack on the World Trade Center. Although there was an attack on the WTC that wasn't as "successful" as the one that destroyed them. That was in 1993, but I don't think those attacks were part of Al Qaeda.

  7. #7
    I want to play a game. A string of complete coincidencs? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    Concerning Midgar:

    • A capitalist city/country run by a President who is seen as having too much power
    • I could see that some may think the President of the U.S has too much power but that is why there is the Checks and Balances system, plus it is Congress that makes the laws (or should) while the President either signs them in or vetoes - the whole process.

      Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    • Plagued by terrorism from misguided people who want to get their point across using the wrong methods. These attacks involve bombings.
    I would say that some or most are not really misguided. Also, are you saying that Avalanche was misguided because I'm not really seeing that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  8. The media is very one-sided, one television channel seems to have been very pro-ShinRa whilst the other being anti-ShinRa (these channels only appear once or twice).
Except there is, in regards to television channels, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, FOX, PBS, and CNN to name a few so there are plenty of channels though there is a clear majority for one side of the political spectrum.

Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  • Wasted vast amounts of money on rather pointless space travel
  • I do say that the government should get out of the space program because it is only through the private sector can there really be cost efficiency and any progress. Plus, I fail to see how space exploration ties into protecting the rights of their citizens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  • Huge divide in wealth, very much a two-tier class system
  • Upper-class, middle-class, and lower-class and a bunch of sub-tier within those.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  • Largest military in the world, who seem to get involved in the wrong situations
  • By largest military, what do you mean exactly? Because the U.S does not have the most troops in active and reserved combined.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  • The biggest threat to the environment, what with the Mako reactors and all of the emissions from basically everything found in the city.
  • What about France which powers itself, around 90%, with nuclear reactors? Or China and India who aren't so keen on "environmental standards"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  • No real choice as to who runs the state, (think about it, in the US it’s basically a choice between two men)
  • There are only two options because the people can't/won't give the "third parties" a chance - unfortunately.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  • Feels the need to police the world
  • The U.N policies the world or rather it tries to do so but does a horrible job at it. Anyways the other countries of the West prefer that America police the world because: a) they don't want to get their hands dirty and b) have a scapegoat (the U.S).

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  • Carrying weapons around seems to be the norm. Nobody is surprised to see a man with a gun on his arm until the party arrives at the Gold Saucer, one of the only areas not directly controlled by ShinRa.
  • Is that directed against the Second Amendment? Though I think Americans would be surprised to actual see a man with a gun for an arm.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  • ShinRa 'invades' Corel in an attempt to take the Mako energy, or basically steal their non-renewable energy sources
  • You mean "oil" which we aren't getting at any special rate and are buying it at a convoluted market price.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  • Despite not actually needing it at the time, the government commissioned the largest, most powerful weapon in the world, designed to level cities (Sister Ray).
  • Nuclear weapons? Gundams (I wish)? A giant cannon like the Sister Ray? What is the reference?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
  • Went to war with an Oriental country and basically reduced them to a tourist destination
  • What oriental country do you speak of? Japan? There is a lot more than tourism for Japan - electronics and cars to name a couple. Vietnam? Like that had much going for it before the Vietnam Conflict. I won't add Korea since North Korea invaded the south and the U.S along with the piddle amount of troops from their allies to defend South Korea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    Now I understand that some of these points may have been intentional, however I doubt that all of the points where intentional. And by looking at the list as representing Midgar rather than the USA, makes you feel horrified by the city. Irony?
    Not really as Che said it is stretching it and some of the points don't really match whatsoever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    The biggest coincidence that I've seen is the nature of the terrorist attacks in Midgar, which actually seem slightly prophetic. Two major sources of wealth are attacked in a very short period of time and the results are the death of thousands, and complete destruction of the almost identical structures.
    It's not hard to predict when bad sh*t will go down cause eventually sh*t happens. All somebody has to do is pick an event throw out a rough time of when it will happen and they have a pretty good shot at being correct. Or they could be vague as to what would happen giving them more wiggle room.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    Yes, I am comparing Sector's 1 and 5 Reactors with the Twin Towers. The similarity is strenghtened still by the way the government in both worlds deal with the attacks (the US starts a war in order to destroy Al Qaeda, ShinRa drops the Sector 7 plate. Both are done in order to destroy the terrorist organisation that caused the damage).
    Except the U.S isn't fighting/killing their own citizens...

