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Thread: Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band

  1. #1

    Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band

    The Grunge/Post Grunge style of music has managed to fade away with the exception of its founders and there are many of them.My favorite of all the Grunge artist is one of the very base builders of the style and that band is Alice in Chains.If I had a second opinion it would go to Pearl Jam who is mainly Post Grunge.

  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    I would say either Pearl Jam or Nirvana. I don't listen to a lot of Grunge, but I love Pearl Jam. The song 'Evenflow' is soooooooooo good, I absolutely love the riff. Nirvana is the obvious Grunge band that everyone knows, but I love them aswell. My favourite Nirvana songs would 'Lithium', 'Pennyroyal Tea' and 'All Apologies'.

  3. #3
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band Joe's Avatar
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    I listen to a lot more grungish music than I orginally thought I did.

    I love Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Collective Soul, Soundgarden, Days of the New, Temple of the Dog, Bush, Creed, and a few others.

    Favorite songs include
    Pearl Jam: "Yellow Ledbetter", "Last Kiss", "Better Man", "Jeremy", "Alive", and "Even Flow"
    Alice In Chains: "Down in a Hole", "Man in the Box", "Would?", "No Excuses", and "Heaven Beside You". The Unplugged Special was amazing as well.
    Nirvana: "Come As You Are", "All Apologies", "Lake of Fire", and their version of "The Man Who Sold the World".
    Collective Soul:"Heavy", "Where the River Flows", and "Shine"
    Soundgarden:"Black Hole Sun", "My Wave", "Superunknown", "Rusty Cage"

    There are a lot of other songs by these and related artists, but I'm not going to spend a page listing them, haha.
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  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I always knew you were a grunge addict at heart Joe.

    But yeah, I'm also big on the grunge as well as some of the other genres that evolved around it such as sludge metal. My favourite band right now to listen to strictly grunge-wise would probably be Mudhoney who I find myself listening to while working on my mp3 player more often than not. Pearl Jam I love their older stuff, but their newer music doesn't seem quite so grungey. Alice in Chains are pretty sweet but I find their grunge sound rather diluted a lot of the time, that said it's not always a bad thing when you're listening to the end result.

    Mudhoney seem to have kept their sound, though you'll notice the vocals in their latest album released last year don't seem to have the full range of previous titles. I'd recommend grabbing copies of Superfuzz Bigmuff and their self titled album if you wanted to try them out.

    If you like metal and want something grungey, it might be wise to check out some sludge metal. If so, grab some albums by the Melvins. Top shit that.
    victoria aut mors

  5. #5
    persona user Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band foster kid's Avatar
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    im gonna go with the band i personally think started it all and well ended with them as well ......thats just what i think..........NIRVANA. that was one amazing band its just sad as hell what happend to kurt though. it makes my eyes tear up when i think about it.

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  6. #6
    Death Before Dishonor Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band Josh_R's Avatar
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    Grunge is one of my favorite types of music there is..

    Nirvana: One of the godfather's of all that is grunge. R.I.P. Kurt Cobaine

    Alice in Chains: I liked em back in Layne Staley's days not now they should have called it quit's when he died....

    Pearl Jam: How can you not like Pearl Jam they are all that is grunge, plus they are still going strong and have just released a awesome new album...

    Collective Soul: They had a unique sound they noone can emualte love em...

    Temple Of The Dog: If you haven't listened to em you need. This is the band formed by Eddie Vedder and Chris Cornell..

    Soundgarden: And on your top list you have to have the original Spoonemn themselves sad they are gone...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  7. #7
    Registered User Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band HUNK's Avatar
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    Don't listen to much Grunge but Gota give it to Nirvana!

    They are like the hard rock beatles! Loved: All Apologies,Man who stole the world(Best song, plus reminds me of lupin the third), The Plateu(Spelling).

    I also love almost everything by Collective Soul.(But Gel and Energy are just awesome) I also like Black Hole Sun so I'll give Soundgarden the thumbs up.

  8. #8
    Pearl Jam is not only my fav grunge band, but my favorite band period. Very rarely anymore does a band release a song as epic sounding as black does. Soundgarden is also pretty damn good! Not a nirvana fan, but I'm sure had kurt lived on he would have become a great musician.

  9. #9
    I've listened to Nevermind and In Utero by Nirvana, and I liked those albums. I only have one CD by Soundgarden (Superunknown) and I also like that album. I've heard a little bit of Ten by Pearl Jam. If I listened to more of that album, I'd probably also like it.
    Last edited by Mr Walrusman; 02-20-2010 at 05:34 PM.

  10. #10
    .............. Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band smurphy's Avatar
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    What no mention of Stone temple pilots. Core is easily the best album released in that era and Scott Weiland blew all the other( ok maybe not Layne Staley) grunge singers away.

  11. #11
    TFFF Ghost Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band

    I don't really consider Pearl Jam as grunge. I mean. Sure all members accept Eddy Vedder came from Seattle but other than that they didn't really have a "grunge" sound. It was more like Rock. Or is I should say. Alice in Chains was more like a modern Black Sabbath. Though the last album they had with Layne Staley did sound more grunge than their other stuff. Soundgarden kind of sounded grunge but not like Nirvana or Mudhoney. But if all those are considered grunge even if the sound isn't "grungy" I would have to say my favorite is Alice in Chains. ^^''

  12. #12
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band

    it's not grunge, but i definitely miss NIN.... Pretty Hate Machine? Downward Spiral? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  13. #13
    Death Before Dishonor Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Grunge/Post Grunge band

    Quote Originally Posted by Howling Wind View Post
    I don't really consider Pearl Jam as grunge. I mean. Sure all members accept Eddy Vedder came from Seattle but other than that they didn't really have a "grunge" sound.
    This a blasphemy. Eddie Vedder was one of the God Father's of grunge. Grunge was also more than a sound, it was the way that you represented yourself, and your appereance. If we are going by the way a band sounds. Then I would venture to say that Collective Soul is not grunge.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

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