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Thread: New Linkin Park

  1. #1
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み New Linkin Park ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    New Linkin Park

    Right, Linkin Park has released their latest album 'A Thousand Suns', and it has become a huge debate among Linkin Park fans. Many think they "sold-out" when they released 'Minutes to Midnight'. Other think the new LP is refreshing. While the change is drastic when comparing it to 'Hybrid Theory' and 'Meteora', the opinions are mixed between fans.

    So the big question is, what does everyone think of the 'new' Linkin Park?

    Personally, I think the new album is great. I've listened to it all the way through about 6 times already. Yes, it is hugely different to 10 years ago when they released 'Hybrid Theory', but it is a new twist on a great band. I wasn't as keen on 'Minutes to Midnight', although 'No More Sorrow' was an awesome song. 'A Thousand Suns' sounds better than its predecessor.

  2. #2
    I want to play a game. New Linkin Park Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: New Linkin Park

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    Right, Linkin Park has released their latest album 'A Thousand Suns', and it has become a huge debate among Linkin Park fans. Many think they "sold-out" when they released 'Minutes to Midnight'.
    Which to me has created some real stupidity. The fans of their first 2 albums say that Minutes to Midnight and most likely A Thousand Suns aren't "Linkin Park". Um, people, Linkin Park made those two albums therefore it is Linkin Park. The fans of the older material need to learn that when making their third album, Linkin Park thought "we could continue making the same sound or try something different". They went with something different because, to them, making the same sound as Hybrid Theory and Meteora was easy and repetitive and perhaps not as fun. This created the divide amongst fans with two schools of thoughts clashing.

    1.) Group A wants Linkin Park to make the same stuff as they first did and don't want them to change much, if at all.

    2.) Group B doesn't mind change and is open to new stuff. They may not like the new material, but won't consider the new material "not Linkin Park".

    My friend is one of the people in Group 1; he wants the rap metal, the hybrid of genres and considers only that to be Linkin Park. Me? I like Linkin Park. I like Hybrid Theory and Meteora. Do I like Minutes to Midnight? I like around half of it, maybe a bit more than that.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    So the big question is, what does everyone think of the 'new' Linkin Park?
    I'm listening to it as I type this response. The first two tracks really should've been one; track 2 was a waste of "track 2" space being 57 seconds. Empty Spaces, was empty in substance. I noticed on the track listing on wiki there are a lot of tracks that are under 2 minutes long; more so than any other album of theirs. I liked Jornada del Muerto. I'm a bit unsettled with them having so many short tracks; it feels as if the album is more like 10 tracks, 9 if I include "The Requiem" which was 2:01 and the intro track which I oft overlook.

    I like: Burning in the Skies, When They Come For Me, Robot Boy, Blackout, Wretches & Kings, Iridescent, The Catalyst, & The Messenger.

    Wisdom, Justice, and Love was aight; it was neat but as it is mainly an instrumental and a buck 38 sample of a speech so I can't give it much.

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  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor New Linkin Park Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: New Linkin Park

    I am a big fan of LP's older albums. Hybrid Theory and Meteora to be specific. I am not a big fan of their newer albums. I applaud them for trying something new. Most bands that try that completely fail. I just didn't really care for it. I'm not saying it was bad cause nothing they have ever made is bad. As for selling out, the only people that would say some shit like that aren't LP fans then. F*ck them haha.

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  4. #4
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み New Linkin Park ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: New Linkin Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Which to me has created some real stupidity. The fans of their first 2 albums say that Minutes to Midnight and most likely A Thousand Suns aren't "Linkin Park". Um, people, Linkin Park made those two albums therefore it is Linkin Park. The fans of the older material need to learn that when making their third album, Linkin Park thought "we could continue making the same sound or try something different". They went with something different because, to them, making the same sound as Hybrid Theory and Meteora was easy and repetitive and perhaps not as fun. This created the divide amongst fans with two schools of thoughts clashing.

    1.) Group A wants Linkin Park to make the same stuff as they first did and don't want them to change much, if at all.

    2.) Group B doesn't mind change and is open to new stuff. They may not like the new material, but won't consider the new material "not Linkin Park".

