Originally Posted by
Hamster Weapon
Well if you wanna be cheap you can use the W-Item materia to dupe 99 Elixers and go into the watery area of Nothern Crater where the Magic Pot enemies are.
Feed it/them 1 Elixer each, then kill'em. Best EXP and AP in the game imo.
And with the item dupe, you'll have infinite Elixers, so you can train there forever.
(To make it faster use the Exit materia. Exit give the spells Escape and Remove, I use Escape to leave any battles w/out Magic Pots, and I use Remove to kill Magic Pots instantly(after the Elixer feeding of course))
NOW! If you DONT wanna be cheap go ahead and train on anything in Northern Crater. All monsters there give good exp.
Hope this helps ^_^b