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Thread: 2008 Tournament of Arms FINALS: Itachi Uchiha v. Toph Bei Fong

  1. #1
    The Old Skool Warrior 2008 Tournament of Arms FINALS: Itachi Uchiha v. Toph Bei Fong LocoColt04's Avatar
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    2008 Tournament of Arms FINALS: Itachi Uchiha v. Toph Bei Fong

    Since there was NOTHING to judge for the last round, I may as well get this going a touch early. It's a shame there wasn't any competition in the semi-finals, but hey, I guess it meant a free ride for the two of you.

    You still have until Monday, August 11th to finish this up.

    I won't bother to declare a victor if there are only a couple of posts from each of you, so please write up a little something for us here. It would be nice for the tournament.

  2. #2
    The transition from darkness to light still played on Solstafir’s eyes as he walked out into the arena. Harsh rays from the sun still rained down from the sky, as the crowd was cheering with ecstasy for the upcoming fight. Songs of valour filled the air; signs inscribed with combatant’s names were waved in the wind. Everywhere he turned his head, Solstafir could see a mass of life ceaselessly moving. But the mood broke from cheers and soon a wave of insults and abuse was hurled. From the opposite side he could see a shadow moving up onto the sand, his opponent he assumed.

    But the shadow stopped and turned. As far as he was, his movements could still be perceived. As his opponent faded back from whence he came, a third person entered the arena. Jumping from out of the audience he came with a microphone in hand. The people grew quiet and grumbles of disgust sung low beneath the new man’s brief speech, “Due to his withdrawal, Dragoth has forfeited his match. And so by default, I announce your winner and second finalist in this tournament, Solstafir!

    Sound erupted once more like a disorganized orchestra, as a mixture of cheers and boo’s echoed throughout. Turning to take his leave, Solstafir walked calmly back down into his chamber; his face a portrait of annoyance and anger. But once again he was stopped and that same eerie blue light flashed before his eyes again. As is dispersed, the warrior found himself in another unknown room. Pacing around, he found it to be a lot more hospitable that the previous areas he had seen. The stone walling was bare of any moss and in its stead were hangings of flowing green silk laced with gold. Torch holders burned bright as the entire chamber of illuminated.

    Unsurprising though to Solstafir was that same old man as before was in there with him, casually sat at a wooden table. An empty chair stood opposite him before the table covered in fresh, steaming food. “Hello again young one.” Was the only order he needed to take his seat at the table along side the host.

    It seems you let me down this time. I could have provided an entertaining battle yet my opponent yielded at the first glance of me.” Was the opening of conversation as Solstafir took a look at what options he had. His eyes slowly moved from left to right, scanning the food carefully. All looked ripple and delicious even to the eye. But temptation and gluttony washed through him as all was too much to bear. Coming to the fruit bowl, his mouth watered as he reached for an apple as cold water slowly dripped down the fruits skin.

    With one bite, his mind declared the taste to be perfect as he swallowed the succulent flesh. Lost in the exquisite thought, he barely paid attention to his host’s reply. “Well we do not know why he gave in. He seemed so eager at first to battle, and his first round was entertaining to those that could see it. But alas, the finals should be a good one. I hope you show how entertaining you can be there.

    What makes you think I would hold back to a battle like that? To win that is why I was sent here. You can expect me not to go easy whoever it may be.

    So you say but neither will your fellow combatant. She is a strong one herself. I pray you do not let looks deceive you.

    Somewhat taken back by the comment, Solstafir gritted his teeth still bearing a great deal of anger from before. Again he had to bite his tongue from the old man’s words as his mind screamed to retort. Letting out a sigh, he replied, “I never let ones outward appearance fool me. Just like that girl you set me up against in the first round. She was far more skilled than the impression she first gave. I remember seeing that fear well up in her eyes but that didn’t weaken me. I thought no lighter of her. So please, do not say such a thing about me when I know the importance of battle.

    The old man sighed as well after Solstafir’s reply. With a raise of his hand and click of his fingers, the light appeared once again and started to crawl up Solstafir’s legs. “You are still young no matter how many years you’ve lived,” The man mused, “Arrogant and foolish like all others yet you still can not admit it here. Your opponent’s name is Ivy Roza and I’ll repeat what I said: Do not take her lightly.

    The last thing he saw was the smile of the man’s face before the light consumed him wholly. Fading from his eyes, Solstafir found himself in the putrid holding chambers once again. “The old man calls me foolish and arrogant?!. Hmph. He has no manners towards his guest.” But taking in what had been said at the table, he reflected on what it meant. A glimmer of light appeared in his mind saying that the man was right about him.