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    It's certainely a huge coincidence, has anybody else ever noticed this, or anything similar?
    One thing I found ironic was in the beginning how a npc talks about how through the internet anybody could create a home-made bomb - it brings up memories of when that was an issue in real life.

    It is as interesting as much as it has a connection to what you referenced - not much. If there was more "evidence" than yes it would be pretty intriguing but there isn't much going for it.

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  • #8
    HRH Albha A string of complete coincidencs? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    I think you read a little too deeply into my post Zargabaath, remember that if any one of these were actually intended, they were planed in Japan, meaning that the entire insight into the USA was not very extensive (the Internet wasn't really that big back in 1996-97). Also I didn't mean that they were exactly the same, just strong parallels (NB: Silver sees it as a fellow foreigner).

    I didn't really expect this to become a quoting game

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    I would say that some or most are not really misguided. Also, are you saying that Avalanche was misguided because I'm not really seeing that.
    I personally call Islamic extremism misguided. I'm no Muslim, but I think that murder is still a no-no for Muslims, meaning that the ones who practice Jihad seem to be doing it against their faith (please don't quote me on this, it's simply an opinion).

    AVALANCHE were misguided. They killed thousands of people for a parallel of global warming (another coincidence, or perhaps done purposefully). Whilst it's true that ShinRa were doing heavy damage to the planet, AVALANCHE weren't justified in taking out the reactors in heavily populated areas. That's basically like somebody purposefully causing a Nuclear meltdown, in say, New York (?).

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    Upper-class, middle-class, and lower-class and a bunch of sub-tier within those.
    Most people outside of the US don't see it like that, from my experiences. The Upper-Class is often seen to include the Middle-Class in the US due to the difference between the traditional views of Middle-Class etc.

    In the UK, where the 'traditional' class systems tend to be referenced from, their is more of a distinct difference between Middle and Upper. Upper Classes have their own private sub-culture that is almost nothing like the rest of the country.

    You could technically say it's the same in the US, but not to the extent of private estates, fox hunting (thankfully banned), Lordship etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    By largest military, what do you mean exactly? Because the U.S does not have the most troops in active and reserved combined.
    I'm aware that that 'honour' now belongs to China, but I have a feeling that wasn't the case in the 90s. The USA has definetly been the most active Western country involved in war in the last 100 years, anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    What about France which powers itself, around 90%, with nuclear reactors? Or China and India who aren't so keen on "environmental standards"?
    I'm not making a comparison between France and Midgar, or China/India and Midgar. Remember that Midgar is pretty 'Westernised'. Also look at this for the CO2 emissions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    The U.N policies the world or rather it tries to do so but does a horrible job at it. Anyways the other countries of the West prefer that America police the world because: a) they don't want to get their hands dirty and b) have a scapegoat (the U.S).
    I don't actually mean it in a literal sense. However it is true the US normally 'rushes' in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    Is that directed against the Second Amendment? Though I think Americans would be surprised to actual see a man with a gun for an arm.
    Again, not a literal comparison. However the point is that seeing a gun in the United States isn't at all uncommon because of the Second Ammendment. Barret Wallace is probably designed as a stereotype to this (come to think of it, he's stereotypical enough).

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    You mean "oil" which we aren't getting at any special rate and are buying it at a convoluted market price.
    I was looking at it in a different way. More specifically ShinRa is offering a service that's relatively simple for them in exchange for high rewards (i.e. capatilism).

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    Nuclear weapons? Gundams (I wish)? A giant cannon like the Sister Ray? What is the reference?
    That be Nukes. Also the fact that the Sister Ray is kept in Junon could be seen as a reference to the American WOMDs stored in different countries.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    What oriental country do you speak of? Japan? There is a lot more than tourism for Japan - electronics and cars to name a couple. Vietnam? Like that had much going for it before the Vietnam Conflict. I won't add Korea since North Korea invaded the south and the U.S along with the piddle amount of troops from their allies to defend South Korea.
    Again, it's not a literal connection. Japan has more than tourism, however the parallel is that the before the Second World War there was 'Dai Nippon Teikoku' or the 'Great Japanese Empire'. After the war this was taken from the Japanese. Similar as to how Wutai lost whatever standing it had before becoming the 'Tourist Trap'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    Not really as Che said it is stretching it and some of the points don't really match whatsoever.
    Like I said, if you look at it from a 'foreign' perspecitve, especially through stereotypes, the points seem more applicable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    It's not hard to predict when bad sh*t will go down cause eventually sh*t happens. All somebody has to do is pick an event throw out a rough time of when it will happen and they have a pretty good shot at being correct. Or they could be vague as to what would happen giving them more wiggle room.
    That's what makes this point a very big coincidence. Nostradamus' predictions are famous for this. However the thing is that 9/11 is probably the biggest terrorist-attack to ever affect the world as a whole, not to mention the fact that New York City and Midgar are quite similar (actually most of the city generalisations I thought of came from NYC).