    My friend is one of the people in Group 1; he wants the rap metal, the hybrid of genres and considers only that to be Linkin Park. Me? I like Linkin Park. I like Hybrid Theory and Meteora. Do I like Minutes to Midnight? I like around half of it, maybe a bit more than that.
    I couldn't agree more to be honest. First off, a band should be able to release whatever the hell they want. Whether it turns out good or not is another matter, but should be able to release anything that makes them happy.
    I would also bet that the same fans who rip LP (and other bands for that matter) for trying new things and changing, would be the first ones to moan that they are churning out the same old stuff every other year.
    I'm thinking Disturbed here. I don't want to rip Disturbed because I love them, but they bring out very, very similar music with every album (especially the last 3) and people rip them because it all "sounds the same".

    Hybrid Theory was the first album I ever bought, and I have had people ask me, knowing I am a huge LP fan and have been since the beginning, "New LP is shit isn't it? It's not LP." My response? "Yes, it is." Like, as you said, LP released it, so it is LP. I think some people need to realise that bands change, music changes, whether they like it or not.

  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth New Linkin Park Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: New Linkin Park

    Linkin Park hasn't changed that much, really, their signature sound is still there, although the way some people moan you would asume they changed genre in general.

    While it's true that I'm not thrilled with "Minutes to Midnight" it's still a good album, some of the songs on it could easily pass along the ones from Hybrid Theory and Meteora, while others seem to be somewhat different, though still good, which overall makes a great combination if you ask me. Bands need to serve something new, something different every now and then, otherwise it would be pretty dull to always listen to the same music.

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  6. #6

    Re: New Linkin Park

    Well, sorry. I liked the new album, pretty cool to me. It's different and if you keep on the track of old, it'll be repetitive and boring if they kept on with the same era as meteora and Hybrid Theory. But all their stuff is different, It's good to be different and trying out new things. Maybe I am just open to music like Minutes to Midnight and A Thousand Suns. It's pathetic to ponder on that they should stick to the old stuff they did... Just grow up and be open. ^_^ If you agree with me, quote me or add me!! (I need friends) But yeah that's my thoughts on the people who think they know what music is. (But they really don't)

  7. #7

    Re: New Linkin Park

    I woke up at 7:00 a.m. Went to Best Buy and bought what is probably the best album of 2010. I am a huge fan of LP. Whether it be Hybrid Theory and Meteora or Underground albums and A Thousand Suns. Either LP is just fine with me.

    The things that I have enjoyed about the new album where the clever cut aways from not only LP's sound but the today's music in general. The album at times reminds me of Pink Floyds very different but freaking awesome Dark Side of the Moon. Now, huge Pink Floyd fans would call me every unspeakable word for saying that, but I did feel like I was listening to a Dark Side of the Moon inspired album. Also, I loved the part of the album that was almost conceptual. For instance, the war and political themes were from more of a sociological view and for me were extremely identifiable.

    That being said, I loved the new album and it was definitely worth the wait. All in all I would never rate it because it is not meant to be rated, it is meant to be heard and engaged with a meaningful expectation.

  8. #8
    TFFF Ghost New Linkin Park Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: New Linkin Park

    I think Linkin Park is one of those rare bands that steps out of their original skin to try something new. And I think they do a good job. I liked Minutes to Midnight and the first 2 albums. I haven't heard anything but samples of the new one yet but I like that they are using the record DJ sounding thing again. I think I might like the new album even more than Minutes to Midnight.
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  9. #9
    The Mad God New Linkin Park Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: New Linkin Park

    I'm not going to say LP did anything wrong with it's last two albums. I will however say I don't like either of them anywhere near as much as their old stuff. They're turning into what sounds far too close to mainstream emo rock for my taste. Though Thousands Suns was much better than M2M as a whole, it's still not the music I know and love. Don't think me one of the asshats who try and say they're not the same band anymore or they've sold out or any of that stupid bullshit. I respect their right to write and release whatever they damn well please, and I acknowledge the fact that they're not bound by law to make their music fit my taste. That however does not mean my taste will change because their style did. I don't like thier new stuff, so iI don't listen to it, I don't sit around bitching about it in youtube comments or any of the other shit stupid people do.
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  10. #10
    Controlling With Fear New Linkin Park Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: New Linkin Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Howling Wind View Post
    I think Linkin Park is one of those rare bands that steps out of their original skin to try something new.
    I actually think that most bands do that at one point. People just seem to want to hear something different about every 5yrs or so.

    Originally Posted by Heartless Angel >
    I don't like thier new stuff, so iI don't listen to it, I don't sit around bitching about it in youtube comments or any of the other shit stupid people do.
    Yeah, i too hate those youtube flamers. The only thing people do on youtube anymore is complain and troll on peoples vids.
    Last edited by Unlucky Rufus; 11-15-2010 at 06:01 PM.

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