    But before the thought could be dwelled upon, the sound of gears mashing sounded and the age-worn gate opened to the sun once more. Already the call of the people billowed through to the rotting chamber as Solstafir took his leave of the place for the last time. All things dispersed from his mind as he calmly rose from his place in the arena, swords drawn at either side of him. They too shared in his hidden excitement as lightning crackled and darkness hummed.

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus 2008 Tournament of Arms FINALS: Itachi Uchiha v. Toph Bei Fong Victoria's Avatar
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    I waited. Crickets chirped throughout the area and I even saw a tumbleweed roll by. I let out a yawn and opened up my briefcase. I shoved my hand through the bottomless dimensional vortex and felt around for a specific something.

    A few moments passed as my arm tired of digging through the vast space of the briefcase. I sighed and my fingertips ran across the objects of my hunt. A bottle of sake, along with one of my several decks of Magic: The Gathering cards. Before this tournament began, I had went to a hobby shop across the street and bought a booster pack of Shadowmoor cards. The rare I got in the pack was a special card I had tracked down ever since Shadowmoor first came out: Wound Reflection.

    My eyes inspected the cards in my deck with a critical purpose. I took out a few excess cards and replaced them with Wound Reflection. I made a mental memo to test this modified deck out later. I shoved the booster pack from my pocket and my deck back into the briefcase.

    What felt like half an hour passed by like a few minutes. I stared at the opposite end of the arena while my lips opened to yawn once more. The bottle of sake still gripped between my fingers. My head shifted toward its direction as my pupils stared at the temptation of alcohol.

    I brought my knees close to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. My thumb popped open the cork that sealed the bottle, and I brought it to my lips. I tipped my head back as the sweet smelling drink fell down my throat and trickled down the sides of my cheeks.

    My other hand wiped the excess alcohol from my mouth. I blinked and saw two silhouettes off in the distance. I have two opponents now?

    As they drew closer, the two silhouettes merged into one being with two heads. I shook my head and one head disappeared. The silhouette vanished as well, and was replaced with that hot piece of ass, my woman. Even though I don't know her name.

    She rolled her eyes, crossed her arms, and let out a sigh.

    “What am I going to do with you?” she said. She bent down and pulled me up from the ground that my ass made a makeshift home.

    “It's kind of sad, you know. You can't even hold your alcohol, so why do you drink it?”

    “Cuz I's can kicks azz harder while me's drunk!” I swung my fist in her general direction and she let out another irritated sigh and just shot her head to the side and grabbed my hand. She picked up my briefcase and escorted me out of the arena.

    “Sure, honey. Believe what you want. Oh, by the way. If you haven't figured it out by now, your opponent was a no show, so you get another free ride. Fun, huh?” She smirked and opened the door to the waiting room. She took the bottle of sake away from me and replaced it with a bottle of water.

    “Drink that, sweetie. I don't want you drunk off your ass when you face Solstafir. I know, I know. You kick ass when you're drunk. I'm sure you do. But right now, you aren't very intimidating. Maybe because it's me, I don't know.” She rubbed her temples and put the sake in her mini-fridge. She just wanted it for herself, the bitch. I'll get it back later.

    “You'll get it back after the fight is over, okay? Be a good girl and drink your water.” she smiled and sat next to me. I'm surprised she puts up with my flaws. My heart fluttered for a moment as my cheeks flushed. It wouldn't be a wise idea for this one to get away.

    “Ummm.. I don't think that I...” my query was interrupted by her response. Could she read my mind or something? It was kind of weird how coincidental this was.

    “My name is Rachelle. Rachelle Prier. My birthday is July second. I'm twenty-two years old.” She had the biggest grin on her face as she sat on my lap. She ran her fingers through my hair and giggled.

    “It was about time you caught yourself. Even though we're this close, you never even knew my name. I bet I'm not even the first, am I?” She rolled her eyes once more and glanced away from me to look at the time on the clock hanging above us. She frowned and glanced back into my eyes.

    “Hey, what did you mean earlier about the Phoenix thing?” her raised brow caught my eye.

    I took a drink from the water bottle and licked my lips. I blinked a few times before I responded. “Well, I have phoenix blood in me. So when I die, my body turns to ash and is reborn. Though for some reason, I am reborn at ten years old. Though my body returns to normal after twenty-four hours.”

    Her raised brow retained its shape and she simply smirked. I had a hunch that she didn't believe me. She would see sooner or later. She looked up at the clock again, and then leaned close and kissed me. She stood up and walked back toward the counter.

    “Well, it's time for you to go. Solstafir is waiting for you. Don't screw up, hm?”