    I don't think the attack was a prediction, as much as a huge coincidence. Certainely the attack was the first one to have strong effects on the entire world since the game was realeased.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    Except the U.S isn't fighting/killing their own citizens...
    From what I observed in the game, the ShinRa government didn't actually consider the Slums to be part of Midgar. There is a distinct lack of involvement of ShinRa in the slums, other than the missions to recover Aeris (though since these are done by the TURKS, it's probably not 'official' ShinRa business).

    I actually pointed out that the methods of dealing with the problem were radical. And although ShinRa seems worse at this point, more innocent people have probably died in the War on Terror than would have died in Midgar, even assuming a single sector could hold a million people. (est. Iraqi death toll of WOT: 1.3 million).

    Of course the figures shouldn't be brought into it, but I see the war as being filled with more death than 1/8 of a city's destruction.

    This topic is really seperate though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zag
    One thing I found ironic was in the beginning how a npc talks about how through the internet anybody could create a home-made bomb - it brings up memories of when that was an issue in real life.
    There are obviously a lot of references I missed, but the dialogue of this game can really put some of the points into more perspective, better than a list made at night after a particuarly long day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Me
    Wasted vast amounts of money on rather pointless space travel
    I actually meant, poignant. I was tired. However I guess poignant wouldn't work either...

    The real thing I was trying to say was 'stressful'. Although I can see how it could be seen as pointless or important, it just depends on how much weight you place on the outcomes from the NASA programs.

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    Registered User A string of complete coincidencs? vicks and wedge's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    your picture at the bottom says it all!!!!

    wow politics on a final fantasy can see you hate conservatives and this nation is a center-right nation so i see why you have disdain and distrust for this nation..a few points

    1. this game was made back in 97 long before the us became so hated by the world due to war monger evil bush (sarcasm there) When this game was made the us president at the time reminded me more of don corneo than president shinra! (the whole woman and giving away secrets thing..ha..a little sarcasm there too)

    2.China India mexico and other south american nations polute much much more than the u.s.

    3. the type of one sided propaganda you speak of is more prevelant in nazi germany or communist china!

    4. ever hear of the space race the entire world spent money on space exploration.

    i could go on forever i guess i see what paralels you are trying to draw there sre coincidences however in the history of man kind especially modern history much of what you describe are common themes facing the world today.

    polution, corruption, resistance, abuse of power, all themes that man-kind face today that do rear their heads in the u.s. however they are prevelant in the entire world.

    shinra is a symbol of mans destructive ways especially through technology and to try and simply claim its in reference to the u.s. to me seems hatefull. man is a verry influential animal and throughout the history of the world power, technology and greed for it feed a lust in human souls thet bring about all the evils the shinra represent.

    the only paralel to be drawn is a basic theme of good versus evil corruption versus purity and the age old clash of ideals. all things not belonging to the united states itself but issues facing the human condition!
    Last edited by vicks and wedge; 03-05-2010 at 06:24 AM.

  • #10

    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by vicks and wedge View Post
    your picture at the bottom says it all!!!!

    wow politics on a final fantasy can see you hate conservatives and this nation is a center-right nation so i see why you have disdain and distrust for this nation..a few points

    1. this game was made back in 97 long before the us became so hated by the world due to war monger evil bush (sarcasm there) When this game was made the us president at the time reminded me more of don corneo than president shinra! (the whole woman and giving away secrets thing..ha..a little sarcasm there too)

    2.China India mexico and other south american nations polute much much more than the u.s.

    3. the type of one sided propaganda you speak of is more prevelant in nazi germany or communist china!

    4. ever hear of the space race the entire world spent money on space exploration.

    i could go on forever i guess i see what paralels you are trying to draw there sre coincidences however in the history of man kind especially modern history much of what you describe are common themes facing the world today.

    polution, corruption, resistance, abuse of power, all themes that man-kind face today that do rear their heads in the u.s. however they are prevelant in the entire world.

    shinra is a symbol of mans destructive ways especially through technology and to try and simply claim its in reference to the u.s. to me seems hatefull. man is a verry influential animal and throughout the history of the world power, technology and greed for it feed a lust in human souls thet bring about all the evils the shinra represent.

    the only paralel to be drawn is a basic theme of good versus evil corruption versus purity and the age old clash of ideals. all things not belonging to the united states itself but issues facing the human condition!
    Great post, and 100% agreed. Giving +rep.

  • #11
    HRH Albha A string of complete coincidencs? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by vicks and wedge View Post
    your picture at the bottom says it all!!!!
    You do realise that the Conservatives f**ked up Scotland so bad that in the last general election they only won 1/59 Scottish seats.

    wow politics on a final fantasy can see you hate conservatives and this nation is a center-right nation so i see why you have disdain and distrust for this nation..a few points
    "Disdain and distrust?". If I had such a great disdain for the United States, why on earth would I be posting on an American website (or helping with the main site?), why would I be even discussing this expecting an intelligent response. I'm no bigot, if I believed stereotypes were true then I'd have a better time discussing how delicious Big Macs are.

    I think the kind of commentary present in Grand Theft Auto 4 (made in Dundee/Edinburgh) sums up the general way most Scots feel about the US. A sort of mild concern for the way things are run shown throug humourous stereotypes (see: 'Republican Space Rangers' on the TV, basically all of the Talk-Radio, and even the way that all citizens seem to be carrying takeaway-coffee-cups).

    1. this game was made back in 97 long before the us became so hated by the world due to war monger evil bush (sarcasm there) When this game was made the us president at the time reminded me more of don corneo than president shinra! (the whole woman and giving away secrets thing..ha..a little sarcasm there too)
    To be honest, I'm not really sure what you're on about. I've never said (as far as I'm aware) that every single aspect of Shinra matches the American government.

    Also you may notice that in-game, the only people who seem to hate ShinRa are the protaganists. And Wutai. There isn't really any pallarel between the hate for America and the hate for Shinra.

    2.China India mexico and other south american nations polute much much more than the u.s.
    You dissappoint me with that. The problem with the US is that there are far too many cars on the road. Whilst the per-capita figure means that the United States is the 5th most-polluting in the world, the countries before it happen to have the large supplies of fossil fuels that everybody is chasing after.

    Also note that the particular countries that are seen to be as bad as the US (such as China) are only just going through their Industrial Revolution. It's expected that their emissions will fall dramatically once they're 'on their feet'.

    Although Copenhagen didn't seem to help with this matter, did it?

    3. the type of one sided propaganda you speak of is more prevelant in nazi germany or communist china!
    Nazi Germany and Communist China don't exactly 'fit the bill' for Midgar. I'll admit that I did think of China at time when thinking about this matter. However China isn't as 'Westernised' as Midgar.

    4. ever hear of the space race the entire world spent money on space exploration.
    Soviet Union + United States of America =/= The entire world.

    Did you even look at my last post? I'm starting to think you didn't.

    Besides, what exactly are you arguing? That the US aren't the only country in the world who those points apply to? I think we've established that other countries can have some of those points applied to them (the UK has nukes, class systems and CO2 emissions), however it is the United States that has the greatest number of parallels.

    i could go on forever i guess i see what paralels you are trying to draw there sre coincidences however in the history of man kind especially modern history much of what you describe are common themes facing the world today.
    Yes, coincidences, see thread title.

    polution, corruption, resistance, abuse of power, all themes that man-kind face today that do rear their heads in the u.s. however they are prevelant in the entire world.
    But mostly prevalent in the US. At this point I can't see a better example for a parallel. Point out another country that has more in common with Midgar/Shinra and I'll gladly shift my focus.

    shinra is a symbol of mans destructive ways especially through technology and to try and simply claim its in reference to the u.s. to me seems hatefull. man is a verry influential animal and throughout the history of the world power, technology and greed for it feed a lust in human souls thet bring about all the evils the shinra represent.
    I don't mean to be hateful in the least. I'm making no 'claims' that it's anything other than a coincidence.

    But symbolically, ShinRa represents capatilism gone wrong. Way wrong. In the same way that 'Animal Farm' represents the problems with communism, you see that at the start communism works perfectly, but then it is corrupted.

    ShinRa is not a symbol for murder. They probably kill less people than any other FF villain. Money and Pollution is a bigger theme in FFVII, at least before Sephiroth makes his appearance.

    the only paralel to be drawn is a basic theme of good versus evil corruption versus purity and the age old clash of ideals. all things not belonging to the united states itself but issues facing the human condition!
    I agree with the latter part of that statement but not the former. If the entire game had had only the theme of 'good versus evil' then the whole moral 'grey' areas that AVALANCHE's terrorism brings would not have been included.

    If it was that basic wouldn't it be: 'evil versus evil'?

    Quote Originally Posted by Che
    Great post, and 100% agreed. Giving +rep.
    You're solving the wrong problem >.<

    Although, thanks for calling me disdainful to America, Che. You know I liked you at one point

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    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by vicks and wedge View Post
    2.China India mexico and other south american nations polute much much more than the u.s.
    China, India and/or Mexico are in South America?
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  • #13
    Morbid Angel A string of complete coincidencs? Ulteka Mako's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    What the hell. You come of trying to down the US. Well screw england. You can not compare a game to one of the greatest and most powerful country. Are you serious. All countries have made dumbass mistakes, yes. So don't try and point the US to seem so bad. We are helping some crazy ass Hadi people who will kill you for a qaurter. That is stupid. It is all because there is noy a white president. I am sorry to say it, but it is true. The world is going to end in 2012 anyways.
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  • #14

    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulteka Mako View Post
    What the hell. You come of trying to down the US. Well screw england. You can not compare a game to one of the greatest and most powerful country. Are you serious. All countries have made dumbass mistakes, yes. So don't try and point the US to seem so bad. We are helping some crazy ass Hadi people who will kill you for a qaurter. That is stupid. It is all because there is noy a white president. I am sorry to say it, but it is true. The world is going to end in 2012 anyways.
    You're really, really ignorant and should probably not post again.

  • #15
    HRH Albha A string of complete coincidencs? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulteka Mako
    What the hell. You come of trying to down the US. Well screw england. You can not compare a game to one of the greatest and most powerful country. Are you serious. All countries have made dumbass mistakes, yes. So don't try and point the US to seem so bad. We are helping some crazy ass Hadi people who will kill you for a qaurter. That is stupid. It is all because there is noy a white president. I am sorry to say it, but it is true. The world is going to end in 2012 anyways.
    Couple of points here,

    1. If I wanted to 'come down' on the USA, I'd have much more ammunition than a few coincidences in a game.
    2. Screw England if you want. I'm not English nor do I come from England. Screw Wales and Ireland top, if you really want, or how about France or India. Screw any country, pick them at random.
    3. Calling America 'the greatest', just offended more than 5,000,000,000 people. Well done.
    4. I've yet to say that any other country is perfect. Seriously, are you people even reading this thread?
    5. How come Haiti is closer to you geographically, but I can spell it and you can't? America isn't exactly the only country trying to help Haiti.
    6. I can't actually believe how racist you've been in this post... Let's see: 'Screw England', 'America is the greatest', 'crazy-ass Hadi people who will kill you for a quarter', 'It is all becasue there's not a white president'.
    7. The world is about as likely to end in 2012 as... well... No it's just too stupid a concept to argue with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    You're really, really ignorant and should probably not post again.
    I like you again.

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    Registered User A string of complete coincidencs? vicks and wedge's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by silver View Post
    china, india and/or mexico are in south america?
    dude i am not saying china and india are in south america

    what i say is china poutes more

    india polutes more

    south american nations to numerouse to mention poLute more

    dont take me for a fool,need i clarify anything else

    look aerith the bottom line here is in the game shinra is mostly portayed as opressive, evil destroyers of the planet and you drew coincidences to the united states to something that is evil..thus you insult america..i can tell from reading your replies that you feel that way towards the may say you dont however you buy into the international medias prolly belive global warming is caused by the united states. whales is a great place congrats you dont drive alot of cars..america does so much good in the world and all you can do is compare them to the bad guys in video games its insulting dude...capitalism is the biggest vessel for freedom this world has ever seen..but dont fret obama will usher it away as fast as he can..hes got 3 more years to try!....

    ok lets make a pact here on out to end this politcal talk and concetrate on what brings us all here and what i'm sure we can agree on and thats the awsomeness of final fantsy
    Last edited by vicks and wedge; 03-06-2010 at 06:47 AM.

