Back in the day, I heard Switchfoot's very first album, and thought it was crap. The years went by, I'd hear something by them and think it was actually okay. Finally the album "Nothing Is Sound," I think it was called-the one after The Beautiful Letdown-came out, and with it came the single "Stars"-I think it was actually a b-side off the last album-which my brother and sister-in-law used for my nephew's baptism. It really struck me; I liked it a lot. The following new year, I got that first three album set, and found I liked their first album more than I'd originally given it credit for.
While a lot of their stuff is slow and mellow (and I generally don't like that) I've come to appreciate it a lot more than I would have before. As far as a rating for the band goes, I don't know. I guess I'd give them somewhere between a 7 and an 8.5 out of 10. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom