View Poll Results: How do you like your FFV?

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  • Good ol' SNES for me

    5 15.63%
  • I'm a masochist. I love playing the PS1 version

    6 18.75%
  • GBA. Isn't that what everyone plays?

    13 40.63%
  • I'm waiting for the inevitable remake

    8 25.00%
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Thread: So what version of FFV does everyone prefer?

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  1. #16
    Certified tech, come at me! So what version of FFV does everyone prefer? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: So what version of FFV does everyone prefer?

    I don't know why, but I've always been a SNES version junkie of the SNES FF titles. I think its because I grew up on those versions to be exact. The feel of playing it on SNES is really good, it keeps me hooked, the music in the game sounds top-notch as far as chip music goes for SNES, and it has a nice replay value. I started another playthrough this week and I'm already enjoying it.

    Oh and Cain.... I'm looking forward to seeing what your special project is for the SNES version of FF5.

    Firing up FFVA myself, one thing that made me sad was how they removed the iconic "Bartz riding Boco behind the logo" bit. I find that just as odd if they removed the "Stormy Clouds" intro from FFVI
    That wasn't removed actually, when you turn on FFVA and FFVIA just let the game titles run and you'll see the opening scenes eventually.
    Last edited by SuperSabin; 02-10-2010 at 03:23 PM.
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