Ok, let's try something new this time. Instead of creating a thread about a band everyone or almost everyone knows, lol, let's talk about a band not very well known just yet. That band is The Absence, an American melodic death metal band that released an incredible album in 2007 called "Riders of the Plague. I've been listening to them non-stop and I seriously expect great things from them in the future, though I've found great things from them already. An incredible example of that would be the Testament cover, "Into the Pit".

http://youtube.com/watch?v=2I88LBOgaQ0 (Video of the song)

I seriously could listen to this song over and over and still love it when I'm 60 years old. It's one of the best cover songs that has graced my ears and from my experience it's difficult for a lot of bands or singers to cover anything without sounding like crap. That's not even the best part. Their main single based on the name of the album is brutal as ****.


Of course, I don't expect a lot of people at TFF to enjoy death metal or metal in general, but for anybody who enjoys getting a refreshing blast of shredding guitar riffs and precise drumming, The Absence is perfect. It's like sitting front of a giant amp at full volume and jumping like a madman.

What do you guys think?