my top 5 would be
Big Pun
Okay, I wanna know everyone's list of the best rappers of all time. We all know rap is dead and I'm fackin sad about it, I want to keep it alive. I don't want it to be forgotten. So go back and listen to your old rap albums, etc, whatever you gotta do, and then come back here and let us know your opinion.
I'll post mine first, and this is in no particular order because rap is about different styles, and these guys would all be rated #1 according to what rap style they're best at.
Mos Def
Gang starr
Notorious B.I.G.
Del the Funkee Homosapien
Yep, eminem is in there. When he's not doing his "omg i'm so controversial" thing he does some really good rap. His freestyle is really on top.
my top 5 would be
Big Pun
Horrible first post, and in MY thread. God dammit, you are my responsibility.
Tupac sucks, Nas is just angry, and Big Pun isn't good at all. He tries to sing in most of his songs, and he sucks at singing, and mediocre at best at rapping. "It's so hard."
I don't want any scrubs coming up in here and just typing 5 names and gettin the **** out.
All my picks are real lyricists, they know what they're saying, and its for a reason.
Alright my top in no particular order is....
Eazy-E: He rapped about shit he knew, violence in Compton, gangs, police brutality. He spoke for an entire group of people that couldn't speak for themselves at this time.
Eminem: Gotta agree with you here Che. He is an outstanding free styler, I mean shit its how he got started.
Notorious B.I.G: Not to much to say about Biggie. He came, he ruled, he tragically died.
Ice Cube: He knows what he raps about, he has lived that shit. The gangs, and drugs he has been through it.
Method Man: Possibably my favorite out of Wu-Tang. Great rapper, not to much to say about him.
These are in no order, in my book they are all #1 along with a few others.
I like:
-MC Chris. Because he's pretty hilarious at times, and nerdy like me.
-Del The Funky Homosapien: "You gotta wipe your ass if you must. You gotta wash your hair if you must. You gotta brush your teeth if you must. Or else you'll be FUNKY!!"
-Beastie Boys. They started out as a punk band, but I honestly think they're better as rappers.
-Run DMC. Classic. Love their Christmas songs.
-Andre 3000. Mostly for his time with OutKast.
I also used to like Busta Rhymes and Onyx (Slam! Duuh duuh duuh! Duuh duuh duuh! Let the boys be boys!) I don't really listen to a lot of rap, however; my tastes are kinda limited on the genre. Generally, I like rappers who don't take themselves too seriously (kinda like most music I like, actually.) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
EDIT: Also, this guy.
Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 12-22-2009 at 04:26 PM.
Ah, yes. I want to put him in my top 5, but I don't know who to replace.
I was just watching this on youtube, look how young he (and Big Boi) looks in the video!
YouTube - OutKast - Player's Ball
I'll start out with Andre 3000 on my top 5 list. The guy just has that sense of appealment to everyone, and he can do a little bit of everything with his talents, like using his catchy beats to make hits like "Bombs Over Baghdad" and "Hey Ya", but he can also make dark allusions and tell a story like with the songs "War" and "Ms Jackson". I bet he could even make me like that synth shit if he wanted to put it in his newest album.
Next would have to be Nas. Though he's kinda been on and off the radar as of late, a lot of his tracks are just a complete testament to how talented he is with his way of words. Though he may not have the sickest bass bumping beats, he can pretty much paint a picture with his tracks, like "The World is Yours", "I Can" and one of my personal all time favorite tracks ever, "Thieve's Theme".
Raekwon needs to be up here too, he just released a new album this year and it's probably one of the sickest rap albums I've heard in awhile. He is one of those guys that is unfazed by all the T-Pain/Lil Wayne/Akon BS that's going around, and by listening to it, it shows. He acted like rap hasn't changed in 15 years, which at today's rate isn't a bad thing lol.
Jay-Z deserves to be up in my top 5 too. Even though he quit and retired like 5 times now, he's still making music and he still has what it takes to be on top. I think all of his albums have been pretty successful, but my all time favorite one of his had to be "The Black Album". It's better than anything he's released after it, and that's including his "Blueprint 3".
Now I will have to put Young Jeezy to round out my top 5. This guy is so underrated it's insane but I really believe he deserves to be up here. Though he still embarrassed me for trying to make Rihanna look all hard in her new single or w/e, all of his albums are legit and worth a solid listening to, especially his "Thug Motivation 101", one of his earliest ones. He just has this energy and the way he tells it is just good stuff.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Ol' Dirty Bastard
Inspecteh Deck
Raekwon the Chef
Ghost Face Killah
also Masta Killah
My real top 5 would have to be, in no particular order.
