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Thread: Youre most favorite Who song

  1. #1

    Youre most favorite Who song

    Ive been listening to The Who alot lately while trying to finish up FF12 and had forgotten how awseome they are.Its hard to choose a favorite but i think it would have to be Pinball Wizard i dont really know why but in guess its the chorus "Sure plays a mean pinball".

  2. #2
    I vary, I have favorites on every album. Dreaming From the Waist and Blue, Red, And Grey have always been up there though. One shows off the bands pure talent being crazy and speaking on odd subjects, and the other is just Pete being Pete which I wouldn't ask for anything more.

  3. #3
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Youre most favorite Who song Tallulah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Anything, really. I especially like I Can't Explain, Baba O'Reily, and My Generation. My mum is a big Who fan; she has the original vinyls of Tommy. We think they're worth quite a bit, despite the slightly dog-eared condition of the cover.

  4. #4
    Oh god can't dicided it is In Pices, American Idot , if everyone cared,or breaking the habbit
    a bit of a Temper
    a little like
    A lot of love

  5. #5
    My Generation has always been my favorite song. I don't really like Roger Daltrey's singing voice, especially as you get farther along. In the beginning he was very good, though.

    I have always liked Eminence Front. I prefer Townsend as the vocalist.

  6. #6
    it woud have to be what have you done now

    Quote Originally Posted by Linkinpark4399 View Post
    Oh god can't dicided it is In Pices, American Idot , if everyone cared,or breaking the habbit

    They're goods songs i like green day and linkin park - good name choice

    Last edited by Chez Daja; 07-27-2008 at 08:14 AM.

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