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  1. #1

    Movie Soundtracks

    I couldn't find a thread on this, and as I am a great fan of movie soundtracks I thought I'd get the ball rolling on the topic!

    Music is an essential ingredient for a successful flick... and for me there are some soundtracks that really do it for me.

    Titanic: The music which accompanies this epic movie is quite haunting. I like to play certain tracks over and over... It inspires me. James Horner is brilliant. And of course! My Heart Will Go On is a classic ^~

    Gladiator: Another masterpiece of a soundtrack to accompany an epic movie. One of my personal favourite tracks is "Now we are Free" at the end of the movie. The battle music is moving as well. Hans Zimmer is really among my favourites.

    Finding Neverland: A beautiful soundtrack with calming piano pieces. Beautiful.

    Pearl Harbour: This is another example of a beautiful soundtrack in my opinion. The tracks all seem to revolve around the same theme but each is perfect. I love how it can just get you day dreaming after just being a couple of seconds into the track...
    Last edited by Kilala; 05-29-2009 at 11:45 AM.

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  2. #2
    Registered User Movie Soundtracks Yesha's Avatar
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    Yes.. I Love the "Titanic" theme song too.. CeLine Dion reaLLy did a great job on it!

    Mmm.. I aLso Love.. The "bodyguard" theme song by Whitney Houston.. very cLassic! What eLse? Mmm.. I aLso Like "Lizzie McGuirre (The Movie) theme song.. "what dreams are made of" by HiLary Duff.. :-)

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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by *Yesha* View Post
    Yes.. I Love the "Titanic" theme song too.. CeLine Dion reaLLy did a great job on it!

    Mmm.. I aLso Love.. The "bodyguard" theme song by Whitney Houston.. very cLassic! What eLse? Mmm.. I aLso Like "Lizzie McGuirre (The Movie) theme song.. "what dreams are made of" by HiLary Duff.. :-)
    I used to like the Titanic soundtrack when that movie first came out, until I realized how horrible it was!

    I really like the soundtrack from The Last Samurai. Hans Zimmer does it, and pretty much anything he does is nothing less than amazing. He also does the soundtrack for Gladiator and Pirates of the Carribean, which are both extremely good.

    You should check out Hans Zimmer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for a full list of the soundtracks he's done. I don't think any other soundtrack composer compares to him.

  4. #4
    The Final Fantasy's Offical Emo Movie Soundtracks Lithium's Avatar
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    The only movies that I really like and the music as well are

    Bleach: Memories of Nobody
    Bleach: The Diamond Dust Rebellion

    I had these Cd's imported and everything
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  5. #5
    Firstly, I hate Hans Zimmer. Secondly, I hate John Williams. Thirdly, most Hollywood Film Music is Sh*t!

    Titanic has an awful, predictable soundtrack and whoever wrote it should be deeply ashamed. Gladiator is by Hans Zimmer and is exactly the same as the music for pirates of the Carribean, also by Hans Zimmer. I haven't seen Finding Neverland.

    Film Music hasn't alway been like this though, listen to one of the amazing scores by Dmitry Shostakovich and tell me that Titanic is better.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Figaro View Post
    Firstly, I hate Hans Zimmer. Secondly, I hate John Williams. Thirdly, most Hollywood Film Music is Sh*t!

    Titanic has an awful, predictable soundtrack and whoever wrote it should be deeply ashamed. Gladiator is by Hans Zimmer and is exactly the same as the music for pirates of the Carribean, also by Hans Zimmer. I haven't seen Finding Neverland.

    Film Music hasn't alway been like this though, listen to one of the amazing scores by Dmitry Shostakovich and tell me that Titanic is better.
    Hater! haha jk!

  7. #7
    Now, I typically listen to a lot of stuff from the 90's. I was in High School in the early 90's so I find myself listening to a lot of hip hop, alternative and some old skool (old skool anything). One soundtrack I have been listening to a lot is Casino Royale. Now I dont listen to a lot of composers but I have been listening to David Arnold. There is just something about it and I cant explain. All i can say is I have a closet fetish for Orchestra music. Man that sounds dirty! WHOO HOO!

  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I like the music from:

    - 28 Days/Months Later.
    - Resident Evil (All of them).
    - Tomb Raider (Yes, it's shameful >>;; )
    - Some from The Fast and Furious (Not many though).
    - Memoirs of a Geisha <3

    Titanic had some lovely tracks to it too. ^^

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  9. #9
    Registered User Movie Soundtracks streaml1ned's Avatar
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    I love movie scores instead of the "soundtracks". You know, the ones with the mix of music from different bands. I just like the score from the movie. I like quite a few but here are some:

    Band of Brothers
    Battle Royale
    Behind Enemy Lines
    Blade Runner
    Cowboy Bebop
    Enemy at the Gates
    Event Horizon
    Fight Club
    Grindhouse: Planet Terror
    Iron Man
    Leon the Professional
    Saving Private Ryan
    Schindler's List
    Star Wars
    Starship Troopers
    The Fifth Element

    The ones in bold are the most listened to.
    Last edited by streaml1ned; 06-04-2009 at 05:08 AM.