  • #17
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by vicks and wedge View Post
    dude i am not saying china and india are in south america

    what i say is china poutes more

    india polutes more

    south american nations to numerouse to mention poLute more

    dont take me for a fool,need i clarify anything else
    Mexico isn't in South America neither. It sits at the bottom of the continent known as North America. And I mean shit, I was hopeless at geography, remembering all that stuff I'll probably never use. And Mexico sure don't directly neigbour my country. :/

    ok lets make a pact here on out to end this politcal talk and concetrate on what brings us all here and what i'm sure we can agree on and thats the awsomeness of final fantsy
    So to clarify, let's all go even more offtopic?
    victoria aut mors

  • #18
    HRH Albha A string of complete coincidencs? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by vicks and wedge View Post
    dude i am not saying china and india are in south america

    what i say is china poutes more

    india polutes more

    south american nations to numerouse to mention poLute more

    dont take me for a fool,need i clarify anything else

    For God's sake, this will be the third time I link to this information!!!!

    look aerith the bottom line here is in the game shinra is mostly portayed as opressive, evil destroyers of the planet and you drew coincidences to the united states to something that is evil..thus you insult america..
    Why on earth is it that you're the only person who takes this as a personal insult?

    Nazi Germany was evil. I've not said that the US was evil, I pointed out coincidences, yes, but that's not the same thing.

    Shinra weren't even evil. They were capatilism-gone-wrong. In FFVII we see AVALANCHE's interprtation of Shinra. However throughout the game the only majorly evil thing they do is drop the Sector 7 plate.

    i can tell from reading your replies that you feel that way towards the may say you dont however you do...
    I'm going to forgive you for that one since you're such a newbie to the forums.

    Actually I think it's hilarious that you think I hate the US. I was going to be a camp counsellor in an American Summer Camp next year, but since you seem to know me better than I do, I had better not go.

    You don't want me trying to detonate a nuke or anything do you?

    you buy into the international medias portrayl..
    I buy into the actions that I see your country take. The War on Terror, the nuclear program, all of it.

    I happen to agree with the media, but I'm a seperate entity. The British media insists that abortion is morally sound, but I don't buy into that.

    Just because my opinion coincides with the media's opinion doesn't mean my opinion is caused by theirs.

    you prolly belive global warming is caused by the united states.
    Global Warming is caused by everyone. Sure, the US has the highest CO2 emissions (please don't make me link to that again. PLEASE.) but the British Industrial revolution was likely to have started it. And the way China is expanding it's industrial section means that they're coming close to becoming the principle cause of Global Warming.

    whales is a great place congrats you dont drive alot of cars..
    Wales is a great place, congratulations to them. But remind me, what does Wales have to do with anything?

    america does so much good in the world and all you can do is compare them to the bad guys in video games its insulting dude...
    That's what this topic is about. This topic is not about all the good America has done for the world.

    But please, tell me the last thing America, the country, has done for the entire world. Because personally, I can only think of the end of World War 2.

    capitalism is the biggest vessel for freedom this world has ever seen..but dont fret obama will usher it away as fast as he can..hes got 3 more years to try!....
    I hope Obama does bring America further to the left wing. Calling capatilsm 'freedom' is silly. Capatilism gives you some freedom, yes, but if don't get the opportunity to become rich, then you're just a slave to money and mega-corporations, and the media et al.

    ok lets make a pact here on out to end this politcal talk and concetrate on what brings us all here and what i'm sure we can agree on and thats the awsomeness of final fantsy
    Let's not. This is a thread that specialises in discussing this particular topic. If you want to make a thread about the 'awsomeness of final fantasy' go right ahead. If you don't want to discuss this topic, then please, stop posting.

    I wish I'd put this in Intellectual Discussion. Then maybe you'd get the entire point of the thread.

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    Registered User A string of complete coincidencs? vicks and wedge's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?