    I rubbed my temples and cracked my neck. I let out a final yawn and walked off toward the usual empty arena.

    Little does cute Rachelle know, I have a second bottle.. heheh. As I neared the end of the hallway, I opened my briefcase and took out another bottle of sake. I popped the cork and chugged down half of the bottle and wiped the excess liquid from my mouth. My vision became blurred once more as the light from the sun ran straight into my face.

    I squinted as my vision started to focus and get used to the bright sun. Ow... my head.
    Solstafir conveniently walked out the same time I did. I walked a few steps more, tripped against my own foot, and fell flat on my face as my briefcase left my grip and slid forward.

    I crawled to the briefcase and pulled out a wet cloth to wipe the dirt away from my face. I reached my arm deep inside the hole and pulled out a stick that was three times as big as myself. I twirled it in the air and with the end of the staff, shoved the briefcase several meters behind me.

    However, the staff left my grip and flew like a projectile toward Solstafir's eye. Greaaaat. Just peachy. I lost my weapon.

    I sighed and staggered back to my briefcase and pulled out a second staff of equal size.

    “Sorry about that!” I said and belched just after. This was going to be amusing. I hope Rachelle won't be mad at me.

  4. #4
    Emerging at the same time he did, Solstafir’s sight narrowed and focused on the individual opposite. As he calmly walked out with his weapons at the ready, she seemingly staggered out as if intoxicated. ‘That’s my opponent? Some half drunk tart? And to think, that old man told me to be weary of her.’ As the thought crossed his mind, he laughed as the poor woman fell flat on her face. Still walking ever closer to her, he noticed the sudden desperation she had to recover the briefcase she dropped. But what surprised him more were the objects she pulled from it.

    Her face covered in dust, she pulled out a cloth to clean it before gripping a staff from the small container. Taken back by the strange device, Solstafir couldn’t help but watch her clumsy actions as she used the stick to move her case away. Even then her actions were out of control as the staff she held was hurled forth, aimed for his head. Caught somewhat off guard, he raised his swords and knocked the projectile aside. Promptly after throwing it though, she called over to him,

    Sorry about that!

    Amused by her state, he played along by retorting, “Hey! That could have had my eye out! Be more careful next time.

    But as he spoke, Ivy pulled a second staff from her briefcase. Eye twitching and mouth wide open, it took Solstafir a moment to comprehend what had happened yet again. But focus soon took hold over the confusion in his mind. Again he shouted to her, “What have you been drinking and why can’t I have any?” He hoped to play on her foolish nature or at least the one she displayed. The advantage he could have whilst she was in such a state kept running through his mind; his only thought was to keep her distracted with words.

    Before waiting for her to reply though, he made a dash towards Ivy. Truth and Deceit held at either side of him, he soon came upon her as she barely stood straight. With a grin of pure amusement across his face, he looked the woman in her eyes as he started his attack. Deceit hummed louder than ever with each swing. Truth shared its master’s excitement as lightning roared, seeking escape. The blade’s danced in there wielders hands as he swung effortlessly to cleave and cut his way through the woman. ‘Let’s she if she is as dangerous as the old man said

  5. #5
    Lady Succubus 2008 Tournament of Arms FINALS: Itachi Uchiha v. Toph Bei Fong Victoria's Avatar
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    Sosltafir sliced his way toward me with cruel intent, and a curious look in his eyes. As he played out in slow motion, the way he danced inspired me to give him my all. As he came toward me, he shouted that he wanted some of my sake. The bastard won't have my sake, but there might have been another bottle in there somewhere.

    He inched his way closer to my body as I ducked back down to my case and swung my stick behind me, the brunt of it aimed for his crotch by coincidence. I pulled out a second bottle and threw it at him. Yet another belch escaped my lips as my fingertips grabbed my prized polearm with the katana hidden inside. My cheeks remained flushed, but my mind was clear enough to know what was going on. My body persisted in being drunk.

    As my back was to his face, I twirled my body around, and spun the polearm between my fingers. The weapon slipped from my grip yet again, but I caught it and swiped it down toward his shoulder blades. This battle was no time to use weapons and styles I hadn't ever used before. Rachelle was right after all, though perhaps the drunken state could put his guard down. As my body returned from the slicing movement, I picked up the briefcase and glided over him to the other side of the arena. I pulled out a bottle of Molotov Cocktail and lit it on fire. I flew toward him in a flash and threw it at him.

    “Tamaya~” the phrase left my lips as a half-intoxicated grin formed around my lips. As a final move in my drunken combination, I hovered in the air and twirled the polearm in my fingers and dove down toward his head. In the instant that I reached his body, I gripped the hilt of the katana and sliced into the air and aimed directly for his neck.