Young Jeezy, Lil Weezy, Del the Funkee Homosapien , Andre 3000 and Jay Z due to a recent change of heart, I used to think he was whack till his like 5th return back from quitting.
Last edited by loaf; 12-28-2009 at 04:18 PM.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
I know its Top 5, but I'm not sure if I can actually think of them. I'm not really sure what "rappers" are (gawd, I'm old) but here are my opinions:
Eminem - He's Tha Man. Seriously. Everytime I hear something of his, I'm automatically thinking "brilliant!".
Sean Paul (if you can count him as one) - I liked him even before I knew who he was. Not sure if you guys are familiar with (I think?) Kardnal Offishal's "Money Jane"? Anyways, Sean Paul did a little stint in that and it was my fave part of the song. Then he breaks out on his own and becomes popular, and like years later I was listening to Money Jane again and I was like "Holy crap, it's Sean Paul!"
Yeah. Cuz I'm lame like that.
Hmm... others....
I didn't really appreciate Dr Dre until his 2001 album. Still D.R.E. was freaking awesome! So I dunno if he counts as one of my personal top 5. Hmm...
And I'm totally stealing Andre 3000 from Rocky's post. Dude is awesome too.
boy you crazy
Tupac is your favorite rappers favorite rapper.
tupac transcends rap. he is more of a poet(literally). Tupac can make you cry if you listen to hard.
brendas got a baby: YouTube - 2Pac - Brenda's Got A Baby
so many tears
lord knows
i aint mad at cha
never had a friend like me
unconditional love: YouTube - 2pac - unconditional love
i could go on for days
listen to that and tell me he is not the best ever. no other rapper can touch your emotions like Tupac. he is rapping from the heart and it shows.
he is truly in a league of his own. if he is not number 1 on all of you guys list then wow just wow.
2nd verse on the song Changes
I see no changes, all I see is racist faces
Misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under, I wonder what it take to make this
One better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
'Cause both black and white are smokin' crack tonight
And only time we deal is when we kill each other
It takes skills to be real, time to heal each other
And though it seems heaven sent
We ain't ready, to see a black president, huh
It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact
The penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks
But some things will never change
Try to show another way but stayin' in da dope game
Tell me whats a mother to do being real don't appeal to da brother in you
Ya gotta operate the easy way
(I made a G today)
But you made it in a sleazy way
Sellin' dope to the kids
(I gotta get paid)
Well hey, that way it is
Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch a movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." -Marcelo Garcia
To fight is a man's instinct; if men have nothing else to fight over they will fight over words, fancies, or women, or they will fight because they dislike each other's looks, or because they have met walking in opposite directions” - George Santayana
Eminem- I'll admit that at first I hated him, mainly since he started up the whole wigger trend. Then I decided to give him a listen, and truth be told, some of the shit that he writes is genius.
Biggie- Someone who isn't just rapping about bitches, hoes and money. Juicy is one of the best songs that I know from him.
Aesop Rock- This guy is legit. His lyrics are insane and they really make you think. Half the time I have no idea what the hell the songs are about until I actually go and read the lyrics. It's deep stuff; I like. Favorite song is "Daylight." Check it out. Now.
Jay-Z- He's also damn good, but I'd like him a lot more if he would make up his mind. Retire or don't. American Gangster is a sick album and really turned me on to his music.
Del The Funky Homosapien- Haven't listened to him in ages, but good stuff here. I'm gonna download some of his stuff since my old comps are dead/MIA. This is another guy who got me out of the whole mindset that rap is all ghetto shit. Props to him.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I have actually heard a song by Aesop Rock; "None Shall Pass." I can't understand what he's saying, but the sound of his voice kind of hypnotizes me. My brother put the song on a CD for me; he listens to a bit more rap than I do. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Yeah Telegraph, a lot of the time it's hard to understand him, but he has some great beats and it really is just deep stuff when you actually read the lyrics. And you're right, hypnotizing is a great word for it.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
My top five would have to be:
Ice Cube
Ghostface Killah
Snoop Dogg
1. Aesop Rock - Dude has a penchant for amazing beats and some really interesting lyrical style. My buddy Rich got me to listen to the Daylight EP and I've been hooked ever since.
2. Bone Thugs N Harmony - Not so much anymore, but around the time of The Art of War, these guys were ridiculous.
3. Qwel (of the Typical Cats) - Check out Qwelloquialisms and tell me it's not one of the best freestyles you've ever heard.
