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Thread: 2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Djinn v. Vicious

  1. #1
    The Old Skool Warrior 2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Djinn v. Vicious LocoColt04's Avatar
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    2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Djinn v. Vicious


    Hello, and welcome to the mid-year 2008 Tournament of Arms!

    Do remember, we are in a modern setting, and the tournament will be taking place inside of the Roman Coliseum. If you need further details, reference the information thread. If you need imagery help, reference the internet. Good luck to you both, and I'll see you in two weeks. You have until Friday, July 4th. Get going!


  2. #2
    Synthesized Ascension 2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Djinn v. Vicious Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Aziel had taken a seat on the ground after the little confrontation with the elf in the waiting room, his massive arms hugging against his chest as his head was drooping down making him look as if he was nodding off. With a cackling loud noise, his ears perked up and eyes popped open, Aziel disturbed by a blatant clicking sound coming from the loudspeaker above with the sound of a woman sighing.

    "Welcome to the Tournament of Arms. Contestants number eight and three, please report to the arena for the beginning match." The announcer said, her voice dull, tired, and unenthusiastic.

    Placing one arm on the ground to push himself up, Aziel looked at his application in his other hand and noted the three next to his name. In relief, both he and the announcer sighed at the same time before his ears bent down, displeased from another click that ended the broadcast. Irritation was the better word for this place as the more he stayed here, the longer he wished had had stayed home. He placed the application on a table and walked over to one of the staff members, his shadow blanketing over the man. When the guy looked up, he dropped his coffee and stared.

    "Excuse me, but which way to the arena?" He asked. Shocked in surprise, the staff member seemed to just stand there for a moment without making a sound, like a mouse sitting under a lion.
    "'s ov-ver there." Arm shaking, the man pointed to a hallway while continuing to stare.
    "Thank you, my good sir." Aziel patted the man on the head softly and walked to the gate entrance.

    Before he could walk inside the gate, Aziel had to crouch down low enough so he or his sword's handle wouldn't hit the ceiling. Finally, inside the hall, it got very cramped very fast with his elbows scraping against the sides of the walls and the heat making him shed his fur, leaving a trail behind him. The frustrated look on his face obviously meant how much fun he wasn't having.

    "Go! Break some legs!", he said, mocking what his brothers told him. "I would be so proud of you!", he continued, mocking what his father stated. The more he thought about what they said the more infuriated he became, wanting to turn green and let his fury out on everything in sight. At the end of the hallway, a large metal door and another staff member waited for his arrival, greeting him as he stopped.

    "Are you contestant number three?" The man asked.
    "Indeed." He replied.
    "Alrighty then, I'll be opening the gate for you." With the push of a button, the gate slowly began to rise and eventually gave Aziel a great view of the outside arena. It looked hot and dry, which for a Korxian was not a good combination. The staff member then walked out and bowed, the giant walking out onto the arena floor and finally stood up to his full height.

    In plain view, Aziel was impressive in every meaning of the word. Being seven feet four inches and weighing over four hundred pounds was the definition of intimidation as his masculine muscles and wide body seemed quite in touch with the gladiatorial theme that was the coliseum. His silver fur shined within the bright sunlight, making him easy to spot from the stands. His only mistake was the idea of wearing thick brown leather pants and boots in summer weather, making it all the hotter.

    "Little man, do you have some water?" He asked as he turned around towards the staff member.
    "Yes, take this." The guy took out bottled water and raised his arm high enough for Aziel to take it.
    "Thank you." He said, pinching the water bottle with two fingers while he carefully opens it with the other two fingers from his other hand. He drank the water in one gulp
    "Keep it." The man said smiling as he walked back into the gate and pressed another button to bring the gate back down.

    Somewhat refreshed from the water, Aziel flicked the water bottle away and began walking towards the center of the arena. In his mind, he could see a scene being played out, a grin on his face curling from ear to ear as his spread out both arms welcomingly to the audience.

    With a serious look and a deep voice, he yelled, "Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?" A few people in the stands chuckled at his remark from the Gladiator movie, which was enough to satisfy his bit of fun. For now, he simply waited for his opponent.

  3. #3
    The Lost Writer 2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Djinn v. Vicious Psiko's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Alright, let's start with the easiest of them all to judge!

    The winner, by DEFAULT due to lack of posts from the other participant...VICIOUS!

    Now, I'm sure you would have deserved to win anyway. After all, you are a great writer. Good luck in round two!

    Edit: Umm...oops?
    Last edited by Psiko; 07-07-2008 at 10:17 PM.

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