    I could feel myself sober up through all of the activity. From what Rachelle advised, that is probably for the best.

  6. #6
    As his sword’s whirled around him, trying to taste the blood of the woman, Solstafir seemed to have lacked aggression on his part. The blade’s danced but not a single strike hit as the woman moved from harms way and struck out with her staff. Lost in trying to hit her so, the blow hit as if she put no effort behind it. Gasping and falling onto one knee from the surprise attack, he winced from the groin shot. ‘That was uncalled for. Such dirty tactic’s in a fight such as this’ he thought to himself as the pain settled.

    Somewhat discomforted by the attack, he tried not to let the frustration show as he got back to his feet. But even then the step could not be managed. First came an oddly shaped bottle that struck and bounced off his head, shattering and spilling its contents on the sand. Still unaware of what was happening, it seemed only the beginning. Crashing down from the heaven’s came Ivy with a pole-arm in hand. She attacked with a drunken swiftness; half graceful, half foolish. The downward blow was block though as he raised blow his sword’s in a cross. The strength of the collision forced Solstafir back onto his knee as she flew off over him.

    Finally managing to get safely onto his feet, his ears were greeted by the loud expression of, “Tamaya!” The strange calling played in his mind for a while as he thought ‘Fireworks?’ Quickly turning round, he could see what Ivy meant as the flaming bottle came hurling through the air. With a desperate swing, he knocked it aside with the flat of Deceit as it crashed to the ground. Flames sprouted and raged as the fire ignited the other substance on the floor with it.

    Still the attack wasn’t over. Like an angel she swooped down with the pole-arm in hand. Expecting another slash from it, he judged its length and prepared to guard accordingly. His effort however proved futile. From within the pole-arm she drew a hidden blade that in a flash of silver went to slice open his neck. The God’s seemed to favour him that day as with reflexes he couldn’t believe, Truth was moved to defend. The blades clashed as the katana’s edge barely nicked the skin. A small trail of blood started to fall down to his chest as he jumped back, feeling safe from the attack.

    For a drunkard, you fight well. Or is this all an act you are trying to pull?” Solstafir asked. He stuck Deceit into the ground, keeping his fingers touching to pommel as he spoke. Wary of what Ivy might do, he pointed Truth at her. Like an animal guarding its territory, the sword roared loudly with lightning.

    Banished to darkness, the beings never die. Immortal as God’s and equal in might. In their realm, the shadows wax and wane. Naught in safe. See all, hear all, grasp all. The demon’s hand.

    From the tip of its blade, those dark tendrils sprouted forth. Not a mummer in the sand was seen as they traversed beneath at their masters will. Slowly they burrowed through as he expected to fool the woman hovering so gracefully ahead. “I seem to be rambling on with things I have read,” He said to her, that same smirk still crossing his face, “It seems to happen a lot, even in battle. I’m sorry. Would you like to hear more?

    Look upon the splendour of Heaven, its light shall guide you. Death shall not be feared, the illumination of the skies is the road to walk. But corruption is rife, not all pure. For this purpose it was made. Fury of the Gods. Herald of destruction. Strike and display your wrath. Heaven’s roar!

    With an ear-piercing shriek, Truth let loose its full wrath as the lightning leapt from its prison. Quickly it traveled through the air at Ivy, snapped and distorting what was around it. At his will, the hidden tendrils shot up like roots from the sand. Come up beneath her, there ends lashed and curled seeking to trap her in their merciless grip.

  7. #7
    Lady Succubus 2008 Tournament of Arms FINALS: Itachi Uchiha v. Toph Bei Fong Victoria's Avatar
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    The incantation caught me off guard as the ground broke its settlement as tendrils flew out from under me and wrapped themselves around my legs. I had my hands full as his blade's lightning blast kissed the air and flew toward my chest.

    I clicked my tongue and shook my head with a sly grin. With the grace of a dancer, I arched my back all the way down as if creating a bridge with my body. The lighting blazed past my stomach and left a burn mark on my skin. That would hurt tomorrow, no doubt.

    The tendrils continued to restrict my legs, but my mind's clutter had vanished with that last attack. I unhinged one end of my chain and hinged it onto my halberd. I ran my tongue across my lips and bit my lower lip as my fingers gripped the cold, long chain. A hot feeling rushed through me as I wrapped my arms around myself and groped my chest and glared at Solstafir as pheromones seeped out of my body in the form of a Charm technique. If the plan was a success, I would swing the halberd around like a toy and use it as a projectile that would aim to shatter one of his blades.

    “I'm not drunk anymore, handsome~” I winked as my hips swayed to imaginary music.

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