  • #20
    Registered User A string of complete coincidencs? vicks and wedge's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Dude. I am not going to sit here and debate the merrits of capitalism or the legitamacy of man made global warming.... I am not going to try to explain what America does good for the world. Your mind is made up you hate the USA and blame the USA. I got to deal with enough people who belive like you in this country

    Religion and politics are two verry sore spots when there's a dissagreement. My original disagreement was against what you said I felt you were stretching a bit. And reading between the lines I pinned you as a hater. Which the rest Of your posts prove me right. It's cool though I'm ok with ppl disagreeing that's fine or even disliking the USA

    I do however get offended cause I think your wrong and originally think your premise of drawing coincidece is just wrong. The whole shinra Midgard thing just happens to fit your view of the USA and capitalism...... So gooday mate or tally ho or whatever. ( I typed this on my I phone so I hope it reads ok)

  • #21
    HRH Albha A string of complete coincidencs? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by vicks and wedge View Post
    Dude. I am not going to sit here and debate the merrits of capitalism or the legitamacy of man made global warming.... I am not going to try to explain what America does good for the world. Your mind is made up you hate the USA and blame the USA. I got to deal with enough people who belive like you in this country

    Religion and politics are two verry sore spots when there's a dissagreement. My original disagreement was against what you said I felt you were stretching a bit. And reading between the lines I pinned you as a hater. Which the rest Of your posts prove me right. It's cool though I'm ok with ppl disagreeing that's fine or even disliking the USA

    I do however get offended cause I think your wrong and originally think your premise of drawing coincidece is just wrong. The whole shinra Midgard thing just happens to fit your view of the USA and capitalism...... So gooday mate or tally ho or whatever. ( I typed this on my I phone so I hope it reads ok)
    Please stop posting in this thread. You've missed the point entirely.

    Although kudos to you for noticing that Aerif is now apparently a huge racist. I mean seriously who knew?

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  • #22
    Registered User A string of complete coincidencs? vicks and wedge's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    Please stop posting in this thread. You've missed the point entirely.

    Although kudos to you for noticing that Aerif is now apparently a huge racist. I mean seriously who knew?
    Last post. Sorry thanks for the action. Sorry for getting mad and missing the point entirely. Where did I call you a racist. You may be a secret communist and an America basher not a racist though

  • #23
    the psycho in me wants pie!!! A string of complete coincidencs? kurohime's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    our world is similar to the FF7 world or Gaia as it's refered to. or just 'the planet'. wars, terrorism, stealing natural resources. A coincidence, i think not.

  • #24
    Rune Knight A string of complete coincidencs? Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Ignoring what vicks and wedge said,
    im late on entry for what you initially put down for the post. an i agree with what you put on there. the symbolisms seem very parallel and not that barret was not the greatest representative for the black people of the world, mind you i think he was the only one i saw in that game.

    but the main point i thought the game was trying to make was that big capitalist type companies will pretty much crush traditions, like how cosmos canyon was like a reservation and the ancients were natives to the planet, another person made a point saying how wutai was like japan, and then shinra let loose their "A-bomb" or Sephiroth if you want to get technical, but after the war the people were not the same as the loss had made them loose their fighting spirit.

    but their are tons of symbollisms that could be used for many things and or situations, AND NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN LITERALLY... you know who you are.
    but i give your work 4 out of 5 stars, not original but since you did not mean to work on it. good work. i was expecting more of a professional thesis. but still good.

    and those who want to debate about the US there is another thread for that. and go debate there.

  • #25
    HRH Albha A string of complete coincidencs? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: A string of complete coincidencs?

    Looking back at this thread really makes me realise that I must've been tired. I just noticed I mis-spelt 'coincidences' in the thread's title!

    The thing you mentioned in your post about Barret being the only black person in the world... It struck me as being quite interesting. At the time I thought that all the people with 'orange' skin in the game were supposed to represent black people, but now I remember that in 'Big Bros Gym' at the beginning of the game, there is a black body-builder.

    So what the heck does the orange skin represent?

    A thesis would've been nice... But I'm only 1/4 of the way through my degree so that could be seen as being rather unnecessary, haha.

    This thread also helped me realise just how much influence a video game can have on a person's perception of the world. The way the story is told, through the eyes of AVALANCHE's members, make the eco-terrorism appear to be almost humane.

    It actually makes me hope that no extermist groups manage to publish a game, it could really change the view-point of it's players, at least temporarily.

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