4. Del the Funkee Homosapien - I haven't heard much more than what he did with Gorillaz, but damn, after that I want to.
5. Dead Prez - Not big on the hate speech they tend to spew, but they spew it well.
I have a very selective taste in rap, so it doesn't go out that far but.
1. Jay-Z - He is the genius (Sorry GZA) The black album is one of the best albums ever made, and he is daying Beyonce'.... 'Nuff said.
2. Raekwon The Chef -Jay-Z, Wu Tang Clan and N.W.A are my faves hands down but I can't say groups so I'ma go with Raekwon on this one. Purely because out side of Wu tang he created "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx" which is one of the greatest rap albums ever made.
3. Ol' Dirty Bastard - I have to give props to one of the more unique members of the rap game. His voice was just so damn unique that it's addictive. And his dead so props need to go out in respect.
4. Eazy -E - Props out to another dead dude. Freakin Aids messin' up shit. But he was the best, Spoke about true things none of this money money bling bling mumbo jumbo.
5. JJ Peters - None of you rap people will know him because he is out of the Metalcore band "I KIlled The Prom Queen" But he formed his own "Rapcore" band and his lyrics literally changed my life. It's pretty much about Fack everybody else, as long as your happy who cares.
One of my fave lines "At the end of the day, you've got to live with yourself, **** everybody else"
So yeah there we go. I was gonna put Kanye West in there at 5th but I only really like College Dropout, rest of his stuff is shit.
Oh and Slim Thug. 'Cos he's The Boss of all Bosses
Last edited by Confession; 01-01-2010 at 07:37 PM.
Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.
i thought this would be obvious....
Alright Alright i know imma be straight Casterated for this but...(they are not in order)
Lil Wayne- Sorry shit, i know gonna hear shit about this but i like him >.> His beats are raw and when he isnt talking about shooting his "Gat" and F*cking Hoes, he can come out with some good lyrics, and the thing is i used to hate him.
Eminem- Have to agree with all of you guys, i hate his contoversial shit, but he can drop some good lyrics, Stan is one of my favorite songs. That shit is crazy.
Kid Cudi- Yea hes weird and yeah hes different, but he's written some good shit.Check out the "Pursuit of Happiness" good song
Atmosphere- Good shit here, actually they are def in my top 3, if you haven't heard of them check out "Your Glasshouse" sick song.
Outkast- I just Like Andre and Big Boi together, ive liked them since kindergarten when they came out with " Im sorry Ms Jackson oooooo!i am for real, never meant to make your daughter cry, i apologize a trillion times" haha. It made it even better because the teachers assistant was named Ms Jackson. lol
But i have to give props t Biggie too, and i never was much of a fan of tupac, but he wasnt horrible.
Least favorite-
Jay-Z- Hate him, his voice, his lyrics, his everything, never liked him(only some songs
Snoop Dog- Dumbass
Arch, Pronounced Ark
TFF Family
My TFF Family:
Joined:7/25/009 Noob : D
- Snoop Dogg -I can't get enough of the old school, plus like he said, "I'm the only Rapper known by your grandmother"
- EazyE -R.I.P Eric Lynn Wright! "Your still heard Brother"
- The Notorious B.I.G. -R.I.P Christopher George Latore Wallace He is the greatest MC to date!
- Paul Wall- My favorite album is "Get Ya Mind Correct" associated with Camillionaire!
- Dr. Dre - Most likely if it wasen't for him we woudn't have seen Snoop, or Eminem (theirs acouple more I think!) anyways i never really listend to his music until his album "Dr. Dre Presents the Aftermath" which was the shit!
gaming service ID:
Wu Tang- Well that's 9-10 rappers right there. They all have such a unique style and I love it. RZA was the obvious leader but had a great direction for them. GZA is the most intellectual rapper I've ever heard. ODB ****ing crazy and terrible rapper but with those 2 covering and having people like Method Man with them you can't go wrong. Listen to A Better Tomorrow and you'll see how much heart and intelligence goes into their songs. I've listened to all of them with their solo stuff. Some of it's good but when they're all together that's when it's on.
DMX- Every rapper has aggression. But he's so good at explaining what he thinks and putting a picture in your head. Listen to a song like Crime Story, and you'll understand it's not I'll shoot you fools, he gives the total profile of his mental state. And it's unstable. Also being bipolar and playing off his good and bad side make him interesting hear how he wants to be a better person. But then he'll kill you and your famly if you cross him. Earl Simmons, baddest man alive.
2Pac- The most charismatic rapper I've ever seen. That's why I love him. His whole persona and how he fires people up is amazing to listen to. I hate Biggie and think he got lucky making it big. Pac on the other hand was offered a music deal before he turned 18 he was so talented. He's got heart and alot of it is the same old **** the police. The way his words seem to dance into a groove flows like nobody else.
