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Thread: Tolerance

  1. #1


    No, this is not a thread about tolerance generally, but about music. Really.

    I realized it a few days ago, when I was at work and recognized that we only listened to the music our two guys like. That's not a problem at all. At least, it wouldn't have been, if one of them hadn't said something really... stupid today. This is what he said: "Hardrock/Metal is shit." Oookay.
    So that made me think.

    How tolerant are you towards other genres? Do you accept them silently but still hate them or do you not hate it at all... or even tell everyone your opinion like the one I mentioned?

    Personally, I'm very tolerant, I suppose. While working, I've listened to Folk, Country, Rap, Hip Hop (is there a difference? I don't know xD") and Techno. We've never listened to the kind of music I like yet, but I have no problem with that. I accept everything as it comes and sometimes I experience that the songs are quite nice. (Not many though)
    The thing about it is... I don't tell them that I don't like it. I said that it isn't the kind of music I like. But that's it. I wouldn't ever dare to say that something is "shit" or even bad. O.o" As long as the musician who made that song wanted to express something, it's okay. And as I said, there are even some good songs...
    One thing I definitely dislike is when people are too intolerant to accept other people's music. The guy I mentioned is the best example. xD" I don't even want to imagine what he'd say if I ever brought a Metal CD one morning. ^^" He'd probably hate me. XD I really don't get those people.. xD"

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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Tolerance Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Do you accept them silently but still hate them
    This would be my case, I have high tolerance to music genres that I don't really like and even though I hate them I don't bitch about it. Everyone has a different taste and I should respect that but the one thing that I hate the most is those people who actually dare to say that the music genre they're listening is the best and everything else pretty much sucks. Unfortunately there are many too many people like that here where I live.

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  3. #3
    Registered User Tolerance
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    How tolerant are you towards other genres? Do you accept them silently but still hate them or do you not hate it at all... or even tell everyone your opinion like the one I mentioned?
    I love music, and my taste spans across many genres. I'm always open for new musical experiences and such. I would never say that a genre as a whole is bad, but if I hear a song that is bad (imo) I will speak up and say that I don't like the song. One (or a few) bad songs (or bands) doesn't mean that the whole genre is terrible.

    So basically, I'll give all music a chance. If I don't like it, then I won't listen to it on my own. I won't bitch about it, but I will explain my reasoning why I don't like it if someone asked.
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  4. #4
    I'm pretty tolerant towards music genres. I'm specific about what I'll listen to, but compared to when I first got into music I'm so much better. As a kid I was the kid spouting off, "BLAH BLAH is SHIT" I try not to put anything in like that. Yeah there's genres I like more than others, but I think there's always something good from every part. And music is about creativity and inspiration or in the least an outlet of emotions. Sooo people should be tolerant anyway.

  5. #5
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Funny I was just having a conversation about this not too long ago and I'll generally be tolerant of other peoples taste. For me it's more of the fans, I love Metal but the biggest thing that bothers me is the fans. Most other Metal fans I either get on with or they annoy the **** out of me. I hate bogans and what makes it worse is people may classify myself as one. Iron Maiden fans are the worst though Metallica fans are pretty bad.

    My collection includes Black n Doom Metal, Neo-Folk, Classical, Psytrance/GOA, Dark Wave, Noise, J-Pop, Punk etc.. I'm pretty much open to anything bar Rap and American Pop music. Actually I prefer Elitists over Hipsters as at least they know what they're about (most of the time).

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