I agree.
Totally amazing.
I'm sorry but I am truely in love with this band.
I saw them live with Boys Like Girls.
I think there type of music is extremely catchy.
Whats your thoughts?
I agree.
Totally amazing.
I've only heard about five or six songs from YouTube, but so far, they have a nice sound. The songs are pretty catchy, and a few are the nice and happy ones I like to listen to over and over. There are two in particular that stick on me: "Shake It" and "Kelsey." I like the older version of the second...and sing along with it when I'm alone.
But they're, not a bad band. They don't annoy me, so I can listen to the songs I've heard more than once without getting sick.
I agree, they are one of my favorite "new" bands that have popped up as of recently, I like their fast-paced beat that sets the drive for each song they sing. I remember listening to them back in like Nov of 2007 and saying like "Man, once this band gets some airplay, they are gonna be famous!" Now they're doing all kinds of shows and stuff! And they are just as good on live as well; I got to see them with MCS and it turned out to be really good. "What do ya say we leave for California, if we drive all night, we can make it by the morning.." Soooo catchy and good!
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Metro Station is ****ing awesome all their songs put me in a good mood lol. and alot of them are really catchy which is nice. they're one of my favorite bands even tho they kinda pop-ish
Kobe's a Dominator
i have to be honest when i say i dont like this band too much, not that im saying they are bad. im just very pick with the music i listen to.
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Well they are a different sound I to me, I will not lie about that. And their music is very good, like in "Shake It". But they just are not my type of band, even if some of their songs get me. Non the less they are good but not really for me.
I could decide to stop breathing, I may decide to die. Only to show you what I truly mean. ~Devon L. Kay~Signature made by Mike of Legend of Zelda~Just because I smile, does not mean I am happy. Just because I laugh, does not mean I am not hiding something. When I cry, something is wrong. When I am sad, do not comfort me. And when I love you, it is forever. ~Devon L. KayThe blood that spills, to the tears that I cry. I only wish for the nighttime to come. I wait and I wonder, I whisper and I stare, there is nothing that is ever there. I slowly close my eyes, as they grow silver with lust. ~Devon L. KayAll quotes by me
URGGGGHHHH i really don't like this band sorry guys and gals, whenever i hear the "shake it song i fell like destryoing somthing which is not good. and to make matters worse my other half keeps humming the tune why drives me crazy
I think they sound ok
*Ignore everything I put in my sig*
I don't mind that one song they did, Shake It or whatever it might be called. xD
I find it interesting that the one guy is Miley Cyrus' half brother, good stuff. They don't sound too bad though, better than some of the other crap I've heard lately.
I find them quite teen-anthemy. I can see why people like them, I'll say that much. Their song composition is fantastic. It's.. A smart song. Obviously especially created so people would like that. It just has that kind of pop formula to it which gets in peoples' heads.
Do I like them? Hell no. They irritate the shit out of me. But I can see why they're liked.
I do have to add though, they're dreadfully untalented. Try YouTubing "Shake It Australian Idol" and see what pops up. Their live performance there was... unpleasant.
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
I gotta say, they sound pretty different but it's a good different. But the only song I've heard from them so far is Shake It. It's extremely catchy, and I'm currently trying to play it on the guitar.