Dr Dre- He's what Biggie wanted to a be. A slow chill rapper who doesn't need to have the nastiest rhymes make you nod your head. He makes it seem like everything that's happening is just another day in the life. His beats are some of the complex sounding and since he seems to produce, write, rap, and everything in between it's not a surprise. He doesn't do alot of new stuff but he doesn't have to and he's content with it. That's why I like him.
Eminem- Yeah I went there. I don't listen to him often. But what keeps me listening to him is that he's not the same old thing. Most people write about their street cred, guns, being rich. He writes about what he wants, and since he's had a strange life he writes about what he knows with his own comical twist. It's brilliant. Angsty and dark humor at once. He doesn't force is when he doesn't want to be in the lime light. But he knows how to spark good controversy.
The top 5 rappers of all time:
1. Biggie Smalls
2. Notorious B.I.G.
3. Frank White
4. Christopher George Latore Wallace
5. If you didn't know all of these are the same guy.
Ah rap music, my favourite genre. My top five are the amazing:
1. Vanilla Ice
2. MC Hammer
3. Brian Austen Green
4. Dee Dee King
5. Puff Daddy
All top of the genre.![]()
victoria aut mors
I said it once, I'll say it again:
First of all...some of those lists are weak...Nas made 2 albums in a 10 year span
DMX was jay-z's cousin and thats the ONLY way he got on, made 2 albums and thats it....
Wu Tang is a group...i'd wager most of you would consider Meth as the top in that, I'd also wager most of you (if not all) haven't heard of "Only Built for Cuban Linx Part 2" the latest Wu tang artist single (Raekwon) also arguably the best album of the year if you're not a popstar Jayz-blueprint 3 sucka
My top 5 IN ORDER!
1) Biggie...the mutha****in rap phenomenon...Listen to ready to die front to back, understand the story, and tell me that wouldnt be a great GREAT movie
2) Jay-Z...tough to push Eminem outta the spot but Jay started rap 800,000 dollars rich sellin crack on the streets then made a billion off his skill...get off his pop **** bitches
3) Eminem...who can argue...revolutions white rap but that doesnt make him the greatest rapper
4) Dr. Dre...I know it's a big call, but 100% of his tracks are hitters...he doesnt put out anything but dont waste money on his albums and he is the only one I'd ever buy an album for...**** weezy and his mixtape skills
5) T.I....I could very easily put Jeezy in this spot (have to show love to the dirrty south) but Jeezy has an entire album of the same sample structure and metaphors. Still rock jeezy on the regular but TI has released 3 TOP albums. Still the K.I.N.G. of the south...
honourable mention. Mos Def, Kardinall Offisehll (Tdot big-up), Nas, Beanie Sigel, DPG (Snoop, Warren G, etc.)...Kanye (2 "4.5 star" albums, 1 "4" star album) shouldn't drink so much and act a fool....
THATS what I'm sayin'
PS. DMX aka Earl Simmons made 7 good tracks (tops) dont put him on a top 5...
EDIT: Now that I actually read the posts...Big-ups to those who actually know about Only built for cuban linx (OB4CL) and OB4CLP2! Also sorry for not including the social artists, but they're not tops, they're in honourable mentions....Tupac is top 5, All Eyez On Me is STILL top 3 album of all time and im not west coast.
Pall Wall is shit, DMX shouldnt be mad although his name is Earl and he got overshadowed by Jay-z and EVENTUALLY Ja Rule...maybe he shoulda put out more quality....and Biggie NEVER wanted to be like Dr. Dre, Dre rapped for parties and beats, Biggie rhymed, for the stories...
Last edited by rJ floW; 02-19-2010 at 12:09 AM.
tHe ChOsEn
rJ floW
Lionhart2001 aka Pete
Telegraph aka Calamity Taco
Neo Necron
This is why bitches love me
Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-
well i cant say biggie because he only had like 2lps so thas kinda hard. well actually not hes more like a what if.. MUCH MUCH Respect tho he set a standard in his time that alotta rappers cant touch newayz id say(in no spc order)
twista(ovadose is tha hardest song eva)
and id squeeze mystikal in there if i can somwhere
These dudes EAT SLEEP BREATH AND LIVE rap...and been in tha game for years.. jayz is the newest of this group commin out in like 96 or 97
ATTN bone thugs are all back together and already have an album idk tha release though.. AND Mystikal is outta jail and recording foreal this
1. Chuck D
2. Ice Cube
3. NaS
4. KRS-One
5. Rakim
Royalty Free Music