  10. #10
    come and get some Movie Soundtracks Darkwave's Avatar
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    I love the music. I find easy to listen to and it drives you to keep the game going

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  11. #11
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Oh good god this list could go on forever

    Donnie Darko - a nice blend of 80s plus it has teh revised version of mad world
    Gladiator - wonderful score with briliant composure
    Braveheart - What is not to love about this sound track? A perfect rendition of scotish music and a few other types
    Akira - another great work, many crazy induldging tunes
    Escaplone: the movie - has some awsome tracks to it. (yeah I am drunk an I know I jacked up the spelling, oh well)
    Hackers - a great techno mix, hard to compare to any others of this genra

    Gwaaa I will let it end for now, I know this list is short but there are so many more that I want to add that I am far to lazy to mention and comment on.

    :Edit: Stream; event horizon and the 5th element had beyond epic scores. Then again I couldn't disagree with over 95% of your list.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 06-02-2009 at 08:36 PM.
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  12. #12
    Registered User Movie Soundtracks HUNK's Avatar
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    Woot for Meier supporting Akira! In fact I bought the soundtrack for that and it was worth it.

    Any who A few are:

    Pirates of the Carribean Only beacuse you previously mentioned it. Love fighting on KH2 and listening to the battle music.

    K-19 This had a very almost scary soundtrack but I loved the movie, despite being so sad.

    Sweeny Todd(Yeah I went there) Theres no place like London.

  13. #13
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movie Soundtracks Xanatos's Avatar
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    Great Soundtracks

    Nothing like a good music for good movies

    Beowulf - Idina Menzel - A Hero comes Home
    Titanic - Celine Dione - My heart will go on
    Transformers - Goo Goo Dolls - Before it's too late
    Linkin Park - What I've Done
    DareDevil - Evanescence - My Immortal (Best song ever made)
    Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
    Spiderman - Nickelback - Hero
    Spiderman 2 - Ana Johnson - We Are
    Matrix 2 - P.O.D - Sleeping Awake...
    And many more,I cant write them all now.I also love soundtracks for Anime series.

  14. #14
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    My favourites are Silent Hill, Fifth Element and Coraline.

    That said, the Silent Hill tracks were taken from the games, so I'm not really sure if that counts.

    I thought 28 Days Later and LOTR were good as well.

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  15. #15
    Registered User Movie Soundtracks Sinin's Avatar
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    Silent Hill
    The Notebook
    Moulin Rouge
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  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinin View Post
    Mama Mia! (Hell yea!)
    Oh dear god no!

  17. #17
    Okay, I would like to confess to one John Williams soundtrack that I do like. Shindler's list is atmospheric and beautiful. But that is one soundtrack. And I like bits of the Dak Knight Soundtrack, mainly the Joker theme.

  18. #18
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Movie Soundtracks ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    The only movie soundtrack I have bought to date is the Donnie Darko soundtrack. Such great songs, including Mad World by Gary Jules, which is one of my favourite songs of all time.

    I also love all of the soundtracks to Tim Burton's musicals, especially Sweeny Todd.

    Oh, and I mustn't forget Star Wars! I love all the music from these films, so iconic.

  19. #19
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    My favourite is the Mallrats soundtrack.
    That music was some sweet shit and the dialogue tracks were also very entertaining.
    And I like the Life of Brian soundtrack for the dialogue and the last song.
    Last edited by Furore; 06-15-2009 at 09:20 PM. Reason: changed 'sit' to 'shit' as that was the intended word and seems to fit better.
    victoria aut mors

  20. #20
    Soundtracks in general is a special treat for me.

    Forrest Gump:The score brings tears to my eyes given the moments of Forrest Gump that go with them.

    The Nightmare Before Christmas:Though it is a musical I believe it still counts.We all love the movie and even the musical haters can appreciate the score behind the vocals.Danny Elfman is probably my second favorite composer next to Nobuo Uematsu of course.

    King Kong(2005):Again a score that takes you back to the scenes behind them.Well thats enough said.

  21. #21
    Full Time Glompasaurus Movie Soundtracks Raider's Avatar
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    I must say i am huge fan of OSTs and i think that they add great mixture to a music collection.

    My favourites are: Little Nicky, The Lion King and Donnie Darko, Instantly my music variety has been shaken up with a bit of pop, metal an ambiance music
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